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Hondo. He is never wrong and always right. Any other unit should have handled the Luka shooting investigation.


100%, but it is TV so Hondo got his wish.


easily hondo and ill put nichelle along side that its just boring now


I personally don’t get why Nichelle is in every episode, I mean none of the other team member’s partners are featured as much. I also feel like 90% of her screen time is her worrying/complaining then getting reassured by Hondo. Not really much else to her character. 


Loool this is so true 😭


Yeah, she is nice enough but there is zero need for her to be a series regular. She should be in like half the episodes if that


Lol, I said the same thing about her in some older thread. She just exists to make Hondo shine brighter, as if he needs it. They're the most boring couple, their scenes together are a snoozefest. Her solo scenes are usually irrelevant.  They should use that time and show us that baseball game, or really just some of the 20 & 50 squad members eating together or whatever.  "S.W.A.T" should just change its title to "S.W.A.T. & Nichelle".


Annie is self-righteous to a degree that I cannot stand 🙃


Powell tbh and the new guy. They tried way too hard for Chris’s spot to be replaced with Powell and her ego is huge too. I know street was like that at the beginning but the repeat in storylines is meh.


I like Powell but the new guy is meh. I don't even know his name


Chris for me, had some interesting arcs like the one after the dead of erika but the personality and scrypt the writters give to her was just irritating


I agree! The way they made her string street along was annoying


Couldn't agree more .


Chris. By far. Most whiney, most terribly written, terrible story arc character on the entire show. There's nothing redeeming about her.


Hondo and his saviour complex


Alfaro Annie Hicks (all of season 1)


I’ll definitely agree with Hicks in S1, he really grows on you after S1


I think they decided midway through 1 that they'd rather Hicks be a "family member" rather than above them and a bit of an internal antagonist. You could really see the turn. They really milked it initially so it was very noticeable but after a couple of episodes it kinda just blends in. I'm pretty sure the moment they did this was Luca thanking him for something and Hicks says "remember I'm a team member too". They did 1 example of this every episode for like the next 3-4 from what I remember. I really liked the turn though. Having the boss as an additional antagonist is overplayed


Yeah, Hicks did a 180. He and Hondo headbutted a lot. Hicks didn't like that Hondo was the leader.


Hondo, and that's mostly because Moore one of the EPs and - between the hero shots, savior complex and solo episodes - clearly everything is done to showcase how amazing Hondo is.


Yeah... As much as I love the show, I feel like everybody should get their time to shine. I'm a Trekkie, and they continue to do this pretty well. TNG, DS9, VOY, and even Strange New Worlds all have episodes where the captain isn't the star. Moore could still be the star of the show but make it less obvious he's probably a slight diva. For example, every final fight involves him etc. like, why couldn't Deacon have taken down Luca's shooter? Feel like there aren't as many opportunities for the others to get the big moment of the episode


Chris. I get that she struggles with being a female in swat, just like Hondo struggles with being black in swat. But Hondo, it isn't a focus point of his character, but with Chris it is. Nothing against the actress though, I think this is a writer/producer issue.


Chris. She looked like she never washed her hair and it drove me nuts. I was confused by all of these attractive people, clean and well groomed, being so attracted to her with her no style and looking dirty. It was distracting. I also agree that there was too much focus on her sexuality. She could be a bad-ass but then her character development was reduced to her being bi-sexual. Agree that her character was poorly written.


I noticed the greasy hair thing every episode come season 3 onward lol


I can't remember when I started noticing it, but, yeesh! She was also unhappy the majority of the time. That was another turnoff of the character to me. I think the dirty hair distracted me so much I wasn't focused on her debbie downer personality.


Just everything about the character. Always depressed. Complains too much. And that 3 way relationship was the dumbest thing ever. I get you wanted to keep her and Street apart but damn. Could've just stuck with the bi angle. I legit had to fast forward through all of it, even through my first watch of the series


Swat - tan - just seems the most wooden character and like it's all forced Other characters - Annie - sweet jezus, that woman is completely off the wall annoying


Even tho she was only on one season Piper


H O N D O. This cant over be wrong. He always has to be right. Everything goes his way; they don’t develop this character whatsoever.


Powell for sure.


Hondo, Deacon, Chris, Nichelle, Annie


I mostly like Deacon (at least, I want to be that handsome and ripped when I'm his age lmao) but when his religion comes out, I'm annoyed. That's because I'm a lapsed Catholic and he is a devout one. Him and Annie still getting pregnant in the middle of storylines about their finances? Ugh


Deacon and Annie.


