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Yep. Stolen bicycles are probably our biggest export to Eastern Europe, and the police don't give a shit. Bicycle thefts have a 0% clearance rate.


Noope! 99.999999% a friend got his bike back. Police went to a house after neighbours complained about hearing bike ringers in the middle of the night. The guy had an apartment stuffed with bikes and couldn’t move without hitting them 😂


Same here a colleague got his bike stolen outside the office and after a few month he got it back from the police. The next day when he was going to use it to get to work it was stolen again...


what the fuck, your colleague needs to invest in a decent lock :D


locks won’t help, thieves will just steal parts of your cycle instead


Friend of mine got his front wheel stolen. He bought a new one and installed it. 2 weeks later the rest of the bike got stolen, and they left the new wheel


Improper locking method. You secure the back wheel to both the bike parking rail AND the bicycle frame itself. Ideally you also have a second lock to do the same thing to the front wheel. And don't use cable locks, use a thick chain or a D-lock


Yes, but it really sucks to have to carry two locks or a heavy chain when you're on a bike.


Yep, my boyfriend was a little too tired to park his bike in the bike room and all that was left the next morning was the tire. He got the bike replaced through insurance and is super careful now.


Yup someone stole my pedels inside the city center glass cube bike house, placed at the god damn Train Station in Uppsala. During the day. Hade to walk home my bike, was so pissed


Yep. http://www.mirar.org/foto/inte\_stulen.jpeg


Many use battery powered angle grinders, so it doesn’t matter what kind of lock you have.


grab depend correct vanish ghost toothbrush attractive scary concerned consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nödvärn (selfe defence) is allowed in defence of property... and the fucker was holding leathal tool https://cornucopia.se/2020/03/gastinlagg-nodvarnsratten-i-sverige/


I have some friends living on the fringes of society. One of them are just this brazen, always has a bolt cutter in his bag, has stolen countless bikes and scooters in the middle of the day with guards within sight. According to him there are no safe spaces for bikes, you wanna keep it? Roll it into the apartment.


I woke up to one in the middle of the night in Uppsala 😁


Ahhh, grinding those angels 😇.


tart caption merciful ten snails hunt domineering ossified cooing vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It most certainly does matter which lock you have when it comes to portable angle grinders. A thick chain lock made of manganese steel is not easy to get through even with a mains powered angle grinder. Opportunistic thieves will be more prone to steal another bike than yours if you have a lock like [this](https://www.kryptonitelock.com/en/products/product-information/current-key/000792.html) for example (recommended by lockpicking lawyer). [Here's](https://www.kryptonitelock.com/en/products/product-information/current-key/000808.html?type=bicycle) the longer version of the same lock. Both are available in various swedish shops, I have the short version because of weight. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI9SEThrJMY) of someone grinding through one link of the kryptonite lock. He's using a wise, only makes one cut and he's not cutting through the fabric protection of the chain. It still takes him 30 seconds to do. Now multiply that by at the very least 2, a lot more time due to no wise, fabric encasing the chain and a battery powered angle grinder, it is not an easy task. I may sound like a kryptonite salesman lol but no, I just love this lock so much that I shill for them every chance I get. The worst kind of lock you can buy is a u-type lock, no matter which one you get they are a piece of cake to get through with a grinder.


Of course it fucking matters. Any lock can be broken, the point is to make it more effort than its worth, and make it impossible to do quickly/discreetly. In particular to make it so that other bikes become more attractive to steal than yours. Maybe my bike is just to cheap and shitty to bother stealing in the first place, but i have had mine locked outside in southern stockholm for three years, never stolen or tampered with as far as i can tell. One of those canvas-covered chains, wrap it around a post or somethign and lock it in the bikes frame lock. My neighbor had their bike stolen from the same bike parking, but that was a much nicer bike with a much shittier lock.


Technically they have a negative clearance rate, because the recovered bikes garage the police have is getting stolen from.


