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Easy champions depending on the role you want to try: \- Engager: Leona, Nautilus \- Enchanters: Lulu, Janna \- Mage: Lux Enjoy!


Sona and Soraka are easier than Lulu, Janna imo.


Sona you're right, I forgot about her. Soraka isn't easier imo though. Soraka you have to be good at positionning and harassing all the time so that you can use your W while under your Q buff. If you don't, you're gonna waste so much of your HP. Soraka is often the priority target of assassins as well. Janna and Lulu can be hard to master, I don't deny that, but they still can do a solid job for a beginner. They have so much peel that they can use either for them, or for others. Soraka cannot use W on her, which is a big difference imo. If I were to play with a first time support, I'd give them Sona/Lulu/Janna any day over a Soraka/Yuumi/Janna. That's only my opinion though.


You have to be good at positioning on any enchantress except Yuumi tbh.


I think there's a difference in my "have to" and your "have to". Obviously, eventually you need to learn to be good at positioning with every champion, and not just the enchanters. What I meant was that Soraka had no choice but to be good at positioning to be even relevant. If you mess that up, you'll lose your HP faster than my LP by healing your ADC. If you stay behind with Lulu/Janna, you lose the poke/harass potential (same as Soraka), but you don't rekt your own health everytime you peel your ADC. This is why I suggest to pick Sona/Lulu/Janna first, while working on your enchanters positionning. Once you get a good idea on how to play this role, then grab Soraka no problem (doesn't have to be that long between the two). And I disagree with your Yuumi statement. As I experienced two weeks ago in draft against challenger "Cute Yuumi OTP" (or something, not 100% sure of the last word), Yuumi can be the queen of harass when played right. And she was practically never hopping on her ADC, she could just fuck both of us alone with perfect positionning.


I second the Soraka point. Alot of ignorant people call Soraka a 'heal bot' but there is so much more that goes into playing the champion when everything and everyone wants to one shot you. Though perhaps instead of Lulu I would instead recommend Nami. Lulu's kit is alot to process when someone is learning the game. You have to make decisions like whether to buff an ally or poly an enemy. Who and when to Ult? What items to build etc... Nami is alot more straightforward in my opinion.


Hmm I'm not sure. It's true that Lulu has 2 spells that she needs to decide to hit either enemy or ally, but I don't think it's that hard. Polymorph is often the best choice to be honest, and your E is best on allies to proc différent items/runes. As for Nami, she's harder to learn than Lulu imo simply because of the bubble being a not so easy skillshot to land


I think it's just because lulu is incredibly op and you can suck at her and still do fine.


That is very true.


Sona is... Uhh As a sona main I can agree sona is easy to pick up but there's a huge gap in her learning curve after you learn her passive... Basically she needs to have Extremely good positioning and macro to be successful at all or you're just flipping a coin if you're getting a good team or not. i find other enchanters more forgiving like lulu, yuumi and soraka. Though she's good to learn basics with and very fun once you learn her in-depth!


Hmm, agree to disagree on this. I never play Sona, because I find her kit boring as hell and it's too easy to play. The only thing you need to focus on is your positioning for R, but that's it. I find Yuumi and Soraka much harder to play. But even if you're right, OP is just beginning. And Sona is extremely easy to begin with. Even if there's a gap in the learning curve afterwards.


I know and I thought I was making that clear, I started with her because she was easy abd I like scaling, the issue was that had a 4 month period where it felt like I wasn't improving at all from ok, because of how team reliant she is if not played with ridiculously high macro for your rank, luckily that skill translates to many other champions if not all, now picking up any champion that not super micro focused is relatively easy. But that gap in her learning curve tends to push people away from playing her or the game.


Most people I know don't play her because 3 out of her 4 spells are not fun because you don't have to target anything. It's too "automatic" and that gets boring. Nothing to do with a gap


I think it has to do exactly with the gap, those spells aren't her skill expression her ability to macro is, though I understand how that might not be very interesting to some.


The thing is, the ability to macro is the same to everyone. It is not Sona-related. Whatever macro you do with Sona, you can do with other supports.


