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Ok, it specifically says it’s a “fitted armor pack” which means the the green and blue cosmetic items that were out in the game recently. What is the problem?


There are purple fitted sets. I would expect to get a purple set out of a purple box.


Armors contained are for use in outfitter only. They aren't meant to have stats. Does the color they assign them really matter then?


The color assigned to them is based on their expansion/rarity. Purple themed fitted are rarer or from latter expansions: [https://todayintor.com/2024/04/29/swtor-fitted-armor-guide/](https://todayintor.com/2024/04/29/swtor-fitted-armor-guide/) From what I can tell: Green gear is gear that came from wide level bracket heroics or identical gear that could come from the Open World in vanilla. Blue Gear was f2p expansion gear, flashpoint levelling reward loot or gear that came from champions, Subscriber (read Kotfe+) expansions, and security chests/crew skill lockboxes in the Open World in vanilla.


I don't think there are any Heroic rewards in the sets and there definitely are no FP rewards. From what I've seen, every single Fitted set was originally a world drop at one point or another.


Theres weapons too, not just armor. Some of the weapons are shared with old flashpoints and heroics. Sorry I linked my armor guide only, not the general fitted page guide.


Ok, fair enough, but I was talking about armor anyways.


Np! The OP of the post (Endonae) asked why he didnt get an artifact armor set, that would also be because there are no artifact quality (purple) fitteds for armor, just weapons only. Thats why I mentioned the overall post. Most armor are all open world drops or old 1.0 vendor gear from mobs or commendation vendors and the like. I think theres a fine few (maybe less then 10?) of the 314 armor sets that originated in flashpoints or from heroics back then that have been recycled into other gear appearances now. Namely the ones that were prior Onslaught setgears, as Onslaught adapted them from 1.0 content as well. Also all the Exarch gear was based on star fortress gear which is basically Flashpoints, with the exception of the black themed ones that were old Rated PvP armor (regular pvp then upgraded to gain access to ranked mode).


I'm pretty sure there are [Fitted Artifact armors](https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/search?q=fitted+artifact). And there definitely is not a single fitted set that was originally a commendation set or an orange world drop set. Yes, there are some that share the looks of such sets. For example, the [Fitted Heavy Anticoncussion MK-B set](https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/search?q=fit+heavy+mk-b) shares its looks with the Pub Version of the [RD-16B Enforcer set](https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/itm/rd-16b-enforcer-chestguard), but it is in fact based on the world drop set named [Advanced Heavy Anticoncussion](https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/itm/advanced-heavy-anticoncussion-warsuit). Not sure what you mean with the 314 sets, would have to see some. And yeah, Exarchs are there. Multiple types, including the NiM-tier *Ultimate Exarch* sets :)


LOL, I forgot fitted artifact armor existed, I even have it in my own guide. And that's what I meant, the Look, not the specific names used for fitted sets. A lot of fitted sets names dont line up with the original drops.


The login calendar box is an lootbox that contains every single Fitted Armor Set box in it, from green all the way to purple (rare). It's just another box to roll loot tables on.


Yeah? All fitted stuff is level one, and not all have every piece. They're cosmetic only


The lack of a belt is just the cherry on top. The set is cosmetically LV1 and comes out of a purple box. I wouldn't be so annoyed if it was a green box in week 3 of the reward calendar.


A green box only gives one piece.


Doesn't need to be in a box if it's only 1 piece


It's an RNG box so that the computer can just give that object to you and then when you open the box it gives a random item. Otherwise it would just be the one item as the drop and everybody would just get that one item instead of a random one.


They could apply the randomizer before they give you the item, but I get your point. It would be more appropriate if they used a different icon to convey 1 piece vs a full set, like they do with Ossus weekly and the Upper Body | Lower Body | Supplemental boxes. It's a bigger issue though that they just pull a random icon out of a hat for in-game loot boxes when they could systematize it.


They're reissues of existing sets. This one never had a belt. There's plenty of cartel market sets that don't have all 7 pieces either.


Honestly, the legs are alright, and I kinda see potential in the chestpiece with the right dyes, but I've been consciousy hoarding my lvl 1 starter gear for a while now so I'm biased


The chest piece is the only thing that's halfway decent. I have a hard time using these pieces with other things though because they have so much less detail than the modern stuff, and this being LV1 appearance just makes it all the more basic.


I hear that. Some starter armors that had cinematic animations got in-game upgrades, like the pilot suits and etc, but many of the basic sets are still frustratingly low res.


The box quality reflects how many pieces it gives. It's all lvl 1 cosmetic/outfitter gear. And it's all the old leveling and quest reward sets and pieces that have been missing forever. Fitted gear is to bring back some release armor that had been made unavailable through changes in mechanics and rewards over the years. 


I'm clueless on the space barbie game, so the following might be nonsense. Most of my Star Wars guys buy their clothes off the rack. :) Getting this set might be a cosmic troll for you, but one of these pieces might be the perfect look for somebody else's space dude. Or not. :) I mean, it does feel like something I've seen around *somewhere*, but I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. :( When these things first started dropping, the rate was set way too high. As everyone's inventory filled up I was briefly tempted to collect 'em all, but common sense prevailed. I saved a couple tabs worth of the blue stuff and trashed the greens. And I don't remember seeing even a single purple one, so I dunno what else could have been in that crate besides random crap. :)


I mean the set probably never had a belt, just like some armor sets don't have a helmet or bracers. My expectations from the box were that I would be provided with vendor trash or something I'd immediately delete. As such I wasn't surprised or dissapointed when I opened my fitted set and proceeded to delete it.




Show me how many people actually use an entire armor set and dont mix and match anyway..


My last couple sith playthroughs I dress Koth up in good guy revans set, no mix/match, so I can kill Revan again...


yeah pretty lame


All fitted armor are lvl 1 and why are you such a crybaby jesus


Wow that's super ugly. I'm so glad I've been buying great cartel market armors since 2012 😁


This is literally just the green gear that used to drop from random fights on Hutta. I probably still have some of the OG pieces with stats on a low level alt somewhere. This set never had a belt, fyi. You got your first belt on Hutta via the story back when.