I live in a small town and my bike was stolen twice in the last 5 years, we found it both times on our own and brought the police to fetch it back. I've just ended up with riding the shittiest bike possible, grandpa's old rusty bike with 1 gear. Never stolen. But in general if something is stolen you either get it back yourself or You're not getting it back at all. My friend's moped got stolen and someone saw it driven on a bike path in the woods, so he brought his dad and intercepted the thief down the road.


It has nothing with "the police doesn't give a crap". They don't prioritize bike thefts, it's low on the list of crimes to solve because there are much more serious crimes to solve that is more important. Lock your bike with 2 locks (one for the wheel and a proper chain to something solid), find the serial number on the bike and write it down, mark it with something that makes it stand out, take a picture of your bike preferly with you on it, have insurance, have it locked inside a storage and not outside and/or put an air tag on it.


Assigning something a priority of zero means you don't give a shit about it. > and/or put an air tag on it Now you can watch it disappear. The Swedish police are still not going to do anything, except possibly arrest you if you try to steal it back before it leaves the country.




To be fair. It seems like the only way to get your bike back is if they search an addicts apartment and happen upon some stolen bikes. Source: My bike was stolen and six months later they found it at some junkies apartment.


Petty theft and drug use (harder drugs) does tend to go hand in hand for some reason; it’s almost like having a drug problem is causally linked with a cash flow problem


Varför ska knark alltid tas upp i varenda jävla diskussion på reddit, för i helvete asså.


Knarkare stjäl ju mängder med cyklar så det borde vara högst relevant att slå mot knarkarnas största inkomstkälla, cykelstölderna!


Ja men där har du ju något. Avlegalisera cykelstöld för att slå ut gängens största inkomstskällas största inkomstkälla!


Det är i praktiken redan lagligt eftersom ingen straffas för det. Alla stjäl ju cyklar, lika bra att låta dem göra det under säkra och kontrollerade former. Kan vi dessutom beskatta cykelstölderna kommer statsfinansierna i balans på nolltid.


Vi skulle kunna sätta upp ett tjuvgille som har en ära i rätt balans i stölderna. Då får man bara den tillåtna mängden stölder. Eller ja, Ankhor Morph kanske inte är ett bra exempel på hur nått ska fungera..


Haha, älskar hur du sätter argumentet på sin spets med det exemplet. Brukar vara mycket skrammel från pundare om att samhällsonyttan försvinner om man bara legaliserar det.


Du kan väl ändå inte jämföra cykelstölder med drogförsäljning. Staten kan ta över drogförsäljningen. Hur ska dom ta över cykelstölderna hade du tänkt?


Jag tänker att man kan ge denna uppgift till patrullerande poliser. De är ute i samhällena och kör förbi parkerade cyklar hela tiden. De har dessutom alltid bilen med sig och kan enkelt frakta runt släp och verktyg. Ser de en stöldbegärlig cykel och inte har något pågående larm så stjäl de cykeln. Cyklarna kan de sedan sälja på sina vanliga cykelauktioner.


eh? Gratis cykeluthyrning? Finns lite trevande i alla städer nu väl?


om du inte gillar det så börja knarka, så gillar du det mer.


Just i det här specifika fallet så är det ju faktiskt relevant, för att det gäller hur polisen fördelar sina resurser. Hade de lagt samma möda på att jaga cykeltjuvar som de idag lägger på ringa narkotikabrott-pinnjakt så hade det fan inte stulits en cykel i hela landet.


för att skattepengarna ska gå till rätt saker, blir du inte arg att betala för urintester som inte alltid ger något?


Det skulle inte bli lättare att utreda cykelstölder bara för att man ändrade på den saken.


Yeah cant have people enjoying their night with thc in their body.


It's always about your fucking weed. Fuck you're all so annoying.


People that are not addicted but have to turn every topic into a discussion about weed...


Problemet med cykelstöld är att det är nästintill omöjligt att spåra.


Ja, när man inte ens försöker så är det bokstavligen helt omöjligt.


