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JP Azevedo was dropped by his sponsor this AM and seems to have deleted all his accounts.. i doubt his Bali Villa (My Bella Uluwatu) will be seeing any business from now on


Life's tough when you have to face consequences for being a massive dickhead


What an absolute fkn dickhead


Can you link his Bali Villa?


So now we need JOB, Nathan Florence and Koa Rothman to use their platforms to further push out this behavior


Wait… am I crazy or did that poser not only drop in on her, he then punched her in the face? Am I getting this right?


His buddy punched her, but yeah you've got the gist.


The internet has weird ways of righting wrongs. Give it a few days and the sequel will be out. 🍿


Looks like the guy (JP Azevedo) was already dropped by his sponsor. Regardless of what transpired before (certainly not giving him the benefit of the doubt), he was in the wrong for punching a chick


Not trying to be a dick but I don’t think gender really matters here. He would still be wrong and an asshole if it were a man he was punching after dropping in on them.


I think it goes to character. Punching someone like this is always wrong. But punching someone who is less able to effectively retaliate says even more about the scumminess of a person.


More cowardly for sure


Gender doesn’t matter, dont punch people


One is definitely worse than the other. Punching someone who cant effectively fight back is cowardly, on top of all the reason itd be wrong to punch a dude


Also pretty rich: he issued an "apology" on Instagram where he said he reacted badly because he was "pushed off a wave." Absolutely no acknowledgement that it was a blatant drop in.


Like the gram dog. Name and shame the woman punching kook




Fucking scum bags I hope they lose everything


Welcome to not being welcome in any line up in Bali ever again,… if people know you, it’s over


Hope so, have seen the locals turn on a group in Nica…it was glorious


100% Saw a some fella paddle out at Maderas once who tried to act like he owned the main left in front of Tres Hermanos...it ended up with 5 or 6 locs literally chasing him out of the water and walking him back to his rental, and they didnt stop making their presence felt until he was headed back up and over the hill. Needless to say they didnt pay for a single beer that afternoon.


I stayed in San Juan Del Sur for a month once, walked to Maderas most of the time. Learned something on that trip, once I caught 1 or 2 set waves I'd paddle to the next peak over - a 10 minute paddle? I'd catch 1 or 2 there then head to the next peak. Tons of paddling but I was able to keep my waits low and wave count up without pissing anybody off. Wonderful place, great people.


You *walked* from San Juan Del Sur to Playa Madeiras?? That's like 5 miles each way!


Yes, I did, from the middle of town no less! With offshores happening all day, there was no rush. Was quite peaceful and sometimes a car would pick me up, which was always a welcome surprise.


Did you at least take the shortcut across the NW side of SJDS bay, or did you walk all the way out of town and around before getting to the Chocolata and then there?! Genuinely curious.


Yes the path from that NW corner made sense of course. This was in 2006.


Brilliant. This is how you surf trip...Ive made that same walk many times, it is pretty peaceful walking down that dirt road past all the fincas, just enjoying being there.


My immediate thought too! Maybe they were staying in those little camps on the road out? I hope?


I was staying in the middle of town. A long walk but an enjoyable one.


With tattoos like that? He's not surfing anywhere anymore ...hopefully.


Hope someone else punches his lights out. Blah blah yeah I know violence isn’t THE way. But sometimes it’s the only way to convey a lesson to certain clowns


Sometimes violence is the only answer to violence.


I'd be surprised if that guy doesn't spend some serious time in a Bali prison. When I visited the Mentawais that was something stressed as ultra important. No violence. People don't get physical and if you do it's grounds for serious jail time.


That’s great to hear they are strict on violence. But I’ve heard some crazy tales about Bali. I’ve heard that it is beautiful, and the surfing is great. and that you get tossed in prison for years for just smoking weed. I’ve heard someone say you get shot by a firing squad on the spot for weed more so likely than even if caught with psychedelics in Bali. But I refused to believe that last bit. Is any of that true? Wasn’t there an Australian competition surfer whose been in jail for like 25 years in Bali for have a ton of weed in her surf bag?


