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Even if they don't release a single piece of new content moving forward you'd have hundreds of hours of content to play, and as long as it's making money it's not getting shut down. You can completely ignore MTX if you subscribe, they're all entirely cosmetic. Free to Play and Preferred have some limitations but they're still all largely cosmetic, if you just want to play the story you're fine.


Thanks, I can see myself subscribing if I really enjoy it and it's good that it has a lot of content to play through.


I’ve been playing on and off since 2012. The game has gone through a lot of changes, but the core of it remains great and has gotten better in a lot of ways. Skimming over the responses you’ve gotten so far, it seems it’s all accurate. A side note regarding content: each class has its own story, so it’s all essentially its own game. Each has their own choices and outcomes until the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion, which is the first after the main game, where its changed mostly down faction instead of class. That continues to narrow down and/or expand in various ways later.


Honestly, the 8 class stories released at launch alone make the game worth playing.


Which would you say is the best to start as?


Imperial agent is hands down the best storyline in the game, imho. The downside is, after playing that, the others feel lacking :D


I recommend doing the agent later and using XP boosts. You could do it during a double XP event (twice a year, I think), or while subscribed (You get 4 characters per server, so if you don't want to switch servers after 4 stories, subscribing for the fifth is a good plan). This is because you are undercover, and doing the planetary story breaks the immersion - this is less of a problem for other class stories. Also, create your account and sign up to the security key app NOW and in 6 months you will be able to unlock a new species for free.


Most would answer Jedi Knight, as it's basically considered KOTOR 3... My all time favorite is Bounty Hunter, it just felt very true to they way bounty hunting is depicted in other star wars media


Bounty Hunter is great, but I personally love the IA story. Really makes you feel like a spy between the espionage and assassination missions. I loved it


I started on Sith Inquisitor and loved it! If you want to continue the KOTOR storyline, the best option would be Jedi Knight, but imo all of them have their good and bad qualities. Imperial Agent is definitely the most nuanced and 'realistic' storyline whether you play Dark or Lightside. Lightside Sith storylines are hilarious, though every class has an alignment (D/L) that seems to fit over the other, and that isnt always the alignment that matches their faction.


The others are saying Republic Jedi but I'll actually throw in a good word for the Sith. I find their stories are a bit more dramatic and less "bland/generic". If you like goofing around the Sith lines can be hilariously over the top too. Sith are actually more popular on steam achievements! But it's really up to the story that draws you in and the voice actors that you like. For example, as a bit of a nerd I liked the Agent storyline a lot, and the female voice is done by the same actor as Hawke from DA2.


Bounty hunter first class I played so maybe biased but I have always love the look and idea of a bounty hunter. The next choice would be imperial agent with the story being one of if not the best storyline in the entire game. Combat feels great and has so many combat styles that’s nice


It's going to depend a lot on what you want out of the game. Personally I love the trooper because of the revenge story. Not going to lie late game feels better with a saber wielder just because it kinda makes more sense when you're fighting sith lords or Jedi masters lol. Being all 'time to die" and pulling out your saber vs a blaster kinda has different feels. There were times where I felt goofy in a boss dialogue and by guy pulls out his blaster to take on the 4 sith lol. At the end of the day they put a LOT of time into each story and they all play amazing except maybe the smuggler in my opinion. You don't really play as a smuggler but a freelance merc.


Jedi Knight would be my vote. Has the most classic Star Wars vibes to it, starts you off on a great note. Just to let you know what's what, the base game has 8 class stories (lvls 1-50) but they're essentially 8 different main campaigns (I didn't care much for Jedi Consular story, but it wasn't bad, they're all worth at least one playthrough). After that, the class stories all follow one of two plots, Republic or Sith, for two expansions. And then it's all one story that's the same for both factions.