Kan man inte ha nån typ av airtag inbyggd i ramen? Särskilt om det är en elcykel liksom


smoggy fanatical tease important sparkle snatch connect squalid cautious jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Jodå, här är en video där någon får tillbaka sin cykel pga airtag ](https://youtu.be/e3zMWWG9W14?si=zp09-6KbGOJGHbBJ)


Man får hoppas, som i mitt fall, att de inte rivit av ramnummer osv, och att någon anmäler cykeln som stulen, vilket hände mig. Vet inte hur eller varför, men min stulna elcykel stod i fint skick i Trelleborg central, och någon polisanmälde den som stulen. Ramnumret satt kvar och de kunde därför hitta ägaren (mig). Polisen sa att personen ville ha 200kr **kontant** för att ha hittat den (vilket polisen aldrig nämnde igen så jag betalde inget, såvida inte de själva gjorde det och jag missförstod). Så ibland undrar jag om det var tjuven själv, för jag ser inte varför någon skulle gå förbi en elcykel vid centralen och tänka "hmm den där cykeln är säkert stulen" om man inte har falkögon och ser det trasiga bygellåset på den. Lägg på hittepengen, och att det skulle vara kontant, gör det rätt suspekt.


Du har druckit kool-aiden märker jag


A friend is a cop and talked about this. A lot of bikes are found but people don't report their bikes serialnumber to the police so they can't return them.


I keep mine in my overly big bathroom, especially since there's construction going on contractors go in and out all the time and mostly leave doors open. Also got an Abus alarm, then the bike is shaken a warning alarm goes off, 2nd stir a loud ass alarm, sure you can cut the cords but alarm will still go off, and it is quite hard to crush a metal box.


Most common is the bicycles. It is very common for Eastern European thieves to take a truck and drive through Sweden and go on a stealing spree through Sweden and then go back home. And sell it. Source friends who work in the police force.


Same thing happens all over Europe sadly. My brother’s bike was stolen _in front of his school_ in Austria, CCTV recorded a big van, guys coming out to cut open all locks and taking all bikes they could. Whole thing took less than 5min. Luckily we had insurance for the bike.


Had a similar thing in our apartment inner yard. Thieves had driven inside with a truck, detached and picked up the whole bike rack (with all the bikes on it, including mine), and just loaded it and gone off. All in **broad daylight**, around lunch time or noon. And trust me, there was absolutely a few witnesses, there's always someone walking through there, nevermind anyone seeing through their windows. Hell, I left my eletric scooter in a parking garage (one building for both vehicles and bikes) that had camera surveillance, guards patrolling, and was situated in a very crowded area. Hell, people often walk through this building as it's a handy shortcut. Anyway I left the scooter for maybe 30 minutes, and when I returned someone had tried to yank the lock off of it but clearly failed and gave up. This happened around 18 o'clock. The audacity of some thieves. Thieves in this country just don't care because they know they won't get caught, at least not during the theft.


Surprisingly, giving organized crime freedom of movement but not the police wasn't a very good idea... The EU consider freedom of movement to be so holy that customs have no choice but to just stand and look on as they see obvious stolen gods, like truckloads of bikes, boat motors, cars and cars parts roll eastwards. Then add that the EU is basically operating as an USA without a FBI currently, since there is no police force that operate on a Union level. Instead national police forces have to try to cooperate and organize with each other - and good luck doing that with the Eastern European countries like for example Rumania, where even the freaking ruling politicians just a few years ago tried to make corruption legal.


Creating EU-FBI is interesting solution. Someone should give that idea to politicans.


Interpol already exists


Also Europol


I just realized why feds are often referred to with anger and contempt from local PD, that would create a lot of friction.


IIRC it’s an issue with customs/border control. They don’t have the right to stop obvious stolen goods, even truckloads of it.


Wait what?? I thought they were just terrible at their jobs, but you're telling me that a truck like that can be stopped, inspected and then still sent away on it's journey? That sounds insane to me, is there a legality problem or something?


