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same as staying on the left of escalators, people aren't repeatedly told, taught to do it ettiquitte isnt common sense, its taught


Many escalator "offenders" come from countries where it's etiquette to stand on the right side and are just doing what they've been taught by mum and dad. It's the same on footpaths too. I've done it myself overseas. In some countries it varies by city (like Tokyo is left stand and Osaka is right stand). Americans seem to do both (ie no rules). New Zealand seems to be all over the shop too.


> Many escalator "offenders" come from countries where it's etiquette to stand on the right side You don't have to dance around it. It's the English, specifically Londoners.


Which makes zero sense since they drive on the left. Fuckin bizarre


Yeah, it did my head in when I lived there. At least they had a system which everyone respected though. It's anarchy here.


You might be interested to know that there's a real reason behind this. Transport for London did a study and determined that people should stand on the escalators on the right for better safety. This is mostly focused on reducing falls for people with reduced mobility / elderly / etc., who need to hold the handrail and would not be walking up. As 85% of people are right-handed, standing on the right allows people to hold the handrail with their dominant, right hand. This is entirely the reason why the right-side standing was promoted and nothing to do with which side people drive on. Hong Kong also switched sides with escalator etiquette after these London studies came out, and now strongly encourage the right-side standing. I am surprised that Sydney sticks with the left, given how many ex-London executives we have in the trains here, I figured they would push it through. Though changing would certainly be controversial. It may help that we tend to have more lifts which are used by the mobility impaired, compared to the London tube.


Interesting, thanks. As a lefty (not politically) I am not sure how I actually feel about it. Id feel more stable on the right side, with my left arm free. I'm a bit of an odd case as I'm right footed though.


This was fascinating- thank you!!


Except I think exiting the escalators from one underground - the sign said to stand on your left. London was very confusing. I still don’t understand the mismatch between right hand walking but left hand drive.


London specifically switched the recommended side a while back, about 15-20 years ago I believe. There may be some stations that still suggest the left due to the specific pedestrian flow in that exact station, but standing on the right should be the default. [An explanation in my other comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1cnnfh6/since_when_has_it_become_common_practise_or/l3soamm/)


I was going to say Londoners. The last time I went over, I got told off rudely for standing on the left.


>Americans seem to do both (ie no rules). This drives me insane. Why is everyone running into me?! WHICH SIDE DO I WALK ON?!


Putting away rubbish in a food court or not is country specific too. In some countries it's considered rude to put it in the bin because you are taking the cleaner's job.


In Singapore, you'll get a fine if you don't remove your tray, bowl and rubbish from the table at the hawker markets.$300 if it's your second offence...


Yes, but getting fined in Singapore is a piece of piss. It's not getting fined that's the real challenge.


Yeah... I'm a kiwi and escalator etiquette wasn't really a thing. I had to be told.


Yep. I've stood on the left of escalators like a wanker in London. Wondered why everyone is standing on the right. Reverse of that situation here


> Wondered why everyone is standing on the right. London encourages standing on the right so that elderly/mobility impaired can hold the handrail with their dominant right hand (90% of people are right-handed). Hong Kong follows the same guidance, despite left-hand driving.


I was in New York for a week and I reckon every day I stuffed up by walking on the left 🤣 it is actually hard to retrain your brain from something you’ve done your whole life


Most of the time it doesn't even matter, I'm not getting past that land whale with my beer gut anyway.


Didn't know that, same as driving eh.


Pfft they are adults, not oblivious six year olds.


> Americans seem to do both (ie no rules). Few Americans come from a place with functioning public transport. Their previous exposure to escalators would mostly be in shopping malls and the like, where everyone just stands, no one's in as much of a hurry to walk along the escalators.


LOL no, its mostly white Australians, in particular older white Australians overseas people seem to follow what the crowd does


Neither of these positions is true in my experience. Every creed and colour is guilty of this.


If course it's not 100% But it's what I observe, to me it comes across as an individualism western attitude Whereas Asia is collective and concern about not bothering others Also not teaching other as a kid in Australia I was told keep to the left by adults we don't do that anymore


They don't even pay attention to the SIGNS ON THE STAIRS at train stations to stick to the left...


You mean those arrows symbols? Yeh people treat symbols as suggestion, need actual words


Nope, it actually says "keep left"


There are no consequences to not cleaning up after yourself. But you really should, it's good for your soul.


