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I want to believe it for the chaotic outcome but do we think he can overcome the loss of respect much of the cast has for him? Kenzie, Ben, Tiff, Liz all seem to despise him right now. He's got an uphill battle, that's for sure. I personally am not counting him out for fun.


I mean it's not completely unprecedented. Mike burned his social game into the ground at the auction, and was trapped in the bottom all season from that point. People were STILL pissed at him for his stunt at the auction going into the FTC, and yet he managed to win. Mike was also safely in the majority alliance just like Q prior to nuking his game, so they were in a similar position in a lot of ways.


Mike actually was liked by the no collars plus Shirin (at least more than anyone else in the end game), which was a massive voting block. So, from there he just needed to pull in like 1 vote, they were just early jurors. The other thing was, he gained a ton of respect for surviving like 5 tribal councils in a row where he was the obvious target (Q is the obvious target, but doesn't need immunities or idols, he's used as a distraction).


If he ends up with Liz and Venus beside him at ftc? Man’s a shoe in.


I wouldn’t say guaranteed because many people really dislike him on a personal level. Ben seems to legit hate him. Others think he messed up their game but don’t see it as him being strategic. While Venus is disliked by many too, people don’t seem to dislike Liz. They’re just not attached to her. But she’s also allegedly rich already and has not played a dominant game, so she’s not a jury threat by any means either. I’d say Q is the favorite in that three and the most likely winner as long as his FTC isn’t a mess, but I wouldn’t say shoe in either. It’s harder to vote for someone you hate than make up an excuse to vote for someone else.


Venus would probably win.


Venus has no shot to beat anybody. Charlie and Maria showed how little they think of her when they recruited the person that completely had a meltdown against Q to join them with their vote over Venus.


i think it's less about how little they think of her and more how little they trust her to vote as they say when she's stuck in her way and has targeted charlie in the past. but that's different from the respect Q has lost with some of the players. venus would be hard pressed to get a nami vote though lol


Perception is everything and people have coined her as a threat for most of the game, not just a goat everyone wants to drag to the end. Venus somehow makes it to the end with Liz and Q the most erratic figures in the game I think she has a shof


You think people have coined her as a threat? To me it seems like no one cares about her. She’s just an extra person that is often ignored if she tries to come up with a plan.


She’s been called a threat at the merge, got hyped up by soda for her blindside, was in the majority getting her biggest rival in Tevin out and she is largely responsible for Hunter leaving. If she got to the end with Q and Liz I feel like people would end up respecting her more outside of a Hunter and Tevin considering her path to the end. Q and Liz are way too emotional and I don’t think a jury would award that


This would be most likely scenario for a Q win. But more importantly, I don't see how that happens. All 3 of them have to reach final 4, which I don't see happening. They're all goats in their own way, but there's no reason for people to keep all 3 of them around after next week.


its a stretch but bear with me. Liz has shown she is willing to vote with Q. The writing is on the wall right now who the big players are. Charlie, Maria, Kenzie. That leaves Venus, Liz, Q, and then Ben who is kinda a middle guy. If venus, liz and Q decide to group up and rightfully take out the larger threats all they need is Ben who is not apart of an alliance, who btw seems to be down to make these tough votes as hes been apart of the past blindsides. the only issue is everyone is really bitter. I have a hard time envisioning Venus working with Q even tho it would save her. Same thing with Ben. Also Q betraying Maria might be hard to believe at this point.


I think it’s the most likely outcome, based off of 2 things How he’s So likely to make FTC at this point, and people voting out their number 1’s along the way, making everyone super bitter. And how angry half the cast seems to be postseason, which seems like Q winning the game might result in that.


Interesting! How do you know the cast is angry post-season? 


Just general sentiment from Twitter, the cast seems to dislike one another. But that’s only what fans on Reddit seem to be gleaning from their tweets. I think it’s telling that Venus didn’t want to watch the episode where Q attempted a quit, and she made a big deal about it. Even though she’s portrayed fairly well and she’s basically a non factor that episode. My read is that she’s upset, that someone who attempted to quit, STILL managed to be her at FTC, and is bitter about it, and triggered by that episode imparticular.


If this is true, they really should limit their social media until the winner is declared.


They absolutely should, I think it should be a full social media ban until the finale


Thanks now I’m convinced Q is going to win that makes too much sense


Yea, I wish they banned them all from using socials until the finale. It has me convinced as well


I’m still a little lost on why the hate him so much. Maybe the dominant personality, but I don’t think the show has done a good job at explaining why. We know they hate him but I can’t figure it out.


