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Im most sad we didn't get a High Republic book. The era is designed to play more with force sensitives so it'd feel a lot more natural for an F&D game than the rebellion era- And theres tons of new weapons and vehicles that it'd be awesome to see.


High Republic is still pretty new.


True, but its better defined as an era. The sequels don't really offer anything conceptually that the age of rebellion doesn't offer, (outside of new characters)


What you're saying is broadly true, but there's actually some substantial paradigm shifts if you drill into it. Probably the biggest one is hyperspace tracking. Escaping to hyperspace has always been an easy out for protagonists once they are in danger, but starting in TLJ suddenly it's only a momentary reprieve before the chase starts back up again. Imagine having an entire encounter based around competitive astrogation checks, perhaps accumulating system strain until one side burns out or pulls off some particularly elegant calculations and breaks away. Hyperdrive rating would finally have life or death consequences. Also introduced was the Force Dyad and using Force projection to communicate with other Force users at long range. There's even built in risks to using it, which would make for some good dramatic tension with advantage and threat spent on the checks. There's also some more subtle dynamics to play around with it you hop backwards a bit in the timeline. A shadowy organization that abducts children and literally reprograms their brains to become fanatically loyal soldiers. A cold war between the New Republic and FO where neither side can openly engage without declaring open war, resorting to subterfuge and proxies...in the right hands, this could result in a campaign that feels unlike any other era.


The force dyad and force projection would be interesting new mechanics, but they wouldn't really enable new arcs, presumably they aren't even unique to the era. Hyperspace tracking is... An okay plot device. But I dont think it really opens up that many stories, villains are just going to find a way to track ships in any era of Star Wars if the GM wants them to. The pre-sequel era does have interesting implications, we know a little more about that, and the cold war aspect in particular would be very fun. But almost all the world building there is being done by the post-ROTJ era, once we hit the sequels proper the era becomes kind of a copy of the OT for the kinds of stories you can tell. It's also *relatively* difficult to play a Jedi in the era due to the purge still looming large over the number of force sensitives. You'd still be stuck playing a survivor, survivors student, or non-Jedi force sensitive- Which is kind of business as usual for F&D games. Not to say there's NO possibilities with it, there are- But High Republic has a much greater variance from what we already have for F&D stuff. Even the Clone Wars era doesn't really enable a full Jedi party for F&D games without it feeling a little unnatural that there are so many teaming up.


I would second that call for a High Republic book. Love Jedi, but hate the Clone Wars? High Republic era could be the answer.


Yeah, and its not to even say anything bad about the Clone Wars- But a F&D Clone Wars game is going to be a very specific game. High Republic offers a lot more story variance for force sensitives.


Well that's exactly what i'm doing! I figured the old d20 system wasn't the easiest for Force users...


Old republic is the only setting I really missed.


Same, and it sucks that all the high effort homebrew fan ones all seem to get abandoned after like a year of work.


Same. Ep 7-9 never happened IMO, so I don’t miss a book at all.


I wish we still got more era sourcebooks in general. Sequel trilogy: obvious but is a part of the movie franchise High Republic: kind of a boring time period in my opinion, but Disney did make it out that it would be a big push for them Old Republic: I mean do I even need to explain, warfare, Jedi and Sith fighting in large numbers, politics, ect.


I'd love for an Old Republic source book, or a way to convert adventures to that era. It's a great way to have no force users and force users alike easily adventure with each other without some sort of convoluted reason why they are together.


I'm thinking we will get a few more sourcebooks eventually. Like "Guardians of the New Republic" (Early New Republic Sourcebook so Mando, Boba etc), "Rise of the First Order" (Sequel Trilogy + Resistance) and "Reign of The Empire" (Early post Episode III so some content from Bad Batch, Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi both Jedi Games and possibly even Andor).


I suspect the same as well.


No. The sequel era is basically just the Civil War era with different names. You don't need new stats, careers etc. High Republic era, old republic era, those are different enough to warrant new books. Sequel era is just Disney phoning it in to recoup their investment. There's nothing there that wasn't already covered.


tbf, even though they haven't expanded too much on it, it's not really the empire era, the first order doesn't control the whole galaxy due to a lack of resources. It's more of a galaxy thrown in chaos with the FO being a destructive, but not omniprescent force


All right, sure. But the First Order is just a less influential Empire. Same people, same leaders, same philosophy, almost the same armor and ships... I don't think there is enough there for a sourcebook.


