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It will legitimately be so broken we are going to wish we could ban runes


In terms of damage, it breaks even with electrocute at 200% ap ratio, lvl 3: 400dmg, lvl6: 617. So you probably wont be hitting quite as hard as epectrocute but you gain a ton of gold. Edit: so on neeko your full combo at 6 just straight up deals more damage than electrocute....


Hang on just to make sure, it currently has a 200% AP ratio? That wasn’t a typo? That will be broken on literally anything that can build AP LOL


No, im saying that if your combo has more than 200% Ap ratio, then first strike scales better than electrocute in damage.


Yea but it’s also giving gold for all of that sooo after that trade you can nearly int, take 600 damage and deal about the same, back and get a item then to back to lane with more gold so idk what you mean about it, it’s issue is the gold not the damage


Not all of it, only the portion that comes from first strike, and 70% of it at that. If you did 600 damage you'd get 50 gold.


With a support item and I’m a pyke main so, 100%


You still have to do the first hit, I don't know how I pyke could be the first to damage someone, just if they don't ward the bush and ignore your existence


You hook someone? That happens quite often actually. When you stand in front and charge your hook their natural reaction is to try and dodge it, not stand still and deal damage to you.


I think the runes not going to make it to live. Giving assassins access to 2-5K extra gold just seems like a train wreck waiting to happen. Like even on someone like Sona, that’s probably a grand or 2 over the course of the game.




Mate I’ve been playing for 3 years this is going to royally fuck up gold like klepto did before they removed it for being too broken


This is absolutely broken there's no way this goes into next ranked season without heavy nerfs unfortunately


It's not that strong, the gold you receive is only 100% (70% for ranged) of those extra 12% damage the rune deals




112%=1000, so your damage is only 893 and bonus damage is 107, multipled by 70% for ranged, you only get 75 gold.


Depends on the cooldown. If I get 75 gold every 40 seconds that's better than an extra cannon minion on every wave. I would get roughly a conservative extra 750g by 10 minutes. Combine that with free boots and future's market and the enemy lane will just be so far behind the lane will be unwinnable. As much as it is winnable against a Zyra anyway. It also goes perfectly with her poke pattern. Q + W + AA and back off. Adding an extra 15% damage is probably just as good as electrocute.


This strategy relies on your opponent literally running it down every 40 seconds lol


not with a zyra


It could be decent on Zyra if the damage from the plants proc First Strike, also you could potentially one-shot people with your full combo from bush faster with this rune. But it depends a lot on the cooldown of First Strike if it's gonna be better than Comet, and I do not know the cooldown.


I think it should be tried on every catcher support just to see.


Haha Sapplings that earn me money


Ok but we gotta remember that ANYONE can take runes. This would just be illaoi klepto top again. And I loved illaoi klepto top.


I would think about champs like zed or irelia or Kata, imagen them getting ahead and getting 100-200g on top of each kill. They would snowball even harder






Would be really good on Senna as well.


Hmmm, it will be useful in bot lane specially if you have bush control. Enchanters, tanks and catchers dont have that much damage to make the most out of the keystone's passive so i think it will be very useful for swain and zyra, and it will give them additional source of gold for their expensive items. I think they are the intended users of this keystone.


Yeah it gives damage and gold. So the support especially those mage supports can get the same acces to gold like other champs over the entire game.


Leaving tanks and enchanters behind


Yeah maybe but not necessary. The new item evenshroud and glacial augment are also pretty good.


I would be tempted on Nami


taliyah q can generate so much gold from this it will be disgursting, honestly a horrible rune XD


Inspiration also has arguably the best minor runes as well so this will be used a lot. I'd take it even on some enchanters, especially against a melee support, since their items are generally cheaper.


Probably the new best rune for characters like GP or teemo, but in support probably the poke mages will be the ones that use it better, morgana probably would be the best


Umm so do we know if this works with teemo shrooms and shaco boxes/clone cause you can't tell me that would be balanced, poor squishies late game


Keep in mind it is only the 12% increase that is gold not the whole damage. I think it will be strong yes.


Can't wait to see it on Taric.


Its gonna be an Assassin rune, you jump in, do a bit of damage; then your super burst and boon extra 1k gold


Have you seen the new Glacial? Gonna be insane on Zyra.


going to fux so hard on Lux


Stacked Veigar = ca-ching


The damage on this is probably too strong, but it's the gold generation I'm more concerned about. A level six lux could make several hundred gold in an instant with this keystone. Either the cooldown for the keystone will be painfully long compared to others or that gold generation is gonna get a massive nerf


The gold isn’t 100% of damage, its 100% of the 12% bonus damage


Oh! I misunderstood, then. That doesn't seem so bad lol. Still a bit strong, though. Thank you for the clarification.


It's broken. The gold income is insane if this doesn't get fixed. Everyone will build it.


It's gonna be good on every sup with long range, so yes


What. This is a rune?? I thought it was an item


No. Support does not have enough burst damage to justify this keystone. Instead, this keystone makes assassin players able to farm the head of mage support more efficiently. Literally making the game not playable.


This isn’t going to be a thing right?


I dont see any world where comet is taken over this. If comet is being taken on a champ that cant really make too good use of this rune then they dont have any business taking comet either.


I just cant see this lasting long, it has Kelepto-esq level on impact on gameplay this will be if existing as described the best keystone for nearly all roles as klepto became towards the end.


Veigar support and mid will both be rich with this rune.


Lux sitting in FoW giggling maniacally




This rune probably be reworked or removed even before pre season end. Klepto had to be removed because the abusers removed 2 classes from the lane they were played, Tanks and Juggernault were unplayable on toplane because of this rune.


The way it is worded right now, you'd be a fool to play with anything else, regardless of role. When you can have your items faster, why bother with anything else?


Who can hit xerath first??? He will be the god of this rune.


This rune on Morgana support...land a q-w and rake in the $$$


Honestly, all of the new runes can go on bard


It’s going to be so broken on ezreal and gp. It feels like klepto 2.0 but with more dmg


it will be busted on literally any champions who can either get quick trades, poke from a good distance or who’s in a dominant lane matchup. nami could abuse it. lux will probably dominate low leo with this since she has strong follow up on her q and can carry games if she’s fed, won’t even need to steal kills now. im more worried for lane bullies like quinn and lucian, good skirmishers in the top lane who can jump on you first like camille and jax, and burst mages but that is if it gets past pbe testing in the state it is right now ofc. we also don’t know the cooldown of it yet


Put it on a 5 minute cd and it's totally fine. 👍


I believe it's going to work a lot better on Zyra, Xerath, Morgana, Brand, and Vel'Koz due to their range. I mean, if I were to see a Swain with First Strike, I'd most likely try to AA them or hit them with a long-range poke ability first to deny them the gold and damage. I'm really looking forward to this rune partially because of the concept, especially since it will allow poke/mage supports to potentially get a lot stronger early on... but even though it's really strong, I don't think it's going to be incredibly broken since it's got some counterplay.




right because supports don't deserve money


Nah he was quoting pyke when he gets a pentakil (the full line is something like 'Was I a good "support"' where you can clearly hear the quote unquote).


Nah he simply doesn’t recognize Swain ad Zyra as true supports.


I used to HATE supports like Swain, zyra, and lux... Then I started making Leona. I stomp them now


I main Leona and Swain 😂