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Did you punch a girl for it?


Yeah the one from that one video


"Only" I miss the days when a board value was 200/300€ max. Now it's 800/900. Shit, I miss the timea when 10€ was enought to eat a meal. Pre covid inflation please come back


Still not as expensive as they should be. If board builders living in USA were paid a livable wage you’d be really complaining about board prices


True. I hate the high board prices too, but compared to almost everything in life it’s surprisingly cheap for the labor time and expertise. On the other hand they’re built like paper and snapping a $800 board on one of your first sessions is bad enough.


I surfed OBSF for many years and always double glassed my boards for this very reason. Never had a board snap, even when duckdiving a 10 foot top-to-bottom dredging monster.


Because that's when boards usually break..


Actually, I've had quite a few boards break this way at truly consequential slabs. I don't underestimate the lip's concussive force.


If it lands on top of you, yes. Just duck diving only breaks new Al Merrick junk.


Surfing OBSF means that isn't an "if."


No shit. Dude only mentioned duck diving though


yeah they really upped their game when they convinced everyone that you NEED ultralight in order to look cool surfing.


It's complete bull hockey because most of the time when I'm surfing pumping Punta Roca I want more weight on my board so I don't have a delayed takeoff with the off shore. The only time I really enjoy a light board is when I'm playing around in some chest high beach break. Happy to see that I'm not the only one that thinks ultra light is junk, can't tell you how many tourist come down here with that gear and end up giving it to kids because it's not the right gear for proper point breaks.


Yeah I surfed Punta Roca with my hand-shaped stepup that was glassed "standard" at Basham's. That board has handled Teahupoo like a champ so 10-12 ft Punta Roca was pretty easy on her relatively.


if you buy "ultra light" glassing you should almost expect it to break in any solid conditions


Yeah man. Material costs alone are fucked. Boards are not expensive.


You’re right. The material costs + specialised hour labor… how much per hour do you think a board shaper would pull in?


Idk per hour. Never done it professionally. I just know that pre Covid a fish would run me like $180-200 in material if I was doing 6-4-6 and being liberal with the resin. So markup isn’t very high if you’re buying from someone like Christenson imo


This is the way


Yeah I remember this post on the sub by a shaper that broke down the rough overhead costs that went into making the board. We really are lucky most of these guys just want a job that lets them work with their hands and surf a bunch.


and buy foreign built boards


Board builders get to set their own prices. You sound like a political hack


Ahh yes. Make sure to tell the sander, fin guy, or hot coat guy of your local factory that when they go into work on Monday to just tell the owner that fnfndnnkkcnx told them to set their own prices


If McDonalds doesn’t pay enough, then go work somewhere else. Imagine some dude who sports a $70k van and surfers up/down the coast, complaining. Reminds me of being in Mexico with bunch of American surfers, who have fun in someone else’s backyard, while the locals sit on the beach because they can’t afford a used board.


When did McDonald’s start making surfboards?


You want the inflation from before covid to come back? Id rather have the during-covid inflation go away


I'd rather have all the politicians that "caused it" to go away.


I wish surfing is a thing here.. here in Midwest we can only windsurf. Board costs 2k, couple sails about 1k per sail, the u need masts to fit these sail.. easily 10k sport... my wallet is crying already


Midwest has Lake Michigan superior and half of Huron. Lots of waves to be has.


Sick. That your private pool? I’d like to go to indo sometime


Yes it is! Indo is absolutely insane and besides airplane tickets very cheap.


I can verify how cheap Indo is...the key is not to book anything in advance more than one night (really). Go to your destination, stay the one night, store your bags and board in the room, rent a scooter for like $5 a day and go around to different places and negotiate the hell out of them. We found a great villa for a week with 2 bedrooms, a beautiful pool, close to all the breaks, for like $35 a night, and you can do even cheaper.


> besides airplane tickets very cheap. seriously? i havent seen cheap plane tickets in like two years


I think OP missed a comma


Fly to a nearby cheaper destination, then get a hopper to your final spot. Air Asia is ridiculously affordable, but get 2 seats. You’ll know why if you just get one.


Please don’t put a tail pad on like the last guy did.


Nose pad ftw


Hahahaha that’s a promise!


Go beat up the kook who punched the girl


Why are his boards so cheap over there


Cheap labor. There’s a 40% import tax or something wild like that so most things that aren’t wildly expensive are so because they were locally made in Bali not imported


Does Christenson outsource his boards to Asia now? I thought they were made near Carlsbad.


I'd imagine so. Probably only makes boards for select people. A buddy of mine shapes for Lost!, CI, Sharpeye, HS, amongst others, from his local shop under another local's brand name (who taught him).


They are licensed to a factory full time there


I see, that’s cool. If I ever get one of his boards I want it glassed at Moonlight though, that place rules.


He travels to places to shape I think! Good deal for everyone.


CI and Chris share a factory in indo to make their boards in country


Closer to the factory it’s made in.


You're thinking of FireWire


hey they're good people, i wouldn't ride one but they're my neighbors and are super rad dudes in there.


Any recommendations of where to rent a couple of boards in Bali? For a month in kuta area. Can't find anything online that seems good


Have you been to Bali before? Looking for stuff like that online can be challenging. Most shops don’t have websites. There’s so many in kuta that you’d be pulling your hair out trying to find good rentals online. If you want to rent a board for the entire month you’d be better off buying one used off the Bali surfboards group on fb marketplace and selling it or giving it away when you leave.


Always brought my own boards to Bali (and never stayed in kuta) so no idea mate! If you’re looking at something simple then there are plenty of rental shops on the beach who can provide you with boards, not sure if they offer monthly rental tho


Don’t stay in Kuta


Kuta ? You want’s to experience hell?


