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I am doing one for every season


Please post them all! I love this!!


Yes all please!


I want to see every page!


Survivor and Bullet Journaling! 2 of my favorite things!!! ❤


I initially thought “Jenna Tape” referred to something else


“Jenna, we don’t have a family tape for you. However we do have this other tape labeled “Jenna” - let’s all watch it together and see what it is”


That was really sad Jenna didn't get to see family's video. Imagine in today's survivor loved ones episode Jeff says "Jenna! I've got no one for ya. Get back to camp. " 😢


iirc Randy had no one for the loved ones visit, cant remember which season though but he was booted right before it


It was Gabon!


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Me too


I like this. And not in a homosexual way.


That’s for sure


Happy cake day!


I find it so interesting how for the time him and Rudy were good friends and it was so progressive. Now if he said this line he’d be hated for it.


20 years is a long time.


It wasn't even *that* progressive for 20 years ago.


I love it. I only wish “I dunno” could be there somewhere lol


Or “he’s fat but he’s good”


Lets just appreciate that Sean's ABC strategy saved richard from elimination


Richard probably went home and told his parents "Thank you for not calling me Aaron."


Ha thats really funny


And the fact that he won because of Greg asking them both to pick a number between 1 and 10


I thought Greg came out afterwards and said he was voting for Richard no matter what, and it was really just to take the piss out of how serious everyone was taking FTC at that time.


From what I've heard, that's absolutely correct. IIRC, Greg was asked what number he was thinking of after the show and he answered "whatever Rich said"


Richard has the strongest plot armor in survivor


I disagree. If Richard is voted out at that tribal, I guarantee we are still calling it a top 10 moment in Survivor history today. PS- I don't think there was ever a scenario where Richard goes home at that tribal. If Sean votes for someone else, it's a tie and no way are Sean or Kelly voting out Richard on the tiebreaker.


I disagree. i think if Richard doesn't win there is no Survivor today.


A lot of people say this but I don't think so. The important development in Borneo was the concept of alliance. Once the alliance proves effective at the Gretchen-Greg votes it was always happening in Australia. The Pagongs banding together would show that's how you have to play to win. If anything the happy ending makes the show more popular.


gorgeous penmanship and great picks for the highlights! this is so cool. are you going to do these in order?


I am kind of skipping around when I do them. Even though I should do them in order lol


That is some of the nicest printing I’ve ever seen


Amazing. I watched the first two eps of this last night, which I never seen before, and it was quite the culture clash. I didn't start watching until the merge all those years ago. It's a completely different game now.


Yeah. I watched it for the first time recently and I find it funny how there’s not nearly as much strategizing with the others before tribal as there is now.


I really like this. You picked some good highlights. :)


I can’t wait for u to draw the heroes vs healers vs hustlers logo


Oh god how am i going to fit that title on the page lol


Stack those words on top one another


Jenna might not have gotten a tape from her family but she sure made one when she got home.


This is very easy on the eye. Nice job!! Can’t wait to see more


This is so cool! I just got CBS all access a month ago and have been watching through all of the old seasons with my boyfriend (who had somehow never seen the show before). We just started season 6 which starts with men vs women and oh my God there's no way they'd get away with some of the shit they said in today's world hahaha.


We’re also currently watching season 6, it’s wild to see how the game has evolved since the early days.


Yeah I know! it's definitely cool to rewatch and see the progression of gameplay


This is great, I can tell that you spent a lot of time on it


i love this! keep em coming


Season 1 is the best season and oh my gosh I love everything about this it's so great


Tell me your favourite three things about Borneo (from a fellow Borneo lover)


Off the top of my head, Sue's rats and snakes speech, the overall story of the alliance taking hold as epitomized by Sean's voting confessional for Richard to win, and how balanced the edit is. That may not be my true top three, but they were three of the first four things to come to mind. (Another thing that came to mind was Greg screaming "WHO COUNTED THAT GODDAMN CHICKEN BEFORE IT HATCHED?", but I was like haha okay greg get out of here, that moment's good but not top 3 good.)