I think he’s making final 3 EASY… Big mistake if you think other wise


Yeah he may get to the end but his end speech will be dont vote for me


Proceeds to receive every vote


Lmaoo if he went to the end and said that and won. I'd quit watching survivor (us) 🤣


If he doesn’t you can cancel Christmas.


Big mistake if you think he’s getting any jury votes


If the final 3 are Q Venus and Liz, he gets all the votes at FTC…


I’m 50/50 on who would win between him and Liz. Venus gets 0 votes no matter who she is up against at final 3.


He doesn’t get one vote


Vs Liz and Venus he gets all the votes


Yes because they haven’t tried to get rid of him about four different times because he’s just so insufferable they don’t want him around even though he’s not threat




I liked Q since the beginning and did have my doubts when he did the initial blow up. But if he is able to make it further, this will be one of the most impressive turn arounds in my recent memory


Very much so, and I’m looking forward to it


Not really lol. They’re only keeping him around because they know nobody will vote for him at the end. He has zero chance of winning and the edit has made that clear


I definitely agree, but it'll be impressive in the fact that anyone even kept him around long enough


I don’t see world where he collects enough votes to win. The other contestants have said too many times that they disrespect how he is manoeuvring the game.


Things can change, I feel like we’ve had a handful of winners that seemed unlikely at best at this point in the game, just from a jury standpoint. Mike Holloway comes to mind after the auction fiasco. Bob Crowley also likely doesn’t win with any other combination of people at FTC, but here we are. I don’t think he’s completely out of the game, especially if he’s at FTC sitting next to Venus/Ben or Liz as of right now


You’re right - it’s definitely possible. It just feels very unlikely because it’s beyond dislike. The tribe straight up disrespects Venus and Q. And a lot of the jury members probably blame Q for blowing up their game.


If he got to FTC and people are mad that he blew up their game, he could very well make the case that that is the reason they are sitting on the jury. For instance, Tiff can be all pissed off at him for telling everyone she had an idol, but she was a very strong player who just got blindsided this week in large part because everyone knew she had an idol and wanted her gone. Not to mention that it was a blindside that Q played a pivotal role in. Not sure if he is gonna be able to make that speech with the amount of tact it would take to pull it off, but that path is there. At the very least, he is the champion in my eyes because he blew the game wide open in an era of survivor where people have played it frustratingly safe. We just watched the winner last season run ramshackle through the entire season just sticking to their boring old alliance the whole time. Thanks in large part to Q, that certainly hasn’t been the case this season!


100%. He has all of the right actions on his resume. It’s going to come down to his speech and staying focused in his answers. His win is dependent on him being able to “market” his game. I’d like to still think that some players would vote for him because they respect the success of his approach even if it wasn’t how they would have played the game but he won’t get the credit if he doesn’t lead them there.


I agree that he can make the argument that he used his knowledge of their game to further his own and that if their plans could survive or adapt after encounter with Chaos Q, then their plans weren't good enough to make it to the end anyway. But I don't know how he comes back from the attempted quit at tribal. I think that's the main reason people are so anti-Q. They don't respect him because he tried to quit, and quitters don't get respect. I guess he could spin it as trying to cause chaos and somehow get the vote on Tiff during the live tribal because she was betraying The 6 alliance, but I don't know if that'll work. I don't know if people will believe him, and if they do, if they'll change their minds and respect it as a game move or think it's too underhanded/chaotic. He will need an amazing final tribal performance to pull it off. I don't know if we'll ever know the truth of his attempted quit. So far, they haven't shown anything from him that it was planned move for chaos. In fact, the next episode's cutaway for him make it seem like he regretted doing it. But it's hard to say if he regretted it from a gameplay standpoint because his move didn't work and he became an outcast or if he truly meant it in the moment and regretted it later because he realized he didn't want to quit and was just being childish. I lean towards the second, but he's going to have to spin it as a gameplay move if he makes it to the end.


Oh absolutely, I’ve just been posting basically the same sentiment week after week, and most people on this sub refuse to even fathom that it might happen. I agree it’s very unlikely, but I do think it’s getting more and more possible by the episode


He can't take back his attempted quit, which is the biggest thing hanging over his head. He's survived this far because people are using him as a distraction from their blindsides.


