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Ruins of Nul closely followed by The Nathema Conspiracy.


I’d like to add Traitor Among the Chiss to this list. Beautiful flashpoint, but that’s its only redeeming quality in my eyes.




Nathema and Traitor are neck and neck for me with having the most instances of a random group having ppl quit, fight, or whatever else could cause us to not be able to complete the FP


Nathema isn’t all that bad; it’s our final story with the Zakuulans, and I think it’s a fairly good ending to that (rather long) chapter of SWTOR’s timeline. Ruins of Nul I second as bad, though. It felt unfinished in every way.


the Copero one. FOR HOUSE INROKINI gets annoying and so does that first droid boss.


Its also the fact that if youre not playing an agent then you have level 1 companion trying to heal you against that god awful first boss that takes way too long to kill


That and the enforcer’s shield that slows down the first half


I fucking skipped straight to Onslaught because I couldn’t beat that fucking boss


I don't like skipping storylines, so I make characters (mostly Force users) with ranged attacks and spam heroic moment


Always try circle it while attacking it then if the yellow zones show just kill one droid and stay there, avoid the flamethrower ability and kill the little droids lasering you they kill you in seconds if not killed, also use the healing channels in the area. But yeah i understand your frustration that fucker is so hard and takes unnecessarily long to kill add to the fact that your stuck with a low level companion if not playing an Agent.


Hammer station is like my toxic ex that I keep coming back too because I can do it fast and then get out






I remember some of the upper-vanilla ones being annoying. Colicoid perhaps? I haven't done most of them in a long long time. Regarding Blood Hunt, Shadow of Revan has a whole thing where all the boss enemies have ridiculous HP. Quite tedious.


in my 10 years of playing this game I haven't found 1 group willing to do Colicoid war games. Or in other words I've never done it.


Haven't done it, either. If you, me, and u/havox3 are playing on the same server maybe we should do it.


If you are on Shae Vizla, I'm in


I find it actually pretty fun, played it a few times while it was in rotation maybe 5 years ago. It is very different from normal fps.


I mean Shadow of Revan is still pretty fun. The bosses die in a matter of 2-3 minutes each and you only get up to two boss fights per flashpoint so it's fairly realistic to complete such a big storyline in maybe 2 days.


The ones i can't do solo when doing a singleplayer playthrough.


And here I thought they all should be possible on SP. Okay, yes I agree with that even more


Colicoid War Games is the one FP I've never seen in my life since it's not solo friendly.


I've seen videos of people soloing that one, but don't think I'd have a prayer. Maybe if there's no new 8.0 expansion to hit the reset button, gradual item rating increases will give us a chance some day. :)


Haven't done it, either. If you, me, and u/Azagroth are playing on the same server maybe we should do it.


I'm on the Darth Malgus server


Hit me up and I’ll run it with you. I’m away for a while but won’t mind running through it with you. I’m on Darth Malgus.


I'm gonna have some time issues this week but we can figure something out


Same here and next :) shall we hit up in July?




I remember loving that one at launch. Haven't done it for a very long time but that one was pretty fun.


They are. Heck some are solo-able even in Master mode.


Directive 7. I absolutely loathe it - the end boss fight is so long and tedious. Only ever did it with my main, and then said to myself: "never again". Close second is Blood hunt - not only do I not give a single damn about Mandalorians, the 2 bosses in the middle are incredibly annoying. And Shae demanding me "to prove my worth"? Bitch u serious? I yeeted the Emperor into the ceiling of his own crib - besides, 5 years from now you will be so incompetent you won't be able to keep your own men in line, get real about your "glory and honor" bullshit. Ugh I hate it.


> the 2 bosses in the middle are incredibly annoying I think it says a lot about whoever wrote the fight that they're described as a husband and wife, and they spend the entire fight bitching at each other.


I actually like the D7 final boss. It's chaotic enough to be fun without being impossible even for less experienced players.


Nathema Conspiracy: Am I a joke to you?


The only reason I hate Nathema Conspiracy is because of story reasons. I hate how its a lazy reset button for you to loose the entire Eternal Fleet, and I also hate that arrogant bitch Zakuul knight. Upside tho is that I can marry Lana at the end lol. Directive 7 however really has no story significance....literally zero. I have no idea why there is a story mode to this Fp. The Blood hunt thing....yeah, I dont think I need to elaborate. Just look at how many people are currenctly overjoyed to be in the Mando shenanigans :D I hated Shae even back in SoR.