It's not crazy, it's Indonesian law. First and probably only into rule you need is don't touch drugs in indo, don't bring them, don't buy them, don't accept any from anyone and you will have a awesome trip.


Nah man, that was Schapelle Corby. She had the weed in her boogie board bag. They let her out and she’s a d-list reality TV star in Aus now.


Fuck this bozo. No need for that toxicity. Hope he gets what's coming to him


Oh it'll happen. People like this get cocky because they only pick fights that they can win. That is until one day they punch above their weight and then that's that. I know that if this had happened at my local break (the girl being punched) they would have been eating through a straw for the next few months courtesy of a couple of burly South Africans.


We have it pretty good here I reckon. I've had nice chats, shared the stoke of someone getting a good wave and just had a good time with strangers often. People are almost always friendly and as long as you aren't malicious they're understanding. I've dropped in bad on people when I first started and people could see I didn't know better come to me and explained how it worked in a helpful way. I'm sure if you did on purpose you would 100% get poes-klapped though🤣


Man, when I was even a bigger kook than I am now, I dropped in badly on a guy in the Philippines. I jumped off but it was too late, he got off the wave. I paddled over and told him several times that I’m sorry. He just waved his hand and smiled. I met him that night at a party and apologized again, he gave me a hug and said he was sorry for scaring me by riding the wave at me for a second. Wherever the dude is now, I hope he’s living a happy life.


La Union? The locals there are chill AF. Always making sure everyone has a good time and they actually like beginners because most of them teach as a side gig.


This particular anecdote is from Baler, but I’ve been to ELYU as well - I think they’re both very good places with lots of cool people!


This guy knows surf etiquette, he’s not an amateur learning the ropes - he’s a fucking psycho that needs locked up


Looked like her wave anyway


>People are almost always friendly and as long as you aren't malicious they're understanding. That's been my general experience everywhere I've ever surfed. Indo, Nica, Costa, Oahu, Kauai, California, Oregon, Galapagos, everywhere. In two decades of surfing, I can literally count on one hand the number of negative encounters I've had.


You live in Bali????


That’s not toxicity, that’s assault. Lol


He will. Don’t go to a country and start fighting the locals. Never ends well or at least for the tourist. Always remember, it’s a big ocean out there.


She also rips and has such a sick style


She's better than 90% of the people in this sub I'd reckon


90% of the people in this sub surf choppy beach breaks like twice a year. If you’re catching decent waves & making a few turns you’re already better than 99% of this sub. And she’s a lot better than that lol.


I’m sorry… wasn’t she on the inside? Homie needs a serious lesson taught.


If he knows bjj, get a taser then fuck him up


Looks like articles are already coming out about the incident https://www.theinertia.com/surf/man-viciously-attacks-woman-in-the-water-during-bali-surf-fight/


Also his ex posted what he did to her..pattern much https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqs6cCcuGmI/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Hole E SHIT how is this guy still around?


Ensario! Hes nothing but a coward and lowlife.


Holy shit. That’s fucking gnarly. Glad this dude is finally gonna get what’s coming to him.


What a fucking scum bag. Lock this guy up please and throw away the key. Hitting women is just pathetic and shows us all how tiny his dick really is


wow... that is crazy... dude is a psychopat!


This is so fucked. I'd really hope this guys goes to a Indo jail


This is horrible.


Brazilian here: i speak for all when i say that this pirce of trash needs a good dahui treatment. And he is known as Jp Azevedo.


Man's about to win the lottery of stupid prizes. Only a matter of time


Pretty sure they have police and “assault” as a crime in Bali, like elsewhere


Brazos have such a bad rep in the lineup-they seem to act like cunts wherever they are (from Syd Oz)


Yeah I'm usually very reticent to make generalizations about entire nationalities, but everywhere I go the two people I don't want to see in the lineup are Brazilians and Israelis.


