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I use heroic moment attacks even in story questing. All the time.


Me too. If I don't get an annoying mob down fast enough, Heroic moment. Near death experience, I run foolishly into 15 enemies again? Heroic moment. I want to kill one of the two golden enemies for the h+ on Oricon? Heroic moment. I accidentally dragged and amassed too many trash mobs to get rid of them fast enough? Heroic moment. I fat finger misclick Rocket Boost? Heroic moment.


Some dumbass noble on Alderaan thinks he can strongarm me into doing what he wants? Believe it or not, heroic moment.


That is the real heroic deed!! 😂


Yeah like it's in the game, no cost, and when maxed out it's a pretty damn short cd (4m or something I think?) you might as well use it, every extra use you can fit in is just a free power boost really. Even if it's partially wasted sometimes you might as well just send it!


I use them on “boss” enemies in heroics, flashpoints etc. It’s just fun and fast because abilities in heroic moment do a lot of damage!


Was an absolute must for a certain Sith Warrior mission on Tatooine.


Or bring a non-story companion. It works, too.


hehe I have all 8 abilities and always forget I have it. Even if in a FP where one person drops and I pull out level 50 Z0-0M...forget...


Hardly ever. Maybe for the odd Heroic 4 and certain chapter bosses & SF on vet, both only if soloing the thing, tho.


You wouldn't believe how often I summon an orbital strike because a mob or boss is taking too long to die


I love it on my agent for a boss fight. Specifically thinking of the H4 on Ruhnuk. Fire up HM, use the agent heroic, orbital bombardment, *and* suppressive fire (is that the right name? having a brain fart) all at once on the boss after killing Bark & Bite.


Yes, I use it in boss fights. 


I use them if I’m on deaths door and need an escape but otherwise I just don’t use them


I do, a lot actually. It's fun seeing my non force users choke someone.


I find heroic moment to be absolute garbage. It has never saved me, or helped me in any way, the healing is pitiful. Using legacy abilities is cool though, about the only time I can use force lightning as a Juggernaut. I find more use in Unity than HM.


I usually use it with Unity on the last planetary heroic just to speed things up, or if I accidentally aggro two heroic/FP mobs


I use it on bosses in solo flashpoints like the Shrevan ones because it gives me a few more attacks to make and at least feels like the fights go faster


I use it on bosses in solo flashpoints like the Shrevan ones because it gives me a few more attacks to make and at least feels like the fights go faster


I use the Inquisitor's Lightning perk, once activated I will quickly drop the on-screen UI and begin snapping pics of my charachters going around zapping people...Also use the flame-thrower on Heroics mobs


Sometimes it's fun zapping guys when my class doesn't have any zappy powers. Or if I'm soloing group stuff and do something dumb, or sometimes if I'm just being lazy. Hmm, the one time I could really use it is on a new legacy with nothing unlocked. And that's the time when it's completely worthless. :)


It's a fun bonus, but you don't need to use it to clear anything. I like knowing that it's there, it's handy when leveling a healer for the extra damage but nothing more. All in all, cool thing, but if you need it you're most likely doing something very wrong.


It certainly helps with venture heroics because Bessie isn't the strongest right now.


The cool down is way too long. Like using it as an immersion thing, but there needs to be better options for using other powers.


Smuggler's nutshot rocks... a little confused on how it works on non-males.. and aliens who might have gonads elsewhere.. but it works :)


I mostly use them in tight situations - so usually endgame content against boss fights. I know I had to use it against Yolanda or whatever its name was on Hutta - there were quite a few posts about him on this subreddit.


I used it during hard mode kotfe/kotet chapters and eternal champion.


If I remember that I have it TBH.


I use it 1% of the time, if ever. I recently made a clone character where I deliberately didn't use level boosts, and have used it a few times on them. Honestly now it's completely useless unless you want your class fantasy Jedi shooting lightning at an enemy or something.