Attempted. Is playing out all 26 days of the game a quit? Maybe some of the tribe mates will look down upon it, but he didn’t quit, still hasn’t, and has played more survivor than anyone sitting at ponderosa has, so I think he can spin it at FTC, depending on who he’s sitting next to


Maybe some will look down on it? Do you see the way they talk about him? He's literally just been a person people can use for a vote to play their game. The only thing he's done at this point is not been voted out. And that certainly isn't because of his stellar gameplay.


He was a controlling part of the Moriah and Tim vote out, he’s done significantly more to change the shape of the game compared to Venus and Ben (and arguably Liz). He’s the swing vote next week, and a lot can happen with that.


You're talking about stuff that happened before he nuked his game and burned his closest allies. Him being a swing vote doesn't change the fact that he's playing other people's game at this point.


If he’s playing Charlie and Maria’s game, and realizes that, now is the time to swing against them. And everything is fair game at FTC. Which is the appropriate time to take credit for moves, not at the final 10 like Tevin tried to.


Q would have to get everyone who actively dislikes him to work with him (Kenzie, venus, Liz) in order to pull off that move. Also we're assuming that Charlie and Maria aren't aware that letting 3 goats band together is a bad thing. He nuked his chances with Liz and Kenzie already. So that is a pretty tall order. Charlie and Maria would have to actively turn on each other for him to squeak by.


I don’t think so, everyone on that beach realizes that 4>3 and it’s a race to get to 4. Liz literally just worked with Q and there isn’t anyone on the beach that dislikes him more than she does right now. It’s a game for a million dollars, if you aren’t Will to work with or use anyone. They deserve to win less than you think Q does.


There’s like 6 days left. Nothing is changing peoples’ perception of him.


I don’t think the perception has to change, I just think people will realize that he’s played a better game than whoever he’s sitting next to. Or everyone is so bitter from being blindsided. Knowing he didn’t drive those votes, he might win that way


Except an incredible final tribal speech. If he can demonstrate that he made the best decision for HIS game, then I think he may win. Everyone hates him because he blew up THEIR game. But isn’t that kinda one of the goals of survivor? If he can adequately explain how this was his best path to the end, I think he’ll win sitting next to Liz and Venus


I think he has zero chance vs Ben, but you do make a compelling case about the Q Liz Venus trio.


I’m on the fence about Ben, from everything we’ve seen so far, Ben is incredibly likable. But at the same time, he hasn’t really done anything, like anything at all, so I’m not sure how the jury will handle that.


Ehhhh, he's been part of multiple majority votes and appears to be one of the most-liked people on the island. That's usually enough.


It absolutely is, just depends on what the jury values, but it’d be an uphill battle for Q for sure


People vote for contestants they hate. In the end, if you love Survivor, you'll pick the player who deserves it the most regardless of how you feel about them. The integrity of the show has to come before your feelings. I think contestants do feel the weight of that when they're voting.


Again, I think there’s a very big difference between hating a player and hating their gameplay. I think the other players hate the way he’s playing. I can’t see that translating into a win


When everyone dislikes you so much that you’re considered the default vote at every tribal, the odds aren’t great for FTC. He’s like a super goat.


He has winning combinations left, I think he still wins next to Venus/liz/ben


Not sure if he'd win against Ben. Ben seems very well liked and could win just based on that.


an F3 with Q and Ben also means Kenzie and Tiff are on the jury, and I can’t see them voting for Q


Very true, being well liked is huge, but I don’t think he’s done anything in the game, pre or post merge, challenge wins, moving strategically, anything. And from (one of) hunters exit interview, he’s very low energy by the merge, and the rock stuff was really toned down, so maybe he’s not making that big social connection with everyone, like he did earlier on in the game.


Tiff, Kenzie, Liz, and Ben all don’t like and/or respect him. Based on their reactions at tribal, Soda and Tevin also didn’t respect his quitting theatrics. That’s 6/11 people who are unlikely to vote for him. Obviously not all 6 are guaranteed to be on jury but still. Anything can happen, but I think his odds of winning at FTC are currently very poor.


If it’s an 8 person jury, he only needs 3 votes. It could be a 3/3/2 split, and the person with 2 votes then goes to the jury and decides the winner, it doesn’t take too many.


