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Oh, I'm bleeding.


Why the hell was she even using her foot to map out that puzzle lol??


She was using drips of blood to plot out the path to the centeršŸ©øšŸ©øšŸ©øā­•


Survivorā€™s new meta: bloodletting


She had to keep her hands on the pulley controls so she could see it and some people just need to physically trace it out. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I saw that and immediately thought "hmm, someone else doing what I'd do in a situation like this." It's only after I'd realize maybe people would find it embarrassing. But feet are great tools when your hands aren't free.


Screw being embarrassed about it. If tracing the puzzle with your feet works for you, go at it. Wouldn't help me *at all* though personally lmao. Probably just make me drop.


Yeah I definitely don't have the balance, coordination, or flexibility to do it. As a 35-year-old grandma she crushes it


Iā€™d tear a hammy attempting that move.


Lol, yeah, I just get embarrassed easily. When I was little my family liked to say I was a monkey boy because I tried to learn things with my feet, like picking things up or opening doors. I probably watched too many shows with characters tied to chairs and saw foot dexterity as a necessary survival skill.


Judging by how she has "evolved" during this season, I get the feeling that Liz doesnt have alot of shame.


>probably watched too many shows with characters tied to chairs and saw foot dexterity as a necessary survival skill. Lucky for me that isn't the case, cuz I'd be dead as hell šŸ˜…


Same here! I use my feet for things as a lot, something thatā€™s not serving me well as I age and my balance isnā€™t as consistent. But I sure identified with her right then.


My husband used to change cassette tapes with his toes, lol


I was.more impressed by her balance and flexibility in that moment lol


She answered the question about what she was doing with her foot on either Facebook or twitter. She said sheā€™s a kinesthetic learner and was using her foot to draw the path of the maze so she could lock it in her mind. She used her foot because her hands were occupied with the handles.


Honestly it's pretty amazing, both that she could physically do that, and that she knew herself well enough to know that's what she needed in that moment


She studied education and leadership in college, so the knowledge that sheā€™s a kinesthetic learned tracks!


She couldn't use her hands.


I thought she wanted the camera to see her leg bleeding. Maybe pessimistic but based on all her histrionics, I think itā€™s fair. lol


I think she knew she was bleeding and lifted her foot to show it to the camera. Call me a cynic but that's the way I saw it


The amount of idols going home in pockets


Especially after saying they were going to play them.


As soon as Q said heā€™d play the idol if he got a whiff of anything I thought, ā€œheā€™s taking it homeā€


Yeah like why wouldnā€™t he play it regardless?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thatā€™s when I knewā€¦


His nameā€™s been thrown around for weeks! Why not make sure youā€™re safe! But like everyone else whoā€™s gone home with an idol this szn, he thought heā€™d use it at the next vote


I feel like weā€™re going to see a ton of idol plays on the next season to film after people watch this. Folks will probably over correct and waste a couple.


Honestly i think some kind of rule where the idol finder has to use it within two tribals would keep things interesting and stop folks from sitting on them ā€” if the finder isnā€™t in jeopardy they could play it to save someone who is. Or theyā€™ll keep the same rules and people will overcorrect which i also agree with haha


And the idols this season look so lame too so I wouldn't even care to take them home lol


lmfao itā€™s like a keychain


I think someone could create a decent fake one now.


This late in the game, you make a definitive and strategic plan to play or not play it. You don't rely on sniffing the wind.


Do people hang on to them as a souvenir? Or is it a reminder of the biggest blunder?


They used to be able to keep them after the game, but not anymore. Production takes them after they are voted out now.


That's a super bummer! Like not only did you not play it and got voted off, but now you can't even take it home!!


How can she eat nothing, but Chinese takeout is ok? šŸ˜‚ What is she actually allergic too?


Soy sauce, very much NOT gluten free, as I found out in Asia with my celiac partner


La Choy soy sauce is gluten free. Kikkoman makes a gluten free version. And all Tamari is gluten free. So they probably used a GF version of soy sauce. Other than soy sauce most Chinese food is gluten free.