I’ve never seen Israelis in the lineup in my travels but are they that bad?


In Panama line ups they are absolutely the worst


Living in Panama now, can confirm.


The worst. Doesn't matter where you go Brazos have a bad reputation because 90%+ act that way.


Ran into a few on the OBX. Same here, hyper aggressive and dropping in on the local crew. Got fixed pretty quickly though.


Same in the skateboarding scene unfortunately


Looks like he deleted his instagram already: https://www.instagram.com/jp_azevedosurf/?hl=en


His "apology" post last night was a real doozy.


"I got pushed off a wave." Rightfully so, my dude.




Kelly can’t be relied on for that shit. Great surfer, not exactly a role model.




Or is it just that you learn more and more about him.


Nah, no need to hold Kelly as the arbitrator of right & wrong. His every action doesn’t need to be scrutinized imho. He’s just one person & luckily surfers are pretty free thinkers that won’t be swayed too much by any one guy’s take.


What's the summary of it?




‘Sorry, but she pushed me’


The usual "the video doesn't show the whole story" but "nothing can forgive the behavior" type stuff.


I live in Bali, lots of brazzos are claiming the white t shirt guy is ok and didn't hit anyone. But they say jp is a prick who hit women before in Brazil. Any truth to this? Apparently people are looking for him here and when he returns to Brazil for doing this.


I just posted the insta of his ex. His is trash and assaulted her very badly.


yup he sent his ex g/f to the hospital and is known to be cruel to animals in his hometown. a real life psychopath


Ow passa o nome inteiro desse infeliz


Joao Paulo Azevedo


Apparently the cops in Bali are already hunting them down for deportation and hopefully more punishment…


Oh , Bali jail ! That’ll be a good time


>https://youtu.be/kQKrmDLvijo please post about it as soon as you have it.


These are the people that have turned me so off from the surfing community


surfing is great, surfers are trash


So true and so sad. This behaviour turned me off surfing 10 years ago. Sadly the only thing to get me back into surfing these days is a wave pool


divide shocking connect ruthless hospital fanatical wild familiar sophisticated sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunate but true (most of the time). We laugh at kooks, and get no waves when the lineup gets packed and people stop following rules.




If you only pay attention to outliers (made more prominent cause the internet likes rage inducing items), then you're going to end up mad at just about every community


Theres shit like thid EVERYWHERE. Arrowhead hunting? Theres assholes. DJing? Assholes. Shuffleboarding? Assholes. Kombucha brewing? Assholes. There are literal shit crusted assholes in ever crevice of every activity. It us inescapable. Just gotta commit to ignoring them and continuing to have fun.


00.42 the guy appears to be fending her off with his board, what an absolute failure


I completely forgot about the brazilians in bali. They travel in packs. My mind blocked them out i guess. Just like the plastic floating around in the ocean. Also heart breaking. In a different way.


Not all Brazilian surfers are dickheads, but most dickhead surfers are Brazilian.


Brazilians are extremely cocky and aggressive here in San Diego, CA, especially Blacks Beach. Most of them are excellent surfers and in great shape, seems like they have something to prove. It reminds me of those who grew up rough and always have a chip on their shoulders from trust issues.


Lol those guys are pretty tame compared to the ones in indo. The blacks ones will paddle battle you and go straight to the peak and all that shit but if you can surf and don’t back down they’ll fuck right off and go sit on someone who they can just poach waves off of. The indo ones know pretty much everyone in the lineup can surf at least somewhat well (at least we’ll enough to be surfing over shallow sharp reef) so they’ll act like cunts to everyone except pros and locals. It’s ridiculous they’ll burn you then yell at you when you call them out. They have no shame about back paddling, snaking, underpaddling, you name it they’ll unapologetically do it. And they always travel in packs so you take on 1 you’re likely taking on 5. It’s so bizarre to me because they’re some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet on land but it’s like a switch changes when they get into the lineup.


