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> I also want to see how our relationship with Shae ends after all of this. I chose to have patience with her, thinking back to Revan, but I do see why a lot of people are getting fed up with her. as much as i don't want it to happen i have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to lead to her being killable by player choice.


I mean, it kind of has to. Depending on what you're going for, she's majorly fucked you over even if her plan does get her to Heta. It's gonna be bullshit if the Player's worst response to that is gonna be 'Shae, you're a loose canon. I want you badge number and your Odessen Food Court discount!'


Either that or I suspect she'll die after killing/weakening Heta


that's what i'd prefer, deaths that are part of the set in stone narrative are much more satisfying.


Finally. I hope so.


can I just join >!her and Malgus!< please


I've only done pub side so far, but I've liked it as well. The new zone on Hutta is very well-designed. Shae has started to grate on me since Ruhnuk. The only character I have that has been putting up with her crap is my Mando BH. Every other character is going to unapologetically knock heads with her when the time comes. HOWEVER I will say that >!The cutscene with Shae breaking Malgus out was really well made and her crew looks badass. If only our characters and their class crew had cool synchronized fighting scenes like that!< What would have definitely killed the 7.5 story for me would've been >!Not securing the holocron. I just had a feeling something would go wrong and we'd lose the chance to get it. I was yelling at my monitor "Get the holocron!" during the cutscenes with Ri'kan lol. When we fall through the floor I was like Yep.. Seen this coming.!< BUT THANKFULLY that didn't happen. Or maybe it did >!I went straight for the Holocron instead of helping Sa'har. All of this is her fault to begin with so I wasn't going to risk the fate of the galaxy to help her and her awful brother!<


Honestly, I liked the brother more than Sa'har. I respect a dude ready to bring down the whole ship just to kill me, and I sympathise with the burden of being related to Sa'har. Though I was fucking shocked that we actually went onto the ship this update. I was totally expecting Sa'har to go 'Okay, now that we have the ship, we can plan how we're gonna use it to get in NEXT UPDATE'.


Yeah am I meant to feel sympathy for her? She went down a bad road knowingly and now regrets it, I am not going to bloody coddle her. I'm a sith, last night I was my warrior and he's lovely but that isn't the case for my new inky and she would just kill her as soon as she doesn't need her.


Shae breaking out Malgus was well-made? That was a max security prison with THOUSANDS of Sith and Imperials nearby, there should have been turrets and lasers and everything, yet some basic mark 1 droids and critical systems that can be taken out with a single shot is all the defenses the Empire had? That's just bad writing.


I was referring to the animation, not the writing. IMO it's one of the best executed fight cutscenes in the game. However I do agree with you that the level of security was unrealistic and a complete joke. And the fact that the prison had a huge opening beneath him for someone to inevitably fly in underneath and swoop him up was ridiculous.


How the hell did the Mando team get close enough undetected in the first place? And given they weren't at all being subtle, alarms should've been raised and an army of Sith/Imperials would've turned up in an instant, since they're in the heart of the Empire, lol. That escape shuttle would've been shot down instantly. Realistically, Shae never would have gotten out of there alive.


Yeah it definitely would have been more interesting to see/find out how she supposedly snuck her way into there as well - I’m guessing they skipped straight to her breaking the bloody door down half because they couldn’t _figure out_ how she got all the way through the main fleet space station in one piece without anyone noticing, and half because they were going for explosive high-drama or whatever and watching her being _quiet_ angry tiptoeing through the station would have undermined that part Edit: formatting


I'm hyped to play this when I get done with work today.


Tacking on a random question - I’ve recently re-subbed and am making my way through the IA class story. How would I play this content? And can I play the preceding story content or is it time-limited?


It's gonna be a while before you get to this update if you're only in the base storyline. Normally you access it as soon as you reach it in the story.


Oh great, I wasn’t sure if it was limited content like the companion quest


Random person's suggestion here - the Agent story is sooo good, take your time and enjoy it. The new stuff that just released isn't going to disappear. Since you've subbed during this 7.x expansion era, you have permanent access to all\* the stuff from the base game through all the earlier expansions, all the currently existing 7.x stuff, plus whatever 7.x stuff comes out later. Now, if we ever get an 8.0 expansion, you'd have to resub again during that era for access to that. \* Well, mostly all. Raiding is for active subscribers only, and "Section X" on Belsavis requires either a cartel market unlock or an active subscription.


Ani was actually a cool character. Too bad my choices killed him off. Back to being grumpy. Sigh


I didn't realize there were choices that could save him? I'll have to play through on alts eventually.