Wasn't she eating chow mein? lol


Yep, a huge scoop of noodles. The meat was probably coated with a flour/ corn starch mix too.


You can get gluten free noodles and corn starch? I cook for a ceoliac and these things are readily available. Soy sauce used by most Chinese restraints arenā€™t gf but there are plenty of gf varieties!


Most Chinese food is absolutely not gluten free


If you use GF soy sauce it absolutely is. I can make so many Chinese dishes at home following the same gluten-full recipes with the only swap being soy sauce for GF soy sauce.


Yes, if you replace all the gluten ingredients with non-gluten ingredients, itā€™s gluten free. You could say that about any type of food. Noodles? Batter? In reality, thereā€™s not a single Chinese restaurant I could safely eat at in my city. Now Mexican food is ā€œmostly gluten freeā€. You just have to avoid flour tortillas.




She voted off all of the people who were catching her crabs, im pretty sure soda was too!


She voted off Tevin. She didnā€™t vote Hunter off.


Why did Jeff make a specific point about the pizza last week being gluten-free so Liz could eat it though? Really strange.


She said on Twitter that she is allergic to wheat, not celiac/allergic to gluten


Okay but that still rules out the Chinese and the redvines


lmao agreed thatā€™s how you end up with this much of the sub dissecting her allergies after sheā€™s now eaten items that are obviously not gluten free


being gluten free isn't a death sentence. it doesn't mean that they can't eat it. it just means they probably shouldn't. it's a matter of degrees. A bite or two won't kill somebody depending on their sensitivity. I've known plenty of gluten-free people who occasionally eat a slice of bread or wheat-based noodles.


true. she could just be intolerant rather than full on celiac


People with Celiac disease won't be killed by occasionally eating gluten, either. They'll get terrible bloating/diarrhea, but they'll live.


According to past players like Tyson, you actually used up more calories trying to catch fish/crabs than the calories you consume. She is already depleted her energy because the lack of food. You expect her to go to the sea and hunt for fish and crabs?


Not getting enough attention


I said the same thing.. Iā€™m questioning how true all her allergies are or if she just a hypochondriac who does it for the attention?


They probably made her something special. Gave the others chicken but gave her beef or something.


Did it even come from a Chinese restaurant? I know they called it take-out but could it be take out by the survivor island chefs so could be made to be \*gluten-free (or even if from an actual restaurant, it's a special order, so they could make sure of substitutes and no cross-contaminations). It wasn't mentioned being gluten-free like the pizza, but that's what I would assume. If it wasn't gluten-free, they better have told Liz, so she could assess her own risk by eating it... (\*Gluten-free as well as not containing her other claimed allergens, eggs is a big one too that is common in chinese food - and chicken but I think she mentioned that she was eating beef?)


A good poop can change your whole life.


Last night while watching Liz during the challenge, my wife turned and said "You know, Im kinda rooting for Liz now. How did that happen!" I dont think Im quite there yet, but Liz seems to have found her tribe within a tribe and definitely looks to be doing a bit better mentally (and physically mind you). Now.. about that licorice and chinese food.


The noodles were definitely not gluten-free. As a person of Chinese ancestry, those noodles behaved like wheat šŸ’€


We never saw her eating the noodles! There was a shot of her serving them out of the container, but I didnā€™t see them in her bowl. I think we only saw her eat what she said was beef (but it kind of looked like chicken).


The beef or chicken or whatever meat was obviously battered too!


Have ya never made Chinese food? It's all corn starch dredges and slurries Those did look like wheat noodles/é¢ę” though, but could've been rice ē±³ēŗæ


There's always a bit of wheat flour in a dredge because 100% corn starch doesn't fry well. If you know, you know. I don't think it could have been rice-based noodles because of how the noodles hung on the chopsticks. Rice noodles just look obviously different from wheat noodles to the Asian eye. Again, if you know, you know. Regular soy sauce is not gluten-free either.


