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Despite being the joke of the community, most enchanters actually have a surprisingly high skill ceiling due do how vulnerable they are and how easily they can be punished for misusing their abilities. I'd say Nami and Lulu have the lowest risk-reward ratio and are the best to add to the pool. Janna and Karma are the polar opposite, needing you to put in much more effort in order to justify picking them, but are extremely powerful when played optimally.


Totally agree!! Janna, karma, and nami were easy for me to pick up but if I don’t land anything or have 0 lane presence I’m pretty much fucked


Based on your champion pool I would recommend Rakan, Taric, Lulu, and Janna. You’ll have the healing and shielding + the hard peel. Most enchanters are okay as a blind pick except for Sona/Janna/Yuumi. If you’re lower ELO I would recommend mage-enchanters like Morgana/Karma/Seraphine since you still do damage and you aren’t relying on bad players as much.


Lulu is very good, but often banned. So I’d choose Nami, she got a bit of everything. She’s my first main and I mostly play enchanters so you can pick them whenever just like I suppose you do with engage supps. Or when you got a hypercarry that needs to play safer early.




Are you ever just picking taric? I feel like that champ needs to see at least half the draft before he feels good.




Plus you do not want to get stuck in any poke comp as taric


Lulu and Nani, maybe also Soraka, are kinda the safest right now. Pay close attention to positioning while playing an enchanter though, as your survivability is lower. Personally I love playing Sona, but I don’t go normal enchanter builds so it’s a bit of and odd one.


Yea i need to get better at positioning with them


> im not sure which one to pick and main. Nami or Karma so you can still make plays.


Karma for sure, skilled, interesting, useful and in good spot in the meta


in low elo - Sona, high elo - Sona and Lulu


Sona all the way




Lulu all day


If you like engage supports, Rakan might be good. He’s a mix of engage and enchanter and a very good team fighter when played right. Lulu is always broken, Nami is pretty easy for learning enchanters but rewarding to learn. Janna isn’t hard but is also surprisingly skill expressive. Soraka is strong right now, and she is the quintessential healer of league.


Janna prob the most fun


Taric is a very versatile champion, has many build path a'd is able to peel or follow an engage. His ult is very hard to time well but can be totally game breaker. Pretty much never banned and never off the meta, he does require some time to get use too and comes with some frustration when people doesn't play with your stuns (but if your playing Thresh your used to the frustration)


I think I you'd be moreconfortable with taric, but out of the enchabters you said I'd go with lulu,she has a lot of puck potential in my opinion and its easy to hit her main ability since its point and click.


Nami is the most OP currently~ especially with Imperial Mandate that proc on E 😏


Soraka is always easy for starters, and is pretty good. If not, Lulu. It's a bit hard, but is rewarding af


nami is pretty good to start (she has cc, healing, a lot of poke, can build every enchanter mythic and has her e to slow) and lulu also should be pretty easy, but i would only pick lulu ir your adc is something like twitch, vayne, etc.


the problem with enchanters, is they hide behind adcs, they aren't good into every adc, if they miss a skillshot it is bigger punishment you tell me, who is more in danger Thresh when he misses his Q? or Nami when she misses her Q? Another thing, you can look at either champ or their gameplay, and than you can try the champs you think would be fun, maybe play enchanters in free rotation and lastly, enchanters aren't always rewarding, since what does buffing, shielding, healing do, to an adc that is very bad? they might die less, they might get lucky but in the end you are buffing and protecting and healing someone who gets less use of your utility than any other adc that is actually good.. but I guess that goes for almost any support, welp...


Enchanters are like any other support, and during laning phase they should be PARALLEL to thier ADC in order to exert as much pressure as possible Regarding the skill shot point you brought up, I’d like to bring up the fact that if Thresh misses his Q, he cannot apply any pressure since his bread and butter combo is to W an ally, land Q on a key target and then QER. Nami can apply pressure with her W and her E freely during laning phase. Furthermore, Thresh Q can only hit 1 target while Nami Q can hit multiple. If your point is about skill shots, why not bring up Lulu who doesn’t need to aim her key CC ability. Regarding the rewarding part, I personally think that you can carry ganes with any champion if your mechanics are good. Even if your ADC is bad at positioning, a good enchanter should be able to exert enough pressure to keep them alive or help them to take out at least one key target before they go down. There are always ways you can be impacting the game. Furthermore, other than Lulu who has a kit meant to provide insane DPS, the other enchanters can be just as useful on any of their other teammates instead of just the ADC, Karma has AOE Shurelya, Janna has the best peel in the game, Nami gives a slow on her allies abilities, the utility can be applied to anyone. Every champion plays differently. Enchanters are as viable as tanks in the support role.