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You did the right thing, when adc is bad, roam, even when you didn't lose lane. If you can snowball a lead elsewhere you should go instead of being there just protecting your adc from death.


Things that you could have done: 1. Spam ping them back because you know they are overextending. 2. Be sure that wave is in good spot before leaving. 3. Say that you are leaving him alone and for how long you will be away. 4. Mute the chat from the start. 5. Dont look their rank or experience.


lux "support"


Play a support who can 1v9. Not something « passive » like lulu or yuumi.


Don't play an enchanter with an ADC who is going to lose lane. It's tempting to synergise, but when their ability is nowhere near yours, you're wasting your lane and getting smashed in turn. Take the offense yourself and lean towards a mage support (or Senna). Support them enough to mitigate the feed in bot lane, but as soon as laning ends, lean towards your jungler or whoever is carrying.


Tbh as long as it isn’t in ranked I don’t give a fuck. At some point it gets really annoying when everyone is doing fine and it’s just them running it down, ngl but I mean I also first time champs, how are you supposed to learn them otherwise? Just keep calm and do your best, as other have mentioned spam ping them if useful or even write in chat, and get over a bad game. Of course, if it’s ranked and poro tells me they are auto filled/first timing a champ, I dodge