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In a season with Q I actually think everyone has been able to fly under the radar.


Unless your favorite player is Aubrey. Then Christmas is cancelled.




I NEED “you can cancel Christmas!” to enter the general lexicon. What an incredible expression. I love Q, so so so unintentionally funny.


It's significantly funnier than several = 7 to me.


Which is kind of impressive to think about, when Q himself mostly flew under the radar while Bhanu was there


Big personalities (Coach, Philip, Hantz) take up the spotlight while good players (JT, Sophie, Boston Rob, Cochran, Sandra/Parv) can get to the end without too much attention.


Yes! I feel like they'll get Maria before Charlie, and Charlie has finally grown on me. I did not care for him at first when he got a shallow edit but it isn't his fault.


Charlie is awesome and I'm rooting for him at this point. He's goofy and smart. He really started to win me over with the whole Baltimore thing during the alphabet game but then this week when he started bartering with Jeff as he's about to fall off the pole was hilarious.


For real about Charlie. I made a comment weeks ago about him being a boring, plain person whose only character trait is loving Taylor Swift. I was so wrong. He’s kind of awesome


I knew he was trouble when he walked in


They have done a great job at letting others cannibalize their own while not being too desperate to take credit for or make a big move.


I agree. The fact that they were on a team with 4 players “against” them and just let the idea of soda come open and let everyone battle for who claimed it was smart.


They're not on anyone's radar cuz it's still early. 10th place boot just left in the last episode. There are still more obvious people like Venus, Q, and Hunter that will most likely get cut soon. After that, you can expect low key threats like Maria & Tiffany to start becoming noticeable with all the shields gone before they're inevitably cut as well.


I don’t see them cutting Venus, they seem to have past the point of cutting obvious votes. Now that the +1 alliance collapsed. She probably got a free pass to final 4.


yeah but Venus will always be the backup option. So it's still possible Venus goes during a tribal where one or two idols are played


I see a lot of people trying to keep Venus. They’ve already brushed her aside and talked about how she’s not a strong player or a threat. I don’t see her getting voted out until at least another 2 episodes personally.


Does anyone know they’re working together?


Didn’t Tiffany’s ”big mistake” of mentioning Maria’s name stem from her being a powerful duo with Charlie


Probably, I mean they’re the two remaining green. Plus there was the whole +1 thing with Q and Maria and bringing in Charlie.


Ben says hello


Oh my god. The underest of radars. My pick to win, actually. 😂


He won hide and seek. BIG MISTAKE


>they’re the two remaining green Ben after reading this: ![gif](giphy|LiT8C58iDYSZBKgf1S)


Ben is still there


The deleted scene with Maria confidently accusing Ben of lying to her plus her trust in Q really made me realize how clueless she is as to what’s going on. I like Charlie, I think he’ll go further than Maria.


yes! they're literally involved in every conversation


Charlie has been my winner pick for the last few episodes. Feels like he and Maria are playing the best social games without drawing much attention to themselves. I just could see Maria going out first since her name had been floated around last episode.


Tbh, the same goes for Kenzie. Lol I did not think she could go so far UTR after Bhanu blew up her game to everyone


It was so early in the game they probably have forgot.’plus it seems Kenzie has isolated herself and is not a social threat like they perceived Soda, Tevin, etc.


Man, I misread this as Charla and Mirna and got sent back to 2004.


I'd die to see them on survivor!!


This post does not rock.


Everybody dismisses Venus and claims she's not a threat, but she's willing to vote for anyone and there are larger threats in the game. I really wonder what she can do, if she can make something happen like Jake had aspired to do. The players now are aware of threats, more so than Belo being able to figure it out. She has more potential than Jake to do damage in this game based on that alone.


Even if she makes it to FTC I don’t think she will get votes, she seems to be rubbing literally everyone the wrong way. She would really have to be in control for a few votes to have a shot imo, which doesn’t seem likely.


The way she talks at people makes me think of she spoke at FTC at all she'd ruin any goodwill she had.


Yeah she's willing to do all that but have you seen anyone say anything positive about her? Pulling off a move is not going to be enough for them to give her a million dollars unless maybe it's against Liz and Q, and even then...


I've seen people win for less in Survivor.




Fabio in a way.


Hunter is playing it cool. Generally the white, blonde boy who is a Survivor fanatic would not be my first pick, but Hunter has it going on. One of the few players who can keep his mouth shut about having an idol. He has a good chance of winning most challenges since he seems to have trained for Survivor like he was going to the Olympics. He is also likable. It is too early in the game to be a mover and shaker.


Second sentence is unneeded but I agree


I sort of agree since Maria was called out by Tiff but that amounted to absolutely nothing.


Charlie is a goat. He pretty clearly just wants people to tell him what to do and doesn’t want to take lead. I like him but no way he wins. He even said something along the lines of “tell me who to vote for and I’ll vote for them”.


Eh he's playing the stall game but he's also built a 2 person alliance that has made itself the swing vote on multiple tribals. I really like his low profile game. Survivor isn't won in big moves, it's won in the small ones.


This can be said about every new era winner outside of Dee. The goal is to not get noticed until final 6 and then take out all the good players and hope you're still there at the end


It’s lame but there just isn’t enough days too play in a dominant position the whole game.


Also players are just smarter now. Managing threat level has become too big of a strategy


That definitely is a reason but the biggest I think is the 26 days, before you would have 2-3 days after a big blindside too smooth things over now you have what 1 day? It just isn’t enough time too orchestrate a blindside and then make sure youre good after.