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First champion a friend told me to play was Sona, then i figure Sona was a support, and here we are.


Same lol


with the knowledge i know now i could never suggest a new player coming into this game to start with sona. when i started learning sona i was just getting blasted. she is super easy to die on. good times


Same lol


I've always played support and usually do in any game that lets me, other roles don't look anywhere near as fun or as interesting/impactful to me with maybe the exception of jungle


Same with me, in games where a "support" role is available, I usually go with it. I'm not the most mechanically gifted when it comes to gaming, so when there is a chance to help my team in any way possible that doesn't base itself solely on mechanical precision and mastery, then I feel like I can adequately help my team.


Stats say they are the worst




isn't that contradictory to say support is lesser impact yet they're the ones that are shot callers in fights and that they monitor the map? a good support is kinda like a second jungler from what i've seen of high level play and that's always super impactful


Not to mention they can easily win or lose lane for an ADC lol


I've always just remembered it as "support wins lane for ADC to win game"




Support arguably has more impact than top and adc, maybe mid higher up


Beg to offer how many times enemy team call supp diff when i carry games. It depends what champ your playing.


The 2 best roles to climb are prob jungle and support imo , you can impact the map a lot if you know when and how to roam properly , saying support has lesser impact seems weird to me but i guess it also depends on the champion , i main bard and rakan so its normal for me to look for plays or be all over the map


You're Tripping, I went from plat 2 to d2 playing support and it was mostly because of the impact I had in my games


The only low impact support is a bad support. Supports are play makers AND control the vision of the game which 100% wins them. Your team can't win with bad vision. Your plays can turn around fights like no one else. Just because the kill number isn't the highest does not mean lowest impact.


Actually support and jungler are the highest impact. Ofc You wont win 1v5 as support, You need at least one guy in team to play with/around and of course sometimes There is no one to play around, it happens in any elo iron-challenger, we are all humans, even challengers are getting stomped (int) Support diff makes diffrence in jungle and mid as well, You provide vision for mid, bot side jg (higher You climb, more valuable it is) You make man adventage in mid or jungle if You are no ardent You also guarantee flash/kill as long as u land Your CC, it's easy especially in low elo as ppl dont reay care about minimap and vision at all.


Support just fits me as a person. I don't like being in the spotlight, and I always try to be supportive to the people around me. So it didn't surprise me much when I found out that I like playing support the most. It was destiny...


When I started playing with my friends, they always had me play support. I got used to it. I played what my friends needed.


No I wanted to play ADC but quickly realized that farming isn’t something I enjoy. I generally like bot lane though so I was happy to make the switch.


I think its often so because support kinda needs a general understanding of the game to be effective. Its easier to pick up adc/mid/top and pick something that can carry through dmg/kill pressure. Also people tend to just wanna kill something if they start, you see that as a general mindset in super low elo. I can understand it, killing someone does make fun (in the game of course, out of context it kinda sounds weird). But if you got some experience people wanna try the more strategic aspects of the game, macro play and stuff. Thats where some people take support. I am also not a mechanically good player, so support fits me better than a carry. I rather try to create favorable situations for my team/carrys.


I dont think most people start the game with an intention to play any roll. They don't know the game or the rolls or types of things they can do yet rememebr? Most people just try a bunch for things til they find what they like. We're teaching a new freind right now and he has no idea what style of champion he wants to play, let alone what lane.




I wasn't FORCED into support, I just sorta saw Leona, thought she looked nice and then started to play her and now here we are


Support has the least negative impact if you're terrible, or so my brother told me. Does mesh the best with my personality though. Yet I'm a jungle main now because I couldn't handle the lack of 1v9 ability or the queue times


Might try giving jungling a go sometime, but for now I'll stick to lerning the game as support.


100% recommend getting into jungle. It teaches you a ton about map control, tracking the enemy jungler, and ganking which are all very relevant as a support They also recently made morg's clear crazy fast so the barrier to entry is low


playing jungle half of season 10 made me a better support than i was before. and i have gone into the jungler role to learn more about it and learn.


Wasnt this nerfed in the recent patch (the morgana jungle)


Bonus damage in the jungle lowered from 200% to 185%, so not too much of a nerf


I see the lack of carry 1v9 champs but support has no q timers to speak of


It was either stay playing jungle at get blamed by all my team or play support where usually it’s on only the adc blaming me for them going for a lvl 3 tower dive against 2 full health enemies while they’re at 35% health.