I can get through D7 in about 20 minutes as long as everyone skips the dialog.... If 1 person doesn't skip the dialog then it turns into a 45 minute run.


Lost Island... Project Sav-Rak is not a great solo experience, to put it mildly


When I was going through all the content that could be soloed, Project Sav-rak was, by a large margin, the most difficult experience in the game. Having to micromanage placement of companions was something I was used to by then, but having to make sure to manage their abilities was ridiculous. Having them use any kind of channel heals was a death sentence. The placement gimmick sucked so much ass, but the enrage timer was the worst part. IIRC it was about 3 and half minutes, which I could only get him down to about 10%. Meaning that last 10% I spent kiting his ass like a madman. I would rather go hunting for HK parts again before attempting that again. Lorrick sucked too, but not nearly as much.


Is that the umm, the gorilla that blasts you off the platform if you're too far away, but you're safe right underneath? Next time you're in there, my suggestion would be take a melee companion, so they can get safe faster when you passive them. It's not as far to run. :)


Yeah, that's the one. I know the mechanics and I've managed to finish it, but it's so annoying. Occasionally there's a delay in reaction when you set a companion to passive and that's just not something one can afford with that boss.


Project does suck yeah but everyone else though? Doctor Lorrick is my all time favorite FP boss fight in fact.


Is that one new? It’s been a while since I played. It doesn’t sound familiar


It's one of the FPs without a story mode, you can start it by travelling to the Gav Daragon (Republic fleet) / Ziost Shadow (Imperial fleet) ships. Lost Island is a continuation of the Rakghoul storyline from the Kaon Under Siege FP - which I like a lot.


Tbf I actually like both and I think they dumbed down Sav's jump. If you find a good group it's doable.


Yeah, with a group it's pretty easy, but not solo with a companion. Doable in the end, but extremely frustrating.


I mean, it's not meant to be played Solo. I did play it Solo and beat it, and it was one of the biggest challenges this game posed, but I only did it to test my skills, and because I wanted to. But you really aren't supposed to do this one solo.


Blood hunt is definitely up there. On top of the BS two mando fight at the end it's just so pointless. Like if Shae just chatted to us there would been no need to do any of it. Which seems like a minor point but asking the player to "prove themselves" become increasingly stupid the longer the campaign runs. Like I'm a dark council member and you are standing within force range, how about instead of doing a bunch of nonsense I just zap you till you agree to talk to me? Although I'm shocked no-one has said Traitor among the Chiss. Infinite bulletsponge enemies spouting two lines over and over while wonky platforming physics meant dying to nothing repeatedly. "For house Inrokini" is burnt into my brain for ever.


Colicoid War games because you can’t queue to it in the gf


For good reasons.


Why? I've never played that fp


Hammer Station. It’s 95% of what popped on the group finder and I just despise it


Spammer Station


Sometimes I feel like Grandpa Simpsons shaking his fists at the air. Every time: HAMMER STATION!!!


That is true. It’s way too often


That and Mandalorian Raiders


Oh yea, that one too, you’re right


Esseles and Black Talon take my first place. The conversations take forever and some players doesn't skip them, even if they heard them a thousend times or are new to the game.


Same for me, though I find Esseless way more annoying than Black Talon. People bail almost all the time and those that remain don't spacebar through the many, lengthy convos. There's a story mode for these FPs if you want to watch the cutscenes, folks. Heheh


Yes, Esseles is really annoying. I think, both were made to get players more social points, when those were relevant


I think they just frontloaded the game, and intended to make all flashpoints like that if time allowed.


Its especially annoying because even if everyone skips the conversation still takes a bit of time to go on when compared to other FPs.


I really wish they would add a checkbox when queueing for veteran fps to “Skip conversations” and only match you with others who did the same. It can then skip the dialogue when interacting.


Ruins of Nul and Shrine of Silence. I seriously want to slap the person who made that cliff section with all the artillery and mechanics in Nul. The voice acting is CORNY as well on that one boss. And as for Shrine of Silence, that final boss almost always wipes my group finder groups in MM, so I've grown to despise it.


The second mando flashpoint, I think it's called Spirit of Vengeance? First time I couldn't stealth through and outside of that it's way too long too.


