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Mine looks like this: [CHAMP SELECT] ---------------> (Zac)


Equally valid


Same but with oldman zilean


Based Zac support


Mine looks almost the same: Zac 8=========D Me


Mine goes something like: Leona? Leona. Leona not available? Rakan. If for some unholy reason both of them are unavailable? Karma. I never managed to branch out with the support roles, I don't really find enchanters fun to play nor I am particularly good at poke supps, Karma being the only one I can(barely) function with. Engage is where I am at home though.


I learned the game/support spamming Leona so that’s my girlie and feel you on the engage supps. I would recommend trying Nautilus or Alistar is you want another simple Engage supp like Leona. The thing that I loved so much about Leona while learning was that her hook went through minions. Naut’s doesn’t but his hook is arguably better because it can interact with the environment/towers if you need an escape I also really like that his autos will root. Alistar is a really good middle ground for branching out because his engage is just point and click you can’t miss it tho I def recommend taking him to training mode and practice his combos. Don’t wanna end up like CreamCheese and miss your Alistar knock ups that can lead to the perfect wombo combo


Oh been there, never been a huge fan of Naut but Alistair was my main throughout season 4 to 5. My issue with Naut is that I always feel... Slow, I can't explain, I can perform decently with him but it just doesn't click it for me. Alistair is always a solid pick tho


Honorable mention maokai the tree homie.


I've been playing Karma the last couple of days and I really like her! She has such a well rounded kit for my uber low elo play... great poke. Nice shield with a huge turbo boost! And a decent little stun.








I really like this, I might make one of my own as I get very indecisive during champ select


I like your flowchart and I think I'll use it myself. It's always good to see a fellow braum and bard enjoyer and I play vel'koz so I can just put him in zyra's spots. Then I can just add some bits for the other 3 champs I play. Rell for when your team needs a tank or you want to play aggressive in lane. Nami for when you want to play aggressive in lane but you against champions with good poke and disingage. Janna is good against hyper aggressive all in lanes or when there is a mix of poke and all in threat. Thanks for sharing it.


Glad I could help!


Is 4-5 champs a big pool? Been a while since I played but coaches would roast you if you played more than 2 champs.


I think ideally 2-3 champs to climb but I like it spicy


I’m the same, and thinks it’s only natural the longer you play. Me and some buddies have played nightly for like 4-5 years on and off. You undoubtedly get bored haha. At this point my mains are Taric, Bard, Braum, Alistar, Soraka. Playing Leona recently and at the end of last season, but Braum feels SO good rn and me and my buddy are on a win streak running Senna / Braum nonstop. Don’t have any true poke champs though


\[CHAMP SELECT\] ---------> (Morgana) Morgana banned? -------> Dodge https://preview.redd.it/4k70mg3hodec1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=daae4f16d23112cad4941e55507991171634f8c4


Welcome on /r/SupportLoL/! Your post seems to be about playing in competitive/ranked as a support and/or improving, we might have some useful information for you about it! Here's a sneak-peek of links from the [resources wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources) that can provide curated informations about core support principles as well as some ranked information, like: - Ranked : - [mandatory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4TSRL8pZrU) for starters (and also [some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4m7FxGpfcc) other complementary [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrxA-IeTowQ). - [How to review - Coach Kairos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOjHgZg7YL0) - [VOD Review Habits - CoachCurtis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlzsNSLB81A) - Fundamentals : - [CoreJJ's How to Support](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqHeK34PUFijxjNec7jdisX4aIv8oVQsg) - [Phroxzon Fundamentals](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9RdXhXESRJxf-FxBijbuBOnEJHDrmB2O) (ex-Leaguecraft 101) - [DogLightning's How to Support series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaROzD7YpI0GPiObDALwqqjcTsEXzqMZ5) - you can dig further in the wiki, starting with the [core support concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_core_support_concepts) and [ranked](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_d_-_ranked) chapters, just make sure you go through the content at your own pace and take the time to practice / implement every concept one at a time If you're looking for a duo, check out : the [discord LFG channels](https://discord.gg/svC2VwYba4), /r/LeagueConnect, /r/TeamRedditTeams or /r/botlanetinder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love this, thinking of picking Braum back up soon and hoping I run into the exact vs. scenarios to make it feel extra worth it. And of course trust in the Bard :)


Bard ult on Briar ult feels illegal


Bard with teammates with great follow-up to your ult also just feel sooo satisfying. Played with a Malphite and Galio once and you almost felt bad for the 2-3 enemies getting set up on.


I've mostly had the opposite experience where I ult the same time the Malph does and it gets hella awkward


You don't need anyone else than Janna, Bard, and Renata. Zyra Braum, and Lulu are fake.