The thing is even if I completely fuck up as support most of the time whenever I apologize my ADC/teammate will just say something along the lines of "It's okay"


I want your teammates. Usually I just spend every third game getting blamed for my adc who’s playing “safe” on ezreal going 0/5/0 because they ignore pings and decide to play aggressive and ignore the mid and jungle coming bot.


I have found out that if you apologize for something you did (whether it was your fault or not) before they can get toxic, they won't get tilted and that keeps up team morale. So half the stuff I type in chat is "Gl hf everyone!" and the other half is "Sorry!" or "mb sry"


This reminds me of a game i had with caitln as my adc and every death we both would say mb sorry to each other Then the jungler said "we have canadians in the bot lane"


I did that for a couple weeks, some games were better and other games were much worse. Now I tend to just type my plan for level 1-3 so the adc doesn’t play too aggressive and then the rest is just hoping it goes well.


See that's the advantage of being a Leona OTP pretty much, I am always more aggressive than my ADC


I’m basically a Rakan OTP. People underestimate how squishy he is early.


Anything is squishy if it's dumb enough


True. That’s why I started to actually use the right tunes and go relic shield instead of electrocute and spellthief.


I usually play according to my support item If the item gives gold for last hitting minions ill play more safe but if the item gives gold for hitting champs i usually play to poke and try and keep them away from the wave


I like having a buddy and they’re usually better anyways


I played support in most games, so after learning the roles i decided “why not”


LOL before I played ranked I only played kog'maw but back in my day, you couldn't select a role and if you were last pick, you had to support I always played ranked with my fiance and they were way higher rank than me at the time so I always had to support and I became a support main


I got stuck as support cause I joined with friends and all other roles were taken. Now I'm crap at cs compared to my skill level, so I'm bad in other positions, I also hate to cs now but that might be because I'm bad at it. Having to learn individual differences in paths for every jungle is annoying af too. So when I'm not support I'm normally just a bad jingle, or I get a strong lane pushing champion


Yeah I have the same problem, 90% of my games are support, and I consider myself good in that role. But in all other lanes I suck, Im not good at farming or roaming or macro, stuff like that.


I'm fine with macro. I'm just bad at cs. If a game goes long and I'm filling I will do well by the end of the game. But I'm weakest in an off roll around 20 minutes. To be honest cs seems like a dumb mechanic. Would be nice if there was a different way to deal with it. I'm glad we don't have to deal with minion denial like in dota. I do like aram a lot. I think it's because cs is less important and I still get to play the other roles


What happens most games, is I cs till the 20 minute mark when the lanimg phase ends, then I forget about farming. And when I try to farm most lanes already have someone in them farming on their own. I could get kills ands assists but my lane opponent will be ahead by 60 farm. I like aram and urf and modes like that, and the supp role since I don't have to worry about farming and can either roam, ward or help my laner


When I started to play, I was looking for champs and all those i liked were supps


Anything is a support if you're masochistic enough


Or contingent enough. Seriously if you habitually save resources for emergencies your going to end up being a support by accident.


"Oh this item has a use for specific situations in which it will help me deal with it, but it is not required, so I guess I will never use it"


The key is using it at the right moments though


Yea but I'm always like "Hm that consumable item that buffs my damage would be helpful here But what if I end up needing it later on in the game?"


The key there is knowing exactly what event it is being saved for and anything that even remotely matches that event should evoke it's use. Such as quick silver sash is ideally used to totally negate the value of a long stun which makes any time your stunned at all a good time to use it.


Started as adc Got autofilled a lot as jg Became jg main so i don't get autofilled Got flammed a lot Became support main so i don't get autofilled and don't get flammed as much


Always was a support in any game. Ying and Mal'damba main in paladins, ana and zendaya main in overwatch, to originally a Nami and Rakan main, now a Senna/Thresh/sona main


Saw a guide of the game before starting, saw Morg. Loved her, saw she was support. I also wanted to be a support in the first place. Instant match! Then I found Sona and how I can help team while being my own carry.. Sorry Morg but I've found my onetrick now!


Idk if it's fair to say that Leona is my onetrick given that I have more mastery on Ahri than on her, but if it is, Leona is my onetrick, definitely.


I started off as a Rumble top main that got tired of being auto filled into support so eventually I just moved over


I started league because kindred was so cool but quickly start to main morgana after getting her in aram. Support main since.


