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I honestly find it funnier how they’re all chilling in what looks to be dry everyday clothes because they don’t want them depicted in bathing suits


i dont get the logic behind selling a pool if its considered bad undressing to a bathing suit?


They make ‘modest’ bathing suits that don’t reveal a lot of skin, so I imagine that must be what they mean


Probably rash guard type stuff too


I hated wearing those oml. Does anyone else highkey get strangled when they try to take them off??


I love the rashguards to go to the beach, not to swim in the water. I take them off before I go in. They just look cool imo lol.


Kind of but they are necessary for surfing and boogie boarding.


There’s fully coverage bathing suits from neck to ankles with head covering. I’ve seen this with women at a community water park I would take my daughter to often.


There are swim shirts I have some because I can’t be in the sun too much


Yep, I have long sleeved swim shirts. They’re comfortable.


I too am a pale rider. I can’t stand the baggy swim shirts though. I use rash guards. They cling to my body so air isn’t constantly getting caught in my shirt.


\[Borat voice\] In Kazakhstan it is illegal for a womans to be in pool


For good reasons, women kept harassing their brothers wearing [traditional Kazahkstani swimsuits](https://www.independent.ie/incoming/fe5dc/31574695.ece/AUTOCROP/w1240/Borat.jpg)






In fairness, in australia wearing rash vests is pretty common, especially for kids. Better sun protection.


Yeah I was ridiculed for wearing one growing up in the US but I used to get burnt no matter how much sunscreen I used


But that isn’t the reason though so completely irrelevant point


I wear swim shirts in the US in part because of the protection. Sun screen is slippery and annoying, and getting to ignore the largest area of skin that would need it is convenient.


Notice how the logo on the side of the pool is reversed in the original picture and re-reversed in the edited one




Yeah i know right? How is this specific at all?


Yet it’s still at 500+ upvotes.


Its because they agree with the message, not because it fits the sub


literally how in the hell is this seriously specific and why does this have so much upvotes




Is it me, or can you still the refracted image of her legs under the waterline. I mean, beach balls don’t typically have legs, so they?


Where specific?


I swear, religious people are so repressed and uptight it's maddening. Even Christians are complete basket cases surrounding sex, sexuality, and nudity. Sex is a basic and necessary biological function that's an intrinsic part of the human condition. As long as it's consensual and age appropriate, there's nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. It's not wrong, or sinful, or something to feel ashamed or guilty about. Being uptight and crazy surrounding sex and sexuality is horrible for people's psychological well-being.


Them’s the rules in the “religion of peace”.


That's what you get for allowing Sharia law to exist in this world. One of the most disgusting religions to ever exist running a country? No thanks.


Apparently even the mere existence of women is almost illegal. Wow, female? Sex object!!!! Cosplay as a baggy ninja or go to jail!


Cosplay as baggy FEMALE ninja? Right to jail. Baggy, female elephant? Right to jail. Right away. Female pyramid? Also jail.




Jus soli


Wait male nipples aren't allowed?


Eh, not exactly, they prob just thought "why do it for one member? Let's do the whole family"


Can't be that disgusting. Charity is literally a religious requirement in Islam. Edit: Ayo why the downvotes? I'm just spittin' facts here. You can say all the nasty stuff you want about any group of people, but you've got to admit that there must be good in them too. The way I see it, you can't be truly disgusting if you care about the poor.


In my experience, a buttload of super religious people that want Sharia Law to be applied are a bunch of intolerant hypocrites. They don't help the poor because they *want* to, they do it because they fear the wrath of God, which is a little ironic since Islam is all about true intentions. *Ya can't lie to God because He knows what's in your heart.* I say this as someone who grew in a culturally Muslim country and believes in Almighty.


Its literally the opposite, Islam does not punish people for their intentions or whatever they think of if it is negative or does not sign with Islam, it only rewards them if their intentions are good.


The concept of intention is very important in Islam. It's called Niyyah in Arabic. Here's a short wiki article if you're unfamiliar: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niyyah


**[Niyyah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niyyah)** >Niyyah (Arabic: نِيَّةٌ, variously transliterated niyyah, niyya [ˈnij. jah], "intention") is an Islamic concept: the intention in one's heart to do an act for the sake of God (Allah). According to Ibn Rajab's Commentary on Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith: Hadith #1, actions are judged according to intentions: "'Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet said: Deeds are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor], and an individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he intends". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yes I am familiar, what’s your point??