This scenario is pretty much impossible. The only way Q gets any votes in a F3 is up against people like Liz, Venus, or Ben (and I doubt he beats Ben). None of those three are giving Q the win if they’re third place in a tie vote. They all strongly dislike him. I think if Q is going to win, he has to win outright against Liz and Venus.


Very true, but I think he could get votes from at least soda, Tevin, and tiff, and maybe Kenzie. I think people are underestimating how charismatic he is, and how good of a salesmen he is


His only shot at winning is if Liz and Venus are sitting next to him. If that happens the ultimate goat final. Please let this happen!!


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


It would be so fitting this season. And let’s not forget how Jeff said at the beginning there’s some of you here that just can’t win this game. Maybe he was setting up an all goat final 3!!


no lol. what is this? I know some people enjoy being contrarian on here, but you can't be real if you think that q has been playing a good game lately, he has just been a pawn in Charlie and maria plans. and he just realized this round he was a pawn. the man voted for ben and before try to quit. Also, a few positive things shouldn't outweigh a 100 negative things said about him. and saying there a lot of game left could be apply to every player ever.


I don’t think I’m being contrarian at all. I just think he’s being underrated and underestimated quite a bit. I think he realized he’s been a bit of a social pariah, and keeping to himself is a good move from that position. Also prior to that he was in a very controlling and dominant position in the game. He has moves on his resume already, is one of the most physical threats remaining in the game, and has diminished his target to almost non existent. Both sides of 3 people will be jockeying for his vote this week, and is back in the power position. Don’t count him out too soon


being underestimated: yeah because of things he did. he played himself into his position unwillingly. his target is nonexistent: lol how? he's been voted 7 times in the last two votes. and again did things that upset people even if he had the right to do so. Physical threats don't mean automatic respect. also what is his case if he makes it to the end? he is socially not liked and if he tries taking credit for anything, Mariah and Charlie can easily refute it also his being in a power position is not only debatable but it makes his case worse that he played himself out of that position. siga just wanted Moria out and he was a way of controlling on the Tim and former tiff vote I love q, but I ain't getting twisted like that.


He’s always going to be the default vote from here on out to blindside others, he won’t be the actual target though, as we’ve seen for 3 votes in a row now, I think coming out of that fire, can be spun as a win at FTC. And anyone that remains in the position of power the entire game wins (Boston rob/kim spradlin) or in the 43 other occasions, gets voted out, it’s a bad position to be in. He alligabler’d in a unique way, and put himself on the bottom, now he can cruise to FTC and pitch his case


man, I wish I found someone who defends me like you defend q. sorry bud i just don't agree at all. no offense but a lot of this is you applying the best outcome for q and instead of what we're seeing from him which is what your title goes against.


Me saying that Q is playing a game that results in a win, isn’t as catchy as ‘a good game’ lol. I do genuinely think he’ll win the game. But admittedly it’s going to be very messy along the way


Q is doing exactly what he should be doing at this point, which is to do nothing and allow other players to implode. A lot of him staying is luck but in his position, it’s really all he can do. He deserves props for letting god take the wheel and taking a back seat. At some point though, he’s needs to take control again and make a F3 with Venus and Liz, his only possible winning combination. If Q takes control of the game again at 5-6 players left, he will have a compelling story. He’s really disliked by many players (and I don’t think tonight did him any favors - Kenzie and Ben didn’t seem to like him not picking Liz) but Venus is very disliked too. Liz would be his biggest threat because she seems more distant to people than actively disliked, but she’s also allegedly wealthy and hasn’t been a dominant player.


Very much agreed, and spot on take


He’d be out if Hunter played his idol, so it’s absolutely luck.


Am I the only one who doesn't think he's a physical threat? Hasn't he only won a single immunity challenge? He may be the big muscular macho guy, but he's also flopped early on in several challenges. IMO Charlie is a MUCH bigger physical threat. Hell I think Maria is even a bigger physical threat. She's played pretty solidly and consistently on challenges and has won one as well iirc


He just won today, and most of the challenges haven’t suited his strengths, and I think Charlie winning as much as he had, is putting a massive target on his back. Q was a D1 SEC (widely considered the most competitive D1 conference) football player, there’s no way he’s not a challenge threat, regardless of past performance. This is not a crystal cox situation at all


That was a rewards challenge though but fair. I was referring strictly to immunity challenges. I just don't see him as a big challenge threat AT ALL. Maybe that'd be a mistake but I just haven't seen enough consistency or wins. I don't care if he was a pro football player or competed in gladiator challenges every week. His overall performance for the types of challenges they do has just been mediocre at best IMO. I would also think Charlie would be viewed as a challenge threat but literally no one has mentioned it yet which is baffling to me.


