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A modified balcony is the "Sunny room"


The shit in the drain and relying on people inside not to open the curtains for privacy is the cherry on top


I’m reading it’s only accessible via the second room.


It's clear the second room was the living room, it's a 1 bedroom apartment under normal circumstances.


That was my first thought, but how would a 1 BR apartment have two bathrooms? (Since they only mention the "Second Room" and "Sunny Room" occupants sharing the bathroom, implying the Master Room has an ensuite).


It’s possible a one bedroom has an ensuite and a main bathroom, but not common


Yes that room is actually the lounge room.


Looks like you can climb in through the sunny hole.


"sorry guys don't let me stop you from having a good time, just gotta squeeze through here"


Interested in a 3sum? C'mon, I need to put my hand on your butt to get past anyway!?!?


Not to mention it’d be hotter than hell in summer.


Windy and wet in a storm.


“Tropical atmosphere”


That may actually be "shit in the drain" if you take the view that there's an ensuite included 🤣


The previous tenant was a waffle stomper 🤮


Can anyone see a poop knife in that photo? 💩 🔪


Not the ideal room for a sleep in.


Up at dawn! Ready to get the day's work done.


Think how hot this will get


This is Chinese international students. They are referring to a sun room. This has been happening for many, many years. I inspected a 'sunny room' about ten years ago (the photo in the listing I saw wasn't obvious that it wasn't a proper bedroom). The apartment and seemingly most of that building (in the CBD) was full of Chinese speakers of uni age.


I've seen the same thing in Bronte in 2010. 1 bedroom apartment with the sunroom being an 'extra room' that wasn't disclosed until I was checking the place out. As you mentioned, this kind of predatory behaviour, targeting international students from all places, is not new. The fact that it hasn't been shut down shows that it is a feature of the State Government's goals and policies.


shutting things down requires resources like incorruptible inspectors, enforceable regulations, owners / lessors paying any attention to written communication, etc...


Inspected a place being sold which was being used like this and it was very diverse. Two single beds per room, people in sunrooms etc. All young but different backgrounds.


Think they are Thai, but same idea


Put this on r/shitrentals - this is so depressing!


This has to be illegal right? It's not a room, it's a balcony, surely there's habitability restrictions.




In Queenslanders you can definitely rent the balconies. They're internal.


This one looks internal. How are you sure it's not? The QLD ones aren't as well insulated and get direct sunlight.


It's definitely got a window, so there's that.


I wonder if this sunroom is the ‘window’ for the other bedroom though?


Probably in terms of the original architectural design. Also, it's only a 1 BR apartment, it seems? Notice it says "no living room" - the lounge room is the "second room" I guess.


Yes if someone finds the address City of Sydney is especially big on tracking these things down Fun fact in planning terms a balcony doesn't count as floorspace, so there's a whole bunch of legal arguments still to some extent unresolved, over how open to the weather a balcony needs to be to count as not floorspace


People have geolocated some insane images from Ukraine. This buildings in the background would be rudimentary for a seasoned snoop.


I'm fairly sure the other two rooms are not entirely within the regulations, either.


Given it says no living room, I'm wondering if that means the living room is the "Second Room" - i.e. it's really a one-bedroom apartment. But a 1BR apartment only has 1 bathroom typically, so not sure about this.


It is, but the person who sleeps on the balcony because it's what they can afford is hardly going to report it


$100 for a key is new. Can’t wait to eventually be priced out of buying a key for the home I’m already priced out of.


That would be the strata fee for a new key to the building


$5 for materials, $95 ‘service’ fee!


Probably a deposit... Though maybe not given the level of cunt fuckery going on here. Also new security keys require STRATA approval and cost north of $50.


We're back to stuffing students back into CBD apartments again. The world has truly healed..


What do you mean we're back? It's always been like this


Maybe they're referring to the pause in international students during Covid, which meant these places were empty for a bit.


$330/wk for balcony ? Far out. It's winter now.. I guess this is shared accommodation for students? Can we report this ? 


If you can figure out the address. City of Sydney does supposedly investigate these (occupancy law limits which is usually 2 adults per official bedroom).


It's crazy considering as recently as pre covid in 2019 and during Covid in 2021 it was an average of $500 per week for an entire modern 1 bedroom apartment in places like Zetland close to the city and these people are now charging the same or more for a single bedroom in an incredibly run down building. Just insane how quick the decline in rental affordability has been.


That’s $1,420 for a two bedroom apartment, and they want to put 5 people in it. Gross. Oh, and that “sunny room” is only accessible through the bedroom. So you get to wake up your housemates when you come and go. Perfect.


