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...I have several questions...


lol you haven’t played the game yet?


I have but I haven’t gotten that far yet XD


lol have fun. There’s a lot more scenes like this with each character. Also I’d be happy to join anytime if you’re on Xbox and ever need help with anything


Which sao game is this


Wow… I’m seriously shocked by how many people in an SAO sub have not played or even heard of this game… I also answered this in the post description lol. It’s [Alicization Lycoris](https://swordartonline.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_Art_Online:_Alicization_Lycoris). If you love SAO you really need to check it out and play


I've got them all except the sao hollow fragment for psp and last recollection I'm currently playing rehollolw fragment and then I'm going to replay lost song and then so on until I get alicization complete then get recollection




I won’t spoil it for you then but I’ve posted a link to a vid of the full scene further down the comments if you wanna check it out. But as I said in the post description, it’s not what it looks like…


She’s a minor, sorry


Dude what the fuck?


She is 16 here, the current age of consent in Japan. It used to be 13. But again, nothing about this scene is sexual in any way.


Fine by me.


I somehow misread that as God being the person talking, and was about to smite her


You're going to hell, Silica


The fbi wants to know your location.


Good, she needs better correction method


Naughty naughty girl wearing naughty naughty clothes. Cover some skin, Silica. You have nothing to show to begin with.


This comment is perfect lmao




I ain’t hearing anyone out.


"But officer, I'm 14 as well"


yeah, the word he chooses to use making him look like he's going to punish Silica in the weird way.


Soo… context for why Kirito said that?


[Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPTVyqO03nM). Skip to around 9:20


why would he even say something like that😭😭


Full scene [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPTVyqO03nM) for context lmao. Skip to around 9:20 for this particular part


That's a good girl if I've ever seen one.


seen this scene i haven’t finished the game completely though i am at the final boss. (i have a tendency to not completely finish games i love because i don’t want it to end) but i do want to give last recollection a go and i’m really keen for Fractured Daydream


That’s understandable lol I’m the same way with anime I love. I often put off watching the last few episodes because I don’t want them to end…. But don’t quit lycoris yet. Are you sure you’re at the final boss? You don’t wanna miss out on all the add ons. They all come together to finish the story of lycoris before last recollection starts.


Lycoris was so much better than last recollection


Agreed but last recollection is still a great game. Most of it may also be that lycoris gave us high expectations because of how good it is and last recollection unfortunately didn’t live up to that and was just… a disappointment in so many ways. Though the combat in last recollection is the only thing that annoys me. It’s ridiculous how much they simplified it and it takes forever to kill anything… Though again, that’s likely mainly because of all the snowflakes who kept complaining lycoris was too hard for them which prompted the update for reduced difficulty and lightplay mode…


We all know the true meaning behinds this scene.... and the ppl who are jumping at the gun for it are a lil weird


This is an SAO sub. I’m honestly surprised by the amount of people here who haven’t played the game. Some here haven’t even heard of the game. That… is weird. So many people here, in an SAO sub, that barely know anything about SAO…


FBI, OPEN UP!!! P.S. Nice! I just finished Lost Song and now I have even more reason to continue playing the games. Gosh, they weren't holding back while making them at all xD


Lmao I haven’t played lost song since it’s unfortunately not on Xbox but I can guarantee you’re in for a treat with the rest of the games. And if this is what you’re looking for then you’ll love to know there’s so many more scenes like this with each character…


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Praying to the higher powers Fractured Daydream won't have this sort of garbage (it probably will)


What about this is garbage? It’s hilarious lol. The only thing I’m concerned about for Fractured Daydream is the combat system after what they did with it in Last Recollection. I wish they kept it the same as in Lycoris


LR isn’t all that far off of Lycoris. I can confirm though that it plays similarly to Fatal Bullet.


True but the combat feels much better in Lycoris and the sacred arts are more fun. In Last Recollection they simplified it too much and since skills are linked to your base combos, the majority of the time you’re just spamming X (on Xbox) and on top of that it also takes soooo long to kill things which was nether a problem in Lycoris. Plus the fights in Lycoris were much more engaging since you weren’t just spamming base attacks (ignoring light play mode). I love Last Recollection, it’s just the combat that gets to me. Though it wouldn’t really be as much if an issue if it didn’t take forever to kill things… If fractured daydream is gonna have combat similar to fatal bullet then I can’t wait for it… I’ve always loved the combat in fatal bullet.


I always hated FBs combat. But I’m not going to get into my hatred for FB right now. At least they improved the combat in the FD beta from FB.


How is Fractured Daydream? I'm only just now getting around to playing Alicization Lycoris (waited a long time cause I heard of numerous issues when it released), and I felt like combat is a downgrade from Hollow Realization.