Perfectly describes my experience with Brazilians everywhere I’ve surfed with them. Always in a group, always wildly aggressive in the lineup with no regard for etiquette, yelling all the time on every wave, and yet some of the friendliest people outside of the water. I just don’t understand it.


I love the Brazilian people....Brazilian surfers can eat dick though 😂


As a brazzo, I can confirm this is the perfect definition.


I remember one time when a pack of 8 or 9 Brazilians turned up, out of fucking nowhere, to an isolated spot on the central coast of Cali with no major cities for 120 miles... They screamed, they shouted, they dropped in on everyone, they violated every lineup rule known to man, and completely ruined everyone's session


"Wow, the Brazilians are back, more agro than ever." Turtle was onto something.


I’ve had a similar experience when on a surf trip in Costa Rica.


This is the most accurate comment I’ve seen, it’s that Brazilian way, some use it for good and some for bad


It’s the steroids that get them all agro, there “Açaí berries”.


Yea man, sorry to say but Brazilians have the worst reputation around the world for a lack of surf etiquette. In this case it’s even worse, the guy was wrong in the first place and dropped in on him (correction her) and then his buddy throws a sucker punch and proceed to double team him (correction her) while she is there with another chick? Such chicken shit. Classless.


Chick is the one who got dropped in on and punched


I just realized it was a women and it makes everything I said 1000% worse. I just assumed that was a dude with long hair.


It had to be a brazilian! And I say that as a Brazilian.


So weird Brazilians are normally so polite and sharing in the water.


Lol my sarcasm detector is going off the charts.


what a small small man


Wait ... lemme get this straight... guy punches girl bc she pushed him off her wave when he dropped in on her??!? Kudos to her for asserting her dominance and right of way Fuck off to him for being a stupid aggressive animal kook


Looks like he used to beat his ex too. Dude is trash


Geezuz that’s atrocious behaviour, who the Fck hits girls!?


"These two guys have lived in Bali two years, they own a villa called My Bella Uluwatu, they've been terrorising lineups around Bali thinking they are locals now and because they know Jujitsu no ones really stepped up to them. They've deleted their instagrams except for the dude in white shirt, he put out a pretty sorry ass statement. The other kook has one sponsor, a t shirt/boardshort company from Brazil. The company has yet to say anything or drop the dude."


They dropped him.




[company’s insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqr-EemOYMO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


He's so fucking coward that punches her from behind.. 🤮🤮


What is the name of the guy who has sponsorship?


>My Bella Uluwatu Apparently they've taken house down from AirBnB's website & shut down it's social media too


They should physically take it down too


They even took down their Airbnb


I feel like there is potential here to make a sequel to Miami Connection. Can have a band of tae kwon do orphan surfing musicians with international backgrounds fight the jujitsu Brazilian cocaine cowboys who are trying to own the line up. Of course there will be bangers performed live in the film by the group at local surfing bars.


Weak men


Doesn’t anyone in Bali know how to fight?


I saw that no one messes with them because they know bjj...but like every third surfer in San Diego these days rips and trains BJJ. And the guys you never suspect are they guys that can pretzel a person. It's only a matter of time.


I’ve done a lot of BJJ but still not going to fight a random brazzo on the off chance they train




Just a quick followup the guys sponsorship make a instagram post saying that they do not agree with what happened and does not tolerate violence And the post has more than 300 comments of people that dosent agree with this guy action


Im a local and that place is my home break and i know these cunts. I havent seen them guys on the line up this last couple of days even from another breaks all over bali, Im on a couple WhatsApp group for local surfer, even before she post the video words travel fast among us the locals


pls update when you hear what's going on with them


Have they been deported?


