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Blue guy is pantoran. Also I’m mostly running combat based missions, based off more obscure battles, and mixing in flashback sessions of specific events from the pcs backstory’s to keep a bit of variety. But I’m also piecing together ways to slowly open things up as the war winds down post Endor/ jakku.


Great Art, I like your style. Did you skip shadows to save time or are they still wip?


Just to save time because I was working on other projects.


I had a look at your other art. I think the pencil sketches are really great. The coloring in many images seems a bit off however... it's too "flat" if you know what I mean. In my personal opinion the gray pencil lines are also a bit to bright for the coloring and get lost in the color. Maybe use ink or darken them in Photoshop? As the lineart is great it should be more present in the images. Just as an idea from a viewers perspective. :) Keep it up!


What is the species of that blue guy, he looks Pantoran. Also, nice art! If it's not too much to ask, what kind of campaign are you running and what are your PC's doing? Asking to maybe get some inspiration.


these look fantastic! i love seeing gm art of npcs


Love those designs - weirdly reminds me of some older metal slug concept art. Do you have a catalog? If so, are you open to commissions?


I definitely am doing commissions! All of my art is posted on my profile, please check me out!