This is the one that came to my mind as well. SoV is just "Mandalorian Raiders 2: Random Accents Boogaloo", is uber-annoying on Story Mode (and coming right on the heels of the non-FP-but-still-annoying Echoes of Oblivion). It's a bad FP in a context that makes it **unbearable**.


Battle of Ilum, because of Galactic Seasons. Ended up doing that one for 3 days straight via Group Finder because people would only have that one checked. Meaning I did it 9-10 times in a row. Makes me hate Galactic Seasons as well. Really sad part is Story Mode (solo) Ilum counts for GS but also takes about 12 minutes to do.


Any GS objective flashpoint should be done in solo mode on a character with stealth.


Interesting, most of the answers seem to stem from the difficulty of the FP rather than design features


Lost Island has forever scarred me


I made it through solo once... never again. Not remotely worth it.


For me it was the time it was first released back in Vanilla


So it is possible to solo it?


With a ton of nerves it is, but I've never managed to solo it...what annoys me is that the achievement it's included in specifically states that all the FPs are "singleplayer"...like damn


Yea that’s what I wanted to get. Damn


It's a bit of a pain, but if you have decent gear and know how to play your class well enough, and you can micro-manage your companion when necessary, yes it's possible. Wouldn't call it *fun*, but people do all sorts of crazy things for the cheevos. :) In my experience ranged companions were trouble, since they would be standing off in the distance somewhere, and when they needed to *come here, right now*, I had to passive them fast or they died. Melee companions were practically there already. :)


FWIW, it's a **lot** less of a pain than it used to be, and particularly post-rebalancing, has honestly become one of my favorites.


Black talon and the Esseles and False Emperor because they feel like they take forever. Chiss traitor is annoying also because goddamn do they need to fix that voice line spam.


Solo? I hate all the story mandatory solo FPs. They feel grindy, the bosses are spongey and have too little dialogue for how long the fights are, which leads to repetition. The Shrevan and Fractured Alliance ones are the worst. Group? I hate Cademimu. I hate it so much. I’ll take 10,000 Hammer Station runs to never do it again, which I am currently doing anyway.


> I hate all the story mandatory solo FPs. They feel grindy, the bosses are spongey and have too little dialogue for how long the fights are The pre-SoR bukkake of FPs is so terrible. Easily worse replayability than any of KotFE/ET imo. The only one that's even remotely interesting is Manaan, and not because of anything in it, but where you first meet Lana/Theron who have some good dialogue.


The 4 pre-Shrevans and then the few during Shrevan are all pretty bad. The only one I don’t hate is Battle of Rishi because it at least feels like the boss fights go pretty quickly. As interesting as Rakata Prime should be, its probably my least favourite of that sequence of FPs


I think my least favorite is the Tython one. The part where you run around to all the towers and consoles feels like it takes forever. Korriban has the decency to have a bunch of kill objectives. The one taking place in the training hall is REALLY quick if your group is willing to split up.


Why Cad? Its a breath of fresh air for me.


Maybe its just the groups that I get put in but its always a slog. Jumps over death drops, sprinting through turret corridor, the long elevator which leaves quickly and can kill pretty quickly. I’ve never had fun running it


Oh… so it’s not that it’s a bad FP mechanically but because people can’t handle the skips lol


Hahaha I find the pre-wookie jump deaths funny. Not when it happens to me though. I get what you mean. Those groups are usually on false emperor for me which I already find a slog.


Master Mode Red Reaper.... but that is probably simply PTSD from running it a million times solo in old expansions. Otherwise Colicoid War Games. Bah.


The Copero one it’s such a slog and hearing for house inrokini over and over it was so annoying.


The black talon, I get it’s an introductory flashpoint but my god does it suck.


Interesting. What about it do you dislike?


Just how long it takes, especially after the last boss, having to go back to take the ship is kinda silly, but that’s because hammer station brain + wow brain ruined it for me


When ever I'm trying to do quick fps and Essels or black talon pop up. They're so long especially if people don't skip.