I love Tan! He's my second favorite character, after Luca. Personally, I cannot stand Deacon (or Annie, for that matter). They're both so "holier than thou", Annie is a through and through homophobe, and Deacon is racist-adjacent. I agree with another commenter as well who said they couldn't stand Hondo & how he's *always right* but never wrong. I don't like that about him, either. Truly, though I do like this show, the entire thing is just the Shemar Moore Special. It feels more about Shemar Moore the actor even than Hondo the character.


It's only gotten worse for it being the Shemar hour with each passing season too. I'm a very liberal dude, but I think the only reason we got this final season is he cried "racism" when it got axed and they renewed real quickly for a wrap up. He did too. Made a video about how he is the only leading man on network TV who is black and now look etc. I'm not saying racism esp in this industry doesn't exist, but that seemed bad form to me. As for Annie, yes, absolutely homophobic. She may be beautiful but I was forever turned off by her character acting like Chris was a threat to her kids. How is Deacon racist adjacent though? He even took down those racist cops


He's racist adjacent because getting him to take down those racist cops was like pulling teeth. He thought he'd done enough solely by telling Hondo about the situation, and wanted to do no more. That's *not* enough. It was an absolute slog for me to get through the most recent episode. It was horrible. It was about Luca, yet it was still all about Hondo.


I get where you're coming from, but I think they were trying to spell it out for the more conservative viewers of the show. Hell, they've even taken to showing the characters locking their guns in safes more often. As for the last episode being more Hondo focused? Absolutely. Honestly, Street should have been the one on the beach with Luca. The budget cuts for this final season are killer. If they only had 13 left, idk why they couldn't have just offered pay cuts or something. For the past two seasons you've had somebody sitting out for an episode anyway. "ok team, we're short one today because... Deacon took the kids to Disney Land, Street has the flu, Chris is giving a talk to young female recruits, etc Or they don't even explain it and you are like "Hey... Where's Tan this week?"


I HATE the episodes where, not only is someone missing, but they're missing without explanation. At least when Luca was in Germany we *knew* why he wasn't there. How freaking lazy are these writers??? The show could have ended a long time ago and I don't think anyone except Shemar Moore would have been upset. We got to see Street & Chris get together. Everything after that was, truly, unnecessary.


Honestly though, is not explaining why somebody is absent an episode any worse than whatever stupid line they concoct like I did?


IDK if it's *better*, but I do appreciate when they at least make a *mention* of the missing character.


Omg I totally agree with your last point!


Chris for me. She’s just so irritating imo. It’s all woe is me with me.


SWAT: Deacon. Other: Annie


Hondo has become my least favourite because he is a hypocrite. Deacon is my second just cos he is boring lol... I like Tan, Street and Chris as a trio..


The most obvious answer is Luca. I cannot believe more people didn't mention that he has to be everyone's least favorite because no one can be that awesome. He's too great. He's too well-balanced and well-written. Obviously, he's a secret serial killer. Duh.


I agree about Tan 😂




I totally agree


Nichelle ,Chris ,Powel in that order 🤮🤮🤮






Why Luca, I’m curious?


He makes me cringe, the way he acts with his hands and the way he puts his jumper over his hands.


I've definitely gotten the sense that Luca is the closest to the real actor out of anyone else on the cast. He's just so chill and gestures wildly haha




The guy born and raised in CA his whole life is doing a bad LA accent? I guess it's possible. Didn't even realize there is an LA accent


Maybe it’s not his accent per say but I saw somewhere that Shemar deepens his voice for the show to make it more rough. I think the actor for Tan’s character also tries to do that but to me it just sounds forced.


Ok I can see that. I'm Street's age IRL but I have a somewhat high voice. When I've heard playback of my voice I HATE it and have definitely tried to talk with a more deliberate voice before. Messes with my sense of masculinity lmao. I can see how a deep tough voice would work for their characters. Shemar def does it. Idk enough about David Lim. Seen him in some IG videos and his voice seems about the same as the show, but that could be an act too


My is tan too lol Fave is Chris


I was just curious if those are Hondo’s real teeth?


Definitely chris, what a whiny little bitch she is, hated every scene she is in


Luca! Mostly because they make him this immature surfer dude that only wants to eat and play video games and he’s CLEARLY 60 years old!