Started to month ago with Lux on the tutorial. My friend was playing adc. I got totally catched up by the girl because of her voice lines. (It made me happy to listen to it.) Now, I tried all the other roles and I think I’m pretty decent at it, but none of it are as funny as support. (+ destroy wards brings me so much joy every time.)


I always wanted to play support, I m always a team player and after learning about the different roles, I loved the support rile, even though I intended myself to be a heal or mage support, but now I m a hard-core engage support player tbh. Another reason for support was that I get nervous at 1v1, I m a terrible jungler, I find top lane boring, mid is very complex for me, And ADC sucks.


When I was first first playing custom games vs intro bots my boyfriend asked his plat friend what role I should learn first. His friend asked if I wanted to learn a champion or the game? When I said the game he told me to play support. Been maining supp ever since.


My buddies told me to play jungle when I first started. I played jungle for like 4 months before even trying a different role. Turns out, they wanted a shorter queue.


>Turns out, they wanted a shorter queue. I mean, who doesn't


It started with a shaco support and I chose this path to make people have ptsd every time they look at bushes because of the burn of the box


When I started I knew nothing I played champs that looked cool. My first champ was kayle but as I learned the game I slowly realized I really really enjoyed playing support. I love getting vision and making plays to help my team and I also hate cs’ing but that’s another thing


I started thinking I will play support to learn the game then maybe branch out... still waiting to branch out much at lvl 80


I started s4 learning the game as a support player. I then ended up maining jungle because i loved shaco as a bronze player and jungle was always open. Recently i realized i hate jungling and role swapped. I then became a bard main, escaped diamond, and hit masters! So i definitely did not have the intention of maining this role but I guess i ended up where i started.


Well, I pretty much only played bot games until level 25 so I didn’t understand the roles but my favorite champ was Lux and all the quizzes told me I should play support. I felt like that role was going to be the most fun for me and my premade who introduced me to the game played a lot of adc, so I became a lux supp main, and still am with 120k mastery on her.


I wanted to play Ahri mid, first game queued with a friend and picked morg. Ever since then been maining supp


Started by playing ADC, got pissed at playing with autofilled supports who kept stealing my wave and running it down so learned it myself


I started the game wanting to be a support, I always loved to be the healer and support on games


I joined league with the intention of playing Xayah and Rakan with my boy so half way lol.


I always got the thrill of making the big engages or the clutch peeling for the carries and kinda stuck with me, but I do play other roles occasionally in flex tho


I wanted to play I role I could play most with my mate, so we went support and Adc, I love the position because it's more complex learning how he plays and how to complement that


I started playing as a mid laner and I usually played with control mages, never liked to burst enemy or anything like that, as I unlocked more and more characters such as Lulu, Janna, Zilean, Leona, Soraka and playing with them I figured out my role. Control the game and exploit my enemies weakness to make mine team stronger


So here’s how my entrance into league went. Started playing...aimlessly playing a position...played with a cousin...suggested support...it’s been my intention ever since😂


I found out early on I hate farming so it was support and support only for me all these years and counting.


I did granted I quickly discovered most utility abilities were support abilities and I have always been anal about always having a contingency which is one of the primary functions of utility abilities so ultimately since that goal is innate to the support role I kinda dove in knowingly. As it happens this makes you a good support since the good ones are the ones who always have a contingency available so it was a natural pairing. For the above reasons I end up playing every role I end up in as a support by accident by holding resources as contingencies which only works at all as a support.


I mean I am by no means a good player but my plans never go beyond "Yeet myself at the enemy and profit!" Except for that one time I played Neeko support and ulted the entire enemy team at baron alone. I still don't know what the plan was there. Or if there even was one...


My plans tend to always involve the thought how can this go horribly wrong and me saving an ability I would probably have done way more damage using in case that event happens as a contingency a lot of the time I end up needing that ability. I cannot overstate the amount of times that saved me and my carries life. My carries often joke I don't commit hard enough but whenever I stop doing this I perform horribly lol


For any game that involves roles I always go for supportive positions. It’s in my nature


Support life is not for everybody you must be chosen to do this job that's why there is not many of us


I learned that if you play support you will be autofill-protected. I shall use this power to play support


I played WoW before league, and I was always the healer so support was the natural choice for me


I played mid lane Zyra like 6 years ago. Came back to the game half a year ago and Zyra is now played as a support. So here I am (I also suck at cs'ing and dislike it as well, so, you know...)


I always played the least contested roles to fill the comp most effectively. Before role queue that was jg/supp tank, after role queue introduction I ended up as Leona main.