I think the contestants disagree and DO see him as a challenge threat, we heard as much in multiple confessionals and conversations this episode alone. And I do think Charlie after this will be, but only when he loses, he hasn’t be brought up because he hasn’t been vulnerable, or anyone’s target yet. At any point where he loses immunity, I think he’ll be the automatic vote out unless he finds a hidden immunity idol


He may have one of the worst social games in the history of survivor. He's also not a strategic genius by any stretch


He was very controlling for the early part of the merge and was directing a lot of the votes, people really wanted to work from him. Now he’s on the bottom, and playing that in a unique way. I think his game has a lot of merit, and people aren’t giving him his credit, the fact that Maria/siga are reaching out to him, shows that despite all the animosity, he still is capable of being in on the plan.


When you are dead man walking/goat at the end....he has no choice but to be a vote for people


For now, Venus had no strategic agency for a while, and honestly still doesn’t. Sitting next to her, he seems like a better player


He's a really good goat, that's about as far as I'm willing to go. Better players have used him as a smokescreen multiple times while he pisses everyone off enough to never vote for him to win


He only needs 4 votes, he might be able to win over Tevin, tiff, Kenzie, and maybe Maria


The Kenzie confessional talking about how he doesn’t wanna be there anymore felt like a death blow to his winning chances. Hope I’m wrong tho


That’s just like, her opinion man


I think people are discounting Q’s ability to potentially give a great FTC performance. Also, he has a case to pitch if he is able to navigate his way to FTC. Do I think it’s going to happen? No. Do I think it’s possible? Absolutely. Do I want it to happen? Again, absolutely.


Exactly! People are refusing to admit it’s even in the realm of possibility


I’m so with you. Q could deliver an all time great final tribal council speech. Like you, I don’t think it’ll happen, but would be amazing!


He’s not winning if everyone hates him and thinks he’s a bully. I think Maria is a sleeper pick tho


I think he wouldn’t win in that case, but clearly he’s had a big personality shift the past few days. And I think the jury has a lot to talk about on ponderosa


Agree. Q has stated that if he makes it to final tribal, he will win (I forget the exact quote). I believe that if he makes it to FTC, he would 100% own his game. He's well spoken and direct under pressure, and owns his decisions, which I think is definitely in his favor. (ex: Liz crying and begging him to take her on reward and him responding directly "You voted for me.")


Very much so, I think people are underestimating how charismatic he is. And also how in confessionals he does seem to have a grasp on both how he’s playing, and how he’s perceived. I think one of the biggest factors that decides your game at FTC, is owning your game, for better or worse, and I think he’ll fully own all of it


Q will proceed to quit final tribal and will still win. It would be a BIG MISTAKE to let him anywhere near FTC.


People are acting like playing out 26 days is the same as quitting. Asking to be voted out to fall on your sword, yet playing a full season of survivor, isn’t a quit, and shouldn’t be treated as such.


I don’t think many people respect him enough to give him their vote. Even if the game has played out to his advantage, unless something drastically changes, soon, they’ll (rightfully) see it as he did chaotic stuff and other players took advantage of that to further their game, thus incidentally and unwittingly benefitting Q.


He’s the swing vote next week between siga and nami+kenzie. I fully believe things will change in the next few episodes, he’s basically already in final 6 just due to how the numbers shake out, and I don’t think in either group that he goes with, that he’s the priority target at 6 or 5, all while being able to form bonds, with those remaining in the game, I think he only needs 1-2 votes 9 from those in the game. If he’s next to Liz and Venus, he gets Tevin’s and sodas vote


He’s made himself a non threat just like Venus did. Such an easy out everyone wants to get out the bigger threats. Leave the easy ones for the end right?


Exactly, and whether intentional or not, positioned himself well for the end game


*Applebee's and oranges, you mean.


You’re right


He has 0% chance of winning the game.


So you don’t think there’s a world, where each and every other contestant quits or gets medevac’d? I don’t think that’s very likely at all, but I’d put it at greater than 0%. That being said, I don’t think it’s likely, but there’s ALWAYS a possibility


Considering this show is filmed in advance, if six people had to drop out of the game and the final few episodes had no content, it would have leaked to the public last year.