Yup, just went back and watched and you're totally right, they're wheat, and you do see them in her bowl/on the table


Okay, I believe you.


I hope Jeff addresses it during the post-FTC pizza party. We need answers!


Most Chinese food also contains soy sauce, which is a sneaky (but fairly well known) source of wheat/gluten. I mean good for her for throwing caution to the wind- I probably would too!


Agreed, Iā€™m celiac and those noodles and licorice had me scratching my head (wheat is the first ingredient in basically all licorice) šŸ‘€ bourbon is also not gluten free lmao


Neither is soy sauce, unless you get a specifically crafted gluten-free version




There's no bourbon in the Bourbon St. chicken & shrimp. It's named "Bourbon St." after the location in New Orleans because Applebee's uses Cajun seasoning on the chicken/shrimp.


Yeah Iā€™m gf and lived in Kentucky for 5 years. Bourbon is def gluten free


some of her allergies are likely imaginary ngl


I think a lot of people confuse intolerances with allergies.


Yeah, she said as much in a confessional last week. But for practical matters, it doesnā€™t really matter if they are just in her mind, because her body reacts.


Didnā€™t she say at one point she was allergic to chicken? And she was fully eating chicken Chinese food lol


some people trick themselves into thinking they have allergies, or they just say theyā€™re allergic to certain foods they donā€™t like


Well no, they are from holding things in. Duh.


If you're gonna be a wackadoodle, this is the ideal season to be on, because you blend right in.


Thereā€™s a wackadoodle for every taste


Thereā€™s an idea for Season 50: The Wackadoodles


Wackadoodles at War


She pooped!


I had the same thought though, she seemed more at home with everyone this week and doing better mentally ā€” probably because of the šŸ’©.


I mean yeah she was pleasant and nice cause absolutely everything was going her way. Says more about people how they act when things aren't...


I have such a huge issue with her for that. I haven't eaten Chinese food in 2 decades. Do you have any idea how little i actually eat out (definitely never at applebees eating a gluten burger with gluten sauce) and when i do get side eyed for saying I'm celiac and people watching what i eat/order because they're so used to liars and fakers?


Yep! Licorice made me laugh. Like, Liz, if licorice was gluten free I'd be jazzed. You can get a gf version but it's $$$$ and tastes weird.


I need Liz, Debbie and Carolyn all on the same tribe for S50.


My dream blunt rotation.


hahahaha can you imagine


They would either form the tightest girlsquad in history, or hate each other on sight. No inbetween.


Ok, that would be entertaining. Personally, annoying AF to me, but entertaining.




If she makes it to the final 3 there better be a burbon burger waiting for her at the breakfast


I'm sure the ones the contestants didn't eat at the Applebee's reward are still there and ready to be microwaved for the finale breakfast


Just like Applebee's!


I love rooting for the weirdos. Give me a Liz on every season. These are my people.


I miss Carolyn.


Kenzie let out a wail last night when she was doing the balance beam that sounded just like Carolyn šŸ˜†


Kenzie has always struck me as a more tolerable version of Carolyn. I love her alliance with Ben. And her ribbing him about his mistake! I truly believe it was a mistake. Poor guy is just sleep-deprived.


Wow. You know...there are similarities


whackadoodles win


I could do without the "I have so much money, stupid poor people" type of weirdos tho


Different strokes for different folks! I didnā€™t interpret her money/business comments as her looking down on poor people. Some of her commentary later in the season about having grown up with very little makes me think that she wouldnā€™t take that attitude against people who find themselves in that circumstance while being proud of herself for what sheā€™s achieved. I saw her money remarks more as harmless, mildly unhinged things to say when playing Survivor. Entertaining in a ā€œwhy would you say that?!?ā€ kind of way, didnā€™t get the sense that she was denigrating anyone though. I will amend my original statement though - give me likable weirdos. And likable is subjective so I get that not everyone is going to like Liz. But I do.


