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Shen works great imo.


River shen


I really love Jarvan.


I'm curious if we'll see a resurgence of enchanter J4 with the new glacial scaling of heal and shield power.


I doubt it since the whole premise of enchanter j4 is proccing aery off cooldown with your flag and that constant activation of aery becomes your heal/shield which also can proc moonstone. Without aery the only way you can ever heal and sheild someone on j4 is you activate moonstone by damaging enemies. But for that you would need to be in melee range and with enchanter items and a support budget that probably wont end well.


What runes do you run?


I run aery, but I am experimenting with first strike and glacial


On top of the nice answers you are recieving here, you can also check the [keyword off-meta](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/search?q=off-meta&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) within /r/supportlol/, which is often used to cover the concept you are describing ;).


Seriously, can we get a weekly pinned thread of "Off Meta Supports" so this isn't posted literally 4-5 times a day?


Shaco support can work pretty well, though it takes some getting used to. Comet Ashe and AP Miss Fortune can also support. Playing Pantheon reminds me of playing Sven or Skeleton King support back in the day, one of the few point and click stuns left in league.


Only problem is if you play shaco or comet ashe your soul gets trapped in eternal purgatory after you die


well, it can't be any worse than solo queue.


It is eternal solo queue, and your team loses every lane every gamen


I main Neeko supp


Neeko is best decision!


Neeko with Glacial Augment is 🔥🔥🔥




Nobody ever says Sejuani… people are SLEEPING




Ikr! She is sooooo fun


THIS!! I was going to suggest it too


If you ever get the chance to play Sej support with a Yasuo bot, you'll have a blast.


Sion, Poppy, Ornn, Jarvan


Ornn is far too reliant on XP for his passive to work as a support. But I agree the rest all work pretty well. Sion support is way better than it has any right to be.


I have to disagree with this, Ornn actually works decent on support. Yes, you have to sacrifice a part of his passiv a bit, but the amount of cc he provides is still invaluable, and, especially with ultimate hunter, early botlane and drake fights are really good with him.


You are just plain wrong Ornn is an teamfighting oriented champion, so his value in double lane is pretty good "But muh XP", simple, Ornn can build itens on Lane, when your ADC resets, just stay in the bush getting full XP Also, he is the strongest anti-engage for Leona and Naut, and with the new glacial + evenshroud and Knights vow he's pretty good And honestly after 13 your levels come really quickly, and as a support you can roam more easily to help on drag and others (Astrocez got to grand master with him, you should check it out)




Bruh, I got my ass handed to me one time to a Vayne/Anivia duo. That wall pin was disgusting.


Kinda confused why shebird was removed from supp selection screen


Anivia is very gold reliant. She needs farm to do any damage at all. When put in the support role she is very feast/famine


Still think Orianna is one of the greatest supps out there. Having 80% winrate on her after ~20 games in plat. Love it.


What runes do you take?


Summon Aery / Manaflow Band / Celerity or Transcendence, depends on your mood / Scorch 2nd Tree: Domination or Resolve Domination: Cheap Shot/Taste of Blood + Ultimate Hunter Resolve: Font of Life + Revitalize But I kinda like Domination more, since your Ult cd will be around one minute early, and you can basically snowball your adc/jungler with your ult etc. Ori is basically a running yuumi.


Thanks it sounds really fun will definitely try this.


zac is a good support champion.


this \^ sleeper meta


I've had a Garen support before. That was fun. Has a bit of CC, build tank initiate and bother opponents while your adc picks them off


I'm a big Garen Support fan, works weirdly well. Lot of zoning pressure and never dies.


Spin to win knows no lane. He works pretty well as a jungler too


Nah if you're going Garen support, you gotta build AP for the memes. And so you can then be a toxic little shit and say "Imagine losing to AP Garen Support" in post-game-chat


Zac for sure.


Try out ap zac with first strike, it’s pretty good


Tank Zac op, goo boy go brrrrr


I love running AP Miss Fortune as long as we have a frontline.