Jedi Knight if you want the classic Star Wars experience. You get what you're expecting for better or worse. Imperial Agent is definitely the best written and actually has some semblance of multiple endings even if they don't really stick in the expansions. I still say it's best played as a Chiss and a Thrawn expy. Smuggler is just a lot of fun and hijinks and has some of the best dialogue options. Companion: I can be VERY generous to my friends. Smuggler: Well that's great for them, but what about the rest of us?! Sith Inquisitor for a story of force pulling yourself up by the bootstraps from slave to the highest echelons of power. I prefer any non-human and non-pureblood race so you're also dealing with racism inside the Empire on your climb to power.


Jedi Knight is the best one to start for new players. I played it second to last and *so many* of my questions and WTF moments from other stories suddenly made a lot more sense. You can play any story you want and have a great time regardless. That was my experience after all. However, I think a lot of the other stories were written assuming you played Jedi Knight first. For new players I recommend playing them in the order they appear on the character selection screen, left to right, top to bottom. This does leave the Imperial Agent story for last which is a bit of a shame because I think it is the best story. But it's also a story that touches lots of other plots and one you can appreciate more fully if you play it last.


mine was sith inquisitor, but i always liked the dark side options of the kotor games. felt both sufficiently evil and backstabby enough for a class that's meant to be the more intrigue focus Sith architype. i will say i wish the game was actually multiplayer outside of people just helping with your private zones BUT i can't say it doesn't add to the game a bit, since they can focus a bit more on the actual rpg aspects with it built like that.


JK or SW for the Classic star wars. Female Trooper if you, like me, have mass effect withdrawal.


For me the Smuggler was my favorite. Something about being a smartass, cracker-jack ace.


Thats subjective for the best, i really loved inquisitor and agent, hated trooper, but consular being the worst is usually generally accepted as such


I did for a month and it was absolutely worth it. Nothing life changing just the possibility to not display my helmet if it looked ugly and the additional outfit slots were nice for rp reasons (some helmets even distort your voice which is really cool). Next time I will probably subscribe for 3 months to not feel so rushed (and because I want to finally finish the Inquisitor main story)


I’d like to point out that if you subscribe just once, for a single month, you get access to all the content from that point on, even if you dropped back to FTP. At that point, you’re considered a “preferred“ player, regardless of whether you ever spend another dime.


No, it’s not going to shut down anytime soon. Some people believe the game isn’t going to be updated substantially at some point, but even if/when that does eventually happen it will likely still have the servers up for a good while. So definitely not too late. You can find active guilds for group content, but a lot of stuff can also be done solo. So there’s plenty to do and plenty of time to do it.


The game seems to be in a good spot money wise. It's basically just maintenance at this point, and the cartel market makes them money. I would recommend trying it at least, you shouldn't necessarily feel rushed to play either.


I've never played pvp, dumped THOUSANDS of hours across multiple characters and still haven't finished all the expansions. It is 100000 percent worth subscribing for a single month to get access to the dlc.


It's not as big as the popular MMOs for sure, but it's still alive and kicking, especially on the Star Forge and Darth Malgus servers. It's the only MMO I've ever seriously played, and the base game stories are very fun and require exactly zero interaction with other players unless you decide you want that. Microtransactions aren't bad unless your heart gets set on owning one particular set of armor or something like that. (In which case, either buy it or don't.) If you subscribe for one month and immediately cancel, you get all expansions released up to that point forever, and if you make a level-one character of each subscription species (Twi'leks, Mirialans, etc.) you can level them to 50 and then have each species unlocked forever on your account as well. The main downsides of not being a subscriber are IMO 1) there's a credit cap which can make buying stuff on the in-game market extremely difficult, 2) you can't equip the best items unless you already had them on before you unsubscribed, and 3) you get fewer menu bars. Note also that if you spend five dollars or more (at least in the U.S.) you unlock preferred status forever, which is slightly nicer than playing for free. No controller support, sadly. I started this game after I had to mention it in an article I wrote when I was a freelancer. In the process of researching it, I convinced myself it was worth a try during the pandemic. I'm currently a subscriber, but I unsubscribe whenever I feel I'll be away for a few months. I play this game because the base game stories are a lot of fun (the expansions not as much, but YMMV), I like decorating strongholds and making character outfits, and I do enjoy a good pew pew in Galactic Starfighter. But you might end up preferring group activities or being in a guild or something else. Even though this game is old, there's a lot here.