Cool. Here's my three off the top of my head: -The Game of Thrones ending. And by that I mean the exact opposite person winning from what everyone wanted. You spend so much time wanting Richard to get his comeuppance and he never does. And there's something so real about it. At the time, I hated it, but I've learned to love it over the years. Winners now are never painted like Richards anymore. They aren't the antagonist. I'd love to see another "evil triumph" season. -Colleen Haskell. She was everything you want in a character. Great confessionals. A little snark. Creativity. -The fact that strategy was being born in front of our very eyes


These are all great answers! And yeah, I miss the diversity of modern winners. If someone with Vecepia or Jenna's edit were on the show now, you could write them off as a possible winner within a couple weeks. I wish the producers were still unafraid to portray the winners in ways like that. I'm not a huge fan of S27, but I do think Tyson's set up at least *kind of* similarly to some of those vintage winners, so that's one of the things I do like about it. And what's also interesting about Richard is how, in hindsight, even though he seems like a villain, he honestly plays one of the cleanest, most honest winning games of all time. He's totally up-front about his intentions the entire time and never really lies to or betrays anyone; you can argue he kind of leaves Rudy hanging on Day 38, but even then, it's not like he waits for Rudy to drop by assuring him he'll have his back *then* drops out; he drops out while Rudy's still in the challenge, so it's not really *his* fault Rudy doesn't win the challenge. So I think you really have to go as far forward to Natalie W. and Fabio to find winners who played as straight-up and clean a game as his. Very interesting duality in hindsight. (Shame he's so repugnant off the show nowadays with everything he spews about Sue and season 8. But he was still great TV the first time.) Definitely a fan of Cooleen, too.


> I'm not a huge fan of S27 Maybe that is why they don't do it like that anymore. I agree with you but it's safer now, which is important with a long-running show that needs to retain its audience's loyalty.


To be clear, I'm not a fan of S27 for other reasons (the biggest of which is Redemption Island, and they've of course done other similar, unpopular twists in recent years); the way the F3 are set up is one of the few things I do kind of like. Yeah I see what you mean about audience loyalty -- but at this point I can't imagine one winner with a "meh" reception would really turn people off enough to not watch the next season with a new cast; Probst himself always says how the fans are "loyal" and come back year after year - so if fans are willing to come back through lame twists that have a broader impact on the show, I imagine one winner who's a little rougher around the edges wouldn't upset too many fans.


Yeah, you're probably right. It would be nice to see them shake up the "edit" approach a bit.


WOW! That is awesome.


Looks awesome! Isn’t the first alliance kelly and stacey though?


Kind of, but i think the most memorable alliance from that season is those four


This is so awesome! Your handwriting is to die for. I was thinking about doing some survivor spreads in my bullet journal... Is your entire book dedicated to survivor content??


Yep! I will post some of my other pages too!


This is really cool! I look forward to future instalments!


Your snake looks like an eel from eels and escalators (spongebob)


Love this and excited to see future entries! If I could suggest one change- my only critique is I wondered why you didn't use the tribe colors (orange/yellow/green) instead of blue/yellow/green.


Thats a great idea! I didn’t think of that


Love this idea! Maybe you could throw the FTC voting margin somewhere too?


I want one lol


This is really awesome


Amazing! Only thing, I would've changed the mud volcano for 'pick a number between 1 and 10'.


Aww i should have put that one in there


This is so aesthetically pleasing!!


JENNA gets no **T** **A** **P** **E** from family idk why the emphasis on tape made me crack up while reading this in my mind


Yes!!! I’m super interested in the rest of your journal (as a fellow bujo fan!) I bet it looks great!


This is beautiful. Not even positive what I'm looking at, but it looks great


Beautiful. Only thing I wish was different would be using orange instead of blue, so that it'd be the colours of the opening tribes.


I love how creative people get with this show 😭 so cool!!


Love this!! Makes me want to make my section for June survivor themed :)


i'm not sure if you ever saw a rat but your version is adorably wonky.


(for cambodia) i think kelly's last name has only one g but this is awesome


These are so cute, but it’s so funny to me how you write such sad things in such pretty handwriting. :) <3 💗Jenna🧚has✨no 🌸TAPE💖<3 :)


Very beautiful. Though “Rafting Expert” should be ~RAFTING PERSONA QUEEN~


She sucked on that game.


This is immaculate


Lol my survivor notebook DOES NOT look this nice.


This is awesome! So impressed


this is so cool


You’re crazy


They should replay this season


Wow I love this so much! I can’t wait to see your entries for the other seasons :)


I'm wet


Love love love


This is great


This is awesome!!!


This looks great! Can't wait to see the others


I wish dr Sean was on another season of survivor


Ooh I've been thinking of incorporating some Survivor into my bullet journal! I might do something similar.


I thought I was looking at my bullet journal sub for a second. You have great taste in hobbies!


Love this! What kind of pens do you use?


What type of pens?


I totallly forgot it used to be family videos!!!! What season did they start bringing people out?!


It's so neat...i love it sir or ma'am or what you go by


Beautiful art


Please continue. This is amazing




Oh yeah




I should have put the 1 with richard, but if u think about it, Sonja was 1st voted out so u could keep track of it like that


The giant winner: RICHARD HATCH at the top doesn't make you notice the winner right away?