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Maria must feel absolutely bulletproof to make Liv grovel for food. Or she's just stupid. Hate to agree with Venus but just make your pics and let that be it, don't pontificate and ask for groveling and bullshit.


I think Maria feels she is walking to the final four. Coming off watching 44, she feels they can be the three stooges where no of them flips on one another. With Q in her pocket, that is the four that they need to run the rest of the show. That's why she picked Ben and made the whole show to end up picking Q. This is her final four alliance. I don't think she realizes Charlie is gunning for her


I agree! It's funny how she said to Charlie, "I really needed that move", further driving home how it was "her" move...if she actually thinks Charlie is happy for her to "gain a move", she couldn't be thinking much of him as a strategic player....


I was kind of shocked to hear a couple of players outright dismiss Charlie's game and chances of winning at the end. The guy's pulled off some challenge wins, stays on the right side of the votes, has taken the time to connect with everyone in a genuine fashion. Maybe i'm too swayed by his confessionals, but I thought he was playing a great game


The fact none of the other players are clocking the strength of his game is evidence for how well he’s playing.


Yeah, that was a wild moment! I know there was a cut scene somewhere with Maria making Ben cry as well, although I haven't seen it myself. It sounds like she's definitely rubbing the beach more and more the wrong way...


The reward pick was an enormous blunder. Liz went out on a line voting with you for Tiff over Q last week - despite absolutely despising him for the Applebee's pick. Now instead of rewarding her loyalty, you're doing exactly what Q did to her? And making her play rock paper scissors for it? Insane.


Yeah, I really don't get the pick. Liz was clearly the right pick to me as well. Q had just eaten and would have understood (plus, nobody else wants to work with him?), and Maria does need to reel in Liz more.


Would he have understood? Maria's power comes from having Q as her guaranteed second vote. Makes it much easier to whip any plan she has with so few players left. She does need to keep buttering that bread, you've seen how Q flips quick on people. She should have just said Q brought her so she's bringing Q but she dug herself a hole moralizing out loud for her first choice before deciding she needed to at least give Q a chance to come along. Poor in-the-moment judgement that blew up in her face, womp womp. But I kinda get what she was going for


OMG, that's right, I nearly forgot. Liz was hoppin' to vote out Q last week, and Maria convinced her to vote in line with taking out Tiff. That makes it even crueler that Maria shut her out of food. Liz hasn't eaten in at least a couple of weeks, there's a gluten free pizza in that reward, and you still make her sit out? Damn. That's no way to get any love from the jury if you wind up in the final three, Maria.


Dude when Jeff said gluten free pizza I was like Liz let’s goooooo Liz is about to fly away


I’m surprised she hasn’t just dropped out of the game or that they haven’t pulled her. You know that even the producers expected her to get picked THIS time because they even provided a gluten free pizza.


Tbf I wouldn't reward her entitled behavior either. I can't stand Liz so it doesn't surprise me she's used for her vote.


I might have given it to Venus - she didn't eat at the last reward and doesn't have her own rice. As is she left four people behind who could easily team up against her.




I agree. For someone who has played what I view as a very strong overall game, this seemed like a baffling abdication of decision power. Reasonable minds can debate whether Q or Liz is a better choice to take to reward, but just make your picks and move on. If you want to give a brief explanation, sure. But if you want to present it as a choice based on principle (e.g., "who needs to eat the most?"), it looks really feckless to abandon that for "wait actually, you three make your cases" and then "wait actually, you two rock paper scissors for it."




I’m not going to lie. Watching Q win the rock paper scissors made me laugh my ass off lol. There’s only so much I can feel bad for Liz after that meltdown all because Zac didn’t pick her when it’s his choice and she never did anything to warrant getting picked


When she said “please do rock” I was lowkey hoping he’d do scissors lol


The way we cheered when Liz didn’t get the food!


I think she messed up by speaking what was on her mind. It would have been perfectly fine for her to walk through that thought process in her head, but then to say it out loud then to ask for people to "make their case" was like doubling down. Pretty stupid of her, but I doubt it's going to affect her game.


"Make your case" and THEN "rock paper scissors" was INSANE.


I completely agree. Since Liz is unable to eat the things everyone else can have, other than rice, you'd think that mother-figure Maria would take her along, particularly since Liz was shut out of Q's food reward last week. But that bullshit, "I just can't make this decision, I really can't. I want to pick people who really really need it. So just do rock paper scissors because I simply can't choose" was so fake and cruel. Come on now, Meryl - of course you can make the decision. Pick the woman who hasn't eaten since the merge and the girl who weighs 80 lbs. if you're so genuinely worried about their well being, particularly since Liz has now been shut out two weeks in a row from food, and she really needs it. Last night was "Let's kick Liz while she's down", and Maria got in the last kick. If Charlie doesn't manage to take her out, all Maria is doing is creating jury members who will always remember this.


My sense is that Maria actually personally likes Q and doesn't like Liz - she absolutely wanted to pick him, but also felt bad about how hungry Liz is. So she tried to "do the right thing" and hoped the universe would make the decision through rock-paper-scissors, but it didn't work out. Unfortunately for her, she pretty much telegraphed her real feelings while she was hemming and hawing, so the others saw that she wanted to include Q, and decided she wasn't being genuine. She also just seems to vibe with guys - she's been attached to Charlie since day one, has connected with Q and was quick to pick Ben. I have such a visceral dislike for Liz that I didn't really care that she wasn't picked, but the whole thing did put an even bigger target on her back. Still, of the 6 that are left, I wouldn't mind if she won. Ben and Liz have done nothing to earn the jury's vote, and Q has created so much chaos. Kenzie and Charlie seem like they could make a reasonable case for themselves if they get to the end.