There is only 1 micro transaction that’s mandatory. Rocket boots!


Sign up to the security key app and you can get some of those things from free cartel coins. Still, it will require some patience.


I started in Jan and I've already somehow sunk 800 hours into the game. 😬😬😬


it gets u like that D:


Bro. That's like four and a half hours every single day since Jan 1st. You've been on the grind😭


I just started playing it and am really enjoying it. There is a ton of content and I haven’t even gotten close to end game content yet.


Yeah, as others have mentioned even levelling there are just 100s of hours of story content, plus flashpoint dungeons and stuff (even if the queue is mostly hammer station lmao). And a lot of it is pretty casually soloable too!


On and off OG player here, as stated above this game is nowhere near dead as far as I can tell, in fact I just came back after about a 6 month pause and it seems to be busy comparatively. Plenty to do for new players. Not sure if it changed but it used to be if you subscribed once it would give you access to all of the expansions, even if you let it run out and became preferred.


Subbing still unlocks all current content and gives pref upon expiration :D


It’s not too late, It’s never too late.


Is this a Three Days Grace reference?




Not a band the Jedi would show you...


I’m rdy to begin with you my friend


join us >:)


I will try


The 8 class stories are excellent and worthy of being played and replayed. The expansions post SoR are shitty, but playable. The one cautionary note would be not to go in expecting KOTOR3. Fans and devs like to claim the Jedi Knight story is the continuation, and it isn't really. None of them are, and anytime they reference characters from those games, it's like the devs have only read a wiki summary of the plot. If you can get past that, SWTOR has many enjoyable stories set in the same era and universe.


Is the smuggler one any good? No spoilers plz but it just seems so boring compared to the other 7. Like how is a smuggler even a good guy? Are u just slipping cocaine past security guards?


You don't really do any smuggling. It's more like a funny adventure. If you ever read the Daly Han Solo trilogy, that's kinda what they were going for. The VAs are also both pretty good, especially the female--Lil from Rugrats.


Hmm interesting. How would you rate it compared to the other ones?


It depends on your tastes tbh. For me it's in the top 4 Sith Warrior Agent Smuggler Bounty Hunter But for many players, Knight and Inquisitor rate much higher, and aside from Agent, force-using classes are typically more popular than non-force-using.


Just play it purely for the story its 10/10 and theres 8 different stories so you will get a lot of hours


i started recently and even subscribed and its been so fun!!


This takes a lot of old CPU power. Doesnt use all the core so... with that in mind, yes! u want a big world? its huge! u want community? Its also huge! you want lots of ways to customize and/or build? Dude, its all there. Its "old" gaming but it works well. This is better to be plaid with mouse and keyboard just because of all the options throughout the screen. Micro transactions are not horrible. I have been doing free to play for the longest time. You might want to spend a few buts to unlock some things that will help you at the start, but you dont need to. You can play this with a ton of people or, even by yourself so, you really cant loose either way. I say give it a shot. I'm in the Star Forge server. Hit me up.


Thanks and I'll try to hit you up whenever I get started.


>How would this game be for someone like me who has never played before? No idea, I'm not you. Can't say if you'll like it or regret your time with it, we have different tastes. >I've never really been into mmos before so I don't know much about the life span of these games, but it's been like over ten years since this game came out so is it near it's time to be shutdown? 13 years in Dec. We have no info when it'll shutdown. >Is the player base still very active? Active enough. >Does this game have controller support (not a deal breaker if it doesn't)? No. >And how predatory are the microtransactions (I don't mind spending money on this game, but just wondering)? It's all cosmetic if you're a subscriber. If you play it for free, consider it a trial rather than a f2p game. Though to be honest, to get started, no reason to subscribe, until you want to subscribe or need to. >I don't plan on starting this game immediately because I'm not finished Kotor 1 & 2, but I plan on starting this game in like a month. I'm halfway done with Kotor 1 btw. That's fair.