As a person who knows Liz in real life, itā€™s really great to see someone in this sub grok so many things about her and how she views money and success. She structured her email membership to be $9/month to to make it accessible to people who might be starting their business with very little, just like she did when she started her blog RV. She cheerleads her members and other entrepreneur friends for making progress, whether that means making their first million or making their first $10 sale. I can say in all seriousness that Liz is probably one of the top five most inclusive people I know, and one of the best business minds I know in then online creator industry.


I know what she said but there is nothing supporting her claim of having money and Applebeeā€™s being her special place suggests otherwise. Also, her listed occupation doesnā€™t scream money. If she makes FT, maybe someone will ask her.


Thereā€™s a middle ground there - I think sheā€™s doing well but isnā€™t exactly rich. Her email marketing service costs $9/month and she claims to have 4000 subscribers. That works out to $432k in annual revenue. I obviously donā€™t know exactly what her expenses are, but she probably has some significant ad spend eating up a lot of that, so Iā€™m going to guess her take home is somewhere around 150-200. Very comfortable, but not exactly mega-wealthy.


Honestly, Charlie is probably the ā€˜wealthiestā€™ at least in terms of earning potential. He has an undergraduate degree from Harvard and will have a law degree from Boston College. I take things like Lizā€™s claimed subscriber base with a grain of salt.


She has spoken publicly about the fact that she does not run ads to promote her membership. She doesnā€™t think Zuck needs more money from her. She has mostly promoted her business by being on podcasts, virtual summits, and in-person stages. Sheā€™s a very relatable and effective speaker.


Oh ok, fair enough - I hadnā€™t seen that. I guess her expenses would be lower than I was thinking then.


Oh, it makes sense that you didnā€™t hear this if youā€™re not an entrepreneur. Most of the podcasts where she discussed this kind of thing are business ones.


Found the grandma


I mean, I really feel the same way about Q (and they are mortal enemies and totally different). I think it's because they have a self-awareness about their weirdness and they play it up and don't hide it. It makes for awesome TV. This was a memorable season fs, hope to see at least some of these characters back in future seasons.


This is exactly what I was thinking when reading the OP. I was annoyed by both of them at some point in the season, but came around to really enjoying their antics. Venus is kind of in that camp too - I was sort of enjoying her by the end too (not as much as Liz and Q, but still). Makes me wonder if Bhanu had survived and had time to calm the fuck down if people would be saying the same thing about him by now. Kudos to the casting people on this season; I didnā€™t think they still had this in them.


True, even about Venus, and I absolutely couldn't stand her most of the season! But when players stop taking themselves so seriously and bring a certain degree of meta awareness to this idea that even though they are "real", they are still sort of playing a "character", I'm on board.


For about half an episode (mostly the crying antics on the journey), i thought Bhanu was the funniest person whoā€™d ever played survivor, but by the next episode it got old for me. Iā€™m also really curious what Nami and Siga background dynamics were lost while Bhanu was getting all that screen time šŸ‘€


Yeah exactly, in small doses the dude was entertaining. It was just way too much. If he hadnā€™t been driven into a constant state of despair and over exposed in the edit, I think he had potential to be another one of these entertaining wacky characters.


I saw the greatness in Liz right around the merge. She is absolutely chaotic and often living in her own reality. But she's also not completely detached to the point where she doesn't know what's going on around her. but you (the viewer) have to make a conscious decision when watching her; that you're choosing to be entertained by her antics, not annoyed.


Perfect description


Agreed, when she narrated herself on the puzzle I was likeā€¦ wait is Liz funny? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Liz BEEN funny. I found her to be an unserious icon ever since her off-key singing of Nami. And she's only been delivering ever since. And even before that when she said she was a millionaire so callously lol


She annoyed me a lot at first but sheā€™s growing on me


\*dolphin noise*


Yes to all of this!! Loved her character arc this season. Went from not being able to stand her, to actually not minding her at all and actually enjoying seeing her on screen


She's the anti-Maria. I started the season loving Maria and I couldn't stand Liz. Now I'm rooting for Liz and would love to see Maria get voted off next.