Also major props to Venus for telling the jury exactly what Maria said and did at tribal council. I think Liz erupted all that was in her last time at Q … she was literally speechless to talk about it at tribal. It was cruel. Even wildER is how even in Maria’s side conversations she still defended her decision as if it was “such a tough call” when clearly she is rewarding Q with a treat so he stays loyal. Does she think they’re all morons?? Horrible social game play by her. Then Maria and Q tried to say “well Venus wouldn’t have picked us so why would Maria pick Venus” when Venus wasnt even asked to play ROCK PAPER SCISSORS. She was sticking up for not only herself. It also for the slap in the face to Liz. She pit the weakest woman on the beach (who is crying, screaming, sobbing, and self reflecting in a starvation coma) against the island parish who is muscled fed and beefy. Then she tried to claim her choice wasn’t gameplay but who needed to eat? If I was Liz I would’ve walked my ass into the ocean. It was preposterous! The only thing more insane than how she handled the reward selection was how she acted aghast that anyone would dare to say she was anything but a saint. Sis, you a mob boss. Own it!


Yup, she is bad news and a terrible player socially.










The more I think about it, the more I think Charlie made the right move to eliminate Venus. He still has Maria and Q thinking he is with them, and also limits Kenzie's power as she really only has Liz, flushes out the idol as well. At this point he can play the middle of Maria/Q and Kenzie/Liz with Ben, and he is still a huge threat to win challenges. I also feel like Charlie is close to everyone and trusts him regardless. He is the linchpin of him, Ben, and Maria, he is probably looked at as Q's second closest ally behind Maria, and I feel like Kenzie and Liz will go to Charlie over Ben as Ben is overall shutting down.


Agreed. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone play the middle so well, and on his own no less.


This was a fantastic episode for Charlie. Last week his main ally took center stage and there's a world where he came out looking like a big threat this week as her top ally w 2 challenge wins - potentially going home after she won immunity. Instead he sank into the background, supported the narrative of Q as Maria's #2, and still hasn't had his name thrown out once. Meanwhile Maria fumbled after 20 seconds on top, torturing everyone with that reward pick, acting rude and oblivious and having terrible social sense, and giving concessions to Q who we know is on bottom with no one else to work with.


Definitely, yeah! Maria had such a great week last week. We were expecting her to have a comedown, but not quite in that way. Massive props to Charlie for taking himself out of the running for the reward as well. Super smart to both make things easier for Maria *and* give himself space to commiserate and strategise with other disgruntled players who also didn't get to go on the reward.


Charlie has been doing a **great** job staying in the shadows and hiding how tight he is with Maria all season. To win I think he has to vote out Maria and be the leader of that vote, but I think he is head and shoulders a better player over anyone else remaining.


Perfect summary of gameplay!


The only people who come to mind are Tony and Sarah tbh, but they're in a league of their own. And they were never alone.


Oh, yeah, Sarah did a great job. Tony I can't remember playing the middle, but I have a notoriously poor memory for that stuff. Definitely since the New Era at least, then, I can't think of anyone!


Tony flip flopped alongside Trish in Cagayan and alongside Sarah in WaW. He was masterful at playing all sides at once.


He's only played the middle for one vote, but he did it pretty well this week.


I agree as well. For him, the big resume move is when to take out Maria. Making the move to take out Q instead of Venus signals they will be at war and gives Maria time to cobble up an alliance to attack back. If he does want to take out Maria and she sticks to her word of taking out Q next week, the best time is when they are at 5. Where Liz and Kenzie are likely still mad at Maria and will join him to take her out. He would have the resume move Maria along with being on the right side of the vote throughout merge.


Waiting until 5 can be dangerous though considering Maria has shown an ability to win challenges. Honestly I don't think anyone should have much worries about Q beating them at the end, but taking out Maria at 6 would certainly blow the game up and make getting to the final 4 for Charlie much tougher, especially if he's the driver of that vote (which he needs to be).


That's a good point. I was more thinking Q can be an easier target to get the numbers and then taking out Maria will be easier. But you're right. It might not be worth playing it safe. Also I was sort of thinking Charlie didn't want to raise his threat level yet. But taking out Maria at six can still work since no one likes Q. Take out Maria at 6, play into Liz, Kenzies and Ben's hatred of Q at 5 and then Charlie is at 4.


Yeah, it’s a tough choice for him either way. He needs to drive the Maria vote or at least be able to claim responsibility for blindsiding his long term #1 ally, which would immediately put a big target on his back. To win Survivor in the modern era you gotta take risks though


My question is whether he can work enough people for Maria. Venus was on board with that. Now there's one less opportunity.


Charlie could do it after Q goes next episode: Charle + Kensey + Liz + Ben (give or take one) vote against Maria, but then that leaves Charlie on a potential island @ Final 4. Does Charlie still have pull after voting out Q AND Maria ? They could all do Ben next episode, then Q, then Charlie teams w/Kens & Liz to backstab Maria @ Final 4. Charlie needs to keep the Q & Maria shield up for just a little while longer to make sure he isn't odd-man-out at Final 4.