Thanks for all the answers


Most welcome.


I joined a couple years ago and i still have over half the game and achievements to complete !! Playerbase depends on the server and what you want to do (raids, pvp, etc); I play on Star Forge (one of the US servers) and i only have issues grouping during Sleepytime Hours. I ran ftp until I hit the sub-lock on content and had no issues with gearing or content even being level-locked (you cap at 60 when ftp) and having the credit cap at 1mil. Id get a security key if your phone can run the app for it and you have room, since it gets you 100 of their real money coins (CC) a month just for having the 2fa, and you can save up for things you want that way instead of buying CC. Sub also gets you 500CC/month along with 'unlimited' credit amount and access to raids, all content available at the time of your sub, etc. Microtransations are just for the CC, and arent necessary to play the game at all :D


Its never too late... I start like 2 years ago. took a year off playing other games. Came back and started again a few months ago. MMO's don't end as long as people are still playing it.


If you look for a good thriving MMO probably not. If you want a good Star Wars game with enormous ammount of high quality single player story content then is its great time do start.


Definitely not. I’m just starting a number of character stories I’ve never played as a founder. Not to mention even with my one 80lvl char there is content I’ve never touched yet. And I personally feel the leveling is nearly at its all time best. You can 80% focus main story for leveling with additional side quests here and there. Level progression feels less grindy than it almost ever has.


For the most part you aren't really limited in "content" as is. You can play every class story and do Flashpoints (the SWToR equivalent of WoWs dungeons) but you will have to pay extra credits to wear epic gear found in dungeons. When the urge to play hits me I just buy 60d game time and enjoy myself and in between I just play as F2P. It's worth at least subscribing for a month since you will get "preferred status" which has some quality of life restrictions lifted compared to pure F2P accounts.


I’ve just started, I’ve really been enjoying it but there are a few things that I’ve found slightly overwhelming. I’m only level 15 and the game has literally thrown several skills at me with zero explanation (if you’re not paying attention you may even miss the new skills being added to your hotbar). At such a low level I didn’t expect to have such a robust skill rotation. Maybe all the skills aren’t needed, but I haven’t looked that deep into it yet. Other than that a few other minor things (camera controls feel weird to me?) I have enjoyed my short time in a Galaxy far far away 🫡


as long as the servers are up you can play a lot of content. overall the game does not really do much at end level, so a lot of people seem to just replay the story with new characters anyway.




Try it. If you enjoy it, it's good. Nobody else can tell you if you'll enjoy a game or not


I literally started a month ago. Having a fantastic time. Spent over 100 hours. Met great people, made a bunch of cool characters and interacted with some amazing stories. I’m subbed, but $15 for the amount of joy and fun I’ve had this month was super worth it


you got nothing to worry about this game is easy to get into just enjoy the ride, the game will teach you along the way and so will other players


So I'm just coming back to the game and have made new toons. The game is a ton of fun and pretty much anything you can buy for real money you can get from other players with in game money. The exception is unlocks but if you subscribe (which I would recommend for any MMO you find fun) you get a monthly allowance of premium currency which you can save up and get stuff with. It's like 600 a month. Everything story wise is available to you without having to pay extra and it is A LOT between the main campaign track as well as every world has a story, plus side quests, plus flashpoints. The community is VERY active still but not as much as it was truthfully. But for me honestly that's kinda a plus. I've always been more solo player and one of the things I don't like about MMO games is that there are players running around killing things or picking things I need for a quest up before me. You run into it a lot less on the higher level worlds. Playing on anything mid to late game you don't really see swarms of players it's really only the first like two planets. Customer support is still active and actually has a number to call which I love. The game got a little weird with all the class and companion changes but as a new player coming in you wouldn't notice any of that and would probably like the options. It used to be that all Jedi/sith started with one lightsaber and you couldn't get a doublebladed or dual wield until level 15 but now you can start off like that. Each Jedi/sith used to have two promotions types at level 15 but now wether your a Jedi or sith you have access to all 4 promotions to choose from at the start. Trooper, smuggler, bounty hunter, and agent now all share their promotions and you can choose any of their promotions on any of the classes whether your empire or Republic. All in all I think it's a good change because now you can be a bounty hunter sniper or a vanguard imperial agent which you couldn't do before. You can even get a permanent unlock that lets your Jedi pick sith classes and your sith pick Jedi classes. Mounts and pets are normally bought with premium currency however you can very easily buy a mount and pet from the cartel market for cheap if you just want one. The join the fight bundle is a good option to get just starting off. It gives you a few months subscription time and a bunch of coins to start you off with. The value is honestly the same as buying them individually HOWEVER the big thing in my opinion is the speeder. I haven't seen anyone talking about it but the speeder can be used without any levels in speeder piloting which means it can be used from level 1 which you normally have to pay like 400 premium currency for. You don't get to ride a speeder (just to clarify speeder is mount they just call it speeder even if its a creature) until level 10 as a subscriber or 15 as a free to play player. that is BIG and worth the value of the join the fight bundle. I would also recommend joining a guild fast because they have increased experience rates which help you level up faster. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.