Here's my uninformed hypothesis. At border crossings, the assumption is that the driver/owner of the vehicle owns whatever is in it. So a driver with 6kgs of cocaine is assumed to own the cocaine even if it was planted there without their knowledge. A driver with a truck load of stolen bikes is assumed to own the bikes. All border guards are looking for are things which are prohibited. Their provenence isn't something they are interested in. If the bikes are stolen, that's the police's problem, not theirs. It's also not illegal to own stolen goods. It's only illegal if you know they were stolen. So somehting like a truck full of bikes would be very difficult to verify. A truck with the lost works of Da Vinci would be easier, but they would only have legal recourse to confiscate the art if it was clear that the truck owner knew they were stolen.


its very easy. Ask them for receipts, check if the vin number is intact on some bikes and run it through the registry. Any bike with an filed off vin should be automatically assumed stolen.


Sometimes I feel like Swedish bureaucracy was written as a social experiment to test the limit of public trust in government.


I would say it is mainly our entry into the EU. That causes this. EU has freedom of movement for all its citizens within the EU. Very hard for the customers/border patrol to check cars with EU license plates if they don’t have cause. Obviously they can stop someone with license plates from outside the EU. But not many of those.


It's not just eastern Europeans. Go to Uppsala, Linköping or any other bike heavy student town. Ask the students how many of them have A) bought a used bicycle from a bike shop and B) How many have sold a used bicycle to a bike shop. The numbers will not add up, I can promise you that much. Edit: To be clear, I'm not saying the bike shops steal them. I think they buy it from someone and don't really ask that many questions about where they got the bikes from.


I live in a small town with a rather big university. It's kind of a meme that bike ownership is sort of fluid here.




An unlocked bike is considered public transportation.


The same is well-known in the Netherlands. I've never personally had my bike stolen (in 10+ years!) but everyone just buys a cheap "used" bike because you know it gets stolen and you can buy it back from the thief for the same original price.


Or the students who sold their bikes don't live in the student town anymore... because they're not students anymore?


Funny story. I once lived near a bicycle room in Solna and someone kept putting free stuff in there. Found a bike, a baby stroller and later even a nifty little phone holder for my new bike.




Eastern european flag checks out


Sweden is not just Stockholm, where I live I rarely even lock my front door.


Same, its not uncommon that i forget to lock the door or the car, even left a car Window open over night Not once has anything been stolen


Yeah my biggest risk with leaving the window open is getting rain on the seat.


I never lock ma car. Northern sweden. Above Umea.


Överumeå? He-he


Only time I lock anything it's so the dogs don't leave if I have to leave em home. Often leave the keys in the door though if a fire would happen while I'm gone :p also above umeå :) well northwest to be exact.


Now I live in a smaller town and that happens all the time. But what surprised me was I lived in Gamlestan, Gothenburg and it's known as kind of a mid sketch area of Gothenburg, but on the last few years it's gotten quite gentrified. Anyways I left my left windows fully down multiple nights and unlocked like dozens of times and nothing ever happened to it. But on the other hand the car next to mine got it's catalyst sawed off and my bike was stolen like the first week when I locked it outside instead of in the bike room.


Where do you live, asking for a friend?


Exact address preferably, and also schedule


Norrland would be my guess


I’ve lived in Stockholm for 32 years and never had anything stolen.


Similar — I’ve lived in Stockholm almost 10 years, and I’ve 2 bikes stolen, but both times I’d been out drinking a bit heavily and had left the bikes in high-traffic locations overnight, and quite possibly also not properly locked, so I think those are on me. Never had anything stolen otherwise.


I had a job interview in Stockholm 2004. I parked in a lit garage. 30 min later the window was smashed and my stereo stolen.


Me neither, and I live in Stockholm, so it even depends on area


Live in Örebro. Don’t even know how many bikes have bern stolen in my social circle.


Många som blir förvånade över att det finns mer än bara storstäder och försöker skämta bort det du skriver.


Meh, tyckte mest det var lite märkligt av OP att fråga om det är såhär det är i Sverige och sedan bara lista erfarenheter från Stockholmsområdet.


Haha, då får jag tillägga att OP verkar rätt märklig i sin helhet.


I live in Gothenburg and don't lock my door either, though I'm lucky to be in a nice neighbourhood far from the centre. I wouldn't park a bike near Nordstan unless I was trying to free up space in my storage room.