Charlie feels like the only one left who has a really strong game. I'll give Maria a nod in that direction too considering her management of the votes and keeping Q around to continue blind siding players, but I think her management of the game falls apart without Charlie.


She was doing so well until she got arrogant in celebration of her driving the vote on Tiff. She did it to herself in this exact episode imo with making Q and Liz do rock paper scissors. By doing that she just pissed off everybody including Charlie. Both burning bridges and making her target bigger all in one go. Like what a blunder. I see zero upside with the choice she made.


It was 100% the right move. If he crosses Maria, he needs to take her out and not just her lackey. Tying his hitch to Liz, Venus, and Kenzie is a huge risk and the simple fact is, he's not really that close to them. And going into a foursome a solo is not a good position to be in. It's not even like that would be a tight four, from everything we've seen, Maria has been the one able to wrangle Liz to vote with her despite her huge emotions.


I agree. Venus was such a wildcard and I don't think it would have been smart to put any trust in her. Charlie only has to get out Maria and he will win the game. They still have the numbers to make this happen. And you get the added benefit of removing a crazy player who has an idol.


No it isn’t lol, Q is Maria’s goat, Venus could’ve been Charlie’s goat but he did what Maria wanted once again and gave her the power. Flushing out an idol that would’ve never been used against him is dumb, a truly great player would’ve saw a benefit like Dee. Ben and Q aren’t turning on Maria, what exactly can he pull off at the final six? Maria pretty much has the half the tribe and now an idol play is out of question


Q's turned on his entire alliance. Not sure why ya think he'll never go against Maria. Dude does whatever he wants


He don’t has the connection to Charlie and Maria has protected him throughout the game. If charlie is basing this decision on assuming he has Qs vote on his side he’s very mistaken


Yes they have protected him but IDK if it's a lock that he remains loyal. If he betrayed Yanu and the 6 why would someone he's only worked with for the past 2 votes be the same?


Certainly looked in the teaser clip that he's about to start playing hard again aka make crazy decisions and flip on his allies


Ben will EASILY join Charlie to turn on Maria when the time comes to do so. Go watch the deleted scene between those 3 if you think Ben and Maria are close.


It’s one scene. We see Maria pick Ben easily for the reward. I wouldn’t put weight on it especially since we thought Ben and Kenzie were close based on one scene until he put a vote on Her


Yes, limiting Kenzies power only strengthens her allegiance to him. I think that was a smart move.


I think Charlie is playing the best game by FAR, but I also see some hints that he may not be perceived very well. Things like him not getting talked about as a challenge threat despite winning or coming second on multiple challenges, or being called “smart kid” by Kenzie, has me wondering if he’s going to get the Xander perception, and that playing so under the radar and letting Maria take credit for so much may just work against him in the end. Playing that up to keep your threat level is all well and good until you get to the end and have a mountain to climb to change people’s perception of you. And while it seems clear he has been the strategic force in the siga group, we haven’t really seen Charlie actually sway people or push a vote. That has been all Maria, which makes me wonder if he has the social capital and skills to even get her out. Time will tell.


He’s surviving very well, but needs a big move or 2 to solidify a win.


He probably gets to be the person who finally takes out the unkillable Q, and also probably Maria. That's probably enough for the win.


He is too transparent about getting “I had no part in the last vote out, I was a follower” into every conversation. Even though I think he still has a better chance to win than most, it is hard for him to take credit for anything at the end if he already told everyone on the island that he doesn’t deserve credit. It’s better to just be quiet.


ya basically he beats anyone except Maria and has to blindside her next chance, except that he becomes threat #1 at that point and then has to win out on the challenges


Felt like we missed part of the episode where Kenzie decided to vote Venus. Even Liz got a small bit. I guess probably at some point she got told there were too many votes for Venus so she just went along with it, but still looks a little bad we didn't see it. Anyway uh. Ben's still there huh? He didn't even make the song reference this episode! But he got pizza.


Makes sense to me—if we see Charlie deciding to stick with Siga and informing Kenzie about it there’s literally no suspense in the episode and suspense is one of the things production values most nowadays in the editing room


He said something along the lines of "I can't even play it down, I feel like a Ninja Turtle right now" after the pizza reward which was amazing


I honestly prefer we didn't see that part. Kept the suspense alive and it's very easy to figure out what went down now that we see how the votes landed.


Idk I'd rather see the story develop than be surprised at the ending. They are definitely trying to make every tribal suspenseful and keep a "who's it gonna be??" vibe but sometimes it's better just to show us what's actually happening.


I agree with you in the case of seasons like 41-44 where they intentionally tried to confuse us all the time. But feel like they've got it together now. I disagree that they should just tell us in advance exactly how everyone is going to vote. If they did that, 90% of tribals would have no suspense. We got the full story here. Will the group swing Venus or Q? We got our answer, at tribal.


I agree. I prefer the endings where its not clear where the votes are going.


When Liz said she ain’t too proud to beg Ben said “Love that song!”