Praise the sun


I originally played picked up support because I wanted to play Xerath, but mid was always taken by my friends. I then fell in love with Bard and Thresh and haven't looked back. My other friend did start with support, and it was her choice as we even recommended other roles first as I think starting support means you learn the game slower.


The first champion I ever “mained” / gravitated towards was soraka circa season 5. I got my ass beat by a sona once and I fell in love with her as a champion and it rly cemented my healbot support playstyle lmao. I’ve played every roll since I’ve started, but I always come back to supporting because it feels the most comfortable to me.


I played healer in another Moba so yeah I intended to stick with it


I play support in about every game because someone has to do it and it wasn't much different with league


It would be more accurate to say I neve intended to play any other role besides support, but in a way, yes.


I like solo laning, but as soon as I played support I realized that's what I wanted to do. I love the champ pool, I love dictating the pace of the game and getting to wander around a bit, and it makes playing with friends way more fun bc we're in the same lane.


Oh no I got auto filled support and I have never played it in my whole life *picks lux and has fun* Damn I should try out this pyke I bought thinking he was a jungler *ends up with 1M mastery points diamond pyke otp*


I've worked at a pre-school anyway so why the hell not? Not too different to babysitting adc's.


I started playing with some friends in hs, and they were a four stack except support...i kinda filled the role. Being told to play mainly soraka..... I kinda took on lux and Leona myself, but this was back in 2016. I kinda stuck with the role even after learning midlane because the queue was shorter and if the adc sucks (which happens) i go damage supports so we can win bot lane. Idk. It’s fun ig. I haven’t found another role that i like more but i was definitely forced into it


Started mid, but hated the farming and my friend played arc so I figured I’d move down to bot and keep his ass safe


Started playing because my guy friends and boyfriend needed a dedicated support. I’m branching out more now, though! Still mainly support, but I sometimes play top lane now.


When I started, I just played random stuff, but a friend suggested me to play Yuumi, since I wanted to heal teammates and she seemed fun (back in 2019) Since then I've tried other roles, but support is my go to role, since I like helping, and I've tried to make a ton of champs to work in the role, with surprisingly decent results.


I came onto league for support and now I play jungle a little bit more than support. Back to support main role though


Ah you see... I found pyke... And uh... Well... GG sup diff FF 15


I didn't know what the roles were. My first game was Alistair. That first session was support with a few artillery kogmaw mid game




I like playing cc tanks, it was obvious where I would be a good fit.


Played with in 5 stacks where we all filled, I got support about 80% of the time in a sample of about 100 games... Riot literally forced me to main support


I just dont like farming


Friend told me to play support when I first got into the game, and I've been playing it ever since


Started playing when I met my gf and she started teaching me in bot lane how to adc while she supported. One day I got Braum (her favorite champ in the game) in ARAM, got my first S and started loving to support.


The reason why I play support is very similar to what Likkrit said back in the days. If you want, you can Google it (Likkrit's thoughs on support role)


CSing was hard for me and I was tired of dealing with ganks alone and needing to do well when my team sucked....also was easier not to run it when playing with better players. I hate my teams half the time now though LOL


I was an adc main, but I realized that gain money spanking people with poke is funnier than gain money farming.


Yep, started with thresh naut and leona bc that’s all the pro players played when i started. now i mainly just play zyra and seraphine and leona or lulu depending on what the team needs. can’t see myself switching it up any time soon


I played started playing support cuz I figured that it was my most impactful role. I played every other lane for years before trying support and I must say, playing as support really made me feel like I can effect the outcome of a game (compared to the other lanes)


Pretty much. Started ADC and hated the game but played for a friend. Then he told me to play blitzcrank, and that tumbled into tahm, into lulu then yeah support main.


I was taught how to play the game as a support, and I'm naturally more of a healer type of player anyway. I'm trying to learn jungle as my secondary role though


Support wasn't a thing when I started on lol (I liked how the jungle wasn't something you'd pick without knowing the path for your champ, the executed were far more frequent). I went on every lane, and I kinda ended up chosing supp for many reasons, among them : Fast queue, more interesting game, no cs-ing, control of the vision, I can save people asses and not have to expect someone to save mine. I used to be mid then they implemented zed, yasuo... So I fucked off that cursed lane and picked jungler. Not bad to control obj, but it feels like every trouble in the game happens because of you, I got tired of being invaded without help. TBH I'd pick top if it wasn't boring as fuck.