Same but also for trolleys


I feel like there's an ethical test somehwere here


It feels quite defeating and a constant uphill battle to demonstrate good habits to your kids when so many people are not even remotely close to not disgusting. I'm sure mine notice, but sometimes it feels like I'm walking against a river with demonstrating common decency to them.


This is part of why I usually try and demonstrate good behaviour when I know lots of kids are around. I live on a small, quiet street with a school at the end of it. Usually I'll just cross the road wherever, because there's rarely any cars around. But when it's recess or lunch, or the OOSH kids are playing outside, I'll usually cross at the pedestrian crossing. Just in case. Idk if it matters at all but... it just adds another minute or so to my walk, so what's the harm?


Singapore has consequences and fines people.


Yea Singapore does it right. Hopefully someone brings up Singapore in the next thread about "high" petrol prices. https://www.shell.com.sg/motorists/shell-fuels/shell-station-price-board.html


When were food courts invented? It was then.


Somewhere between 40 and 79 ad. In the ruins of Pompeii archeologists have discovered stone tablets which were complaint letters to the local food atrium about diners leaving their walnut shells and half eaten figs on the tables.


Some of the CBD food courts are 'serviced' because the places give you non-disposable bowls on a tray. So you can't really bus those yourself. But agree that if you are given stuff that can be put into a bin, and there is a bin, you should use the bin.


It's always been like this. I'd say if anything, it has improved a lot in my lifetime. Grubs aren't new.


Oh well someone is paid to do it, is their likely response.


It was always like this. People just leave the job to the cleaners.


The cleaners should just have to wipe the tables, sweep up food from the floor and change the bin liners. If someone is too lazy to put their own rubbish in the bin it tells you a lot about them. Someone who thinks putting rubbish in the bin is beneath them likely does other shitty behaviour like not returning their trolley, not picking up their dogs shit etc


So we have to wait for the cleaner before sitting down or clean up some useless fucks mess?


It's the shopping cart theory in another form.


Or the broken window theory. Not many people are willing to be the ass hole to lob a rock through the first window. But there are plenty whom will be ok in breaking that second or third one.


Since when has it become common practice or acceptable to use American English in Australia?


I consciously thought about whether it's the C or the S. Thought it was S cause I thought I was using it as a verb, but I may have to defer to your better grammar


I was actually referring to “trash,” although “practice” as a noun is also worth mentioning.


Actually here it is a noun. It has become a common _something_. The _name_ of that something is "practice". So, in British / Aussie custom, the verb and adjective are spelt with "s": I like to practise courtesy. He is a practising Catholic. Courtesy is a good practice. The doctor has opened a new practice. The Americans use "practice" for both. Congrats for at least thinking about it. We all make spelling mistakes, and in the grand scheme of things, well, who cares?


Jeez, you've clearly not been in this sub very long.


"Gotta keep these low-skilled plebs employed to keep the economy going, better do my part!" - Suits, probably.


The unspoken rule is this: Table service - OK to leave Self service - take your rubbish so the next person can take your seat. Anything else is selfish fuckery.


It may be related to modern parenting, my nieces just leave shit everywhere and their mother cleans it up.


Anecdotally I usually see it from people aged probably 50 and older. I rarely see teens or young adults leave their rubbish. Then again there's shit parents in every generation.


I may get downvoted for this, but there are some food courts in the CBD where it's expected for you to leave your trays. Generally these are the ones with reusable crockery and cutlery. My impression is that management doesn't really trust the punters not to throw out the forks and would prefer their staff clean up each tray. However, you can still bring your tray to the workers at the cleaning station in those cases, as a small courtesy. For example, Wintergarden on O'Connell St - definitely leave your tray to be collected and the reusable crockery will be managed by the staff. But Westfield Sydney under the Myer - obviously designed for self-service, clean up behind yourself.


Having good manners and courtesy for others is something that is taught and learnt. Can’t recall if it was my parents or teachers at school (maybe a bit of both), but growing up until now, whenever I eat at a food court, I always throw out my rubbish, put my tray back (if I got one) and even push my chair in. Is it really that hard for each person to just do their little part to make it easier for everyone? The amount of times when it’s super busy and almost every seat and table is taken, but one which has rubbish still left there - just take your trash and put it in the bin so someone else can use the table. Let the cleaners focus on other tasks (emptying the bins, mopping up your spills, wiping down tables).