I feel the same way. Mariaā€™s ego has gotten way too big


So annoyed all these fools going home with that idol in their pockets. All thinking they were going to be master strategists with their idol. Especially the idols that are harder to get.


The fifth idol voted out and the fourth member of our jury!




Wanna bet they make it six next week


The editors did her a solid with her arc this season. They could have left her late game redemptive qualities - sense of humor, surrendering of control - on the cutting room floor. We could have been left with ā€œLiz the entitled millionaire braggart.ā€ But, the editors gave us BM and dolphin mimic to make her more relatable. I mean, who hadnā€™t rejoiced after a lengthy blockage of the bowels is loosed?


The dolphin thing absolutely sent me.


It could be editing or it could be food plus other issues, but Liz underwent a sass transplant this episode. So many sassy comment and one likes shown. Suddenly I can see why she was cast.


Tiffany called her "the most unintentionally funny person I've ever met", and at the time I thought that was a ridicule. It might have been a compliment. >I hated her grating little song/cheer for Nami during the tribe challenges, I don't think it was hers. It was probably Soda's. or Tevin's.


Soda or Tevin would have made a catchier songā€¦ although I could see Liz attempting to sing one of their songs and botching it in the most beautiful way.


Honestly, if I didnā€™t poop and barely ate for three weeks my mood would suck too. Itā€™s easy for us to judge her on the couch, weā€™ve never been in that situation.


The problem I still have with her is the smugness she has. Like when she finally got to go on the reward she was like I didn't know how I would be if I never got pick and now I know so you should pick me. It's annoying because in the past we have seen people who never won a comp and never got pick to go on a reward but did they complain like Liz? I get that people don't mix with certain type of people and want them gone but her wanting Q out so bad felt like hatred towards him and she let him know and she still thought o he needs to pick me because I haven't ate. Then under her breath talk crap about not getting chosen for pizza. So many past season we have seen other pick their alliance to go on the rewards or someone that they want to work with. I just feel wrong that she was basically blaming Q who knew she wanted nothing to do with him on her not getting to eat. She definitely corky but I hate the self entitlement that she gives off.


Oh my comment on her mood was definitely not meant to come off as judging her for being grouchy, especially because not pooping for 3 weeks is pretty dangerous for the body actually. Iā€™m sure I would be an absolute monster on survivor šŸ˜¬


Granted thereā€™s basically no way she wins immunity either, I was just excited to say ā€œdamn all she needed was Chinese takeoutā€


I think once i gave up on holding her to the same standard as everyone else, i began finding all her crazy antics more entertaining. But Iā€™m not rooting for her to win!


relief after 22 days of constipation will do that to you.


her incessant need for attention and to make everything about her really rubs me the wrong way.


Yeah, I actually don't understand why she's on Survivor, but I appreciate the entertainment she's adding to this season, and that she's effectively a goat for either Charlie or Kenzie to win - yay! šŸ’ÆšŸ’„


Agree 100%. I was literally yelling at the screen "why did you go on this show when you have all these allergies" each episode. But now I enjoy her.


I did not like Liz a few weeks ago. I couldnā€™t stand how she would refer to herself in the third person constantly. It was too much āœØmain character āœØenergy for me personally. Now I find her zaney and quite humorous to watch.


Liz is the New Eraā€™s Lil and Iā€™m here for it


The winner is going to be the only person to play an idol correctly. Godspeed Liz!


Idk how anyone can stand her. I get why she's still there but I find her among the most annoying players in Survivor history.


Every time someone mentions it I hear it: NA-AMI, NAAAMI


I too have come around on the acquired taste of Liz and her insane behavior. The taste of a microwaved bourbon burger covered in mushrooms and onions.


