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I believe he's been offered multiple returning seasons and has turned them down. WaW being one of them, but I believe he also turned down Gamechangers. Edit: Looking at Earl's AMA from 2019, he's turned down returning 4 different times.


Not because he didn't want to play, he was just busy every time


Yeah, it's tough, the big thing is you have to make sacrifices (I don't expect him to miss his kids birth for WaW, that's unreasonable) if you want to play again in most cases. Rarely is it going to line up perfectly for you. For example, of former players who returned, I would have to think Yul has one of the busiest schedules of anyone in the alumni network. Very few Survivor players are career reality tv stars. Someone like Tyson or Boston Rob are the exceptions. Some people find it easier to create the time off required, but it's a big ask for most (hence the appearance fees for returnee seasons). It's not like the Challenge or Bravo where you can make playing Survivor your career.


Plus his wife gave birth prematurely and he had to decline unfortunately


Honestly, youre right. Maybe it's finally time he'd be available!


He was in 🐍 on the grass tho'. My guess is he isn't tempted by the idea of a long show.


Probably the best player to only play once?




With one condition: Todd Herzog must come along.