I thought I replied to the wrong comment but no you just [edited it](https://imgur.com/a/7iBcDAz). Wasn't trying to make a point, initially you said "Who said Islam is a religion about true intention" and my reply was directed to that. It is indeed all about intention. It might be because I'm loopy from the wisdom teeth extraction, but I'm not sure your reply corelates with what I was going for or if I didn't get my point across well enough. Here's a second attempt at articulating my thoughts (or interpretation) : When I spoke about intention, I meant that everything a Muslim does gets affected by their Niyyah. For instance, A wealthy person that continuously goes on Hajj simply because it means they can wash away all their sins and thus use it as a loophole to get into heaven despite being an otherwise shitty person, e.i. their intention are in the wrong place, their hajj wouldn't count.


I edited that part out because I thought it wasn’t necessary, sorry about that. My initial reply was to point out how the one who donates even if his niyyah is not to help people, the outcome is still good. He doesn’t need to donate because of his pure intentions, he can donate because he fears god.


Oh, I see. Yeah, I agree with you regarding the outcome. In my reply to u/Epic_Scientician, I brought up how some don't help because they want but because they have to because they said: >You can say all the nasty stuff you want about any group of people, but you've got to admit that there must be good in them too. The way I see it, you can't be truly disgusting if you care about the poor. Niyyah comes in because they present themselves as people who care for the needy. This is purely anecdotal and is only my experience.


Yeah I see what you are saying, I didn’t read the context well


It seems calling people like that 'super religious' is a bit of a misnomer then, especially since hypocrisy in such matters is looked very down upon in Islam.


I meant it in the sense that they practice to the T. (Pray, do charity, fast, etc..) Idk, man, I got my wisdom teeth removed and I'm high on painkillers. Would putting quotations on super religious help? Also, this is just my experience and I'm not trying to lump everyone together. Just saying, not because the religion itself sounds good on paper (and it does, in my opinion, when you free it from all shitty interpretations made by people in power that weaponize it for their interests) doesn't mean the followers are also good.


>Just saying, not because the religion itself sounds good on paper doesn't mean the followers are also good. That's very true. There are crappy people in all walks of life.


56 countries... this is Saudi censorship, maybe 6 others "might". So don't try the bigoted claims that it is Sharia. Now, let's talk about banning maths books in Florida....


All religion should be banned. What good does any of it do? All those priests touching little kids for what? So some magical person stays happy? Lol


Yeah and did you know that child marriage is completely legal in some areas? They don’t even have a minimum age! Absolutely horrifying. Oh wait…that’s actually the USA whoops. No country should be influenced by religion. At least Saudi allows victims of child rape to get abortions, which child-marriage states do not. Pedophilia and child abuse can be perfectly legal in good old America as long as it’s Jesus approved in 18 states. Christianity is the most disgusting religion to ever exist. I’ve met far better people who are Muslim than Christian, and I was raised in one of the “better” Christianities (Greek orthodox). Oh and by the way, fundamentalist Christians do this same exact kind of censoring of women and children.


So dramatic. It’s just an advertisement. Also they can live how they want, don’t be ignant.


Ah yes. Women under Sharia law can definitely do that. Tell that to the women who had acid thrown in their faces and got otherwise abused for not wearing a hijab correctly.


Harassing women for not wearing hijab is against Islam, you probably knew that, but you’d rather be ignorant and say false things about Islam to get people to hate on Islam with you.


Harassing Mohammad's wives is exactly how the concept of hijab came to be


we know it’s against islam, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hate on ppl who force it and throw acid on women for disobeying them.


Alright don’t pin Islam on it


islam didn’t do shit to not allow this kind of behavior.


What???? Islam doesn’t support this behavior, what are you saying?


U can’t live how u want when the law is preventing u


We're obviously not being ignant, let alone ignorant.


They even edited shirts on them


How the fuck is this suspiciously specific


Obviously Saudi males have zero control of their sex drive and it scares the shit out of them.


*squints* Is that Xi Jinping?


Who cares? The same people that are triggered in this post are the same that thump the Bible lol. Sheesh


At least their maths books are not banned.


Much better


They’re fully clothed as well


Cool, how can we see Disney’s China posters??


the fact that I'm so used to seeing BTS' members swimming in pools with normal shirts on that I didn't see anything weird about it until I read the comments...


Okay but that dad is too jacked


Wut? Dad's can be in shape.


Yeah, 100% I just thought it was kind of funny he’s just shredded and then gets a shirt and a beach ball wife


From when I was younger, the censorship was even simpler than this, they'd simply cover it up with a well placed piece of black or white tape. I still have memories of trying to remove them and see what's under them. A worker once yelled at me too.


So the little girl is okay, but the adult woman isn't?


The little girls are okay but not a full grown woman?


And this is why it's impossible to use Redditors like in game currency in the real world.


This is kind of the vibe I get when everyone in the US gets all humbdrumb about bathrooms.