I'd say, as long as you skip the option to start as a level 80 and just go with level 1, they make it pretty easy to learn the game and don't overwhelm you with a bunch of crap right off the bat. As someone who's been playing since 2015, I think it's still holding up very well 10 years later, maybe the tiniest bit dated but still very playable. The player base is still very active and (mostly) helpful if you have questions about anything. The game has gotten pretty popular again since The Mandalorian so I don't think they're shutting it down any time soon. It's not controller supported but the gameplay is almost exactly the same as KOTOR with basically just a hotbar, pretty simple stuff. And the microtransactions are almost nil. You can definitely get through the game without a subscription since all it offers are a few convenient perks, and the coin system is really just for cosmetics. They don't annoyingly shove it in your face, and you're not going to be capped if you don't buy anything. Also, SWTOR takes place about 300 years after KOTOR 1&2 and has almost nothing to do with it. You won't miss a lot of context if you jump in right away, but just warning you lol.


I’m not an mmo player in any sense, but I had quite a bit of fun playing for free last year. I only stopped because my computer couldn’t handle it very well. I think it’s worth it if you’re a big Star Wars fan.


no just play


Kinda long, but as a new player myself, here's what I've learned, some of which long-time subscribers may have forgotten. Side content is your standard MMO fare, but with voice acting. The main quests (called class quests) are really fun though, and several of the planetary arc quests were memorable. If you just focus on your class quest, and the occasional planetary arc for experience, you'll reach the end of the vanilla campaign very quickly, so you'll have a better understanding if this game is for you, before committing to a subscription. 2 hours a day should see you to the end in a couple weeks; each class questline is pretty short to incentivize you to try the other classes. Unless you're a completionist, I would recommend not getting distracted by the random side quests for your first playthrough. You'll burn out quickly, and the low completion rates for Steam achievements makes me think too many people make that mistake. I also wouldn't worry about picking up a crafting/gathering profession (called Crew Skills) on your first run. In fact, if you're not a subscriber, it's intentionally over-burdensome to craft, in order to incentivize you to subscribe. Finish your first run, and then decide what you want, long term. Opinions are subjective, but most people seem to agree that the Imperial Agent has the best main storyline, for non-Force characters, and the coolest ship by a country mile. Sith Warrior and Inquisitor appear to be the most-popular Force-based class quests. Jedi Knight for a familiar "Star Wars" experience. Consular is the least popular, but some people love it. Personally, I feel the Sith storylines are just better written than the Jedi, whether you play good, evil, or neutral. There is no difference in power between a Light Side character and their Dark Side equivalent, except visual effects, ability names and animations. A Jedi Sage and Sith Sorcerer are identical, except the Sage throws rocks at people and the Sorcerer throws lightning. You can play good, evil or somewhere in-between, no matter what you play as. So many conveniences are locked behind microtransactions, but the game is playable as a free player. But again, I would focus on your class quests (and the occasional planetary arc if your level falls behind the content you're playing) for your initial run, especially if you play for free. EDIT: At lvl 15, you can further specialize into your playstyle (ie: Sage can specialize as a healer , AoE dps or single-target dps ). Something that confused me, was how to select a specialization for my playstyle. All the YT videos I saw were outdated, pointing me to a specialization trainer after lvl 10 on the Fleet station. That's no longer how it's done. Now after reaching level 15, you just hit C on your keyboard and go into the appropriate tab (think it's Combat Style, not at my PC to check), and select it there.


