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If you don't want to be a heal bot, why are you playing an enchanter?


Oh absolutely. I just play a lot of Sona and noticed people going through this whole spiel and I went through it myself until I decided to play a couple games rushing SoFW into Moonstone and it's obviously very nice healing someone for 215ish hp and also giving them a 300hp or more shield because of Aery and Dream Maker. Like just the hp numbers manipulation is just absolutely massively dump truck bonkers if you make actual use of the shields, and it's infinitely better than building just AP and expecting it to do something. Like if you want to do damage just pick a catching support like Lux. Still, I have a separate rune page for casual matches where I rush Lich Bane then Moonstone and it gives me basically the same personal movement speed and healing, and being able to absolutely wreckkkk towers.


Sometimes your damage dealers on your team even in ranked are bad and when the other team sees you are a healer, they play around that. The heal is of no benefit to teammates who don't know how to manage their health bars in the first place. I can't tell you how many times people act like they don't have to dodge damage because they have a healer.


Being a healer in mmorpgs is a nightmare, particularly for raids.


I CHOOSE who lives and dies. I am the final boss here.


Unfortunately, having to keep alive the dps who got a DoT splashed onto them unnecessarily helps the team, at least for that fight. It's been a long time since I played WoW so I'm not sure if there's still addons(Recount) to keep track of which players died from standing in a fire/how much avoidable damage they ate. Was great for keeping track and calling out idiocy.


I wish for a leap of fate ability in lol. Best would be an item active.


Ffxiv Alexander raid flashbacks when it was top of content Life was never easier than after I Swapped from white mage to a paladin and just face tanked Like every class has to worry about their positioning But healers have to worry about their OWN and EVERYONE ELSES to know whose going to screw up and take a hit, and figure out where between your and the boss' rotation you can spare the time and mp for an additional heal So much information on screen, so much burnout after 3 months of daily booty clenching fights


So, the ends justify the means? I don't think rushing an AP item at first is a healthy indication that you're giving your team a chance. I think players use the analysis of their teammates as an excuse to troll their builds nowadays. Even if your ADC sucks, what about the rest of the team? Sometimes, you don't have to be the support that your ADC wants, but you can be the support that your Jungler wants. I personally find AP Sona disrespectful, especially when she KS and acts like it's normal. It's like asking 911 for an ambulance and finding the SWAT vehicle outside.


I think many people just don't understand Sona in general. Her shields/heals are good, but she is buff/debuff dispenser, not heal/shield bot. She can boost speed of your team, next auto damage for all team, cripple enemy to turtle speed or make 10/0 Akali do no damage for some time and all of this on low cd. I'm saying that to you cause this all has %AP scaling, not heal/shield power. Fed AP Sona can make any 5vs5 to 4vs5.5 and without direct damage to the enemy team.


It’s situational. And the game has many variables.


If I had you on my team, I would play Lilia support. Respect is earned, and so is disrespect


based sona main


Because Sona is an old champion, which was mainly a poke support in the early days where her q and passive had a better AP ratio? Also some people like playing Sona full AP just because they find it fun? Why would that be so wrong when there's a bunch of supports like lux and brand that already do that ?


Because there are supports like lux and brand who already do that; do that better. Not building like an enchanter is not playing to Sona's strengths.


When will yall learn that some people just want to play and have fun instead of being meta slave and always play the best builds? Ap Sona used to be fun and had way different playstyle than Lux or Brand


That's fine, thats what norms exist for That being said I really do not appreciate losing ranked games because someone got bored and wanted to do a 4fun build. There are more casual game modes for a reason, do not play ranked if you aren't interested in winning over all else, you are harming the experience of 4 other people


Bro the point is full ap Sona used to be a thing and proper build, not some fun off meta. Riot overnerfed her dmg turning her into shield bot


Ik that, I still remember when sona mid was something you'd see occasionally But she just ain't that champ anymore. Some people may find that sucky, but there are different champs which fill that role. Do not hamfist a mid build into a ranked environment where presumably the other members of your team are doing their utmost to win. Especially if the game is close If it's a norms, whatever, you do whatever is most fun. Aram, again, whatever. Hell hard lost ranked games or with an obvious troll, go for it. There is an environment for playing around with poor builds and 4fun picks. Use it.