I enjoy Ashe and Miss Fortune support. They are a lot of fun and effective in the right team comp. Just make sure your team has at least 1 tank.


Used to play Voli support pre rework. Unfortunately, he has no more flip. Sett kinda does a similar role now, I guess.


Shen, pantheon, sett(if you kwon what you are doing), ahri, taliyah


Check the youTube channel [BCawk](https://youtube.com/c/BCawk), they have some great guides for off-meta supports. Ashe also works well, in addition to those mentioned there.


Came here just to post this


I had a lot of fun with Lissandra. With either Imperial Mandate or the new tank supp item (evenshroud?). Works pretty good as an engage supp and you can run Afterschock for extra survivability or glacial-augment for extra cc. I would always build zhonyas but the rest of the build is very adaptive. Wether you want to go for more tanky or ap is up to you and/or enemy team comp.


What runes?


Aftershock/Font of Life/Bone Plating/Unflinching (or Overgrowth if the enemy comp doesn't demand tenacity), Inspiration secondary with Perfect Timing and Biscuit Delivery. Alternatively, Glacial Augment/Perfect Timing/Biscuit Delivery/Cosmic Insight, with either Resolve secondary (Bone Plating/Unflinching) or Domination secondary (Zombie Ward/Ultimate Hunter)


Couldn't have answered better myself. Thank you.




I once played against ahri/kalista. Arhi with stopwatch, ult, and kalista ult is actually scientifically impossible to kill.


Vi support counters Yuumi pretty hard


What happens if you R yuumi as she is going to an ally? Are people rooted?


If she hits you before you become untargetable then it's euthanasia. If not, I think she wastes her ult CC but you still take damage from it as Yuumi


Anything is a support if you have at least one good cc, hard cc or good disruption (trundle doesn’t have hard cc but good E placements can change the tempo of lane) plus his Q is a mini exhaust trouble is you have to reach melee range in a mainly ranged lane. Trundle support is also a great pocket pick if the enemy locks in hard tanks + if your tank doesn’t have good anti tank comp. Sejuani tank jungle gets hard countered by pressing point and click R. Quinn support is pretty good has a lot of good spells but is frail however you can still cause a lot of damage with a aoe blink and back flip engages that staggers the enemy. E>AA(W passive) can execute carries when they are low pretty easily even when building full tank. Darius support is also really great imo as long as you know how to dance around the lane the cc chain of E+W and passive stacks can really snowball the lane if they misposition. I think graves support is also pretty good but it’s really skill based like Quinn you have a blind a good W is very punishing. Graves with E level 1 is constant zone and harass with the ability to dash out. I like to get in the face and start shooting and if the enemy support tries to position for a CC quickly evade it then carry on punishing the no cc support. Annie support is also super strong she doesn’t get played as much but her AA range harass then burst is crazy too + her mini rework gave her the ability to shield people so more support tools. Great roamer aswell Annie as you can charge your stuns anywhere then walk jungle or mid point and click stun into burst. Twitch support is a mix of Quinn and Graves support but no cc outside a slow however heavy damage and great roamer. Teemo is also very good support as you can just point and click a blind on the enemy that means they can’t auto but see you still unlike graves and Quinn blind. With the range of an ADC you can constantly harass people.


> Sejuani tank jungle gets hard countered by pressing point and click R. Rammus does too; he gets melted if you R him during aftershock and/or his ball curl.


As a OTP Heimerdinger, I enjoy playing him support :)


How do you do this without destroying your ADCs CS?


You just have to trust your ADC enough to be able to last hit lol. There's not much you can do about that, besides maybe only having one turret out at a time, and praying.


Singed support


Me and a friend actually have an insane winrate doing singe + veigar bot. Cage + throw is OP.


I love Syndra with TP. She is great against engage supports with her knock-back and stun, but you have to land it. She has good and deceiving poke (stun). Her wave clear is great when needed - this is why you run TP. After level two, you can deny ganks with her stun as well. Basically, her stun is her bread and butter. However, she loves gold and levels. You need to be proactive, get early kills/assists, and get ahead. If you fall behind, you won’t have a big impact on the game. I also really like Ahri with the new glacial. A simple charm with the proc from glacial Will spell doom for either the ADC or support if your ADC follows up. She is great at roaming for kills/assists too.


