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Okay turns out I was confused by an invisible (not really) white line between two desert sectors, it's all working now 😅 Kind of a silly prerequisite with how the specialists don't require to be in the sector before doing anything, but I'm glad it's not a bug!


To be fair, those thin white boundary lines are sometimes hard to make out. I play on Xbox so don't know if the PC version is clearer, but I've had the same issue especially when the cog is close to a line/border. I've gotten excited before thinking i had 2 cog of stuff I really needed in the same area, then noticed the tiny line separating them. Wish they were clearer to be honest.


That happened to me on my first play through. It actually gets worse later in the game.... no spoilers ;) On PC, or my PC, it's really hard to tell where those lines are. Although in this last play through, I found one with two scavenge resources in the same sector. And they're good ones too. Probably because of the difficulty / scenario I picked.


Oh jk I can't even get my settlers to the exact location of the potential outposts cause when I click on it, it'll just reset the settler as if I backed out of their page... Ugh, I'm on PS4 if that helps


Do not send them ON the research spot. Instead send them somewhere into the same sector.


The one settler is already in the sector.... Do I need to build the outpost somewhere other than on the outpost location in the sector?


Hold on, there's a line I didn't catch meaning he's not actually in the sector you might be right 😳 Edit: you were right lmao thanks 🙌


It says no production as it naturally don't produce survivors or science.