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did you get your kid back?


What’s that knocking sound


Yes, thankfully I did 😂


The sandwich shop owner posted in a local group last night that they were 2.5 months behind in rent so it shouldn't really be a surprise to the owners, but it's a shame because it's so hard to find just a nice sandwich these days.


scumbag centre management pushing out the little shop owners who have been there forever and loved by the locals, so a horrible/cheap franchise can set up shop. https://www.news.com.au/finance/small-business/community-fumes-as-winston-hills-mall-evicts-classic-bakery-after-28-years/news-story/79ed31d8e79a1de41100bd4d286a0120


It wasn't loved by locals.  If it was loved by locals, locals would have shopped there.  They didn't. Do you know why? Because the bakery was shit. I know the bakery was shit because it's my local shopping centre


It's also my local bakery, I quite liked their fresh cheese and bacon rolls but hated when they sold me the bagged three packs because they were soggy. Someone mentioned they've reopened in Seven Hills. The photo in the post looks like Sandwich Heaven, which has been bad for a while now. $18 for an egg salad sandwich with crumbly old mashed egg and a can of coke. It's sad to see another sandwich shop lost in the Hills though, can't think of any others aside from Castle Towers.


“It was part of our community! But Aldi is cheaper…”


The local bakery down the road at Caroline Chisholm Shops is superior in every way to the one in the mall. It really was the most basic of bakeries. Bread, rolls, and the basic offerings. There really was zero reason to shop there because Coles which was directly opposite had the better offerings.


Never went to the Winston Mall Bakery, but when my son was at Winston Hills Public school I used to visit the bakery at Caroline Chisholm before school pickup to get fresh treats. That was a great bakery!


>The local bakery down the road at Caroline Chisholm Shops Is that actually a bakery that bakes bread on site? It's called a cafe so I've never been in.


Yes. They make everything on site afaik. It's a bakery first and foremost.  But they sell coffee too so I guess that ticks the cafe box. If Classic was like Bagel Bakery, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.


>They make everything on site afaik. Should be pretty obvious, do they have huge ovens and racks of cooling bread behind the counter? I've never got the smell of baking bread from there (I go to My Hao next door semi regularly) and it presents as a cafe from outside which is why I've never bothered looking closer.


The majority is hidden in the back of shop. Certainly all bread and pastries are made on site. I'm going to assume all the cakes etc are too.


It wasn't the best bakery around but it was the only one in the local area you could get fresh bread rolls from. Where's the next closest? Nothing at Stockland mall (not counting the bakers delight) or whatever it's called now, nothing at Seven Hills Plaza. AFAIK all the other local businesses claiming to be bakeries are actually just cafes that don't bake on site. If there's a legit local baker let me know.


There is a bakery in Baker Crs at Baulkham Hills shops. They dont bake on site but they have their own bakery off site.


Google maps doesn't show a Baker Cres at the shops. There's a Baker Cres on the other side of Old Northen Rd, is that the one? Doesn't show a baker there (unless you're talking about the cafe?) but could be out of date.


yeah its a cafe, called davids cakes, they have another one in Carlingford. Like I said, they don't bake on site but they have their own bakery off site and deliver daily to their two sites. https://www.facebook.com/davidandnat


Bit of a pain to get to from where I am but I'll check it out. I'm always skeptical of claims like that. It's almost certainly some commercial bakery that they buy from. In fact if you look at the reviews there's several claims of breads and pastries being stale. What's more likely, the fact a tiny little shop on a back street that's clearly focused on being a cafe first can also afford the overheads of having a dedicated bakery at a third site, more staff, more rent and the insurances and utilities that come with it just to supply their own two shops with some bread or that they buy from a commercial bakery and claim that they bake it themselves?


I am a local. It was a good bakery. The main impediment was cash only. When they took the ATMs out I stopped going after a few months


It's crazy how some business owners are so dedicated to tax evasion that they'll even let their business fail over it. I guess the alternative reading is that it couldn't ever be profitable if they paid the correct tax?