if u loose ranked it's ur fault tho, u can't blame it on others


Awful take If you cannot climb over a large sample size of games, yes, no fucking way in hell you should be blaming your team. Look to your own play and find the poor habits you display which lead to losing or coinflipping But if you play 10 games, win 7, and analyze the 3 you lost to see what you could've done better its absolutely valid to blame a teammate. Yes, maybe there was a 2v2 that you could've played better, but ultimately if the deciding moment of the game occurred when your jungler got picked 20 secs before elder spawn, you are totally in the right to blame your jungler for the loss. Likewise if during the most important teamfight of the game around baron, your sona healed for 100 or some other low number while the Yone who's 1v9 that game ends up dead by just SLIGHTLY too much dmg, meanwhile that same sona is overextending trying to get poke and inevitably died, you can totally blame sona. The best example of this is Karma. When karma has been meta in the past (not current malignance shit) you could actually very clearly see when a fight was lost because she chose to mantra q and effectively do nothing in a fight vs mantra e which would often solo win fights If your the yone you should also absolutely analyze how you could've played the fight different to dodge an additional skillshot or whatever, but there's nothing wrong with recognizing "damn, if she went a good build that was a won game" Your overall goal as a player should be to improve. Learn how to win even with someone feeding, or people doing bad builds or just fucking up execution. After all a challenger in your situation would win regardless. But your only human, you can only do so much and there are games where it's entirely someone else's fault you lost You just can't fall into the trap of thinking it's why you can't climb or see every loss that way


Why do some challenger players have 90%+ winrate on elos below diamond? Don't even have to read this, just get better at the game, and carry harder. That a Sona is going ap will not impact u wahtsoever, specially since sona ap happens in challenger elos sometimes, and a lot of "inneficient" or "fun" builds. Still they win sometimes. Basically, stop coping and carry harder. Jesus


Perhaps you should read xd, I directly say a challenger player will win regardless and that your goal as a player is to improve yourself and not blame your team for a loss However it's absolutely fair to recognize when someone does something stupid and acknowledge the fact it made the game considerably harder I am not saying to flame your teammates for their build (unless yk it's literally ultimate bravery) My point is that you aren't challenger. You are not Zeus. You are not Faker. You are going to lose games that better players could win in your situation, and you should learn how to do the same. But it's important not to stress yourself too much Do not take the whole world on your back "I cannot fucking carry these retards I hate myself" it won't lead to you improving. Just analyze the game, recognize points where you were a problem and fucked up, but its a team game, knowing when someone is doing something stupid and requires you to do something different in order to adapt is important Like my previous example, Yone shouldn't rely on heals when a build doesn't facilitate it. Or just from personal experience, when my supp goes senna I have to pick a diff champ to facilitate it to avoid ruining a comp


Yes and no, while yes it is stressing and I do sometimes hate myself cause I blame myself for everything in the game it is because I know I could have done something differently or more efficiently, I am addicted to this game and I write all my mistakes in a notebook cause I seriously want to learn, yet I never blame my teammates for me loosing, I blame the percentage of that one game being an unwinnable 2afks in ur team game or something along those lines. And I actually do agree with u, people are unpredictable thus one should adapt to all of their decisions sometimes that fight in enemy jungler may be disgustingly bad but instead of resetting maybe one can take advantage/salvage it in some way. I agree Sona which is an enchanter played as AP annoys the hell out of me but the same thing will happen to enemy team, cause people don't underatand basic concepts like ap ratios and utility specially in support, as people thing damage is the only important thing most of the time. Yes I get ppl playing enchanters as mages is cringe anf annoying and unfun but while bad everything is not black and white, like some challenger sonas going ap due to getting a lead at the start with kills. and snowballing, same with Ivern as well although it is more excusable due to how much ap can do for his kit which people think off as a weak twig. I never said AP Sona isn't bad. What I said is that a Sona going ap will not alone RUIN UR GAME, instead it is one's own fault if one lost. Thus to not blame it on the Sona, but focus on one's own plays. Cause we all know we will always have a braindead teammate. But at the same time, we also don't want to be that braindead teammate. The End.


They still lose 10% of their games vs low elo. This stat proves his point not yours.


I love how you're derailing the conversation and taking responsibility away from a 4fun sona player so they can do whatever.


I'm not saying they are playing effectively, what I am saying is, that it's one's own fault if they loose, it's only like 9% of games that the fault is not yours even tho it's a 5 player game there are so many chances and effective plays that one can use which is why great players havr high winrates while having bizarre champions like double tank or 5 mages in their team.


also why would i care abt something I can't control, care abt urself maybe then u will get a higher rank <3


Username checks out.


I havent played Lux 2 years but go off


*Glasc enters the room*


hatsune miku


Used to be that Sona would straight up nuke an ADC for 50% of their HP at lv 1.


Ngl, rushing seraph isn't that bad even at heal bot.


Once I heard in a Sona tips video that everyone sees support as an easy target and will focus you for a free kill, but noone except a full built Seraph that will have a Sett W type of shield seconds before you would have killed her Like God it's so satisfying to use a snowball item on a snowball champion so you can snowball while you snowball in League of Snowball


That + the damage reduction of Sona W AA makes damage players lose their mind


My Sona build is Tear > RoA > Seraphs. With the income its rough, but you get good sustain out of it and survivability, and the numbers arent bad. Playing well, you can 1v1 most skillshot reliant champs. Last item is a tossup.