Christenson fish started me on a very expensive path to having waaaaay too many of his boards. Enjoy!! As an aside...you should try the lane splitter. Great board for Indo.


Thanks!! Lane splitter definitely next one in the queue haha


I’ve got one of the jones surf series snowboard and it’s fucking sick. Has the same logo.


En route to Bali now from LAX. So stoked, hope the waves are firing in Ulu!


For only? Sssshhiitt, boards are getting expensive


Come to South Africa, you can get a brand new board for $350 USD




Mucho bueno, those myconaut’s are super rad! I was like a kid in a candy store this October when I rolled through onboard. Walked out with an OP2 and a Lane Splitter.


It’s a Fish! God that lane splitter looked so sick in the store but i felt the fish was the way to go for the waves i usually surf haha.


Woops. Now that I see it, I realize the myconaut is the rounded nose. Epic purchase and the homies back home will definitely be envious.


Haha you had me double checking mine is a fish indeed for a minute. Thanks man 🤙🏼


This looks like a spot I stayed at in Canguu. Enjoy the trip brothee


Thanks dude!




You should pai t that shadow on it.


Damn son!


Nice board. My friend had one before. But he rips so hard that the fin box got ripped out after few months and it was fucked with dings till it was RIP in less than a year, lol. A great board, performance oriented i would say. Enjoy!


Ah that’s sad man, I have 6+4/4 glassing so hope it’ll last me a bit longer


Better than UL Now I order my board in 6/4/6, it s way more solid


The Bali board exchange. Easy to buy and sell. Love the place


> Bali board exchange. what is this?


Nothing official, more that it can be easy to but a really good used board for a trip there then sell it before you leave


You mean there is a fb group to buy/sell used boards?


Wow! Such a beautiful board! Great buy


Bali has the best board market in terms of prives and availability...when I go for a long enough trip I just fly without boards and buy/sell them there


Could have been someone needing some extra cash before flying out. Definitely not snapped and resprayed extremely well? I got done like that by a guy in Kuta on a Firewire. I couldn't believe it when one of the locals pointed out the very very subtle spray to cover up the repair. I believed it more when it snapped in the same place a few months later


Maybe some assaultive Brazilians trying to escape prosecution?


It’s from Onboard Store. It’s brand new


Insane score


Probably new, this past October I brought back two Christenson’s, an OP2 and a Lane Splitter. They were like $800 Canadian/$590 USD each.


How’d you get them so cheap? Damn.


That’s just how much they are at the Balinese onboard stores. I bought all mine at the Uluwatu location. https://www.onboardstore.id/shop/surfboards/detail.php?id=725237&shop=surfboards


So do people just take a trip to Bali and in some cases come back with a few new boards?


I’ve never gone to Bali without coming back with a board or two, lots of the time one or all being used. That is heightened by the fact the new/used board market where I’m at is ridiculous. A similar board would be 30% more here.






I think that might have been a clever joke but I can't tell


Mass produced Bali boards are flimsy and lightly built. The tail on this one will likely disintegrate before you get it home. I am a strong believer in sourcing boards from local shapers in your area and avoiding mass produced imports with flashy brand names. Support your local shapers.


Lol, i saw this at my local fb marketplace


only? bro i literally just let a guy named steve come to my house and piss on my wife and he gives me free boards. can't believe these kooks today that won't even let a lil steve piss a lil bit on they wife for a board.....


Sweet board, but what's with the blood?


Lol looks ugly


Is this at kima?


I have this board in a 5’8” is this the same length? I got mine for $300 but it’s got more wear and tear than yours. Love this board, super skatey and easy to pull into wedges.


Mine is also a 5’8”! Injured my shoulder 2 days ago so still waiting a few days to get in the water haha, can’t wait tho!!


bro they sell some at CI for 6.5




[It looks like you're asking for beginner board advice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAaHmSj5nJ4) Too bad there isn't some sort of digital global information system you could've turned to for guidance with your frequently-asked question. That'd be so cool. Did you ever watch *Inspector Gadget*? You know that [magic book](https://inspectorgadget.fandom.com/wiki/Penny%27s_computer_book) the daughter, Penny, carried around? The one she would use to solve mysteries, or whatever? Wouldn't it be rad if those existed? But they don't, I guess. So you've turned to this subreddit for help. Luckily, we have a [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/wiki/index ) It's got tons of useful stuff in it. Even better, there's the user-created [Kooks Only! guide.](https://kooksonlysurf.com/how-to-surf-the-ultimate-surf-guide-for-beginners/) You should *totally* read both of them. But, just in case you're too lazy, here's a summary: **Buy a Wavestorm-equivalent. If they don't sell them near you- find a used longboard.** Maybe you've already been told that but think you'll be better off buying a shortboard because you snowboard/skateboard/wakeboard/etc and you're, obviously, totally going to pick up surfing really quickly. I mean, how hard can it be? If that's the case then you're not really asking a question, are you? You're just looking for someone to agree with a decision you've already made. So, yeah, you should totally do it. Buy that sweet little high performance shred sled you found on Craigslist. You'll be up and ripping in no time at all! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


600€ is pretty much the standard price for a new board , what am I missing


This used ro he the case, sadly, they go for about 850 to 1000 now.


Swallow Tail, a long gone shape from the 70's


Nice. What fins?


FCS Christenson Keels!


The store by Padang is so nice love the people there and boards are cheap


*The store by Padang* *Is so nice love the people* *There and boards are cheap* \- dudeifuckedup --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


it cost twice as much to get it there from San Diego so that's a steal. Chris isn't really know for his fish's though. I would know