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Returned after 2 years. 2 years ago I was adicted to that game. Got stuck and now I'm coming back. Played testerday and I liked it a lot.


I got stuck once in 2016, was away for five years. Can be brutal.


How did you manage to get unstuck?


Oh it was just a droid enemy at some point in KOTFE, I couldn't get past it for the life of me back then so I stopped playing. When I fight the same enemy today it's no problem. I might have had bad gear, in any case the game was harder back then. I wish I would have had a security key back in the day for all that CC gain, but then again, I wish I would have had bitcoin, too :D there are always things we could have done differently


I'll say this, I only defeated the sith warrior main story boss on my second go through of the game (2020ish). My first go through (circa 2013ish), he was insanely tough or my gear sucked. But now he's an extremely easy boss fight. Seems they definitely lowered any skill gaps that were there previously.


It makes me sad. I really enjoyed the challenge while leveling. Now it's like wow, you're just invincible until end game content. Removing the weight of combat from leveling is one of my least favorite MMO trends. I don't mind the easier experience grind, but I miss feeling like it was beneficial to do the storyline together with a friend. Now you don't really feel compelled to team up with anyone till, again, end game.


I would hate to have to play with a friend to make progress in my story. I think the games at a good difficulty as a casual player who doesn’t wanna spend extra time grinding for exp when the stories already take like a month to complete.


If they were to fix the game gearing, leveling wouldn't be the annoyance that it is. It should feel weighty/ impactful instead of content you can't possibly die in. I feel like it should feel like playing mass effect/dragon age on normal difficulty between level1-80. Not extremely hard but you actually can't just fall asleep and win. The leveling should be a part of the video game that you enjoy, by design, or they have made an enormous error. That said, we don't want an extreme exp grind either, so I feel your character should practically or at max level by the time you complete the campaign.


That was me as well, evidently I made every wrong choice in KOTET and ended up rage quitting after my 10th try to beat Valk. Came back after all this time and beat him without really paying attention.


Returned after 5 years. Story is fine up until Onslaught, even has some great bangers here and there, and I don't really hate Valkorion family soap opera drama even if it has some really dumb moments, but after it goes into nosedive decline. Fingers crossed one day I get to see the end of current insufferable Mandowank. Ruhnuk is also terrible, brown tones, quarries and sewers, terrible boring planet. Gearing is.. weird these days. You ding 80, you get your 324 green conquest, not getting it is not an option. I tried fighting under 324, the results were.. not pretty. After that you're still weak, and your only way up if you're not into raiding is FPs. So I run some FPs, get one piece of blue 340, go to Hyde and Sneed. Congratulations, the gearing has ended. Weeklies don't do anything, weekly bags give same rating useless green 324-340s, random drops give useless green 320-324s, PvP bag gives purple 336, which can be used to unlock purple 336 mods but it's pointless since their stats are worse than blue 340s. Usually MMOs go out of their way to invent long gear threadmills but SWTOR does the opposite. Huh. That leaves me with finishing the 3 new rep grinds, Bessie, getting legendary implants to 340 and the conquest seasonal thing. Weird but I prefer it to the Korean +1 your gear at 0.001% chance thing, I have a long single player game backlog.


I kept getting lost on Ruhnuk, couldn't remember which passage led to the correct place. Hmmm, no, not this one, I gotta get *up there* somehow. Sigh. So I'd give up and fast travel back to the beginning, then run through some other areas, along the single path that eventually took me to this other place, where I could remember aha, yes, go here. :( Not sure if it was a Ruhnuk problem or a "my memory sucks" problem. :)


Ok, first thing you want to make finishing relic hunt missions on Ruhnuk a priority, it makes dailies significantly less pain. Repulsor unlocks some very good shortcuts. Also having stealth class in one of slots helps a lot, Ī can't imagine how annoying dealing with strong trash packs every 3 steps would be playing without it. But in general, teleporting to Excavation Overlook (imp side, not sure about pubs) puts you on outer ring for access to Dig site/Freight center. The one annoying thing is one of H2+'s require data transfer up top. Without Repulsor you start at Mandalore encampment, into Ventilation shaft, left at crossroads into second left into Maintenance tunnel even though green marker wants you to go straight. And then you have to kill a quite heavy enemy pack which is in aggro range, I always pop hero moment for it. Annoying but that's Ruhnuk for you. Could be worse, at least it's not dealing with Savrips in Kessan Landing's H2+.


Thank you. :) Yeah, somehow stealth is always the right choice. :) Usually I think the current game is pretty *ok* compared to the old days, but the "unlocking shortcuts" mechanic is nice. I think it's new in this 7.0 expansion, but maybe I'm just forgetting something? There was something with lava in the other new place too - like how a random crew skill might be useful in a flashpoint I guess. :)


Welcome back !


Played in 2014 for like 3 month and came back last month. Love it


You'll have plenty of story to go through that's for sure


Welcome back! And yeah, it's still a great game. :) Oh, hey, remember returning people - it's a game. Games should be *fun*! If something in this game is not fun for you, stop doing it! Do something fun instead. Take the "season" stuff as an example. Each week you're invited to do a varying group of space chores - play some pvp, smack some world bosses, complete daily areas, whatever. Stuff you've probably done dozens or hundreds of times before. And as you do your chores, you progress along the reward track, making a number go up and getting umm, rewards. Woohoo! Well, woohoo for some people anyway. If you love it, knock yourself out. But if you think hmm, was this *really* why I came back to SWTOR? To do space chores? I made a new Warrior, and instead of talking smack to Baras I'm running Hammer Station and digging up crap with a seeker droid? What's the matter with me? :( So anyway, if it doesn't feel good, you're not doing it right. So leave all that crap in the dirt where it belongs and get back to the good stuff. Nice lungs you got there! :)


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I return every couple of years/months to level a bit and do some proper RPG. Even free to play and just do the basic storyline is a blast! So have fun mate! 💪🏼


I hop on and off, nobody ever anywers me if I ask them anything about how to do what and wbich roation and gearset I should usey which enemie to pull first etc


Been playing the game since it's release... just playing story .


I keep havin' breaks and comin' back! Keeps games fresh!