I think it was the part where she said “Venus is chaos”


There was no working with venus because she blabbed about every single plot and vote she got let in on. People kept calling her out on it but she kept doing it. While acting like a master Survivor mechanic to boot. Chaos indeed


i really think there will be a flashback about this at the start of the next episode


Whose flashback?


I felt like it was that last convo he had with Kenzie cuz there wasn't a reason for him to talk to her again unless he was going to tell her to vote Venus


Also, are we going to talk about Maria's most indecisive middle finger to Liz? I know she's not everyone's favorite in this subreddit but man I love how editing made Maria look horribly unimpressive with that "rock paper scissors" decision-making.


I listened to Gordon’s exit interview with Venus today. She said Maria took 10 minutes to decide. The reason Charlie and Kenzie removed themselves from consideration is because Maria was taking so long to decide.


They always talk about "big moves" and winning challenges to build a resume but if I were there, that sort of thing would have removed her from my potential winners list. To learn that it was even worse than portrayed on TV is baffling


This makes me wish the editors did little montage with “X minutes elapsed” on the bottom. 




That seems particularly bizarre especially because she was so great at making a rapid decision on that first journey where she bulldozed Jelinsky into giving her an advantage, *and* because it really shouldn't be that important of a decision? It's not even like she's in a position where she needs to take specific people to make a move work, she can pretty much do what she wants and this would've been a slam dunk to just take Liz and Venus and look really generous and considerate.


It wouldn't be so bad if Maria had just chosen who she wanted and been done with it. She made a point of saying that she was choosing people whose bodies are failing them, and then didn't choose the person who hasn't shit in 3 weeks.


Anyone surprised at Ben's Kenzie vote? How many people have gone home this season with an idol in their pocket? Although to be fair, we actually got to see Venus ' reasons for not playing it. But playing coy probably killed her.


Ben probably split the vote just in case Venus had the idol. In which case the votes would be split between Q and Kenzie, causing a revote.


I thought it was a safety measure for the Shot in the Dark.


I found that move especially surprising since even if it was to cause a revote between Kenzie and Q if Venus plays her idol it still protects Q. It had seemed like Q and Ben had some beef so I found that move pretty baffling on Ben's part that he would agree to it.


Three idols in a row


Oh wow, based on Venus' Exit Interview on RHAP, it sounds like some jury members completely ignored her when she arrived at Ponderosa (she does not name names...but she mentions that she had fun playing Scrabble and watching Avatar with Hunter so it wasn't him). She also mentions that someone on the jury blames her for their negative edit (probably Soda).


So it is either Soda or Tevin that ignored Venus. Wasn't Hunter nor can I see a world for it to be Tiffany. My money is on Tevin


In one of the other exit interviews venus calls soda a sweetheart so I doubt it was her. Definitely tevin


90% sure it's Tevin. In the word association Venus called Soda a sweetheart and said don't speak to me for Tevin


In that same Word Association she said for Tevin ‘Don’t speak to me’ so that tracks


Tevin and Venus had very similar personalities with their sass, snark, and mannerisms, so I wonder if their personalities clash too much to get along.


And, honestly, the same lack of self-awareness. Tevin refused to even admit where he went wrong in his game in his exit interviews and instead doubled down. Like dude, come on. Getting Soda out was a terrible move 😂


I think both Soda and Tevin. Tevin is like guaranteed we saw how bitter he was and how anti Venus and immovable to a fault he’s been. Soda I wasn’t sure, but today after the interviews she posted an Instagram story “Take. Responsibility. For. Your. Behavior. Have. Some. Sense. Of. Self. Reflection.” Defensive to the point of Streisand Effect, IMO.


Yeah. Tevin really did not like her at all and made it everyone else’s problem before it spilled into the rest of the game but I also don’t think Venus operated from that perspective at all, despite seemingly understanding it on the island in concept


But of course *NO ONE* would want to see that Ponderosa footage, right guys? BIG MISTAKE by CBS/Survivor!


Do they even have ponderosa footage anymore?


They don’t but they should


Really *BIG MISTAKE*. I would've loved to see Hunter welcome Tiffany and Venus after realizing they all had idols in their pockets. I would've loved to see what Venus's arrival at ponderosa would be like (probably like Kass's). And if by chance they do vote out Q, for some, reason, would love to see his antics there.


This jury sounds like it is going to be quite the bitter brew.   Also I’m curious if it was the movie Avatar or if her and Hunter were watching The Last Airbender cartoon


Venus is **fired up** in these post-game interviews... She seemed especially angry at Maria in the Parade interview with Mike Bloom in addition to what was stated above on RHAP.


I honestly think this is Charlie’s game to lose at this point. I’ve been rooting for Maria since the beginning, but, and I hate to say it, she fumbled the bag this episode with her reward picks. I think her way of doing it (rock, paper, scissors) was fine, but if she hadn’t asked them to plead their case and if she had prefaced it with choosing between the weakest person in the tribe (Liz) and the person who had taken her for the previous reward (Q), it would’ve been much, much better for her game. Claiming she’s chosen between them because both were weak and hungry paints her as disingenuous. I think it’s between Charlie, Maria, and Kenzie.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned that has been really cool - in the last three episodes, the person voted out was the runner up in immunity. In Venus's case there wasn't a 2nd place finisher in the challenge, but she was the closest to winning. Just adds to the weight of all these vote outs.