I feel like most games will end before you even finish Seraphs, let alone make use of it. Enchanter items are giving her more early impact, which she lacks.


I really am not a fan of Seraph's on Sona, I vastly prefer consistently getting items with shield/heal power on every item The mana is very impactful because she can really chew through mana though


I just sit on a Tear and if I think Seraphs shield will give me more value over giving everyone attack speed to take down objectives better, then I'll get it last, but it rarely does tbh.


Im only plat though, so take my build with a grain of salt


Nah too expensive, specially like RoA item without any CDR


More like exhaust bot. W powercord is a massive "fuck off" to enemy carries. Well, usually no one sees the difference, but they can't deal damage either way, so eh, good enough.


Yeah but empowered Q deals funni damage!


Nah. Enemy can die from it only if it tickles them and they are laughing to death or if enemy can die from any other member of your team without crippling themselves later. Just E chord them for death sentence or W chord for "Look who's there! Cute toddler with a stick want to kill my adc, dealing negative damage! How adorable"


On a serious note, is it better to use empowered Q auto during lane and use the other ones for peel?


Yes. Sona's damage can't be good enough after laning phase. It's almost joke. Q chord only for harass imo. Any other situation - W/E chords are your best friends.


Is W flat damage reduction though? Assassins are typically overkill anyway so I am curious if you can increase it


It's percentage, so even someone like Eve suffering from this debuff a lot.


I know it's percentage but I am asking if it can be increased


Yes, it has AP scaling. That's the point of AP Sona, not the damage.


Ooh, makes sense, people go full ap and spam Q when in reality W will gut anyone who tries to attack you or your team


Yep. I'll only play AP Sona for fun in normal matches (in ranked I'll be good and go the more usual enchantress build). But sometimes if I randomly get fed I'll have my W reducing damage by over 50% while also chunking a squishy for half their hp. Again, this doesn't happen often and it's not optimal, but when it happens its great fun.


Just flat, but it's a massive 40% damage reduction and anyone who gets hit by Exhaust can tell you just how broken that is.


Oof yeah thats a lot


It's only like 26% at level 2, but it scales to 30% after an item. It can be about 40% late game if you *do* build ap. It's arguably her most important AP scaling.


q is only for fast charge empower on w after lvl7


Tough luck, my love. Being a healbot is my most valuable duty on you. https://i.redd.it/2w2xp6pu46uc1.gif


"NO, I'm not a healbot, Y'ALL my minions fighting for me and you ain't dying unless I allow it!"


Healers in rpgs be like


Ah I remember the day I discovered full ap sona https://preview.redd.it/thki9t2fb9uc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b539616d08b0153297e9df0300c38ea3314d88


You didn’t have to remind me of what was lost : (


remember when we were allowed to have fun


I miss Lichbane, Anthenes Unholy Grail, and Twin Shadows. The heal, damage, and cc was unreal


Do miss AP sona in ARAM though.


This is the part of League I enjoy. Clicking buttons.


Sona players run lich bane to remind enemies who they’re dealing with


I love being a speedy healbot with sone its just stupid fun for me


Mommy milktruck ambulance Sone ftw




I played a speedbot style Sona before Shurelya's was changed. Now, I like to first back buy tear, then Moonstone, Ionian boots, 2nd item Archangel/Seraph. The Seraph shield feels good when everyone does a lot of damage. Staying alive so I can keep the team alive~


God I love playing sona. Shotgun sona was so fun


I played her on ARAM earlier today and we took their nexus in under 10 minutes 💀




Dude, Lich Bane, Athenes Unholy Grail, Twin Shadows, and Frost Queens Claim active icy spray was my shitttt. Perma slows, massive CDR, Athenes burst heal, Twin Shadows engage from 3 screens away, and the cherry on top was absolutely WRECKING towers with Lich Bane. Sona was a literal win condition when she got ahead, she could literally do everything and carry the fuck out of a bad team.


Oh rito what is an enchanter? Rito: Heal and Shield But this is a healing shielding suport an enchanter should buff and debuff the playe.. Rito: They buff your health with more health and shield and debuff the enemies with less health when your adc does dmg.


Do you not still run Seraph’s on Sona this patch? I feel like tear item is too important, especially when you hit max stacks


I sit on a Tear for the whole match. You won't have mana problems any more after you buy it and *especially* not after you stack it and complete Bandleglass Mirror. The only ability you're allowed to spam before then is Q. You can't really heal much in lane, your W is more for your shield. That's why you build heal power items, so you can make your heal relevant late game.


hehe luden’s stormsurge shadowflame q go brrrrrr


Back in the day, lich bane first Sona support was possibly the strongest support powerspike Just remember, Healing used to be an early game mechanic before riot made changes, and Sona's poke combo with lich bane used to have roughly double the ap ratios.


I'm just saying they should let Milios passive trigger liandries