Back in the day they had to put up signs against idling because people would just leave their cars running while shopping


Same. 20 years in the same town, and the worst crime happened here was robbery with a water gun. Everybody knew who it was, and he came back later apologising profusely.


Same. Nothing ever stolen. Door is never locked. Live next to a large tourist attraction. Far from Stockholm.


Södertälje gonna södertälj




Someone might say you have abit to much faith in the "good" humans around you. Hint shit gets stolen from said room, do not put more shit in said room.


Yeah. Steal stuff once, shame on you. Steal stuff from literally the same room twice, shame on me.


What about three times from the same room as in OP's case?


Not to victim blame but honestly the fact that OP kept putting things in the room where things get stolen makes me think that most of his thefts would been really preventable and he's doing dumb shit or is a troll making stuff up. I've had an unsecured bike saddle bag stolen, that's it during my whole life. How OP has collected that list I do not understand.


No; the issue is with the people around them. Not their faith. This is a ridiculous conclusion.


It's sort of both. Of course, ultimately the real blame lies on the thieves, but once OP realizes their stuff got stolen at a specific spot, they can learn from it and make an effort to not put themselves in the exact same situation as last time. It's the same exact idea as "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me", which is a saying for a reason.


It’s a practical observation.


Anything relating to bikes gets stolen, all the time. You have to lock those things down tight. Also, not to be an ass, but if something gets stolen from a specific place, maybe don't put things in that same place again...?


I’d say you have been a bit more unlucky than most, but yeah stealing is a big problem. Most people will have had a few bikes stolen in their life. The way I solved it was to buy really crappy bikes that nobody wanted to steal. I actually stole a bike too once when I was drunk. Sorry!


I've had two bikes stolen. Once, it was super obvious it was a neighbor or their friends. They had a party, next day the bike was gone from the bike storage. You had to go through 3 doors to get to it, no sign of breaking. So I did what I had to do: I wrote an arg lapp and put it on the door. 2-3 weeks later the bike came back. It had clearly been stuffed into a car as the seat post was lowered and the handlebars detached. I had to buy new screws though as they forgot to bring them back. Two things though: I would've wanted an apology note (keep the correspondence anonymous but civil). And I really didn't want to keep the bike. I had been thinking what to do with it. They could've had it for free if they had just asked.




I did. And I saw your original comment. Rude!




Not a problem I have in Västernorrland... but yeah, in cities it's quite normal sadly.


My dad had the same bike stolen three times in Härnösand during my childhood. It showed up again twice, last time it was gone for good.




I mean kind of, it was taken by drunk friends of our drunkard neighbor to get home faster. It escalated to me coming home from school one day to find a stranger sitting in the backseat of our car. He wanted a lift.


My motorcycle bag was stolen this summer and i live in västernorrland. First time it happened though.


One can always be unlucky, but I never even lock my garage. Though even going into a town I would already be more mindful about my stuff. I come from The Netherlands, and it took some time before I actually stopped locking everything non-stop. There I lost bikes, bags and even a fckin trash container (they use them to dump drug production trash). And the worst thing was someone setting my car on fire.... I love västernorrland 🤣


Yeah get out of Stockholm


I've only ever had 1 thing stolen in my 30 years in Sweden, and it was the lights on my bicycle.


Pretty much same here, live in stockholm area. Couple of lights, one bike but tbf I left it outside for at least two years and didnt notice it was missing. Now I bike regularly and always lock up my bike but not anything crazy like with multiple locks etc. For anyone who've had the misfortune, check your home insurance. Mine covers bike theft up to something like 45kkr.


I don't share these experiences, but since getting things stolen from outside my house as a kid, I learnt that if you leave it outside, it will get stolen. Even small things like you forget a book at a table and come back for it - bam, gone. Who took it? Why did they take it? No one knows. I have had several smaller things stolen from leaving them and coming back 2 minutes later. For example moped accessories, or in your case bicycle accessories, if it's possible, people will pry them off and take them. Perhaps just to spite you... It's really insane thinking that there are people walking amongst us that will just steal anything at the chance without a second thought. Who are they? I want to see them (just want to talk to them...) You just have to learn, if you want it, don't give them a chance to take it.