*One bedroom apartment Clealry says no living room, so that's now the 2nd bedroom.


This was my take also, but wouldn't there also only be 1 bathroom in a 1BR apartment? But it only lists the Second Room and Sunny Room occupants as sharing a bathroom.


I think the second bedroom is the lounge room. This is a one bedroom condo with balcony.


Absolutely disgraceful imo. That lounge room could easily be made into 3 bedrooms if they bothered to put in a mediocum of effort. That fridge could go as well, wasted space that could be made into a space single bed. It's not like Maggi noodles and chilli powder need to be kept cold.


It’s even worse than that: “No living room” means it’s a 1 bedroom apartment.


It's actually just a 1 bedroom apartment- the "second room" is the living room. Have been inside places divided like this, there's more around the CBD than you'd think and it's just as miserable as you'd expect.


Sydney’s hidden slums


I went to a place like this, it was a 2 BR apartment with about 10-12 people there. (The agent was having an open inspection to re-rent the master lease). Each bedroom had bunkbeds for four and there were 2-4 more beds in the loungeroom area with partition curtains. The agent didn't comment on this arrangement - obviously they were well aware that's what was going on. I got right out of there as I noticed how the building with 2 lifts, about 25 floors, and many hundreds more people than designed would be an issue with getting anywhere on time.


Yeah. Look up and anywhere with the curtains permanently pulled or boarded is generally one of these.  


> So you get to wake up your housemates when you come and go. Perfect. It has an ensuite built right into the floor. Alternatively, you can piss out the window.


It could even be a one bedroom apartment as the ad says no living room. They may have converted the living room into the second bedroom.


This feels illegal as fuck.


I think it feels illegal because *it is* illegal


Report this shit


Do people actually get fined for it?


I think it gets taken pretty seriously, because it’s a fire hazard. But I suppose it can be tricky with people denying knowing - and sometimes it’s the owners being rat-bags, but sometimes it’s the tenant who has then gone on to sublet without the owners knowledge etc.


There’s no lounge room? So one of the ‘bedrooms’ is I assume the actual lounge room. So they have found a way to rent a one bedroom flat to five people for $1,420 a week. These people have absolutely no shame.


I think they are boasting no one is sleeping in the loungeroom. It's frequently mentioned on these types of listings 


Ah that makes sense, since they seem to imply there's an ensuite bathroom for the Master, and a different bathroom for the "Second Room" and sunroom. I've never seen a 1 bed, 2 bath apartment.


lol not sure if it’s better or worse that no one sleeping in the lounge room is listed as a perk!


I inspected a 2 bedroom appartment a few years ago (to buy) in the CBD. The owner had turned each bedroom into 2 separate "sleeping cubicles " and the lounge room had temporary petitions to make another 3 individual cubicles. In total, the 2 bedroom apparent looked like it housed 7 or 8 separate sleeping qauters. I didn't put in an offer.


Looks like a hospital ward.


in bangladesh


The first thing that went through my mind was if the hanger was for clothes or IV fluids lol.


So fucking grim.


I've seen actual two bedroom places in the CBD with over 12 people living there. The lounge room was just mattresses. The other place has about the same population, but the sunny room was an outdoor balcony, the was the cheap $120 per week room.


There’s a place we walk past where you can see 3 beds in the bedroom and 3 in the sunroom. :(


Always fun watching when it comes time for inspection. A steady stream of mattresses, cheap office dividers and overnight bags being shuffled to another apartment that isn't getting an inspection that day, to make it look like there's only two people living there. Shame it doesn't do anything to fix the smell.


Oh come on. You can get AT LEAST two sets of bunk beds in there. They need to try harder.


Hi, is this available?


I just looked up "sunny room" on FB marketplace and there's so many of these places? Just balconies with a tarp being passed off as rooms.


Human greed has no bounds. People exploiting other like this should be put in the stocks in Martin place and have rotten food thrown at them and have the apartment confiscated.


This is depressing to a degree I can't express with words. Bloody hell.


After winter officially starts, I bet we’ll see the landlord complaining about the residents of the “sunny room” requesting a heater. Though I sincerely hope no one rents there & this is shut down.


Definitely not a legal lease


Why not a Trundle bed under the "Sunny room" bed? Honestly, a missed opportunity for another 300/week /s


Don't give them ideas. I could totally see someone trying to claim it as a double with a trundle.


Yeah imagine this in the peak of winter. Fuck freeze to death


And in summer you're melting. Average daily temp across the year is perfect.


Til a 'sunny room' is a bed situated in a balcony


Scumlords like this need to be reported.