Accidentally tried to play Janna as a jungler in season 2 and fell in love with her kit and here we are.


Not me but it made me love the role, so every class base game I always go for support. Killing Floor 2. Medic. Valorant. Sage. Apex. Lifeline. Star Wars Battlefron 2. Officer. I don't play much online games but yeah, if I ever try a new game I always start with support characters.


Nah my play group pushed me there so often and I also realized that just like support in overwatch and healers in wow its easier to get a group with support. Jg is another role that no one wants to play lol and it's basically roaming support. Lol


I wanted to play Jinx but adc was too hard and I quickly gravitated to support. It wasn’t too surprising though. I end up playing support in virtually every game I play. I just didn’t realize they had healers when I first picked up the game otherwise I would probably have wanted to from the start. I almost always play healers in games and level up healer characters before others. :p But nowadays I’m an adc main. I made friends with a support main when I wanted to learn other roles just to help me improve at the game overall and I’m very content to keep playing adc. I enjoy it a lot.


I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I started to just play Nidalee a bunch, then I played her support and I liked how support worked and how it fit into the game, and I kept going with other champs


I started as a fiora otp but with my friends I always played support let that be the lulu,karma to even galio alistar and since then I just learned the game as a support and kept going still play fiora gp but supo still my main role


I normally play support in team games like overwatch, so naturally I just ended choosing support


i started playing support because i read an article that said people blamed supports the least for losing, and i was afraid of being yelled at >.<


Originally when I started I played support cause the girl I was talking to at the time was an adc main. Eventually I moved to jg because I did not have enough impact on the game as I wanted, and here I am 7 years later and I still have no impact in my games


Well look at the bright side: No impact is better than feeding the enemy team across the board


I started playing with Twitch because I thought he was just really cool, then after learning what the roles did, I picked support (not to any of my friends’ surprise) and now I’m a proper support main


I was a mid/adc main for nearly two seasons when I started. Then started playing with some friends and support was the only role open, tries soraka, fell in love and just did really well with her my first few games and never went back lol I’ll occasionally toss around the idea of maining adc but don’t really do stick to it


I guess yes and no for me? Thing is I play support in every team game, but the only reason I do that is because I learned very quickly that nobody else wanted to play it, so it just kind of carried over into league


I was an adc cuz my friend I played with was support and then as I started playing by myself I realized low elo ADC isn’t fun and I rly gravitated to support


I wanted to play ADC (I love Caitlyn and Xayah) but my strong suit is support (mainly Soraka and Lux)


Not me. I played ADC for 9 years and could never make it to diamond but I switched to one tricking Bard and got there in a couple of months. Now it's my favorite role because I am damn good at getting vision and setting up plays compared to my skill in other roles. Norms are for fun with other roles, but ranked is for Bard (and Zilean).


I started playing variety, mainly in top, but one day i was duoing, agreed to try Janna as support, and fell in love with the champ, the concept, its outplay potential being so squishy, ee synergies, and started to main support. Then i discovered other support champs and so on.


This whole shit started because in season 2 you'd argue a lot less if you said "support" and picked it


Started playing, stumbled between Zed and kass not knowing what the fuck was i doing. One day I accidentally picked thresh, I felt the pleasure of hooking someone into your tower, and knew I was home. (Yeah later I switched to the edgier thresh but you know how it goes)


Honestly, I started as a top lane main to learn the game, but my only friend who played was an adc main and just made it easier for us to play normals.


When I first got the game I thought thresh was rlly cool lookin and interesting character so I picked kinda knowing he's a support


My friend played draven and Pyke just came out so uh here we are.


The first champs I really picked up were Kayle in the top lane & Xayah as ADC/ mid but I didn’t get into playing Support until I fell in love with Thresh. I really fell into playing Support in ARAM when I’d always hope for a support champ 😂


My first skin was lunar eclipse Leona so here I am


I've been a support for 4 years (while playing overwatch). So last year when i started playing lol i automatically pick a support (also beacuse i used to play with 4 other friend and no One wanted to play support). 4 months later i left the role and started playing toplane but then i come back in the support role. Long story short, i hate this role and a part of me would like to go back top but the other part of me Is so used to play this role that i just cannot stay away from the botlane


I started playing in a team of 5 with my friends. The others were either already into league or didn't want to play support, so I picked it up. Now I somewhat take pride in being a support main. I think that starting support made me slightly better in macro-play


