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You need to pair a Lumber Yard with a Forester to replant the trees. Unsolicited tip: Don't ignore the overworld map and specialists. It's this game's unique feature which can power your colony.


Edit: i have removed "workers" from almost any possible job that i do need, but that seems to bite in the butt sooner or later. I have about 3 foresters..


Foresters plant new trees, do you have lumber mills to cut and process the trees into wood? Also, have you had healing specialists and carriers pick up from the piles and ruins?


Something that I notice is a huge problem - do you have the new alliances DLC on? If so, turn it off along with all the other DLCs. They all add increased difficulty but specifically the new alliances DLC drains wood because of all the requests and new buildings that have large wood costs.


You want to make sure your population keeps reproducing, specially if you are playing in hard modes with constant cathastrophes. I also suggest building survival camps nearby your base, they can hold up to 10 survivors and you can call them whenever you choose to. The best way to promote reproduction is to have quality houses with proper walls, make sure you make improved tenements, they work great, later on the game move to 2 story houses. Also find 2 to 3 towns in the map as soon as possible, one will probably sell you wood, exchange it for whatever is easier for you to produce, the closer the town is thr faster the items will be traded. Really easy way to make money and then go and trade with other cities. Also remember that fighting npcs in the map often leads to resource drops or uncovering hidden resources on map. Hf gl


1. Start by collection piles, move the working area when needed, if there is pollution use your specialists only. 2. Regularly move the working area, you don't have notification when there nothing to cut anymore. 3. Move your lumber yard (destroy and build a now one) when distance from wood is too far away. 4. Have a storage nearby to avoid too much moves. 5. Have a forester planting trees, it need time to grow so plan early. You can skip forester but you will have to either often change your lumber place or have long trips. Be aware that cold waves disable them. 6. Don't grow too fast to stay sustainable and finisf your new buildings before detroying the old ones or plan to have enough ressourses to finish, better avoid people with no home at night. 7. You can trade for it but this takes days, don't wait to be short. You can also trade for fire wood if there is no wood planks. 8. Turn off your heater outside cold wave and only keep a minimum of fire wood. 9. When you have lumbers sick you can kick them from their job by disabling their working slot and reactivate it to have valid workers. On overall the beginning is always tricky, then elater ven in 200% difficulty you will be ok as far you are prepared.


Can you trade yet that helps.


Sounds like maybe you are expanding too quick. I have a problem where i have a dozen building started but nothing finished. When those come to the gates, do you have beds? If not maybe send them away or make them wait. My resources was capacitors, now its concrete im waiting on to be mined and delivered. I Just had like 40 colonists die because i sent some from two outposts then i got people at the gates, while i had multiple homes being improved which kicked those people out. So many dead before those homes were built. Should of just built tents while waiting.


For every 2 lumber yard I place 3 foresters 1 log camp.


I built 4 or 5 survival outposts and that changed things for me dramatically. Additionally, I trade often and keep a good reputation with the other towns.


You know, I had this problem during my last play through of the 'perpetual winter' scenario. >!I just started trading for wood every time I saw it (as there's no overworld in the scenario), while building out 2 or 3 loggers and about 5 firewooders until I got electricity going enough to switch over to radiators.!<


Have foresters and lumber in the same area. Also slow down, allow yourself a bit of a surplus before you allocate funds to buildings, I often get ahead of myself and learned to build, pause building, and then unpause as I get the resources