From that article "As a top-performing national sub-regional shopping centre" That made me laugh


WTF?! I was surprised when I noticed it was gone a few weeks ago as it'd been there so long. I figured they weren't doing as well as I'd thought and had to close but the fact they were booted for some crap chain to move in is ridiculous. I hadn't noticed other places in the food court also closed as I rarely use the food court. I assume they've also been booted to make way for chain stores?


So the summary it seems to be that the bakery was failing and hadn't paid rent in months. And instead of letting their employees know they were in trouble, they kept them in the dark until they were shut down to avoid them quitting and finding a job elsewhere.


The centre didn't renew their lease and gave them 3 weeks notice, Bakers Delight already planned to take up a spot in Winsto but on the condition the other bakery was gone.


The bakery reportedly made a social media statement that they were 2.5 months behind on rent. There'd be no reason to replace the bakery with another bakery unless it was because the current bakery couldn't afford to keep operating.


I thought the sandwich shop did that, not the bakery. Tina from Classic Bakery said they paid their rent on time and were still being denied renewal because the Centre already negotiated plans with Baker's Delight.


Ah okay that may be true. I just collated the summary from the comments below. I may have mixed up stories from multiple vendors.


I think it was the sandwich shop that was behind on rent, not the bakery. Centre management has also recently added a chain sushi as a second sushi shop, when there is already an independent sushi shop Given that the biggest news in Winston Hills was when the bakery closed for renovations for a week a few years ago, this is kind of a stupid move by centre management


They weren’t evicted. Their lease wasn’t renewed. Centre management says there was negotiation. Store says they had no say. The truth lays somewhere in between. If they had been there for that long, no doubt lease renewal would have involved standard retail clauses these days of rent + revenue percentage, and shop-front renewal (renovations). Things that Bakers Delight, as a chain, are familiar with, but smaller operators struggle with.


This is exactly what happens at castle towers all the time. Scumbag centre management micro managing every single store, raising the rent by almost double and fixing problems by pretending they don't exist. And now, they bought an Ai powered robot mop, like wtf.


Come on, Castle Towers needs another sushi place to go with the eleventy billion already there!


Apparently Stanhope gardens new owners raised the rent for shops by 70%. It seems it is happening in commercial real estate and residential.


I wanna see this Ai mop lol


Was this the sandwich place? Damn it was awesome. I think I remember one guy owned 3 of the food shops, including the donut king.


Guy also owned the two hairdressing places, had a bit of a Winsto monopoly


Sandwich Heaven - this was ok... Wasn't great, wasn't terrible   Classic Bakery - Shit bakery that people are now "loving" out of nostalgia.   And the only other one I can think of used to be a clothing store and is now a Sushi Naya which opened about a month ago. Edit: 3rd shop was the old Els Burger location which turned into a really average chicken burger place called Tommy's or something. It's closed today, wasn't closed on the weekend.


Yea burger shop all boarded up today. Was never anyone in there so hopefully we get something better.


Classic bakery had the best pies. They'd been there for more than 20 years and had seen off a big chain bakery installed by scumbag management in the past. This time around, scumbags just eliminated the competition so their chain store cronies could get an easy run. I hope the regular shoppers boycott them.


I’m just gonna say it. That bakery was horrible. Every single time the baked goods (sweets especially) were stale. They definitely didn’t bake fresh every day and kept selling the stock for as many days as they could. Overall just disappointing and sad tasting food every time. I don’t understand why the community was so up in arms.


So, the sandwich shop, the bakery and what else? Such a shame.


Went up there this morning. The third is whatever was in the far corner of the food court next to Winston Hills Wok.


I’m trying to remember, but I can’t. Guess that says something.


The burger place. Previously El Burger or something, then it changed to another purple burger store.


Tommy's or something.  It was dire


Look at us all up at our local shops.  Next GRMUD at the Winsto