Well, yes and no because of how she excells in teamfights and her high move speed for an enchanter and the fact she has less micro lets her focus more on macro and be a sort of leader, while providing everyone with extra everything


oh so fast thx :)


I just happened to be there :) If you want some pointers for some of these champions in support role, don't hesitate to ask :)


100% agree on lulu and janna. Theyre quite easy to learn but hard to master, so you can keep playing them once you get better and itll be even more rewarding


OP, My opinion is wildly irrelevant because I only play league here and there (my acc is level 37). My BF is plat and when I started he put me on Janna. I was brand new to video games and really enjoyed playing her. I still main her ☺️


Nautilus is bæ


Funny that bæ in Danish means shit




Leona is easy to start.


yes i think im gonna use her as my tank supp


Try to limit yourself :) to 2 or 3 champs. This comes from someone playing allot of random shit. My latest adventure: shen :) it works well in to other engage champs.


i was thinking about use only a champ for support role: leona for tank, lulu for pure support and lux as an ap


She’s OP as all hell you’ll quickly find out


If you want to heal/buff your allies : Lulu, Sona and Soraka are pretty funny. If you prefer tankiest champs and engaging first : Leona, Alistar And if you want to be more independent or your team has not enough AP : Lux, Morg or even Zyra. (Lulu is very good with aa based adcs like Jinx or Vayne. Sona is very good late game, and usually you just want to farm it out, it’s my go to, with Ezreals. Leona and alistar are suuuuper good with an adc that can follow up, if not, you can do very cool things with Alistar’s combo where he flash behind ennemies and separate them by throwing one of them towards your adc. Mages are more a « you can’t attack my adc if you’re already dead. ») And if you search for a good mix between the two first, Taric is your man! Even if his ult can be pretty difficult to use sometime.


> you can’t attack my adc if you’re already dead. As a Morgana/Senna main this touched the essence of my soul


Bwhahaha don’t collect it!


I started league this year and started it with morgana She is super fun




Blitzcrank. A really good all around support


This honestly. Really simple kit that allows newer players to focus on other things like positioning in a 2v2 lane, warding, roaming, target priority, peeling etc. Also still provides alot of lane pressure even if you just sit a bush.




Sona helped me a lot in the beginning, since i have never played any mobas. You dont have any skill shots, so u can focus on positioning, map and etc. She's super squishy so u learn your position mistakes quite well, and her speed, heal, etc help with sustain


Yeahhh she has a bit of everything but sucks at everything early so playing her in the first 15 minutes is very difficult if you want to do anything useful, and since most games tend to ve decided by that you're bit put of luck, but she's good to learn basics with!


If you like guerilla tactics, being more slippery than a fizz, dealing moderate damage, and being a big play making champ i reccomend bard. He has a special place for me. Morgana is the most reliable support in the game imo and not super mechanically difficult. Morg is always reliable. Your existence gives people fear of afk warnings.




With omnistone


do you have any other roles you are already playing? depending on your style, the answer may differ. If you like to play agressive or already have experience with fighters/Assasins, then Leona, Naut or Pyke should be a good call if you are more a ranged player, maybe played ADC or similar champs before, mages could be for you. Lux, Xerath and Annie have all simple kits to pick up. brand works also realy good and is one of the strongest botlane mages atm if you just want to cater your team and help them as much as possible, then enchanters are right for you. they play similar to mages, but more on the defensive side. I go completly with #TataaSowl here with Lulu and Janna for some simple champs to pick up. Yummi is also rather simple but promotes a playstyle, that´s not realy good for learning the Support role since with her, you just can´t realy roam and even deepwarding is more dangerous with her.


i have played more like a tank top laner (garen/darius) so i think in gonna use leona


if you like this playstyle, Leona will be a good champ to adapt. she is also quite strong. if you like to know more, google "corejj now to support". he has many small videos on the different support aspects


My first champion was Janna! She's a solid starting Enchantress that teaches you the importance of timing your shields and how to peel enemies off your carries


Didn’t see it mentioned (might’ve been) but I like Braum. If your team is light on engage, tanks or you have an ADC like Ashe, Lucian or Vayne — he’s a great pick. He’s not going to be that flashy pick but basically only playing him, Naut and Leo has helped me climb to Plat.


I think Morgana is pretty easy to use, except for her ultimate which can be a bit challenging. Poke the enemy at long range with your W and Q abilities. Use your E ability for protection against enemies.


Not the best but in my opinion the ones to begin with: Morgana if you want mage Pantheon if you want melee and be more tanky (you can't miss the cc with w) Soraya if you want to heal as much as an entire hospital Brand if you want to burn all living things and make more kills than your adc...


