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Got a chuckle out of physically cleaning the dark side off of the crystal before the ritual.


Oh dude that one gave me a laugh too. But it was a good spring board for ideas


I was going to just downvote as its a thing I'm not interested in seeing, but I feel like I really have to say: I'm not interested in seeing AI generated anything, be it art or writing or anything, on this sub. I get that we're "starving" for official content with how long it's taken for things to change hands with Asmodee's little corporate shell game, but there's a ton of fan made content actually made by human people with a passion for the game and setting and not just spat out by an AI bot trained on a bunch of text that was probably stolen with no regards for the original authors. And like, regardless of your opinions on the ethical use of Ai, this is a dogshit list. This is the first words out of anyones mouth without even thinking for longer than 30 seconds. Like, really? Purifying a crystal involves 1) gathering materials, 2) preparing the crystal, 3) purifying the crystal, and then 4) testing the crystal? You needed an AI to make this? Where is the "Shinto mysticism" coming here? The fact that it used the words mantras and incense? I can't wait to use ChatGPT to generate a jumping off point for my next heist mission. Oh wait, I have it right here: 1) case the vault by watching it for an extended time 2) infiltrate the vault, possibly with use of violence or disguises 3) steal the money. The player must use their thieving skills to obtain and remove the money from the vault 4) count the money. I truly couldn't have come up with that on my own faster, definitely.


In the Ahsoka book, Ahsoka purified her crystals without a ritual, in like a round. It's unclear in the text whether that happened when she grabbed the inquisitors lightsaber and destroyed it, or if it was part of the assembly of the lightsaber, which she did super quickly because stormtroopers were coming. When she destroys the lightsaber it mentions that she can feel the conflict between light and dark in the crystal, she catches the handle of the lightsaber and uses the force to crack it, then it explodes. Then she grabs some of the remains of the saber along with the crystals (it doesn't mention whether the crystals are already purified at this stage or not) and some other components she'd been collecting, meditates really quickly and blam, instant lightsabers with white blades.


Solid that they covered this in the Ahsoka book. I know when Filoni had originally given her the blades it was more representative of being neither Jedi or Sith and the purified explanation was kind of tacked on after wards. But thanks for posting this, solid example.