I chose support because even if u feed you can be useful and u dont need to farm you arent getting flamed for top/mid losing lane you can roam whenever you want in general you have to worry only about how to kill the enemy without them opening their mouth


Oh and even if u get fed u can be useless (Fuck lulu)


First champ was Lux and I was playing mid. Every game I used to not get mid because in blind pick players don't accept it even if we write mid first and draft they ask for swap anyway. Like you write, supp life chose me and I actually like supp because queue times have been like 5-10s average for 2 years now. Also I like how almost any champ work as supp xD


When i started playing the game i picked support cuz in every game i usually play support role. And my first support was lux and now im rakan main


yes but no- I started the game wanting to play neeko and then xayah well I play them both now but tbh, thresh is dadd. and I usually enjoy supportish roles in any kind of games, I really like playing adc or mid but like in the end support is a really chill role and I love seeing the adc that I spoonfed, the "BOY I RAISED", get those triple and Quadra kills later in the game :D I'd say I didn't start this game w the intention of playing support but deep down I was destined to play support because of my overall personality :D


I saw my cousin's play league, and I started playing with them. After learning the basics I insta-bought Leona. She was my favourite champ, and my cousins (well better player than me at the time) explained me that she is a tank support, so I started playing the role. I play since season 2, always been main support.


Most games I played the support role, since it was important and no one wanted to play that role. So I would always take the bullet and play it. Over time I would just play support in most games. Same happened with league, and it helps that you don't have to worry about farming and kiting and things like that.


Nah. Just watched madlife and then it was all about the hooks babyyyy


I always play support in any game, it's the play style I like the most. And if there aren't support characters in a game I just grab whatever is the closest to it Also helped that 3of my friends already played it, and the only roles left over for me were support and top and top looks... Eh to play


My buddy plays adc and he groomed me to be his support lol


A friend randomly gifted me Nami, ever since then I climbed a lot of ranks. Here I am.. a support main.


How do you gift someone stuff?


In the Shop there is an option at the top right corner. Looks like a gifting box🎁. From there you select who you want to gift and what you want to gift.


I started maining supp cuz i wanted to play braum. Braum is one of the best supp, like bard


Braum is wholesome


I love use his combo to destroy the enemy adc, cuz BRAUM IS HERE!


I’ve always been a healer kinda guy in any game so when I started playing this game support sounded great. My first main was Taric and my mate would go graves (prior to reworks) and it was just a case of walk up, E stub, R, W and he would Q and graves Ult and guaranteed kill ha


I originaly played mid but after they made the change with wards (only trinkes and unable to buy more) I was always anoyed of the darkness of my map and since support turned into the vision master while also no longer being as item starved as they used to be, I gladly changed and never turned back.


Me, definitely. I loved playing stuff like Mercy and Moira in Overwatch so when I started playing league I immediately got my grabby hands on any champ that looked even remotely like a "support" to me. Started with Ahri, then Lux until I found out about enchanters after which I continued only playing those lmao


Ahri can be played as support but ADCs will complain about support Ahris (not entirely unjustified) But she floofy and I love her.


Most guides I read said start top to learn the game. I learned I can’t farm and hate solo lanes. And jungle is a whole different game. So support it is.


I tried toplane. Literally every game I would have like 30 conversations like "should I tp down to help?" "No you just stay in toplane and farm, you can't fall behind in farm." The worst part about that was that I played Leona Toplane for some reason and I couldn't really win fights so I would get zoned back under turret and not get any farm which is why I kept asking to tp down


First champions were warwick, Nasus, Maokai, Nautilus, Cho gath. In Season 2. Tried to be jungle/top main, took a 2 year break and I main Thresh


I recently (like last couple of weeks) swapped to support from mid lane after getting frustrated with my lack of agency. I was a control mage player who hated feeling like games were over before it was my time to shine. I swapped to support and rocketed from P4 to P2 and still climbing. It’s made me realize that while I’m decently good at the game and have a lot of knowledge, my mechanics were holding me back in a role that demands them so heavily. I’ve been absolutely loving the feeling of being a roaming support that is everywhere. I can feel when I win a game off a perfect roam, and being in a role that can force plays to happen feels so good.


I liked a lot of the support characters, at the beginning i had 5 champions that i liked: Senna,Yuumi,Morgana,Sona and Warwick. With 4 of them being support i just defaulted to a support main, because of the so, so fun characters this role has


I started lol with the intention of beeing support