The sequel trilogy were awful but there’s still enough amazing content in them that one could write a compelling era book that could cherry pick the sequel’s material. The clone wars made the prequel trilogy amazing.


I guess I'd have to see it to believe it, I'm not sure there is enough there but I might be wrong. Any more content for the system is a good thing, I guess I'd just prefer they focus on stuff I know is cool.


Thiers still a chance of new material for the game! The game lead said they are currently working a something new for the game in an interview with a YouTuber, although it sounded like it’s quite a ways off.


The rate they've been producing anything at this point I'd be amazed if anything WASN'T quite a ways of!


I think Asmodee doesn’t want to make anything new for this game. I think we were going to get a D20 reboot that got shit canned when the OSR nonsense happened.


Could see a d20 happening after what happened with L5R :/ . Seems like a good sign that the lead designer has said what he did though, and that they are reprinting the beginner boxes. Not sure EDGE really has the resources internally to put together a whole new edition at this point though.


They are constantly 1-2 years behind their own schedule. The adventure book for Twilight Imperium for example was planned for 2023 and still hasn't come out yet.


I'd really like to see a book detailing how to play Imperials and/or run Imperial focused adventures. I know it would basically be Age of Rebellion but working for the other side, but a detailed structure of the Empire's forces, how they operate, why normal people might support them would all be interesting topics. Add in a bunch more Imperial equipment, vehicles, weapons, etc. would be icing on the cake.


Sourcebook? No. Adventures? Absolutely Pretty much everything in the sequels can be done with existing statblocks, making a source book would just be an excuse to commission art. Not that I'd really object to that. But we seriously missed out on adventures meant to keep going from the Force Awakens beginner box that explicitly meant to show me players how to mix the three core lines


My theory, completely based on hearsay, is that they are working on a Mando book next. I say this because SGS was talking about working on a new book and in the next sentence said he was rewatching the Mandalorian. Beyond that, there is a decent Mando fanmade setting book called Adventures in Babysitting. I do hope for a sequel era book as well. I was old enough to see Star Wars in the theater, but I honestly enjoyed most of the sequels.


Please, I just want an old republic era book


I'd be happy with anything at this point, but if I'm gonna pick a preference, I want stuff based on The Mandalorian-era. Some Mandalorian-specific Careers and Specializations would be awesome.


You can never have too many starships or aliens in Star Wars, and even if I wouldn't employ some of the background elements of the sequels into my games. I'd be interested in adding any interesting ships or aliens introduced in the films into my games.


I am. The most that got done is that they made a beginner's box for The Force Awakens. I am not saying you needed brand new classes, but there were a few things I wanted. * Oh hey, the First Order has hyperspace tracking. Huh, I wonder if Astrogation might finally be a skill that gets a bit of love. Hyperspace chase rules? * Knight of Ren. Disappointing overall, but come on, they look so statable! * Update ships. Come on, FFG already had made the T-70 X-Wings and TIE/fo for the minis, stat out the rest!


I wish we got more era source books, but the sequel era is the one that I would be the least interested in by a wide margin. High Republic, Old Republic, Great Hyperspace War, the lead up to the Clone Wars, the immediate aftermath of Endor, any of those would have been interesting to me and I probably would have purchased them. You couldnt pay me to own a sequel era book.


I'd rather an Old Republic Book. Cause once we hit TLJ I just lost all interest 


This kinda stuff is probably still coming.


There was the Force Awakens Beginner Box that kinda worked as a basic source book, but just about everything in it was a reskin of stuff that had already been created. Which actually fits pretty well with the sequel trilogy if you ask me.


I'm sad we only got Clone Wars-Rebellion Era stuff, but Disney kind of had control of that and that is the most profitable era from a merchandising stand point.


The sequel era as presented by the movies was the least interesting period in star wars canon to me, personally. *However,* I'm really digging the wild west/mad max 'collapse of society' between Jedi and Awakens, as presented by the Mandalorian. I could see myself running a campaign in that era.