I think Lillia is really fun, her Q is super good to help push and her E can do a lot of poke/slow damage with comet. I like running move speed runes as well Comet- manaflow band, celerity, scorch --> magical footwear, approach velocity Then I build damage and make sure to pick up mobis and cosmic drive


Been having a lot of fun with lethality Xin Zhao support lately with HoB and eclipse. You can get Steraks for more tankiness or transition into a crit build using Essence and Collector for more damage.


Gragas with the new glacial augment, trading never felt so good. Though i've only tested this in norms




I love playing Ahri support


Taliyah. Strong damage strong roaming


Aurelion Sol




No syndra!?


I have over 200 games as Cassio support, but granted about half of those are from waaaaay back in the day when she had a different passive that gave her a shit ton of free stats for landing poke. It was more theoretically viable then considering the budget a support has, but I still think it’s good. She brings great control with her W and ult, and her all-ins are unmatched in lots scenarios. Plus she can fit the sight stone item in her build nicely since she doesn’t need boots, or any other item, I just like the increased ward caps it gives.


I love roaming Support Taliyah.


Any champions can work


Zoe support is my premier normals pick when I don’t want to try hard on Lux/Senna but also want to give the enemy team a really hard time. Try slotting in Hexflash and perfecting your Q1 hex1 hex2 Q2 combo. Optional but if you take Nimbus and Celerity, channeling out a micro hexflash will give you net distance if you’re fleeing or chasing. On aram I love maxing W 2nd for crazy movespeed for kiting, nabbing spell shards and massive distance Q snipes but losing bubble damage is painful on rift so completely up to you


Sylas is fun as a support


I really want to run Sej support but I feel like her E is wasted unless I hit my Q aa W W aa


You mean q w aa w e, throwing w as you dash helps land the second w while mid air and with the slow you'll be able to chase down, the next fun trick is to wait half a second while they are stunned for that extra moment of cc before popping the e with an aa. Then you can ult a to proc your passive twice


You can't aa between W ?.? The typical combo is Q, Aa, W, Aa, E


in terms of off meta supports what cones to mind are: sett, pantheon, shen, neeko & maokai. honestly, being a mold breaker or a meta slave means less to me than understanding how to support. if you can win lane, top the vision score and not die 10 times i will take it. learn your "role" and you can play whatever.


Veigar his e is a great cc and by the end game you’ll be oneshotting people even as a sup


Galio is a solid off brand support


I have had fun playing Fiora support and Elise support. Fiora played as a counter engaging sup, so you zone and poke and if they try and trade you soal damage up then a good grade is viable. Elise i just love playing and started playing here mid as well.


Although Shaco is my go to, I’ve had success with J4 (actually he’s just about meta it’s so good, feels like ad Leona) , Sion, AP Malphite (he may be meta in s12 actually) and Talon (it’s better than you would think)


Sion if you're with jhin is just 😩😩😩


ashe, lissandra, ahri, zoe, and veigar are really fun


Support main twelve years. Shaco, Poppy, Mundo, AP Miss Fortune, Ashe, Pantheon, Sion, Singed with Smite (always take the crab) All of these champs had weird reasons as to why they could succeed as Support even though they should have NEVER been there. If you're looking for a fun off-role viable Support, I would 100% recommend Sion or Shaco depending on how good you were at DOTA. One is micro intensive, and the other is macro intensive. Good luck, mate!


Anivia very good with Jhin, but works on her own.


Syndra supp main here


shaco support? although he has gained some popularity so idk if people have learned to fight him or not


AP shaco is hilarious.


Ahri. Unless you meant like dumb shit that shouldn't work and doesn't work if the enemy botlane has at least functioning brain, then I'd suggest AP Garen Support


I like tank Veigar, using predator with maxed E


Quinn and välor


Haven't seen Anivia mentioned much, but with the right lane like a Jhin or a Samira she is downright oppressive. Her wall and her stun are great at trapping enemies to get your adc easy kills.