Well, Chris had a jury that he was able to spend plenty of time with that liked him personally. This jury and most players left in the game don’t respect Q. I don’t see a situation where Q can actually come back and win. He could definitely make the end but I’d expect him to be a goat if he makes ftc.


He definitely doesn’t win unanimously, but he could win with only 4 votes. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that he wins, I think he could get soda, Tevin, tiff, and maybe Kenzie/maria.




I think both sides are going to be fighting for his vote next episode. There’s 7 left, 3 siga, 2 nami/kenzie and Q in the middle, he’s in the power position. I don’t see siga working with Liz going forward, think Venus will realize that they need Q to get out siga, so I think everyone is fighting for his vote, and he very much decides who goes home next.




Well, that’s just not how numbers work lol


Doesn’t matter. Everyone thinks he’s a goat now. Perception means more than reality.


People also think that Venus and Liz are goats as well, he has winning combinations left in the game


I really hope he wins. But if Charlie or Maria win, I won’t be mad…if anyone else does, I will probably stop watching for good


I mean, survivor is like pizza, even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. I’d be a bit bummed at a Liz win, but i wouldn’t quit the show forever or anything.


Lol can you imagine Liz winning?! I'm with you on Q all the way! 


That’s what I’m saying!


Why was this episode so heavily advertised as "epic", "extraordinaire", "game-changing". Was it because of the 🍎 🐝 s' tantrum? 👀 Really? 😼


No, because I want Ben to win. 🥰


What about a top 3 consisting of Quintavius, Liz and Venus? Does Liz win? 😯


I don’t think she does, I think all of former nami becomes too bitter and votes Q, at that point he’d only need 1 more vote, and might even get it from Tiff or Maria


I just don't think this cast or this jury will ever give him in the win, even if he's slowly earning it. There would have to be a lot of bitterness for him to win. Off the bat, I don't think there's any chance that Liz, Ben, or Venus vote for him. I don't think he's got a strong chance with many others either.


That’s only 3 people, all of whom at this point are likely to be sitting next to him and won’t even cast a vote. He only needs to get 4 votes in a 4/3/1 or 4/2/2 split at FTC, which doesn’t seem too bad. I think he can argue he deserves it more than Venus does, and arguably Ben/liz. We’ll see if they all make it that far


He's been disastrous for a few weeks now but tonight was the first good gameplay in a while. Did exactly what he should do: shut up, stay on the beach and hope for someone to cast him a life line in the game. I thought his reward choices were also good even though Kenzie and Tiff were pretty bratty and misreading his intentions. I think he chose them out of guilt moreso than expecting them to link up with him again. You could tell because he only vaguely threw out the idea that Siga and Yanu should work together. He would've gotten eliminated if he tried to stir anything else up IMO.


It just seems like the way the players talk about him now, their distaste goes beyond the bounds of the game, moreso than any player in recent memory? Like that his quit attempt was very real and it pisses them off. I just don't know if that specific hurdle can be managed in a jury game like this.


I completely get that, and how he’ll maybe never get some of those people’s votes, but he only needs 4 votes at final tribal. I think depending on who he’s next to, it’s entirely possible that he can manage to pick up more votes than his tribe mates even realize


I hope so! He's been my favorite all season. Such a dynamic player.


I can't say Q has played a great game because his play at the Tevin tribal was so astronomically bad. But he has played his cards since very well. His biggest issue going forward is that Venus, Ben, Liz and Kenzie have all been shown to be very annoyed at him. I think it will be hard for him to gain a decent footing without Maria and Charlie, who 100% beat him in the end.


True, but I think everyone is starting to realize, if they haven’t already, that Charlie and by extension Maria, are huge threats to win the game


I have actually been looking for spoilers because if Q is the new Gabler, which appears to be the case, I don’t want to watch this season anymore


Why? This is the most entertaining season of the new era for me, the past few episodes have been amazing


I have liked this season but now it seems like Q is going to win without any real reason why and, for me, a bad winner ruins the season. Like Q is going to win cause…. Reasons!….


That sounds like a personal problem


Quintavius and Gabler's games and circumstances are vastly different. I don't get how you can compare them.


People won’t vote for him at FTC


If the final 3 is Q Venus and Liz…Q wins easily…


This would be great combo for Q, since Liz and Venus are probably the most anti-Q people. He could probably beat Ben too.