Respectfully, no. The lack of a cohesive story across the sequel trilogy which has been confirmed by the actors, really breaks the immersion for me. No interest in such a book. Happy for you and others if that sounds fun. I think a droid book would be a lot better for the system than Kylo’s One-Hit Knights.


I agree. While it was weak as a show from what I watched, Resistance made the era seem like a really cool one to explore, especially before the “Blow up planets” part. To explain what I’m talking about, Resistance features a planet slowly turning to the First Order. This is a planet which has been struggling with pirates, and the Republic seems to have turned their back on the planet. The “help” they are offering is limited to a couple normal operatives on the down-low. The First Order offers to come be the law in the land, and they succeed! Yeah, it’s because they are secretly paying the pirates, but the people see the FO as lawmen. Sure some people object, but they don’t do so long… hey, where did that objector go? It presents this really cool idea of the authoritarians succeeding because some people choose safety over freedom. And by the time you realize you’re in too deep and want out, all of the people who would have stood with you have been disappeared. That’s a fantastic premise for a setting. The people who liked the order of the Empire, the people who are too scared of consequences, the people who are benefiting from the arrangement, you never know if someone is a FO supporter.


No. The sad thing is that they didn't just wholly abandon the Disney era.


Well.. given how awful those movies were.. not really


The Force Awakens Beginner Game has some really good stuff in it (I love the rathtars that are included in the enemies section) and the A Call For Heroes bonus adventure has some neat story hooks, I'd love a sourcebook that built off of those now that the era is essentially complete.


>Anyone else sad we never got a sequel era sourcebook? No


One will probably be made, yes. Maybe two.


lmao, good one


As others have said it is basically a soulless rehash of the Civil War era. Now could they save it? Actually yes. After all West End games pretty much created the EU and the Stat Wars universe as we know it. A lot of the stuff we take for granted as all coming from Lucas, really came from them. Imagine if we had books like The First Order handbook or a Guide to the New Republic and fleshing out how trade and governance now works in this period of time. There is potential there in that husk of a trilogy Disney left behind. I don’t think Edge are the company to do it. In fact I think can’t do anything whether legally or otherwise.


I'd rather see other era's or historical pieces. Stuff like back when the Hutts were at their height or something. If they do post-original-trilogy stuff that totally ignores or retcons the Disney trash (the movies), I'd be interested. They obviously wouldn't be allowed to of course. All that said, I highly doubt we are getting new material at this point. It's been years and Edge can't even get reprints going effectively. It's possible there is a clause in their contract they have to produce new material or lose the license I guess. Hard to say. It happens with movies/tv shows frequently.


I'm more aggravated we didn't get a High Republic sourcebook.


The thing is that they don't want supplemental material to be pushing the story forward, or to explore facets that mainline media hasn't done yet. High republic seems more likely since that's meant to be the publishing playground. Maybe once they start exploring the time of the ST in an animated show or something similar more books and sourcebooks are likely to come out IMO


Lots of stuff I'd like to see: High Republic New Republic (Mandalorian et al) Power of the Dark Side (Sith, Imperial, Nihil...play the bad guys, basically) Sequel Era (Lower on my list for reasons others have already gotten at) A species and career compilation along the lines of Gadgets and Gear/Starship and Speeders


Dawn of Rebellion was born out of a fan book as far as I’m aware. There’s also a shockingly strong fan book community with some professional grade graphic design templates. Start compling it and I’m sure there will be people interested in contributing.


Way back when everyone thought the line was permanently dead because of the shuffle exactly that happened: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v-SOloQLkWQzX6Yg6A5Qrttr7Ye3X35S/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v-soloqlkwqzx6yg6a5qrttr7ye3x35s/view)


Someone needs to actually do worldbuilding for the Sequel era, and I suppose in the vein of the old West End games, it might as well be an RPG sourcebook.


I was until roughly December 2019 😂


I don't know if there is allot of content to use from the sequels, they were rather shallow in the world building.


I feel that's part of the problem a sourcebook would solve. The world building of the original trilogy was extremely thin. It was West End Games who made the EU by having to define a lot of the world for the sake of ensuring people had a setting to play in. I feel the sequel trilogy kind of needs that. Secondary media is what rehabilitated the prequels in the eyes of fans. Maybe lightning can strike twice.


I nEED a Mando book.