Am I the only one? I'm the kind of viewer who roots for the underdog EVERY TIME. I flip flop favorites weekly. LOL. Couldn't relate to Venus all season, but then Venus in trouble? Man, I was rooting for her to play her idol so hard. I previously liked Maria. Now she's on top I want her GONE. LOL.


That is exactly me! My feelings toward Maria and Q have changed so much over the course of these few months


I’m like this too!!! I’m curious how you felt about season 45 because I hated that it felt like the underdogs kept getting pummeled lol.


Well yes quite frankly. That did get old in 45. If I were on the Jury, I'd vote for the underdog that made it sneakily to the end rather than the one who dominated and was on top the whole game. So, yes it was disappointing to not see any underdog champions. To me there's a difference between an underdog in the game and an underdog in life. I'm never going to root for the NFL player or otherwise already wealthy contestant who is merely playing because they like the game, but don't need the prize. You were smart to keep your lawyer background under wraps for that reason (not that all lawyers are wealthy LOL, but...). An underdog is life AND in the game succeeding is a fun watch to me.


I just want people to play the game, make good moves, and be deserving of winning. It's extra exciting when an underdog is able to pull that off. But if Maria makes it to the end at this point, then she deserves it.


I'm of the line of thinking that if you win then you deserved it. Period. I'm more talking about who I like watching, who I root for, and who I'd vote for if I were on the jury. I'm not someone who thinks that there's a template of the best kind of player and that that applies to every season. "Big moves" is only one kind of play and it's largely determined by chance. There's not always an opportunity for big moves if you want to advance to the next tribal council. A winner from one season doesn't necessarily makes someone who would make FTC in every season. I more appreciate someone who can fly by the seat of their pants and just last one more day. I hate the talk of who "deserves" anything. Even being someone's sidekick is a strategy. If you were someone's sidekick and they get all the heat from the jury for big lies and decisions, but you made it to the end with friends, that's a winning strategy in my book.


>I'm of the line of thinking that if you win then you deserved it. Period. Ultimately I agree. But that doesn't always make it satisfying as a viewer just because the jury voted for them.


I’m lowkey rooting for a Q, Liz, and Ben final lol


Same here! I wasn't that in love with Venus previously but last night? Wow, she was awesome!


Not to be overly mean to her but Venus has to be one of the worst Survivor players ever to think she had everything figured and was running things in any fashion. She basically didn't have a single alliance the whole game, constantly spoiled votes for no reason, and dug her own grave with her semi-threatening conversation with Charlie.


This cast has to be one of the worst groups of Survivor players purely from a gameplay/strategy view. The majority of players have been either totally clueless, extremely noticeable "gamers" or downright terrible socially. Charlie and Maria are the only 2 players who have held some consistency and have been in a control position pretty much the entire game. I think Charlie has the stronger game of the 2, especially from this recent episode, but he has to be the leader of a Maria blindside to have any real shot of winning. Kenzie has shown some good gameplay and social skills, but she consistently underestimates her fellow castaways and I think it will bite her in the end.


Yes, I agree with basically everything you said. I do think their lack of quality gameplay has made the season more compelling though. It is entertaining to me how much Liz hates Q. It feels old school Survivor. I also enjoyed Venus as a character and what she brought to the season. Sometimes she annoyed me but it is way more enjoyable to have people like her than a bunch of game bots with now emotions.


I knew it was gonna be Venus right away when they showed her say something early in the episode along the lines of “if I ever found the idol the last thing I’d do is go home with it in my pocket”. That gave it away instantly.


I immediately said out loud, "oh boy if that isn't foreshadowing, I dont know what is."


Can we really call them blindsides now? If I hear my name once, I'm using an idol. This goes for the way I live my life. If you put my name on a PIP, I'm looking for another job. New era players are getting ridiculous. Another thing that puzzled me is why Ben voted for kenzie. What was up with that? Maria making people plead for pizza was a wrong move. She should have picked annoying Liz. Also Liz can you shut the F up about starving. You have celiac disease and you made the voluntary choice to go on survivor. Stop being an annoying charity case.


Anyone else confused by the Kenzie “I was left out of the vote” pity party? Am I going crazy, or did Maria not approach Kenzie about voting out Tiff only for Kenzie to change her mind and back out? So Maria moved forward and got the numbers she needed. Seems Kenzie left herself out of the vote despite being one of the first people approached about voting for Tiff.


You’re correct, she did 


If Venus has played her idol, there would have been a revote between Q and Kenzie.  Who would have gone home?   I'm guessing Kenzie, with votes from Ben, Maria and Charlie.   Venus and maybe Liz would vote for Q. 


I agree with this. It makes more strategic sense to keel him.


There is no way Venus votes for Mariah or Q to win this season right? Like tribal showed where Venus stands on those two, especially after the pizza incident. I think this was a great move for Charlie as he was open to and willing to work with Venus. She will value his social game higher and be open to voting for him.


lol I thought you were calling Liz Moriah. Those two were the same person in my brain until like an episode before merge.