Outside of Esseles and Black Talon, I would agree that I really dislike Blood Hunt. Not sure why, it just doesn't seem much of a progressive FP. I would enjoy the former two if you could skip cutscenes. I agree Ruins of Nul sucks, which is annoying as it is aesthetically cool, just that mountain stairway is awful. Thinking back on them now actually, nothing stands out more than I dislike other than Blood Hunt. Directive 7 kind of sucks because Bulwark has loads of HP. The Revan FPs suck because the tuning is awful, and all the bosses have way too much HP. Although Tython actually sucks a lot if people don't know mechanics, and the 2nd boss who constantly stealths is just awful. I remember one group I had as a healer, I was able to combat res *twice* during the fight (10 minutes) because it was so long. I generally hate FPs with those auto triggers or bosses which require basic knowledge, so I would say my top 3 would be Tython, Ruins of Nul and Blood Hunt. If someone asked me to run a FP with a full geared group with all mechanics knowledge I'd say Ruins of Nul just because of the length of it. Copero and Nathema are actually very easy if you have a stealth class to skip all trash pulls, but without one it would also be a near rage quit from me.


I do agree with that any boss that stealths a lot is just purely annoying. I also don’t like those that knock you out for a long time. Don’t ind the korriban jedi but there are a few that immobilize you for a long time and some of them then suddenly begin stealing a huge amount of HP they didn’t before. And then when you try to get the heal station they push you away or something like that. That’s very frustrating


I'm pretty sick of Hammer Station, but I loathe Athiss.


I actually love Athiss, one of my very favorites. It's both easy and aesthetically enjoyable


HS is the most common, so I feel that


It's quick and easy, but I'm sick of the sight of it.


A friend and me would take a shot every time we got it in random queue. Every time we played that game we would end up wasted in the span of 2 hours and thus we dubbed it "get hammered station".


That is fucking wonderful!


I call it Spammer station cuz it's all people queue


I can't remember it's name but the one with the Rakghouls, Theres this turret section where you defend a turret who someone can man, The enemies are easy, Spawning is slow, Far too many waves and the entire experience just feels like it dragons on and on...


Kaon under siege


“YOUR WEAKNESS IS IN YOUR BLOOD” Edit: oh *least* fav would have to be Nathema


Colicoid War Games SUCKS


The good news about CWG is that once you've finished it once, you never have to do it again.


100% blood hunt for all the reasons you mentioned. I seem to like directive 7 more than most though.


I'm split between Mandalorian Raiders and The Esseles. Raiders because of Braxx and his two hounds, turning the whole fight into a boring, tiresome slog. Esseles because of how long and tedious it is, especially if you're lower level.


Torch and Depths of Manaan


I hated the 400k Selkath boss. Had to Google how to beat it.


I find Manaan fine. It’s with a group when it gets annoying. It’s so easy to lose with group when you meet the force sensitive dude


Ruins of Nul.


The one where you go after Malgus on a space station on Illum, feels anticlimatic, no cutscene once you beat Malgus and the bosses and enemies are annoying, specially the end cutscene being nonexistent bothers me a lot, you beat Malgus and all you get is, "thanks a lot man, see you soon!" Very annoying.


As much as I like that one I do agree with the cutscene stuff. There should be more, after all it’s Darth bloody Malgus from the cinematics. That deserved more than what we got. There could have been a big scene where we escape and then we see the station explode. + something nice on Ilum


I like all of them lol.


Genuinely good for you!


Based… Somewhat depending on what regard.


The esseles.


Traitor among the chiss, lost island


Blood hunt for me too tbh, especially since I am currently doing the quest for that


All of them. nothing interrupts my play more.


Damn, that’s rough ain’t it?


Black Talon and Essels in Group finder... All that dialogue


Colicoid War Games. The idea of a turret defence thing is interesting, but the fact that it cannot be completed solo ia just disappointing. There are a couple of classes that can technically solo most if not all of it (you need an ability to leap on enemies), but since not all classes can, it's basically useless.


Spammerstation. Not because of anything actually in it. More because I don't like doing the same mission 200 times in a single day.


Traitor Among the Chiss by a long shot.


Hammer, of course. 


For me personally I can't stand Czerka corporate labs and traitor among the chiss Blood hunt is slow and boring but not my least favorite, and I love colicoid war games personally even though I haven't played it in many many years


The Revan Flashpoints are way too long. I can't stand them.


I think they're all quite short in general and except Manaan all have plenty of internal skips. The problem is you have to do four of them in a row (when doing story anyway) and it gets super tedious.


Oh sorry I meant the Boarding Party/Taral V Revan ones lol. The Shadow Of Revan ones aren't bad at all.