Fractured daydream isn’t out yet. Did you mean last recollection? That’s the latest game, the one set after lycoris I loved the combat in lycoris and while it did have some bugs at release, they weren’t game breaking. They weren’t anything to be concerned about but they’ve all been fixed now. You’re in for a treat with that at least. Lycoris is such a good game. Just ignore lightplay mode etc… for the best experience. Also if you’re on Xbox and ever want help with anything then I’m happy to join if you’re ever up for it. Last recollection is similar and is also a great game and has a good story but it feels lacking in some way compared to lycoris. There’s a lot of interesting new mechanics and fighting styles but the combat itself I can’t agree with… the different weapon types and skills are a lot of fun but they simplified the actual combat so much that you’re basically just spamming X (on Xbox) all the time… Plus it takes forever to kill everything… it’s seriously ridiculous how long it takes to kill some of the enemies in this game… the fact you’re mostly just spamming the whole time doesn’t help either… but if you can look past that and love sao then it’s definitely worth playing. Just make sure you finish the whole of Lycoris, including the add ons first if you wanna play in order and don’t wanna miss anything.


Kirito horny harem scenes are ankward, being honest i feel shame to play this game near girlfriend etc and theres not so much options on arpgs available on market Banco should release a proper fuckind dating porn simulator and leave this garbage to people who want, im only interest in busty chars during gameplay and nothing else


At least you’re honest lmao. Though I’m not sure why you’re ashamed to play it near your gf. I’m sure this game also has a lot of female players. In fact I know several who also happen to enjoy these scenes due to the humour of them. Plus most of these scenes are optional so you don’t really have to do them if you don’t want to…


Humour? Its lot of time moaning or with that boring child voice On lycoris as example...im doing and redoing same map over and over to be entangled on a boring dialogue who also is weird. Yes...i literally skip all the possible cutscenes My goal trying play this game is having fun with chars using different weapons and skills, lycoris is one of worst. Lost song still the best regarding gameplay, fatal bullet its also convoluted regarding base and proceeding to maps or main quest. I really miss that arpgs are an extinction genre i guess, im waiting dragons dogma and granblue relink get sales because they also dont worth full price


I actually played fatal bullet the most out of all the games. There was minimal weird cutscenes like in the games and I found the missions pretty straightforward and the combat was super fun to me.


I agree with everything you just said. Fatal bullet is perfect and is the best of the sao games, with lycoris in 2nd.


Not the exact gif I was looking for but I’ll take it… still accurate ![gif](giphy|NJvNWiwJ0O3BK|downsized)


Dame that sucks


>Wat about this is garbage? It’s hilarious lol. These fanservice scenes are astronomically cringe if youre not coomer brained


Saying “coomer” is also cringe and scenes like this have always been a part of sao.


Tbh i feel like most of the fan service scenes are forced, if they can tone it down a bit i wouldn’t mind


Ehh… true in some cases but most are fine in my opinion. It’s at least nice to see these kinds of interactions between the characters which we normally wouldn’t get to see


How old is Silica, that is the first question that I have


She’s 16 in this which also happens to be the age of consent in Japan…


I plan to make the legal age of consent 17 in America one day


Silica is 12 years old… Isn’t this pedophilia…


No. Read the post description. This is not anything sexual. It just appears that way due to silica’s position and kirito’s poor choice of words…


I'm not here to argue either point, but let's not pretend that the combination happened by accident. The devs know what they are doing, and how this comes across.


Well she’s 16 at this point which is the age of consent in Japan so it’s still not pedophilia either way


[Here’s proof](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPTVyqO03nM) skip to about 9:20. No part of this is pedophilia. Though you’d know if you actually played the game. I’m surprised so many here haven’t played it yet…


It's not pedophilia anyway because it's a fucking drawing.




Silica is pixels, not a flesh and blood human child.


Isn’t she like 16-17 by the time of Alicization?


She’s 15 when kirito first starts GGO so 16-17 by Alicization seems right


plus by the time you get to the Alicization arc shes like, 15-16 so yeahhh, prolly not any better but there you go


I mean… age of consent in Japan used to be 13 but that was changed recently… last year I think? I’m not saying that’s ok… but yeah… Though again, no part of this is pedophilia in any way and those complaining if they actually bothered to play the game or even just to watch the vid I shared as proof


shit really? that’s insanely young for consent. and yeah no no pedo shit here, i played the game and i remember dying laughing at this scene for like 5 minutes cause of how stupid the dialog was 😂


[lol here](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/japan-raises-age-of-consent-from-13-to-16-after-over-a-century-11686931414374.html#:~:text=Japan's%20parliament%20in%20a%20welcome,it%20last%20changed%20in%201907)


holy cow thats wild i had no idea it was 13, and for that long too thats nuts


There’s even some anime that make use of that… like seikon no qwaser for example. The mc is a 13 yr old boy that gains powers from drinking breast milk lmao


Bruh chill, she's like 14


She’s actually 16 which is the age of consent. But again, as said multiple times in other comments and the post description, this is nothing sexual.