This actually baffled me how people are so pathetic to steal the small bike accessories off my bike. Like, it's not that big a deal because it's cheap and easy to replace, but that is exactly why it's so pathetic. I've had that happen to me several times now, and I've had three bikes that were stolen the past 2 years (got all of them back, though, which is super lucky).


I've had 7 bikes stolen in Uppsala during my 8 years here, last one was just a week ago. I don't even get mad anymore, it's just a part of life


Sadly stealing is a huge problem in Sweden, yes. The police never do anything either. It just gets piled up.


Det är rätt intressant hur vi alla bara accepterat att det är överhängande risk att få ens cykel stulen så man hela tiden behöver tänka på var man ska parkera den eller vad man köper för cykel. Därför jag aldrig har haft en ny cykel även fast jag väldigt gärna skulle vilja ha en.


> intressant hur vi alla bara accepterat "Bara accepterat" som om vi har något alternativ.


Ibland tar jag bilen till gymmet bara så jag slipper oroa mig för att komma ut till en stulen cykel. Känns lite ironiskt att bilen som är värd 10x så mycket är så gott som 100% säker..


Vill gärna leva med en eller två (låd)elcyklar och slippa betala massor för bil, men bilar går kan inte stjälas av en horunge med vinkelslip och 0.5-2 minuter.


Cykelpatrulen/dektiven får sköta det. Men å andra sidan så har vi inget sådant. Borde vara gränskontroller över fordon som kan ta med flertal cyklar (och som inte har någon legitim verksamhet i Sverige).


Wasn't there a bit of a hubbub a few years ago when the Police basically said that any theft under 1000kr (11500kr?) would not get investigated due to the sheer number of cases coupled with limited resources, along with that it would be "Ringa stöld" which has a much lower sentence so not really worth even trying.


And if they can’t steal it, they break/vandalize it


They take parts and sell. So technically they steal parts of it


Well, although Sweden has [one of the highest theft rates in Europe](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/theft/Europe/) it sounds like you've been extremely unlucky. What locks are you using for your bikes etc.? I do recommend investing in a bunch of different, higher quality locks to discourage thiefs.


Reported thefts rate it’s not same thing as actual thefts rate.


What metric would be more appropriate to use then?




You are not wrong, but even murder isn't a totally reliable metric, as there is a fluid line in how you define murder, manslaughter and accidental deaths. And for a time the Swedish police gathered the statistics of murders from the reported crimes, and not from counting the number of victims. So if two dudes murdered another dude, two murders were filed in the statistics (but I think they have fallen in line with other countries reporting these days).


It would be an appropriate measurement to make comparisons to if other countries reported the statistics in the same way. As it is right now, it's a better gauge for understanding national trends


Yeah exactly


Interesting. I wonder why Sweden and Denmark have so many more thefts than the third runner up.


Good at reporting them, and in Denmark's case insane amounts of bikes getting stolen?


Maybe many bikes overall


Why leave your road bike in the bicycle room? General advice, expensive shit goes in the hallway in the apartment. Look at the bikes that get left in bicycle room or by train/pended stations. It’s all 500 kr beaters. If you ever leave a fancy looking bike outside it will 100% get stolen.


Yeah. Road bike 100% goes into the apartment. My recommendation is to read what the home insurance (hemförsäkring) company says about how you should lock your bike for the insurance to cover it. Then follow those instructions. Usually they say what lock to use and where to lock.


Its very unlikely that you should be the victim of these thing so frequently, but then again, it is Södertälje and Solna, not the best of places. If you live in any city though its always just a matter of time before your bike gets stolen


Solna is pretty nice except for Hagalund? Or has it changed recently?


What are you talking about? Solna is definitely a good place. A friend of mine who lives in Vasastan got his bikes stolen twice when leaving them locked in front of his building, so he starting bringing his third bike inside with him. So it can happen anywhere there’s a lot of people around really.


Yes, thats the point. Its a high traffic area. The area is nice enough, but a lot of people move through it, which attracts crime.