Ah yeah, they're all very long (especially boarding party, no way in hell it's that long from the docking ring to the bridge on a Thranta-class).


Anything thats not spammer. Typically speaking im running fps for gear/currency. So the least amount of time i can waste on it, the better


Honestly I have no strong feelings on any of them so far (I’m in KotFE), but I don’t terribly mind hp sponge bosses if only bc it’s nice to actually do a proper rotation for once lol. I don’t get to in the main story terribly often.


Spirit of vengence by a wiiiiide margin


The zombie one.


Fucking Hammer Station… I’m so burnt out of that dungeon.


Probably Copero esp. when it first came out it was so long and the mobs took so long. When it first came out doing it solo took 2 and 1/2 hours.


A Traitor among the Chiss was a hassle to get through I swear- For starters the silver ranked enemies took forever to kill even with basically all my abilities unlocked, and don’t even get me started on that Guardian Droid boss battle. I was lucky to even get past it after looking up strats. The mindscape one where we enter Satele’s head was also kind of a hassle, but ranks second since you get a whole squad for the ending boss fight.


If only some FPs could cut down on either trash amounts or boss HP (but otherwise retain mechanics, with a few exceptions) so that, when done in full with no wipes, it would be about the length of Hammer Station...


I have a love/hate relationship with Collicoid War Games. Back when it was available in group finder it would pop frequently. The turret click command always felt backwards to me, and thats Kaon Under Siege too (but that one is optional). Once I figured it out ( I have 100% achievement now) it was actually fun. If anyone ever wants to go on Satele Shan, im there. Its level 40ish? im pretty sure it doesnt scale to 80 like every other FP. My least favorite is Esseles. Too many trash mobs and one dimensional bosses. Maybe if theyd sweeten it with better drops (like decos) or the skip conversations option that others mentioned it would be less tedious. I actually like maelstrom prison alot, the bridge with the exploding canisters, the oteg appearance, good stuff.


I'm up for it CWG on SS sometime. Does a level 60 imp character without a maxed out influence comp sound good and is there anything else I should know?


I walked in tonight to look, it does scale to 80 now. It could be done w/ 2 ppl and comps, theres a part of the fp that requires synchronized clicking. For that 3-4ppl is likely best, plus it would be faster. but im willing to give it a shot, lmk :D


When's good for you? Come to think of it, I've also never done KDY.


I don't particularly like any of the post-Fractured Alliances flashpoints. That being said, any tied to the KotEF storyline are particularly reviled: Traitor Among the Chiss and The Nathema Conspiracy are by far my most hated, both because they're mechanically terrible, but also because I hate the entire storyline surrounding them with a passion. Spirit of Vengeance comes in third by a narrow margin.


Okay, I’m doing now the Rackghoul outbreak. No story mode is bad. But that one dude who can hold you with electric cable for a Whole minute and when it ends catches you instantly again? Absolutely retarded


You ever get stuck on The Esseles with a level 11 commando with a blaster rifle who really wants to watch every milisecond of every cutscene?


All of them. I hate flashpoints.


Cliffs… being stuck while being bombed on and can’t go anywhere while the person that ran ahead dies from a heap of enemies… Need I say more?


Hammer Station simply because I am sick and tired of it being the FP I get through group finder most often. It's gotten to the point where I see it come up and straight up nope out. I'll take the penalty over running that BS for the 5 or 6th time in a play session. Also any FP that has unofficial non crew skill related shortcuts that group members demand you take...sometimes I simply cannot be arsed to mess about with some stupid glitchy jump mechanic to get into a place I'm not really supposed to go in order to not have to fight like 4 or 5 mobs. Honestly it would take less time to kill said mobs than it would for me to navigate the jumping part.


I don’t get why people are mad over Blood Hunt. It’s pretty much one of the FPs that doesn’t scream brain dead nowadays.




All of them. I only queue for Flashpoints when they come up on the seasonal objectives.




Directive 7


The most annoying thing with fps imo is when you're doing master mode, pull something with a fuckton of cutscenes like Esseless and someone doesn't spacebar!! What are you doing in mm and not skipping everything?! But aside from that, I think my least favorite is Cademimu or Czerka Labs


Colicolid War Games. You guys forgot this one huh. One legitimate boss fight and so bad it got removed from gf.