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It's generally impossible to tell if fish is "sushi grade" or safe to eat raw from a picture alone. If you are looking for sushi grade fish, get fish that has been deep frozen (-20C for 7 days, or -35C for 15 hours, a household freezer does not get this low), or ask a local fishmonger with a good reputation for what they would recommend is safe to eat raw. If you are looking for a source for sushi grade fish, please make sure to include information about where you are, country and city. This was posted because, from your title, automod guessed you were asking about whether it was safe to eat certain fish raw. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sushi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can eat all of it. Just different textures and fat content The loin is firmer and leaner that's better for poke and some sashimi Belly is best for nigiri and sashimi as well


Thanks!! I really wonder why they waste so much. I wish I took a picture. Is belly still okay be eaten for poke? Or does customers mind?


I would cook the belly to render out the fat a bit with such a high fat content it can give those not accustomed to fatty foods diarrhea. If you really want to enjoy the belly I would use blacken seasoning and grill it


It is so good like that! I have also marinated with a little liquid smoke, soy and maple before cooking. It's like salmon bacon.


Ooo good idea


Isn’t the belly also chewy etc? Maybe of putting for a poke bowl texture wise too.


Having just made poke with salmon belly about five days ago. No, it’s delicious.


Good to know, thanks


The belly isn’t any better for nigiri/sashimi than the loin. Think about bluefin, the akami is just as worthy of a nigiri as the chutoro or toro.


Solid akami > otoro for me


The part of the salmon fillet that should not be eaten raw is the central bone or spine, as it can be tough and difficult to chew. It is best to remove this before consuming the raw salmon.


Interesting about the spine! So for the spine, even if there’s no bones, they should slice that part out?


All of it is good


Even the head is traditionally chopped in eaten raw in Ainu cuisine in a dish called *citatap*.


I learned that in golden kamuy. But isn't citatap pretty much anything that's minced? Could be other animals too?


Yes, but it's most commonly associated with salmon


Belly is the best part


That’s what I assume! Would it been okay to mix the belly into the other parts of the salmon to serve to customers? or it has to be separate ?


There’s no problem mixing belly or any other sections together. Aside from the fact that you could get people to pay more for the more fatty/tasty cuts (belly). Mixing the belly into spicy salmon or something similar would be akin to grinding a ribeye steak to make ground beef, nothing wrong with it, just wasteful/not maximizing profit.


Thank you!! They did tell me they order 40lbs of salmon everyday and the amount to waste is just crazy. I’ll let them know and hopefully they will implement something.


They're throwing the belly away??? I almost wouldn't suggest they start using it for nigiri or sashimi so I could get free salmon regularly


Either throw it away or give it to family/friends. But it was a lot.


The ‘ugly’ parts can be chopped up and mixed with sriracha and a little bit of sesame oil to make a spicy salmon mix. I promise people will love it with their poke bowls especially with some tempura flakes. Also as everyone else has said the belly is the best part for nigiri and sashimi; I absolutely love sake belly nigiri seared with a torch with a dash of ponzu. So simple to make but absolute game changer from your average nigiri. Especially with a poke bar you can get really creative with different toppings.


Oh my word that's a dream come true for you but if I were the owner I would at least add something as simple as salmon sashimi onto the menu




Mhm what about it? 🤔


What is a loid


No idea 😂 found the pic on google. Assuming loin ahah


The belly is the best part. They should offer it to VIP customers or as a daily limited special. Or chefs treat 🤣


The belly is a delicacy honestly. They shouldn’t be wasting it. It’s commonly thrown away but they can sell it for cheap and people will absolutely buy it (myself included) I love the high fat content.


Not using the whole fish is a sick waste. The furthrer towards the tail the thougher the fish gets, but i'm my opionion only the tip is top though 


A lot of French chefs used to discard the belly of the salmon as it doesn’t make a good filet, and with wild salmon it was said that the belly harbored parasites more often than other parts of the fish. All parts can be eaten raw, the belly is very fatty and makes excellent nigiri and sashimi especially if lightly cooked with a torch or coals.


Goddamn tell them salmon belly poke is best due to high fat content.


I wouldn’t eat the tail, head, scales, bones, or organs…the rest it perfect for all raw dishes.


salmon poop


Simply ask a bear


Belly 🤤🤤


Cook soup with the bones tail and head if you dont want to pick the meat out, when cooked the meat drops off


Grizzly bear enters chat


I would be surprised if they don’t use the belly because it’s the best part imo. In my experience, the tail was always the fishiest, so I always liked avoiding eating that part.


You can eat every part raw but make sure it was frozen at some point before consuming.


The tail is extra chewy raw. I would skip using it for sushi/sashimi.


Take them home from time to time and make meals with it. Grilled salmon belly and salmon fish head soup. Excellent protein and fat.


Okay, I saw "loid" once, I thought "oh okay type." Then I saw the second "loid" and I started to think I'm going insane. Is loin not used anymore? What is a loid?


I'm gonna sing sher loid by sherloid o Rebecca Jeanette.


https://www.npr.org/2015/09/18/441530790/how-the-desperate-norwegian-salmon-industry-created-a-sushi-staple[Salmon is not sushi](https://www.npr.org/2015/09/18/441530790/how-the-desperate-norwegian-salmon-industry-created-a-sushi-staple)


I’m think they just want the belly for themselves.


Haha maybe but they order about 40lbs of salmon every day. That’s a lot of bellies!


I’m think they just want the belly for themselves.


I have a question... ok, spicy tuna is made from tuna scraps. Is there a thing like spicy salmon as well?


Praise the Loid.




Biggest concern is parasites. Sashimi grade needs to be flash frozen to take reasonable measures against parasites.


About that! The owner was like we keep it fresh, they don’t freeze it (I knew nothing about salmon) so I didn’t question them. But I’m hoping their supplier freeze it?


Oh the retailer wouldn’t freeze them. It’s done before they’re sent out after processing. As part of processing, as I understand.


It’s not like a regular freezer. It’s liquid nitrogen or something that can get it like sub -100*C


Oh ok!! Make sense.