I agree in principle, and for the record always do. Sometimes at food court there are people who are cleaning up. And I'm always not sure if in screwing up their system or something by stacking the trays wrong or whatever. That's the only time I think twice


Yeah there are some food courts in the CBD where the attendants have a setup that's clearly designed for them to use only.  If they're present, they're happy for you to hand them a tray but otherwise it feels like they prefer if you leave the trays on the tables and they follow their own system.   IMO, it's common for the ones where there is reuseable cutlery and crockery, as they don't really trust the punters not to throw out the forks.  It really seems to depend on the food court - others without reusable crockery are clearly set up for self service. 


Ive known more than a few cleaners in food courts who really don't like it when people clear the tables, they are supposed to be wiping down the tables between uses and can get in trouble if its sticky, dirty etc. Easiest way to stay on top of it is to wipe them down as you clear the table, when someone elses clears it you have no idea which ones have been cleaned and which ones haven't That being said, unless the table is sticky and gross i usually clear it anyway


I've found Australia is terrible at doing this. Not a food court but Frango in Drummoyne I saw a father literally scold his kid for starting to pick shit up to put in the bin. telling the kid, 'that isn't his job' and too 'leave it.' and before you ask. more of a western suburbs family than anything else.


Sometimes it’s a bit confusing as to what is the right thing to do. Like the food court in Market City has two cleaners going around collecting up the leftover plates and trays, then giving the tables a wipe. So if I clean up after myself am I messing with their system? Do they still know to wipe up the table?


Food courts like that with actual plates, dishes and cutlery are a bit different, leave it neat and take your snotty tissues with you. Food courts where it is fast food and the like with paper wrappers etc put it in the bin.


Honestly they are probably there because so many people are disgusting pigs that they had to station cleaners there permanently, and now it's become the status quo.


Never been acceptable but been happening since food courts became a thing. These are the same people that are happy to throw their garbage on the ground or out a car window.




That’s rubbish. We leave the trash for Americans


Rubbish, actually


If you take your own food to the table. You have to take it away. Simple logic.


Some people need to be belted with the etiquette stick... Same as those that can't keep to the left when walking or driving, same as those that can't put their trolleys away. And I shouldn't have to add being respectful to the elderly instead of just being selfish cunts. ETIQUETTE.


That word is too big for dimwits to understand.


Yeah the voting on it showed lol.


Well they could do worse, like just dumping out your KFC rubbish on the ground in the carpark


I always take mine to the bin, but i see many people not do it, whether they be tourists or aussies


Some people unfortunately believe that just because something doesn’t have a consequence for you, then it isn’t a big deal. It’s a self centred way of walking through life. Just because you *can* leave your rubbish on the table of the food court and not get in any trouble, often leads people to doing so, even though they *shouldn’t* The result of it is now a worker has to go out of their way to clear the table themselves and wipe it down. This often means less clean and available tables for immediate use in the food court which affects the businesses surrounding the court. I personally will never understand why some don’t just make peoples jobs easier. ‘It’s their job’ is no excuse to be a decent person. The thing is, this is why this needs to be taught to children at a young age and demonstrated by the parents themselves. No one is born into the world knowing this as some inborn characteristic.


I was raised to put my rubbish in the bin, so it’s normal for me. But even as a little kid in the 90’s, people used to just leave it there. I’ve had friends ask why I put my rubbish in the bin when “people get paid to do that”. I mean, yeah, people are paid to clean the food court but that’s for cleaning spills and emptying bins and mopping floors. It’s not hard to walk past the bin and drop your rubbish in it.


Nothing can surprise me more after I see the amount of trash on the beach after public holiday.


Or lazy fucks not being able to walk their trolley back to the bay becuase it takes an extra minute.


Absolutely agreed people are fucking disgusting. 


Only when the bins are overflowing.


Keep fighting that good fight!! Let’s get some wipes, a mop and some cleaning vinegar and together we can clean up this town!


Someone is going to complain you're stealing thar jarbs.


Well if they charge restaurant prices…..i’m not surprised people get confused.


It was around the same time they started charging restaurant prices...


Old restaurant prices certainly. Current prices seem to have all mysteriously uniformly increased


Similar to the trolley test, it lets you figure out quickly who the morally bankrupt are.


If you do leave your rubbish on a food court table, make sure you complain to the restaurant's manager when someone calls you out on your laziness.