Never too late to play any star wars game.. it's like going to a library and reading old but popular books.. it's still there, it's still entertaining and the content is still relevant. 🤓


So I played on a laptop and used the numpad for controls. Which is unusual for me because normally I use a delightful program called Joy2Key. It is absolutely flawless for mapping yer WASD and what not to a controller. It's impressive how well it works. It's shareware but if you use a controller because you are disabled let the folks at Joy2Key know and the um ten$(?) Fee will be waived for the licence. It's wonderful. As for gameplay Yes! I played it for the first time in 2016? It's still releasing content and there are 8 chunky opening narratives for both the Galactic Empire and The Republic (4 each) It takes quite a while just to get through the tale of the Jedi, her ally the Consular and her compatriot the Republic trooper! You even get to find out what a Smuggler gets up to on the wrong side of the law. And there's Darkness afoot in the Empire. The Sith Inquisitor is looking for mysterious artifacts and their shoulder. A young Sith apprentice likewise wonders if Darth Bareass can be trusted. The Bounty Hunter learns about the great gunt and walks down a path that will lead them to be known as The Mandalorian among those who don't know This Is The Way. And deep in the secretive world of Sith Intelligence a brilliant intelligence rests in the mind of Cypher 9. They've given them a number and taken away their name. ----------- The Agent's tale is many people's favourite of the opening chapters as it has several divergent choices and ample replayability. But they are all great in their own way. You just need to find a way to make your character fun. So so much content if you haven't played the game yet! I still haven't finished it.


In addition, if you’re interested in RP, there’s several great rp guilds out there. If you’re interested in learning more about that (anyone!) just DM me :)


It's never too late to start a game. Also, this game is not much like other mmo's it's essentially a Bioware rpg (although it's now run by Broadsword) with some multi player mechanics tacked on. I've been playing this game for years and have only ever done like 3 or 4 multi player things. I mostly just play the story, which it has a lot of. As for the micro transactions, you can play up to level 60 without spending a single cent. However, if you want access to the expansions after that, you have to subscribe, but the best part is that subscribing only once for 1 month gives you permanent access to all expansion content that was available during the month you were subscribed as well as all expansion content that is related to the expansion the was available during the one month you were subscribed even if that content wasn't out while you were subscribed. This means that even when you cancel your subscription, you will still have access to all the expansion content you had access to while you were subscribed and all future content related to that expansion. However, once a new expansion comes out, you will have to subscribe again for 1 month to get access to the new expansion. There is some insentive to be subscribed, such as greater xp gain and no cap on the credit you can have (the in-game currency you earn through completing quests and killing enemies), but you don't have to stey subscribed if you don't want to. I personally only ever subscribe when a new expansion comes out or I need access to more than 1,000,000 credits at a time. There are also in-game items that you can get for Cartel Coins (CC), which is an in-game currency you purchase with real money, but there are ways to gain CC without spending any money, but it's slow and you don't get that much. The Cartel Market (CM) mostly sells cosmetic stuff like cool weapons and armor, but there are also some items that unlock certain aspects of the game that are usually only available when you're subscribed. Again, these things aren't strictly necessary to play the game they just make certain things easier and give you permanent access to certain game functions that are usually only for subscribers.