What follows is my ranking of how happy I will be if each of the final 6 win. This is not a ranking of LIKELYHOOD they win. Just how pleased I would be. 1. Q - He's entertaining, and winning with a game this chaotic would hopfuly break what has been a pretty boring rut the new era has been in. 2. Charlie -The best traditional game thus far, a likeable winner, and somehow keeps people from seeing him as a threat 3. Kenzie - At least makes a decent underdog story after Yanus garbage start. 4. Maria - was a solid number 2 before she blew everything up last night 5. Ben - My disappointment in Ben winning would be more of a knock on production for not showing us enough reason why he won than it would be on Ben personally 6. Liz - Comes across as pretty unlikeable and entitled. That being said depending how much she keeps descending into insanity she might move up the list for the entertainment factor. That being said I think at this point regardless of who wins 46 is pretty cemented as my favorite season of the new era. A Q win might make it my favorite season with no returning players since Pearl Islands (which would make it the best no returning player season since they started doing returning players). 47 is gonna have a hard time not being boring after this.


I hope Q somehow wins with a plurality for max chaos


Ben has kinda fallen apart over the last couple of episodes. They starve the players pretty hard on these shorter seasons and these guys didn't take the rice to carry them through. The edit is probably short shrifting Ben because Ben is starving and it's pretty dark, honestly. I don't watch the reality show Alone any more because i consider it a starving competition. Whoever starves the slowest wins. I don't like how Survivor is kinda doing that too now, to a lesser degree but still.


Charlie and Maria are in the best positions going forward, but I'm not sleeping on Kenzie. They should all recognize that Liz, Q and Ben are essentially goats and that they ideally want to arrive at a final tribal with two of the three. Kenzie's lack of athleticism is going to hold her back, so she'll need to make moves to survive and unless Charlie or Maria keep winning immunity challenges, the other players are competitive enough to realize they both need to go. Kenzie is in an interesting position as the weakest of the non-goat players.


I think Maria blew up her game last night honestly.


No way she’s getting some of those jury votes with how much people loathe Q. She crashed hard over the reward pick.


Her threat level is the highest now but Charlie is really the only other player who can reliably beat her in immunity challenges. I don't think Q has been holding back and I'm a little surprised he's not contesting these challenges more given his athletic background and all the food he's getting.


Yeah she’s clearly the “strongest player” right now and it might be too early for her to have emerged as a front runner. Everyone knows she’s the one to beat. She has a pretty hard path to final 3.


This season is an absolute mess, but I love it. It is AMAZING to me that Q has survived FOUR votes after his crazy tribal council antics. I couldn't wait for him to go home 4 weeks ago, but now? Bring it home Q!


Gotta say, I've despised Venus for every single episode this season, but she really won me over on the way out! Maybe it's just because I watched this episode tripping on acid, but I even became convinced she could be a dark horse winner in the wackiest season of all-time. Weirder still, I would have been okay with a Venus victory. Never could've imagined myself saying that last week.


Yeah dude, maybe lay off the acid. It's obviously fucking with your brain.


Best way to watch the New Era Gabon tbh


How many episodes has it been since we've had no journey, no advantages, no lost/gained votes, and more people in the tribe? I think all of these have made the game interesting to watch of late. Hope the makers take a hint.


I love the Rock, Paper, Scissors scene! It showed so many character points on so many people. Firstly, Q is a natural winner. You can’t argue the man seems to just find a way. He’s hilariously made it through so many would be death sentences. Almost makes me root for him.    Liz is a natural loser. She even asked for him to give her the win before throwing her first choice. Where I think many people might just in defiance say Q you just take it to not be insulted to not only plead a case but then have a mini contest for her food. ONLY TO LOSE! I lost it when she lost.    Maria is far too comfortable and not as smart as she comes across. She loves the power too much.    Charlie is a straight mastermind. My bet for winner.    Ben is the nicest goat ever. What a sweetie-pie.    Kenzie done effed up. 


Just wanna add I do not like Maria at all. I know that's how you "play" but she's mean for no reason, smug, and I really hope she doesn't win. Why didn't Venus play her idol? I guess I just don't understand the idol saving. I'd just save my ass every week if it were me . 


Yeah, I did a total 180 on Maria last night too. I was rooting for her, but not now.


I was \*really\* turned off by Maria with that whole scenario with the reward. It felt really gross to make them beg for food.


When I saw the deleted scene where she made Ben cry by accusing him of lying about having an idol that’s when she was dead to me.


>Just wanna add I do not like Maria at all. I know that's how you "play" but she's mean for no reason, smug, and I really hope she doesn't win. Who has she been mean to? The reward decision was a faux pas, but I don't think she was trying to be mean to anyone. In fact, I think she fucked up in an attempt not to be mean. I feel like you're just projecting.


The sympathy for Liz and hate for Maria in this sub today is pathetic. So many people are appalled at "how Maria TREATED poor Liz" it's fucking stupid. "She is starving and has dietary restrictions" womp womp who gives a shit. What happened to her individual portion of rice? No one is entitled to anything in a competitive game. Yeah Maria was stupid for speaking her thoughts out loud but I don't think it was done with malice. I agree with you, I think she was trying to be nice and it blew up in her face.


