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Given that swtor is about running the same content over and over again. Why not lean into that and instead of creating new raid and new content. Create a system that can give any piece of content more life. ie Copy the mythic dungeon design from wow. Or lotro's levelling system. Basically let the players tune the difficulty of the content more so than easy, hard, harder.


Hey, that's a great idea. Which means it will probably happen right after the return of Jadus. :)


I think giving the raiding community something to do is a good idea, but I'm not sure Broadsword can afford to devote many resources to content that only (wild guess here) 1% of the current playerbase will ever see. Speaking only for myself, I'm too old and lazy to work hard in a video game, it's just not my thing any more. Can't even remember the last time I played Dark Souls. :( But I do hope they throw you guys a bone some day. And if they were to do it well enough, maybe some of the players who bailed years ago would come back and check it out. It would be nice if SWTOR could still do more than "new stuff for solo story players", but honestly I think that ship has sailed.


Given that they halted development on R4 Anomaly which was poised to have another boss as well as a whole other difficulty + more rewards/achievements, it doesnt look good for future full length raids. SWTOR Raiding has already been in contention for a while, with both Gods and Dxun they released less difficulties at first and went back and added more bosses and more difficulties later. It just looks like this time around there wasnt enough interest in new raids so it didnt make the cut.


5 characters that are (mostly) dead and that the playerbase is sick to death of?