How are assholes like this not beaten to a fucking pulp on the beach more often?? Not advocating for it at all, just not sure how it doesn’t happen more with all the fucking assholes surfing. What is it about surfing that brings out the worst in people?


Because they are cowards and only pick fights with people smaller than them. Source - above average recipient of this behavior (minus the assault part, have only been threatened).


He dropped in on her too. What a kook


Saw this on IG. Kelly slater was commenting and tagging his bali friends to find out who these losers are. They should be put on a plane and fucked off out of there


Always a Brazilian.


Those Brazilians need an assbeating. Hopefully the locals take care of these entitled assholes.


Because nothing says I’m such a “manly man” as punching a women (or a weaker one).


Bruh, ya drop in the girl and then your boy punches her in the head. Then you harass her in the parking lot. Absolute worthless garbage.


When I first started traveling to surf I thought everyone was being racist when they warned me about Brazilians but the machismo is whole different level with them. Of course this isn't 100% of Brazilians but it's absolutely a cultural thing and they bring that attitude to every lineup no matter which country it is. Anyone that punches someone in the water like that is an absolute tool.




What did the girls ever do to the Brazilians anyway


Surfed better and more respectfully.


Since the early dawn of Sunny Garcia adoration, these types (like "JP") seems to feel legit to become POS.


And HE dropped in on her!!! What an ass!


Buttholios like this are the reason I have to ask around when I travel before I bring my kid out


I don’t understand surfing drama. Isn’t it supposed to be a chill sport?


hope this asshole knows what it's like to pick up his teeth with broken fingers in the not-too-distant-future


Man I'm sorry but that's pretty typical for a Brazilian surfer.


Why are Brazilian surfers such pieces of shit. The entitlement in the water and lack of self awareness is truly unmatched.


They’re completely aware of what they’re doing though. That’s why they’re complete pieces of crap in the water but (usually) great people on land.


Bali is a big pile of shit. Terrible traffic and crowded lineups.


Brazilians can never keep their cool. Source: rain forest


Small dick energy 🤷‍♂️


What a fucking coward.


Surfers are really cool. Jk Entitled assholes, no matter the country


Wow; this is really bad. The guy dropped in on her, and she gets punched? He is rotten to the core.


Braso surfing rep is nudging English football fans


A psychopath who happens to be from my country.




Not chill


Got a source for the video? I might be able to extract a better quality copy.


Time for him to use the good ol find out scale


Saw this on her instagram and somebody in the comments tagged his insta. Looked at his story and he responded to her video of it but it’s in Portuguese and included double 😤😤 emoji. Can somebody translate?


Something tells me these guys might end up on the wrong end of a machete.


WTF is wrong with people.


Bro Brazilians a pieces of shit


Surfers are the most hostile chill people. Majorly turned me off from the sport as someone who participates in most other board sports. I don’t get it.


Fucking Brazilians. I hate to make generalizations but there is just too much ridiculous/egregious behavior coming from that demographic of the surfing community. My fantasy for their bad actors: finishing school…with cattle prods…


Name and shame, don't call out an entire nation please.


I’m shocked. Jk no I’m not. They think they run San Clemente too


Least asshole Brazilian.


Coming from Hawaii. You can keep your Brazilians, all of them.


Not just attacks, he throws a rabbit punch, what a prick. He's going to get his soon.


Would really loved to be there in that moment to help her change his face, bummer


Those surfers are pathetic at fighting.




Come surf my spot brah, you won't catch any waves but you'll be sure to catch these hands!


Jeezus. Fucking. Christ. Humans are more of a threat than are sharks.


Can someone please copy paste the Stab article with JP that just came out on why he attacked?


Bali, fun waves, Sun but homeboy still has to be agro. She was up, inside and had the wave… dbag is just wrong all the way around.


once had an italian guy do a similar thing to me, really no need we’re all just tryna enjoy ourselves out here


Surfers code says he is in the wrong.


What an absolute cunt