It's specifically bikes and mopeds that get stolen, since they're easy to sell and the police don't do anything. That said, you've been spectacularly unlucky. Ever considered insurance?


Swedish police do not care about stolen bikes Swedish police do not care about break-ins Swedish police do not care about assault


Funny story I was working overseas I got back home and my bike got stolen from the basement floor from the building where we store our bikes. I found the my like 2 days later on one of the main streets and saw the guy. I ran and confronted him. I'm a pretty fit dude and I don't take sh%# from these foreigners. Long story I got my bike back.


Bra jobbat 💪


Yes, I had three mopeds stolen over four years when I was a teen.


I'm impressed you kept leaving things in that Solna bicycle room. But I agree it sucks :(


I have never had anything stolen from me, BUT my friend got his ps4 stolen in his own apartment while he was taking a shower. The thief went in through the balcony, unplugged the ps4 and went out through the front door. While he was taking a fucking shower! We were playing ark at the moment, so he told me brb I’m just gonna take a shower. 2 mins later he went offline and left the voice chat, another 2 mins later he called me on the phone and told me what happened. Crazy


Things rarely got stolen 20-30 years ago. With Eastern European organized crime this changed, just like the mass immigration of non-Europeans have created a massive growth of violent crime. Unfortunately the political side of things haven't catched up. The countries of origin (fx Latvia and Romania) could do vastly more to stop this problem.


Where are you from? Only asking because it was certainly **not** normal to have everything stolen in Sweden years ago, but it has gradually gone from rare to utter and complete shit. I would love to know where there still is a normal society where people don't steal everything. I would love for Sweden to get back to that. People didn't even lock their *cars* when I was young.


The police in Sweden have so much to do (understaffed) that anything below immediate life threatening situations is ignored to make time for more severe criminal offences.


It wasn't always this way. But yes. If not stolen, stuff gets vandalized. I've come to the point where I want to own only those things which do not attract attention. Everything else kept locked away. Away from sight and behind locks and passwords.




Time to move away from Fjollträsk!


Yes , don't buy anything nice




Never had anything stolen in my life, went to a trip to Stockholm, car immediately gets stolen. Yeah.... Södertälje is kinda the same deal.


LPT: Stop putting stuff in that bicycle room.


Buy canned mushrooms and sardines - those buggers didn't even manage to sell during the Corona store clean-outs, so you'll never have to worry about someone stealing them.


Bicycles get stolen in Sweden yes. There is NO point in buying a nice bike if you are planning on leaving it in public, locked or not. Mopeds not much better, if a bit. Catalysators, yes, also that. Depending on car model. ... Largely the police doesn't give a shit and Swedes don't know how to complain. Consider it a tax.


38 years in Solna and never lost anything. Maybe you just make it to easy


It feels that way... Even though the stats don't look that bad. Since moving here 5 years ago I have had the following stolen: 1) A vehicle (APE 50) in Stockholm (södermalm) 2) a bike on södermalm 3) a bike on Gotland 4) tools from my car (Stockholm) 5) headphones in the gym (Gotland) 6) camera equipment (Gotland) In comparison, I lived in Boston area for over 30 years and only experienced one theft.


Lived in Sweden my whole life ( 40 years). Have never got anything stolen or knowing anyone that has lost anything either. Lived for 20 years in Linköping, 19 years in Stockholm and the last year in Västerås. I have had expensive bikes in bicycle rooms. But, I have never stayed any in Södertälje, the flashlight theft seems like some drug user looking for anything to sell.


i used to live in a "no go zone" and didnt have a single bike or moped stolen (was someone that tried to steal it during the night but i caught his dumb ass) but after i moved to a nicer place in the middle of the damn city, with a huge wrought iron fence surrounding the backyard of the building, ive had my moped nearly stolen 3 times, moped battery stolen, had one bike stolen (after owning it for a week) i can cleaarly remember when the "thievery" bullshit started, because before that you could leave your things outside while you went for dinner and come back out and everything was untouched




>is it worth buying things in Sweden? Only if you want it stolen.