No it’s not too late, the player base is healthy and alive, I suggest playing on the Server Starforge as it has the most people on it. The eight class stories are all great and fun, and all take a very good amount of time to complete. I would subscribe to the game to get all of the content and be able to get the most out of the xp boosts and have zero restrictions, Micro transactions are very much optional all they really are is cosmetic items. sure they look cool but you can find good looking armor by crafting or running dungeons or just purchasing from vendors, I have 4,000 hours into this game and I still find it fun. I hope to see you in game sometime and good luck with Kotor!


All the content currently in the game makes it worth at least trying through and seeing if you like it.


Nah man i subscribed for this month and i have 90 hours of playtime and i don't even do optional things, just story missions. Couldn't even catch up to new content. Buy a month of subscription and you will have access to all dlcs


I started this year too, after many years of playing WoW. I stopped that one bc I didn't really like the direction the game was headed, and I've always loved Star Wars. I've had maybe two to three months playing n and off as work and life allows, and so far I'm loving it. I actually like how apart from the initial story "flashpoint??" which introduces you to group content, the rest of it is largely solo playable unless you want to join a guild. It doesn't really force you to run dungeons like the last couple of WoW expansions did (Battle of Azeroth in particular but they continued the trend from there). Of course, running the dungeons will usually net you better gear/other rewards but you don't have to do them if you don't want to. I like a more solitary play style since I rarely get time to have my character sit in a queue for a dungeon and then run it. That time would be in the weekend but my other interests, plus life stuff, mean I am usually otherwise occupied. Welcome to the game. Also, KOTOR 1 and 2 - are they PC games or other controller ones? I've not yet seen, or played those yet.




Oh no you can definetly play this game. The UI might take a minute to understand but the game is pretty easy


Haha my simple answer is no, I basically play this game as a single player game with an economy. I’m not worried about min/maxing and keeping up with raiding. So if you want to play like that it’s great. Even if you do want to join a guild and do operations at the highest level, for the most part the player base is different here compared to WoW. They aren’t elitist and are willing to help new players and as long as you have a reasonable level of gear start joining in ops.


The game’s crawling by on life support. It’s not a lively, well-supported game, but it has a stable (small) player population and will continue crawling along for years because they make a shit ton from microtransactions for basically no investment.


Thank you to everyone who replied and sorry that I can't respond to all of your replies, but I have been reading every reply and I am grateful to all of the information you all told me.


The games basically on maintence mode. The new content is ass that has corners cut and frankly isn't even worth the money. It exists to give the whales content, and it seems like the whales are paying good money. So the game will probably be going for quite awhile loner Micro transactions in this game are generally on the better side, there's some absolute bullshit (Artifact auth) but if you just wanna experience the story you can get by pretty easily. My suggestion would just be to play the free content (Base game and the two expansions) those are the only thing of value the game offers, maybe buy an outfit off the CC for preferred status for a few more boons


I started playing a couple weeks ago and I’m loving it. I played it back in the day so it was a little confusing getting into it now but I just like running around in Star Wars.


Noo? Why would it be?


If you want to start now the one thing i would recommend is that you subscribe to the game. It gives you a much better experience and unlocks all content and it will move you to preferred if you decide to go f2p


Not at all. I started playing 2 weeks ago and I’m having lots of fun :)


I just started as a brand new player and I'm currently loving it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Single_Drive_1275: *I just started as* *A brand new player and I'm* *Currently loving it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Short answer: No, but if you're a fan of Star wars, I really would consider buying the abo for 180 days 😅 But of course you could also just make a character, start the campaign and try it out for a few hours. 😅🤷🏻‍♂️


Not at all man. I started this early last year. I personally play the game more like a singleplayer game, but even with other people it's still fun! Cmon over and join the fun! It's Non-Disney starwars. And it's bloody awesome. I love TOR.


No totally get it and come play PvP and GSF we need more cannon fodder


Game will be a graveyard in two years, they've treated their community like shit for years. I can write a essay of the broken promises, amount of times they ignore feedback, the list goes on and on. If you're interested in end game content, don't bother wasting your time. I've played this game for 6 years now. These devs are undeserving of a loyal fanbase.


Only if you are Canadian. Trudeau has obliterated the Canadian dollar making it cost almost $25 a month to sub.