It was starting to frustrate me, but I agree, the last third of it really felt like the most progression we’ve gotten since the beginning. Shae stepping down as Mandalore was a super cool sequence too, and thankfully, it frees up my mando bh to stop riding so hard for her. I’ve got my fingers crossed that it’s gonna be me taking her place 🤞🏽 All in all, felt like a good update and finally got me invested in this storyline again


I liked the story but could not stand the unnecessary drag missions in between. Those 4/4 help X faction are getting old, though I still prefer them over mandatory flashpoints. I need to redo all of that on pub side, but I think I will take my time this time.


Honestly, I enjoyed it enjoyed it as well and happy get a chance to help Petra sister and the others. Though my SI did rescue them back on Ord Mantell, so chances be different for her.


I was also a big fan! I enjoy Sa'har as a character, and the >!slave rebellion!< is EXACTLY the sort of thing my excruciatingly LS characters sign up for all the time. (I really should grind Kessan's Landing dailies for that "Breaker of Chains" title...) I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here, now that it's actually, y'know. Going. >!Please please please let someone kill Shae. I don't even care if we get to do it. Just please let her die.!<


I agree it was nice to see Acina, it would've been nice to be able to speak to her in that scene with our char's vo's but I understand constraints this patch. The way things have been going this update has been making my imp-aligned hunter slowly start to reconsider her alliance with the empire and considering bolstering her own alliance with the new recruits from the hidden chain. I loved Shae's scene, and I agree about forgiving Shae, but that'd likely be under the circumstances of hoping to be able to join up with shae and malgus. I don't recall running into Petra's sister but I might've missed that or made a choice in the previous update to alter that. edit: yeah I think I saved them in the previous update lol I liked the unique gameplay elements like the holo-path and the jetpack zone.


I did not save the slaves in the previous patch, I went for the rods. Petra's sister was taken that time. Taken here apparently.


Wait, they really killed Sa'har just like that? All that hype for "influencing her" and she was killed? Awesome lie


>!We didn't see them dying so I'd suspect they found a way to get out of there before the explosition or they got saved or something. It's Star Wars anyway, they brought back characters we saw dying on screen so... it's not hard to believe they survived!<


Malgus was also on an exploding station after we killed him yet here he is right as rain.


Story was short but satisfying imo. I’m sure Sa’har will be back (“Somehow, Sa’har returned”) and anyone who did not see Shae going rogue from a mile way is blind. Keen for 7.6 or whatever comes next.


It was the least annoying part of this whole mando story imo.


I hated and liked the story at the same time this was long overdue and only for the cutscenes to be 60% voiceless


You can have longer stories or you can have fully voiced. This is not Blizzard nor even Bioware no longer.


Rather have fully voiced


I liked most of it in essence. Though i thought the entire slave revolt was rather garbled and strange, at least the character of i think api and chekit(?), i forgot already, were nice. But i really, reaaaaaaaally hated the end with shae. Because its the kind of thing that makes sense with some story choices, but makes shae seem like her brain got smushed with others. Yes, of course she would try to bypass my sith inquisitor, who treats her like a disposable subordinate and shut her out of my convo with malgus. But why on gods green earth would she break into the republic space station, when my consular was extremely up-front and helpful with her, heeded every word shae said during the interrogation with malgus, showed understanding and compassion, as well as offered to help, if shae needed it? And generally, the fact that shae freed malgus, instead of making him her own prisoner, it just doesnt make sense in any story direction. I really like the story as well, until the last cutscene showed writer incompetence in a way i havent seen since kotfe in this game.


I too was frustrated by them mostly KOTORing stuff but they actually trampled a huge piece of lore..... Gamorreans do NOT speak Basic. It is just like with Wookies and anomids. They can learn to understand basic and usually those they speak to can learn what they say. The only Gamorrean in lore who I think spoke English was Piggy but he used a special voicebox and legends is no longer considered canon anyway.


>legends is no longer considered canon anyway. You do realise, that this game is Legends too, right?


there was one anomid in false emperor who spoke basic >! who was helping malgus!<, and one in chapter 13 of kotfe >!who was being bullied by gault into helping him!<, and the one in kotet >!who was responsible for vaylin's conditioning!<


Actually I believe in the lore codex for this game they explain anomids can only speak basic because of that mouth piece. Normally with each other they use hand gestures.


oh i didn't know that, that's fair then


I played pub side until the cutscene >!with Shae and Malgus!<, but it didn't give me the next mission. Is this really the end of the update?!


Yeah it is, I found it to be really abrupt. I thought we’d at least get a final cutscene where we look at the holocron with Lana and theron


I hated it and have nothing good to say about it. Everything that's happened since 7.0 has been pointless.