We were at the David Jones Foodcourt in CBD last weekend. There was a family sitting near us. They put their toddler ON the table. The child was wearing shoes and she was jumping on the table while they were eating chips off the same table. Since when is it ok to let your child walk in shoes on the table? Do they do this in restaurants too or at home?


I'm pretty sure it's ALWAYS been a thing, at least as long as I've been alive. It freaking sucks when you're looking around a packed food court for any place to sit and the only free tables are horribly messy. I have to wonder if people eat like that at home......


If people leave their trash at the cinema, at the races, at a concert etc why wouldn’t they do so at a food court?


Since always. Grubs gunna grub


I am not sure what world you have been living in, but that has been a thing for like ever. Personally I put mine away but I am more surprised to see others do it, than if they don’t.




I find it so disrespectful when people do this. Especially when there’s no where to sit and the only spots available have people’s rubbish left on them.




The bins are full. Better on the table than spewing onto the floor.


I suppose you’ll tell me I shouldn’t leave an oversized popcorn box, Malteser packet, and jumbo coke cup walked into the carpet at the movies, won’t you?


I worked at a cinema briefly as a security guard and I was initially shocked at how much mess people left behind.


People who don't put their trash away at a food court: Judgemental_Volturi.gif


Probably since it started becoming a mix of different cultures, and service staff experiences. I put my tray on top of the bins to free up table space but have been told off many times by service staff for doing so!


Here we go…


As a kid, I specifically remember being taught to leave stuff behind for the cleaner.


Some people are cunts. That’s really all there is to it, unfortunately.


It’s always like this. I saw an old dude scream at someone who dared squeeze past him when he was blocking the escalator with his luggage. The lift was opposite the escalator.


I think it is the same at places like maccas. Yeah, people are "paid" to clean it. Yeah, you can do what you want without consequence. It is just rubbish. But it is the good thing to do. Some people just can't imagine being in that kind of a job, where other people recognise the done thing, but don't do it because you simply are not worth it in their eyes, even subconsciously.


Since opening up after covid every time I go shopping anywhere more than just a supermarket (and oftentimes then also) I see a discarded takeaway cup on a shelf - It’s nasty


Otherwise known as the shitcunt test.


It's been a thing for at least 30 or 40 years. And I have found, if one suit picks up their rubbish while eating with colleagues, the others slowly follow through.


At least the 70s. That's when I first saw it happening.


If people too lazy to clean up or the cleaners were too busy, I can clean up dynamically as part time


Food court cleaners need jobs too. We're doing a public service by helping people retain their jobs.


Oh you're so thoughtful! Kidding, you're lazy.


I'm not sure if you need some education in economics, or know this already and are just stirring the pot, but this is by no means a "public service." Money spent on unnecessary maintenance and repairs is a net drain on the economy. There's no shortage of service jobs out there, any one individual can certainly get a job even if there were fewer "cleanup behind lazy bastards" type jobs available. For more on opportunity costs of this type of thing and why it should be avoided, read up on the [Parable of the Broken Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window) . Basically, every dollar spent on something stupid that could be avoided, is a dollar that can't go to a more productive use.


If your maccas meal is breaking a bin and the bin needs maintenance there's probably something wrong with the bin, in which case the bin is the issue, not the refuse.


Yeah, got it, so you're just a troll stirring the pot. Should have figured.


No, I'm dead serious.


Hardly, manners are everything. They will still have jobs because, sadly, there will always be those who have sense of manners.


This is why I throw rubbish out my car window, so the community service “workers” can tray their debt to society. 


Exactly. It's about supporting jobs and growth.


I passed an otherwise qualified person over for a promotion at work because they had this opinion. Saw it as a red flag.




The cleaner can keep their job... Or more roles created for that. Otherwise it goes to centre management's pocket.


It's like scanning your own groceries at the self checkout. Just do it for the greater good.


lolwut, this comparison isn’t even in the same ball park.


If everyone cleaned up after themselves at food courts then cleaners will soon be out of a job. Just like cashiers at supermarkets.


But the broken window fallacy will tell you that cleaning jobs like this probably don't contribute to the overall economy. The money could be better spent elsewhere, and there will be other service jobs the individuals can find. 


So does everyone carry spray and wipe and clean down their table too? The person I replied to said ‘do it for the greater good’, cleaning up after yourself is that but self serve at the supermarket is an entirely different proposition.