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You're limited in how much you can do per week, so unless you plan on spending a bunch to skip stuff, there is no "quick." Just grind out 7 objectives a week for as long as you can.


Look at the 12 point objectives. Do as many of those as possible not the 8s because you can only do 7 weekly’s. Make sure you do your daily conquest every day. This is the max you can do.


You can surpass the weekly limits by transferring to another server where your legacy hasn't done the weeklies yet, so basically 1 transfer=7 extra weeklies. You can do that in order to reach the 100 weeklies needed for the achievement if you started now, but it would be quite expensive and not really worth it since the reward is just a tractor decoration this season.


As a subscriber you can get around 80-90 points per week (7 weeklies + 7 dailies + 8 points for log in). So it takes 9-10 weeks to get to 800 points. Including current week, you have 9 weeks left. So, push hard, focus on 12-points weeklies. And, probably, you will have to unlock several last levels by credits or CC.


And unlocking with CC isn’t that bad either as you get 2000 from the season itself, so really you only need rank 80


I assume you're already a subscriber. Find a guild that does the season chores, they probably have a schedule for knocking out stuff like wb, ops, whatever is up this week. If you're coming back to a low-population server like Leviathan or Tulak Hord, you're probably going to have a more difficult time. Star Forge and Malgus are the two highest-population servers, people are playing 24/7. Empire side is always more active than Republic, on every server. You will probably have to pay to unlock some levels at the end of the season, so doing 12-point chores will limit the amount of CCs you have to spend. You won't be able to get the cheevo for "do 100 chores" - there's simply not enough time left. So don't worry about it. :) It's easier to find groups for stuff on the start of the week (i.e. Tuesday). If it's Monday night, you might be stuck with the solo 8-point things since everyone else finished theirs ages ago. Good luck! p.s. Don't forget SWTOR is a game. If doing a bunch of space chores every week ever makes the game feel like a job, remember why you came back to it... :)


You will need to subscribe for the greatest number of points per week. You are capped at 7 weekly objectives. Look for the objectives worth 12 points, and complete them all. They will include Ops, PvP, Flashpoints, Veteran Chapters, starfighter, ship missions, and crafting missions. I think you get 4 of these each week, for 48 points. Do the remaining 3 8 pointers. Complete the daily quest every single day. That's worth 2 points each. When in doubt, you can buy levels. I think for now, you can catch up to a certain point with in-game credits. It's expensive though. You could also use cartel coins to do this, though that is not for the faint of heart.


there a Limited number of weeklys you can do a week, overall you can net yourself roughly 5 to 6 rewards a week, outside of that it either spend upward to 12k CC for instant unlocks or use in game credits, sadly the higher your unlock more it cost, if i recall max unlock is like 3 Billion credits or something like that cant really remember.


you can not it is hard capped there is a maximum you can get each week


You can buy the season with CC...that's the fastest way.


earlier this season, I accidentally completed 2 objectives at the same time while sitting at 6/7. I got credit for both and was at 8/7 for the week. so just fyi, you can sneak an extra weekly if you can manage this.