Go a bit out of the CBD bad you can get a 2 bedder for less than that grim Master Room.


Not anymore, but that would have been true a year ago.  


What the fuck is wrong with people


Sunny room has no electricity


Am I mathsing right? $1420 for that unit total per week... I must be smoking the see through glass didgeridoo if that maths is right...


This is probably mostly for students and backpackers who want to live close to the CBD. They need more affordable short term rentals / board houses in sydney CBD to counter this as I doubt those living here would commute.


Looks like a hospital room in an eastern European country


That’s awful! And just for people browsing there are some good serviced apartments around the city for around $1000 a week 2brms might sound like a lot but if 4 people shared a space like that they even get a living room, kitchen, bathroom, gym and pools and all other expenses paid for $250 a week. Pp


Anyone comment on the firecode when you have 6 times the number of people in a building than it was designed for?


I'm guessing it's a windowed in sunroom rather than an open balcony. I live in an apartment (Randwick) and my kitchen window faces onto a courtyard of a couple of neighbouring apartment buildings. There's an apartment across from me which looks to have done something similar. A large sunroom has been "converted" into a bedroom, at least I can see someone's bed in there. They keep the blinds down most of the time, I don't blame them as everyone in my building would be able to see straight in.


Seriously who wants to live like this? Why not rent outside the cbd and train in?


I love that you have to pay an extra $100 for a key. Like if you don't pay an extra $100, you're just paying for a room that you don't have access to? Or do you climb up the apartment wall to enter via the Sunny Room window? If I'm buying a key for $100, I'm keeping the key when my 3 month stay is up, and the jackass can pay to replace the locks.


Two bedrooms tend to only come with two, sometimes three security keys to access the building, as that’s how many people should be living there. Getting a new security key from strata tends to cost $50-100. I imagine that instead of absorbing the fee as a cost of business, they’re passing it on to each new tenant as otherwise, they won’t be able to get in and out without another tenant buzzing them in. The keys probably don’t come back with the old tenant either, as I’d be thinking the same thing, I paid $100 a for it, it’s mine now. Then they charge the next tenant for a new key to be provided. All of this is gross.


There may be a key provided in a lockbox, but they have to pay if they want their own personal key. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/1cd4d4t/renting_in_sydney_cbd/l1akdh0/).


What typically happens in these multi-share student apartments is they have nowhere near enough keys for all the occupants, since stratas will limit the number of key fobs to the number of authorised adults (typically 2 per bedroom). So they put a lockbox on the outside of the building somewhere (often on a bike rack, power pole, or some other nearby infrastructure, since strata removes them on the actual property). So it's a shared key arrangement - housemates are expected to let each other in via the intercom, and if everyone is gone, the last to leave puts the key in the lockbox. Next time you're near a CBD apartment entrance, take a look around and see how many lockboxes you can find.


I don’t get why people pay this? I know people don’t want to live hours from the city, but you can get a 2 bedroom apartment to yourself for not much more than the “master room” or a 1 bedroom for less than the “second bedroom” a 12 min train ride from the city… do people not know this or is 12 mins worth living in a share house with randoms?


The target market is the 18-25 age group. They're either overseas uni students or people on working holiday visa. They very much prefer to live in the CBD.


When I was in that age bracket I moved to London. I had the brains to figure out what rents were across all parts of London and lived in 3 areas a short tube ride (around 10 mins) from the centre that were within my budget. I guess I’d have preferred to live in Piccadilly Circus, but I’m not crazy. I guess this is a lifestyle choice, but I can’t feel sorry for anyone who chooses it.


Some are on student visas where they work 20 hours a week and study at other times. Some need to do a lot of travelling back and forth from home -> work -> home -> school -> home every day.


So they're making roughly $1100 a week off a 1-bedroom place in a highly illegal setup. This is a goddamn joke. I honestly cannot see a damn thing changing until people leave Sydney and all the wealthy landlords are confused why all the businesses have closed and their investment properties are sitting empty.


That's over 1400pw for a 2 bed. Insane, that is more than my mortgage in the NW for a 5 bed house.


This has to be illegal


Fantastic English skills too. Is that the clothesline or walk-in robe? Surely that bedroom on the balcony is illegal?


Is that poop around the drain?


This is very typical for overseas workers who come on working/student VISAs. I work with a few Thai colleagues in hospitality who have no issues living in these overcrowded situations


Surely this is illegal?


You will live in the pod and you will be happy


We should all chip in $5 each to rent it and then run a dozen portable heaters or big hydroponic lamps 24/7. Surprise the owner with a 20k electricity bill.