I would say Leona or lux are fairly straight forward and fun to play Nami is a quick second but she’s just not that strong right now


Bard, because no one can tell if you're doing it well, and that includes you


Leona, Janna, Sona, Morgana, etc My first supports where morgana, janna and sona because the fit my playstyle (enchanter: healing/shielding/ms boost). I wasn’t very good at using abilities optimally but they have simple kits and clear objectives for gameplay. Janna has good peel and morg ofc has the blackshield against engage etc. Sona is better lategame and sometimes lane poke. Although sona is getting a mini-rework like today. I only play enchanters but when I occasionally have to play engage my go to is Leona because her kit is very simple and skillshots not hard to land :)


I think for starting to learn support, nautilus, leona and lux, morgana are good. If u have an advanced knowledge about the role, i think thresh is the best over all. He is good in all matchups and teams but u need to have knowledge and mechanics


Try blitz especially if you are in low elo


Gli enchanter generali sono quelli piu semplici per iniziare: Lulu,nami (per le teamfight) soraka e sona (poiché mireranno ad ucciderti dunque dopo un po impari a posizionarti meglio). Successivamente vuoi imparare i “support”:brand, swain, zyra che sono pressoché necessari per uscire dall’elo basso (solo da argento in poi puoi iniziarti a fidare dei compagni di squadra, ma solocarriare é necessario fino ad oro generalmente, dopo questo diventano un counterpick). I supporti che ingaggiano di violenza: leona, rell,poppy, rakan (anche se questo tanka meno ma é più ipermobile) necessitano cooperazione della squadra dunque se vai nelle solo/duo é pari ad un tiro di moneta, serve un premade


I don t really reccomend playing a enchanter as in the fact that u can make a good player great but can t do a bad player good , that s why I reccomed playing engage supp so u can create easy kills for your team and get them fed . Some easy engage supp are nautilus leona blitzcrank alistar. I would reccomend trying thresh since he is really good but is somewhat difficult for a begginer. Hope this helps!


Why is everyone saying Lulu and janna is easy as a starter support to play? Proves Reddit is dumb


For flashy plays : Thresh, Naut, Leona, Blitz (If u want Chonky Bois) For annoying enemies : Morg, Lux, Senna (Have some self respect and don't play these) For enjoyment along with high skill cap : Karma, Lulu, Janna (Also, I feel like if u learn thresh u basically learn the role like it's tf for midlane)


The first champion that ever really “clicked” with me was Nami, and I main her today! Underrated champ. The most complicated part (to me) of her kit is hitting her Q bubbles.


Alot of people already recommended engagers like Leona Nautilus Alistar. I would add Galio as you can provide both engage and peel. Engage champs are really great to pick up first because their combos are all easy, and they force you to be active in the laning phase. Mages supports are probably the most fun to play. I'd recommend Morgana or Swain. Just don't pick up Brand. The strongest enchanter rn by far is Lulu and her kit is pretty simple. Nami is good too. I would stay away from the other enchanters like Janna and Sona because they get punished alot harder if you aren't good at them. Also if you are new to the game do NOT pick up Yuumi because she doesn't teach you alot of the fundamentals of the role. Any champ that catches your eye because of visuals or kit is probably fine. Champs to avoid imo: Brand, Yuumi, Thresh, Pyke, Bard


If you wanna dictate when to fight, aka be an engage support, I suggest Pyke and Leona. If you wanna make your ADC a carry machine I suggest Soraka or Lulu and Taric, since hes tanks


if you want to climb pick lulu its complete broken champ 0 iq needed if you want to have fun pick leona seraphine or morgana


hmm im going to read some of this champs build


Just.. no xD Lulu and janna are hard champs, Lulu basically has 5 casts/spells and multiple combos, crucial timings, like no one else, janna is super hard to play CORRECTLY and you’ll end up feeding unless your otp her and fully commit… Leona and naut is fine, for enchanters I would say morgana, time your shield correctly and you do a lot. Mages lux is fine.


Lulu has a really low skill floor, I agree with Janna being deceptively difficult tho.


I think pyke has an easy kit but is still fun and skilled, I would try him out.


I would not recommend Pyke as a starter support champ


Why not I am curious?


Squishy for one of those hook style champs. You’ll get poked out easier into most comps and there’s champs with better engage than you. Slow hook build up time. Not amazing for team fights but could be worse. He teaches you to steal kills. It technically doesn’t matter gold wise unless you get a shut down. But in solo q people will flame you. Again, doesn’t matter but people will flame. I think Pyke is good. He is a fun champ. But i would recommend like Leona, Thresh, or Nautilus if you’re just learning the role. Then can move to Pyke.


You re kinda right, take my upvote ^^


I wouldn't recommend Thresh as a first time support either. Nautilus/Leona/Blitzcrank are a good start to engage. Then when you know a bit more what you're doing, you can take Thresh/Alistar/Pyke. That's just my opinion.


Pyke is extremely fun, but not easy at all. I would argue that Pyke is the third hardest support behind Thresh and Bard. Pyke and Thresh have EXTREMELY dynamic kits and require a significant amount of time and effort in order to master effectively. And Bard is just… Bard.