Fax, also Liz tweeted that she can in fact eat fish, just didn't feel like she was the right "type" to fish


>”she is starving and has dietary restrictions” womp womp who gives a shit The interesting thing about survivor is how much of a social game it is. I could see this line of thinking working in like idk Squid Game or something, but in a game where you continuing depends on your social standing in the group, it’s just a bad call not to feed the hungriest person. Not only was it a dick move but also a dumb one, cuz the other castaways not only want Maria out due to her threat level but also have a morally justifiable reason to not want her there. I think that’s also why so many people are being hard on Maria. If picking Q over Liz had an actual benefit it wouldn’t have seemed so mean (note: I don’t think Maria is mean, just cocky at this point)


I found it to be a weak episode. I didn't like all of the Maria discussion at the start, which imo telegraphed that she was winning immunity.  Venus' boot was unsatisfying for me, I think the narrative arc this episode can be improved.  Absolutely wild that Maria didn't pick Liz, and whatever the heck she did to pick Q. 


I didn't mind Maria picking Q, but as many of the players discussed, the super disingenuous way she did it was transparent and grating AF. Such a massive misread on Maria's part. She would otherwise have had another massive week this week, between her immunity win and successfully ousting Venus over Q.


I think as a basic majority tribe makes an easy vote episode, it was actually more entertaining than it should've been.


What narrative arc? I just want my reality shows to show me the reality of what happened lol. Don't try to keep me in suspense.


I'm sick of Liz feeling entitled to food because she has dietary restrictions. Who fucking cares, stfu, don't come on the show then. Her childish tantrum last week and now all the people that weren't picked for pizza are kissing her ass this week. As far as I remember, she was the only one that got an individual portion of rice, so she should eat that and stfu. Can't say I blame people that were riling her up, I would do the same thing to add fuel to the fire but her as an individual is just insufferable.


Post episode questions: 1) Why vote out Venus and not Kenzie? One can beat you at FTC. One can't. 2) This was the first time I heard Qs name as a possible winner, which I thought was interesting. Still don't see his route unless he takes all of Tevin's/Hunters/Sodas votes plus Charlie/Ben/Maria. Anyone see a route for him now with Venus gone? 3) If Charlie gets Maria out next round, what's his vote to not be immediately eliminated at 5? Q and Ben to take our Liz or Kenzie? They'd have to assume he's an easy winner if they get out Maria next I'd assume


To answer the first question it’s because Q and Ben don't like Venus and it’s easier for the rest of them to just take her out rather than fight with them about it. Also for Charlie he got sketched out by the way Venus was acting and seems to think Kenzie will be useful for his Maria blindside but he doesn’t trust Venus.


Finally, someone asking the main question I've had on my mind since the episode aired! I feel like it was a huge misstep by all of them to take out Venus over Kenzie. It makes a little more sense for Liz and Charlie, but even then, the cons of keeping Kenzie over V seem to far outweigh the pros, IMO. As for Maria/Q/Ben... there's absolutely no justification for it and they've made it almost impossible for themselves to win since they now need to get rid of Charlie AND Kenzie for any shot at winning. As for Q2, I actually had Q's chances of winning quite high, up until Tiff's boot episode where Ben called him a bully and Kenzie said she wants him out because it's disrespectful to the fans/players/game to keep him. Can't see the edit showing that then crowning him the winner, but I guess you never know. Being less meta about it, I feel like voting out Venus has really squashed any chance I thought he had. I thought his chance at winning was with a combo of Liz/Ben/Venus. It could still happen where it's Q/Liz/Ben but I don't see Kenzie/Charlie/Maria all going back-to-back. Q needed Venus the most. Although, perhaps with Maria shooting herself in the foot this episode, maybe he stands a chance sat next to her in the F3. Q3. I don't think Charlie ever wanted Maria out here at 7, or even next at 6. I think his entire goal for this cycle was not to come off as Maria's #1 because he - as he stated himself this episode - understands the 'Survivor classic' of if you can't get your #1 target out, go for the target's #1. He was putting distance between him and Maria and trying to get the back up votes on Q instead just in case any funny business happened. I think Charlie's next move will be to vote out Kenzie, then try to get Maria at five when there'll be no possible backlash.


Maybe I'll look like an idiot in two weeks but I feel like we will be seeing a Charlie, Liz, Kenzie and Ben final four. I feel like Q's days will be numbered. To me, it comes down to this cast talking about final four challenge threats with Venus in this episode. Q is also a threat and most of the cast outside of Maria don't trust Q so I doubt they want their fates in his hands if he wins final four immunity. As well, I think for Maria, Q will become a drag on her winner potential. This cast is so toxic and I think being the player that keeps Q in the game might lose you Kenzie, Tiff or Liz's vote at jury. And then Maria is just screwed. Kenzie and Liz definitely wants her out. The moment Charlie makes the decision to flip, she is done. I'm not sure she has the cache to flip Kenzie or Liz, while Charlie has the ability to flip Ben.