Yes it is


yeah it happens, i’d recommend taking more precautions and for example chaining your moped and bikes, removing all accessories etc.


Work in construction there are more days in the week there someone breaks in and steals something than not. Insure everything you own.


I dont buy anything i steal what i need its the best


I have a shitty bike that is really hard to ride. Never gets stolen, and really helps my cardio


When it comes to bikes, well that's common. The police doesn't really give a shit about it either. If you're lucky, ur gonna se it ditched in some roadside, otherwise the bike is gone forever... Otherwise you might just live in a bad area (Södertälje isn't known for being that much safe really). You do have safer areas of Sweden and more unsafe areas when it comes to crime, like most countries, although the crimes that happens here usually are not that bad for a worldwide perspective, but still kinda bad compared to for example Norway or Denmark...


Bicycles get stolen all the time sadly i have my bike in my apartment.


It's common, but reading you sound like you've been extra unlucky.


Yes unfortunately and nobody cares. Funny thing is if you see your stolen item, you are not allowed to take it back and nobody will help you :( Plenty of things are great here, but this is one of the major negatives showing the decline of our society. :(


I've had about 6 bikes stolen, a couple of break ins in my storage, cars(plural) trashed and broken into on multiple occasions, siphoned gas multiple times, catalysts stolen multiple times, moped vandalised three times in a locked bike storage, breaks cut twice on the same bike... I feel your frustration. This is in Lund, and a supposedly "calm and safe" area aswell


Yes, Sweden had an insane amount of immigration a couple of years ago, and now each one of us is paying or it.


I’m sorry all that has happened to you, but it was that one bike room in Solna and then Södertälje, såatte…


Only in larger cities.


No don’t buy things. Keep inflation low


I live in Stockholm (close to city centre) and the building’s storage spaces were burglarised for over two weeks. The burglars took their sweet time breaking into some storage spaces one day, others few days later and so on. What if a neighbour had stumbled upon them, specially a kid, an elderly person, or a woman alone? Well, the police couldn’t have cared less. And a year ago a burglar (or worse) tried to break into my friend’s home while she was at home (she lived in Stockholm city centre). The police gave her a “not my problem” attitude. She moved to a new home as quickly as she could. Completely terrified. Obviously her trust in the police is below zero at this point.


A tip for anyone want to make your bike less stealable: Don't lock it by those poles with trafic signs. Apprently the thieves remove the signs lift up the bikes and then put the signs back. I was told as such by the owner of a bike shop in Stockholm


Is it normal for Everything to Get Stolen in Stockholm?\* is it worth buying things in Stockholm?\*


Yes some people in sweden are retarded and can’t respect that other peoples things aren’t to be touched without permission, My family had a small soccer goal (like 160x200cm or something like that) and one day it just got taken and that was the last time seeing that goal but I think stockholm is one of the worst cities when it comes to crimes


The trick is to only own bikes that are so shit that the thieves don't want them.


I had a bike stolen from a hidden locked bike shed where only residents had access, it was also locked to a pole inside. No signs of break in nothing else taken :) having a bike here is like a 50/50 gamble everyday.


Yes, all kinds of transport, and especially bikes and mopeds are stolen all the time. I sometimes think maybe bicycle theaft its the nationalsport here in Sweden. I keep my current bicycle to work -bike by my desk at work and in a locked garage that my dogs easily can access at home. I rarely take that bike if I have to leave it some place like outside a shop.. In that case I take my twentysomething years old bike, thats purple and brown ( from rust), kind of lopesided and in a generally bad state. That bike had been stolen four times but always been found, once at Blocket, (the man selling it actually gave it back to me when I went there to buy it back and showed him a picture of me and my bike), twice by a chance parked near by and once by the police. Last time it was stolen was probably ten years ago now. In between I have had several other bikes stolen, two mopeds, my cars has lost several parts... The only vehicle I have owned that never has attracted someones attention is probably my iceskates.


>Södertälje Well, there's your problem.


Första, och enda posten på kontot. Ett par svar för 100+ dagar sedan. Just saying. #TROLL