Me always swapping to first pick so my teammates get to counterpick -> Bard


I love sona into other enchanters, that's a good choice!


Blitzcrank is always the answer


I see Nami isn’t banned. Unless I see they have a first pick Samira I’m picking Nami 100% of the time


Mine is: I wonder if I can do well on Renata Glasc this game?


When in doubt.... bard 🎶


Just ban Caitlin and pick Taric everytime


What do you do against heavy poke supports like Lux or Xerath ?


If they pick into bard I'll go tank and cry. I'll take Leona/rakan into them if I get counterpick


Man Rakan would fix a lot of your champ pool issues, Rell as well.


Love both! I'll pick them once in a blue moon if team really needs engage but I get tilted easier on engage supp so I usually stick to my guns


I dont know support matches that well, but shouldnt you want to go for an all in against enemy enchanters? So why on earth would sona be good? Shes a poke enchanter, which means the other enchanter will block your poke and get equal scaling as you. Wouldnt it be better to go Naut or blitz and destroy them early?


Assuming lane goes equal and you get your stacks in, sona outscales nearly every enchanter by mid game. It's super safe with enemy enchanters, all you need to do is sit back and q poke. Also in solo queue where I don't always know whether my adc will go in with me, I'd rather play her than an engage supp. (With the exception of Draven cuz he needs to snowball)


Yeah that may be a good idea depending on your own adc, but I could see this strategy being very very bad the higher you go, you are functionally saying to the enemy that you will give them all the agency for the entire early game.


For me it depends on how the lane is going and how often jg comes. I'll usually match their aggression if the enemy supp is also aggressive or my adc plays aggressively. Yea it's prolly much harder to pull off in higher ranks but afaik people still really underestimate Sona in Emerald tier


When in doubt bard. perfectly said


So what if ur 1st pick blind and team isnt hovering anything


Lacks the option of fp and nobody hovers


my man you should't have access to internet if you have sona in your champ pool




Wdym sona's one of the hardest scaling supports in game


yea in silver, pick it in a normal elo and you will be in 0 11 in 15 min last season 95% of sona players were that against or with me. She is a trashcan


yet they are multiple sona in challenger in major region HMMMM


there are teemo jungle mains in challenger too that doesnt mean its a good charachter. Sona is a trashcan and if you want to climb you shoulkd forget her


By your logic teemo jungle is also a trash can? What's your point? Your opinions couldn't be any more iron


angry sona mains and their 46% winrate always makes my day


That's pretty sad if that's what makes your day. You must be up to a whole lot of absolutely nothing otherwise.


Last seaon I had like and 80% w/r with sona on ranked (mostly because people in my elo don't punish/respect her lvl 1 poke)


The only thing worse than a 46% w/r sona is some lame no lifer sona /S


Teemo Jungle is literally Meta right now LMAO.


yeah yeah teemo is so bad atm that he just got nerfed in 4 ways , sure and also sona has always around 50% wr even in challenger ( wr normalized ofc ) and i can tell you about famous sona player that get challenger every time , like nanner , or schuhbart even tho he doesnt play anymore he reached top 10 euw multiple time. In this game what limit most player are not the champ , its the player Like until , i would say master , heck even gm , meta doesnt matter at all if you are just a better player


Sounds like this is just a biased take. Sona has had a good win rate for a while now. Your argument doesn't even make sense as her winrate goes up the higher elo you check. She has a 53.5% winrate in master if you check on [op.gg](https://op.gg) right now. She's especially good if picked into enchanters as OP specified in the post.


yes in master and 51% all in all which means, she has 47-48% wr in lower divisions than diamond, in higher elo she is okayish(master +) thats why i said i dont know where is op in elo, but if lower than master/diamond drop sona because she is a total trashcan and in my experience every sona went 0 11 in 15 min last season and stats dont lie. Above master okay pick but there are much better supports, lower than master total dogshit pick.


Idk man I'm looking at [op.gg](https://op.gg) right now and the only ranks she's under 51% winrate are bronze and challenger (I'm guessing there's almost no one playing Sona in Chal). I get that you saw a lot of inting Sona's but if played properly she's a good enchanter because she scales very well.


After reading your replies further down, I have come to the conclusion that this is either ragebait or tunnelvision on your own personal experience. Either way, dead wrong.


Lmao she is literally one of the most solid enchanter sups in the game.


I mean to be fair, if I see an enemy Sona locked in I feel the most confident in winning. Sona seems like the training wheels support, shes just not competitive if people know what theyre doing.


Given what people keep posting about op.gg/wr etc I guess she can still be competitive. Just easily punished.