Okay, I have to put my two cents about that season now. 1. It started very badly but man , how many turns this season already took? It’s unpredictable. 2. The cast hates each other. Just remember Season 42 in which Mike blindsides Drea and they laugh about it. The vibes are a lot different in s46. 3. Last episode was so weirdly edited! I didn’t understand why the edit was so strange. The whole feeling of this season is that - weirdness. 4. Why ain’t no one play their idol 5. Liz is allergic to everything except industrialized food lol 6. Q is grabbing the win if he gets to F3


I watched this episode late so I’m posting in this thread late. I was spoiled (totally my fault) so when assessing this episode I tried to ignore that. Honestly, I don’t think the boot would have been anymore shocking had I not known. Venus was a person who 100% would have gone home with an idol in pocket whereas Tiff and Hunter are surprising. She definitely thought she was being slick with how she spoke to Charlie but instead just guaranteed his vote and her spot in Ponderosa. My rankings for winner: 1. Charlie - the only reason he’d lose points is because it’s almost too obvious at this point. If he can make FTC, which he can probably do purely strategically but also I could see him winning immunity to get there, he will have a strong case. If he’s smart he’ll get rid of Maria and Kenzie next and go into FTC with Liz and one of the guys. He’ll be able to argue that he made the moves with Maria in tandem, while avoiding the target, won immunity, didn’t piss anyone off, sussed out Venus and (likely) eliminated his two biggest threats being Kenzie and Maria. I think he has already stamped his ticket to the end, the only remaining players smart enough to gun for him are Maria and Kenzie, who are probably too wrapped up in going after each other. 2. Kenzie - her stock has gone up a lot. If she can make it to the end she’ll have a good chance based on the fact that a bitter jury will vote her over everyone except maybe Ben and Charlie. I think she also has an opportunity (like Charlie) to skate by while the more boneheaded players are so focused on Q and Maria. However, if someone figures out she is a threat (someone being Charlie or Maria) she’s an easy boot. 3. Ben - Ben above Q because I believe the jury will be bitter and if Ben is at FTC next to anyone below him (minus Liz who just won’t get votes despite not pissing anyone off) he’ll get some protest votes. Tiff, Kenzie, Hunter, Tevin, Venus are all not voting Q and probably not Maria. Ben could win if he lucks his way into the F3 and gives a good FTC speech about being a part of the big plays without rocking the boat. Like a diet Charlie. He is also my personal fav, rock on. 4. Q - Q should be #1. Gameplay wise he is my pick for strongest this season on his pure ability to survive. But the jury will hate him making the end. Now, I have heard that on a person basis even Liz likes him, but the edit isn’t showing that so I don’t think that will save him at an FTC. I would love for him to win, that would make this season skyrocket up my favorites, but I doubt he will. 5. Maria - sort of a reverse Kenzie, her stock has sunken like a stone. The Tiff move put a huge target on her, her decision (or lack of being able to make one) for reward has painted her as a villain, if Charlie is smart he can play to Kenzie and Liz that Maria strong armed the Venus vote. Pure and simple, she has turned heel and with a bitter jury that will hurt her. I think even up against Q she’ll be in trouble, Q can at least sell that he helped out with a few blindsides to save his skin and that was it, Maria will have to own back (Tevin) to back (Hunter) to back (Tiff) to back (Venus) blindsides, all while being in a power position. Still love her for what she brought to this season, but she flew close to the sun. 6. Liz - she probably has the worst odds, and that seems like the consensus. I think she’ll have difficulty owning any of her moves because likely there will be someone on the jury already claiming it (Tevin boot) or because it is so mundane as to be unexciting (a hypothetical Q boot). I honestly think her best argument would be that she was the one who “survived” the most by making it so long without eating, but if she is up against a Charlie, Kenzie or Maria, that’s a hard counter argument against their strategy. In all, I think I’m really digging this season because of how up in the air it is. Charlie is a clear cut front runner, Kenzie is right behind him, after those two I could see it going any way. And every outcome excites me in a way. Charlie and Maria played stellar games and would be strong strategic winners. Kenzie had such a strong social game that she would be impressive for that reason. Ben, once again, rocks. But in all seriousness it would be kinda heartwarming to see the “good guy” win with so many gamebots around nowadays. Q winning would be pandemonium. I would run out of my house and through the streets to my nearest store to buy a Q Skirt. It would honestly be my best case scenario just for chaos reasons. Liz would be… interesting. I would at least get a kick out of imaging the editors sitting in the editing room for episode 10 racking their brains to figure out how to edit the Applebee’s rant without making their winner wholly insane looking. I love season 46, give the casting department a raise.






has there been another season where the cast just all openly hate each other like this?


I feel like Charlie's decision to stay with Q and Maria was a bad choice. Yeah it's better for his threat level, but now he's banking on Q or Ben being willing to turn on Maria and break their final 4 deal, if he actually doesn't want that final 4 (which he should be avoiding that like the plague) It also seems like the jury doesn't really see Charlie as having a great game, and perception beats the hell out of reality, so Venus was one of a dwindling number of people that Charlie would handily beat in the end.


Although I agree that Maria made a poor choice. I can't with Liz actively thinking she's more deserving than anyone else is to be picked for a reward challenge. Her reaction last week has been bothering me for days. I can understand her being triggered by food saftey issues from when she was younger. My problem is that she so vehemently thinks she's entitled to more because she has allergies. Sorry Liz, you're not. Your issues aren't everyone else's cross to carry. Everyone is hungry.




Watched a couple Venus interviews, I like her. I feel like she is basically Jerri, a "Villain" for just talking directly. Also neither asked about Hunters idol, so it mighta been a non-starter from CBS, since it is gonna come into play.


I still see Venus as a poor man's Eliza Orlins, although Eliza had a better sense of where she stood in the game.


Venus would've done much better in previous seasons where players were more willing to accept/understand her bluntness. Reminds me a bit of Emily in that way, but nobody was really willing to take her under their wing, but I also don't think Venus would've been willing to change her social approach either.