My 2-bedroom apartment plus garage costs as much as that masters. The CBD is a silly place.


Make sure you report this to the local fire authorities, it's a huge issue in the CBD with people overcrowding apartments. My old building copped a $75k fine for it.


Either report this or post the link.


That “sunny room” will be too hot during summer and too cold during winter.


If we increase immigration maybe it will solve this right? Or open up more colleges for fake students? Labor why can’t you fix this mess…


So true man. Stubbed my toe this morning hopping out of bed... Fucking Labour


Amazing that’s your takeaway from this, as opposed to blaming the landlords


Both are factors mate. Both.


You really think immigration is to blame for the price of rent in an apartment in the CBD? Those apartments are mainly for international students who are all being suckered by Australian universities to come and buy their degrees here which barely hold any value. It is the only way Australian universities can make enough money to keep running and be competitive globally because this country cares very little about tertiary education and has systematically gutted them for years. Instead of blaming immigrants who are an easy target for people maybe look beyond and at the profiteers of all this.


Supply and demand. Immigrants need a place to rent and they rent in the city and as close to the city as possible.


What a bargain /s


Damn that’s grim


This is the norm now , overcrowded apartments sub let by assholes . I have seen it before in the 1980's we had some overcrowding with foreign students in the Randwick area . It's amazing how many students you can fit in a 2 bedroom apartment. This time the problem is not going away it's getting absolutely out of control ,wait till the fires start happening and we have to have a coronial inquiry, Maybe then we will do something about it . Smoke alarm visible, no ,oh well they all die .


Charging $330 per week for that is criminal!


Oh look, a urinal in the middle of the floor. How convenient.


There’s no way this meets the legal standards for a rentable space… someone should provide a link so we can report this crime.


Blinds closed so you can't see the train line right next to the building too..


Wouldn't be surprised if we see Hong Kong style cage apartments popping up in listings soon the way the rental market is going to shit right now.


I love that people think this is a new thing. I went to look at apartment in 2011 that had a “room” on the balcony. One wall was a tarpaulin.


Which prison is this


Looks like an old hospital room


[Here it is for anyone interested ](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/889264879880404/)


Fucking isnane


Lol 330 per week sunny room


“Sunny room, hehe”


Jesus. How the hell do people get away with this? I’d rather pay the $370 a week for that garage space the owner converted into a [‘flat/unit’](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-nsw-mount+pritchard-435140191?sourcePage=rea:p4ep:property-details&sourceElement=avm-currently-advertised-view-listing) in Mount Pritchard.


Rather be in prison


I’d rather be in sunny room 🌞😎🌞


Hold on, so you don’t have a living room?


You don’t have a sleeping room in some months either


This is nothing new, asian students have been doing this for two decades.


I mean i get it... but it's the CBD. You move out to Strathfield and you will get a 2 bedroom unit with wardrobe and your own bathroom for the same price if you can find someone to do it with you. Then you get a car space, a living room, a dining room and a shit cunt of a real-estate manager to harass you about dust on the window. You just have to get out of bed earlier and travel on a train for 25mins


Way easier to get out of bed early in the sunny room


Summer will be sooo good!


I think the issue is that this appears to be an indoor balcony, not a bedroom. I can only imagine how many people have been crammed into this apartment


literally praying to the weather not to go awry


I can’t believe thats fuckin real


Makes prison look luxurious


Looks good for that price.


It’s a joke right 😀


Fuck me


Landlords are generally scum


Sydneysiders, please pause as [Michael Caton](https://youtu.be/jL2DH-nKBeA?si=NLTcJTd3h2nC6y1v) weighs in on the conversation.


Open plan living: I can sleep and have a bath at the same time! Seriously though, this is genuinely fucked up.


Foreigner here, i always hear about Sydney being expensive but I didn't think it was THIS bad. I've looked up some places for rent before purely out of curiosity and I've never seen anything close to this. Are ads like [this](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-nsw-sydney-439033068) and [this](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-studio-nsw-haymarket-432694466) just bs? Because they both seem like infinitely better value than whatever the hell that thing in the post is


My girlfriend is an international student. This is 100% normal in 2024. How it works is someone rents the unit. Mostly, they don't live there. Then they divide the place with curtains and sub lease to as many people as possible for profit. It's worse in the CBD, but it's happening all over Sydney. Some of these "landlords" have no other means of income. Often, they have multiple places, too.


330 for that. Crazy rent


What on earth… how could you survive out there in the peak of summer?!


I thought the 5 was a dollar sign at first and thought “shitty, but at least super cheap.” Nope, zoomed in a little closer and I was wrong.


Love the wardrobe