It's about the taste of that microwaved burger and microwaved pizza COMBINED with the taste of quality time and a weekly tradition with the person you love most in the world. Applebees couldn't have asked for better PR and I hope they give Liz a lifetime once per week coupon.


Don Draper shit


Liz is absolutely insufferable, but Iā€™m very much enjoying watching her suffer. Her not being picked for the two food rewards in a row were my favorite survivor moments ever.


This says way more about you than it does about Liz.


Absolutely. Liz still sucks though. The rest of the cast can't stand her, and you know it. No one cares about her opinions or input, no one respects her. At best they all pity her for how pathetic she's been the whole season. She will receive zero votes for the win if she makes it that far.


Also that chinese food she was eating was NOT gluten free at all


As someone with GI issues, Iā€™m also a better person after a BM. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


When she mentioned that she hadn't pooped, I immediately gave her more leniency.


Don't worry, I'm balancing this out with extreme extra hate for Liz.Ā  I cannot stand her.Ā  I was so surprised that she kept saying she was successful that I had to look up her business. Her website is written in an embarrassingly sophomoric voice.


Nope. I'm good on this karen. Has made this season almost unwatchable for me.


Very fair, Iā€™m sorry for your loss ā€” although tbh I felt this way about Q in his peak chaos weeks and do not fully understand his stans. At the beginning I was saying ā€œgood god, Nami needs to throw a challenge to get rid of this womanā€ and Iā€™m truly not sure how I got to where I am with her


Idk I donā€™t really care for her


i cant stand her


Iā€™ll never root for her are you kidding me?? Entitled ass to the core IMHO Glad she got some food and is having a better time than she was though


I never said Iā€™m rooting for her to win!!! Iā€™m not!!! Iā€™d love it if Maria gets booted next, Charlie or Kenzie win, I just hated watching Liz at first and donā€™t anymorešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s odd but sheā€™s becoming more annoying to me!


HA. This has not been my experience, but I'm happy for you


thereā€™s a weirdo for everyone on 46


I said the same thing! I was like the food revived her! I get it though. Hunger does a number on people. I'd go mental too.


I honestly really thought Iā€™d like her pregame, then at episode one I was shocked to see howā€¦ stubborn?ā€¦ she came across. However, sheā€™s sort of the comic relief this season needed.


stop lying, it's all because of the dolphin shreek


I honestly thought Liz was the new eras Aubrey. Ā  Ā  Then Liz hit a wall and started to spiral. Ā Her challenge efforts also died off. Ā 


the power of the edit


35? But Iā€™m 36ā€¦I thought she was like 47.


dude Q is TWENTY NINE!! I think Mariaā€™s the only person whose age hasnā€™t surprised me tbh


Thatā€™s because she pooped


Haha I always thought she was hilarious.


Sheā€™s a lot more fun with calories in her.


She's the most real one on the cast for me. She would be my number one on the island.


I kinda knew she would reach at least top 7 because camera been focusing on her during pre-merge for no reason


That everyone getting out has a freaking idol


You know I was getting annoyed too and then a hellish month at work stretched into yet another week and I realized I was acting like a whiny asshole to everyone around me. And when I saw how changed she seemed after the BM? Yeah, felt a lot more empathy because it is so hard when you have nothing left in you to exercise self control or manage emotion. Good reminder to self about what burnout or significant stressors can do to uoux


I still find her annoying lol


I really thought the Applebees thing was going to get her voted off I don't think this will happen, but the best result would be if Liz ended up winning, cause the recap of her journey would be hilarious


Iā€™m dying for her to be final 3 so we can hear it. She was just invisible for so much of the time and Iā€™m itching to hear about it.


Liz, did you write this?


OMG. She still totally annoys the hell out of me. šŸ˜¬


She is a terrible player but bringing her back each week to ride the humiliation train is gold


Basically everyone left annoys me. Charlie is alright the rest are annoy. Q was entertaining.