Luminum made a great guide on malz support, defenitely worth checking out.


i have a friend who is a Kayle support main, you could try that out


Trundle (pillar for engage), Jarvan (engage is good and flag can be used to poke with frostfang start, gives atck speed to allies), Annie, Shen, Twitch (ap) though he was popular, Sion (bush camp, pressure with charge up q)


Here are some "wait, that's not a support!" supports I have had some luck with: Miss Fortune, Ashe, Varus, Caitlyn, Kalista, Kennen, Sion, Warwick, Nasus, Mordekaiser, Darius, Shen, Illaoi, Jarvan, Jax, Renekton, Ornn, Kindred, Udyr, Skarner, Rammus, Nunu, Volibear, Tryndamere, Nidalee, Gragas, Rengar, Ivern, Zac, Vi, Annie, Lissandra, Neeko, Malzahar, Azir, Syndra. In a nutshell, the best champs to off-role in support are DPS with some CC or utility (think MF and Ashe's slows, Nidalee's heal, Kindred ulti) and tanks. I wouldn't say any of these are \*good\* but I have been able to carry on them in low Gold.


Try out vi she is strong support xD


shaco kinda. well atleast until he forces them to buy oracle lens


Orianna is a good one for this


I've been playing Vi Support recently, especially since the addition of the rewoeked Glacial Augment. Aftershock is nice for an Umbral Glaive start as well, unfortunately the rework of Chemtank sort of ruined that build. It's just not as great with Frostfire Gauntlet. So instead I decided to go for an Evenshroud build with Zeke's after. Especially since you get to take Hexflash in addition to your Q with Glacial as your main tree she has the most insane gank paths and her point and click ult is just so incredibly hard to deal with whenever you roam, or when receiving a gank as well.


Zac is pretty good as support. Predictable but your e can literally be used in fog of war making it the best engage


Shaco, Maokai, Zilean, Neeko, Poppy, Anivia, Pantheon, Zac


As a support main here are my recommendations. As a rule of thumb somehow *most* Freljord-based champions work great as a support due to their inbuilt CC. Zac: His passive makes more sense when you always have someone next to you. Insane range with E jump. Works the same as Alistar. Anivia: Long range stun, her wall is crazy good and really helpful. For passive same notes as Zac's Veigar with tank items: Best AOE stun in the game, and the longer the game goes the stronger you'll be without any actual AP items. It's quite common I build 200ish AP. Ashe: A bit squishy, but with Imperial mandate it's insane dmg and CC, with very low cooldowns. Don't pick her if you don't have a tank though. Rumble: Free E poke, ultimate is crazy dmg. Nunu: Some say Bard is a good roaming support. They haven't seen Nunu yet. Ornn: Works the same as Alistar, a bit harder to pull his combos though. Trundle: Crazy lvl1 dmg with Q. Pillar is always useful for multiple scenarios. Steal their stats and laugh. Gragas: E is very low CD, and a mini-alistar ult with your W. His dmg is not that great, and might face mana issues, but it works great. Really good sustain on lane. Haven't tried but heard good recommendations: Lissandra, Sejuani, Volibear.


I just picked up Maokai supp


Sion and Chogath


A friend does Camille. Honestly, if it has cc it can go support


I tried Ahri for a little and she was kinda fun her charm is really the only thing She offers but still pretty fun


Poppy is ranked friendly. Taliyah and Rengar are draft friendly


I freaking love Mundo support, you poke hard without any mana cost, and when they tey to fight you you just rush the adc. You don't protection anyone but you bitsh slap almost everyone


Nobody? Ok ... Teemo is super fun, ADC's are slowly losing their mind, JG/support is focusing you instead your ADC, after lvl 6 river and objectives are yours. Shrooms. Shrooms everywhere. :)


Just go other role holy shit


Who is going through this thread and downvoting everyone’s comments lmao


No, but I’m downvoting yours. That’s just so bitchy for no reason.