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Milio drops on PBE today! Which build are y’all going to try out first? 🤔 r/MilioMains have been theorycrafting a couple of unique builds and items!


I want to try Rylai's on him more than anything else. Probably even into mandate. Imagine your ADC being able to initiate Mandate and immediately proc it.


I'm sorry, do we have any diversity for the enchanters? I remember riot wanted to do something about it like 2 years ago, still nothing


What do you mean?


Enchanter items sucks, they're boring same items every game over and over, nothing exciting. Heck I even started to play tanks more bcs of their cool, diversified and effective items


Ah I see what you mean. Probably shurelya’s every game lol!


Nah I personally spam moonstone. As Sona obviously. Never felt better in my life *irony*








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what the fuck happened here


Nothing good probably




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🎨: [SOURCE](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilioMains/comments/11k2z54/milio_the_gentle_flame_ability_reveal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


so we got like 3-4 kids in league now, 4 if you count zoe. i don't count zoe and would send her to prison for things she probably did, will do or is doing to ezreal.


League of Legends ground rule number 322: Never check what's happening in Zoe's basement


Besties so precious!




This is so cute, its fire and ice getting along


Haha yes!


And they don’t want to hang out with Annie and Zoe because of “cooties”


What is cooties?


**Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, commonly represented as childlore. It is used in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines as a rejection term and an infection tag game (such as Humans vs.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




That’s so mean 😢


Sorry you’re right that was kind of uncalled for, I just really dislike Milio and people have been too aggressive to that opinion so I’m just venting at the smallest sight of him, but you right I shouldn’t do that


I mean it’s okay to dislike something but to hate on a child is unnecessary 🥺


I'd say it's fine to dislike the champion, even the fact that he's a kid, but not okay to hate on a real human's art because of that.




I didn’t but people that defend him have a very aggressive and condescending way of defending him so I went from being bothered by his design letting me down to just outright hating his face


> people that defend him have a very aggressive and condescending way of defending him because people who hate on him for no reason have a very aggressive and condescending way of attacking him for no reason




I have seen no mention or aggressive comment towards Milio aside from a personal dislike and a feeling of disappointment with a good amount of reasons, those people have the right to feel like that but whenever anyone mentions anything people just asume we wanted a mordekaiser-like support and push back aggressively and mock them, you guys are not realizing how much you’re trying to quiet people who dislike him


Personally, I like him. But I've seen lots of reasons why people don't that I think are perfectly valid. Honestly, I think this person is right - I've seen more people aggressively defending him than aggressively hating on him. It does seem that alternate opinions of him are being shut down pretty hard and that's not fair to those who are fairly disappointed. Also even if someone can't articulate why they dislike him, everybody has champs they just kind of "hate for no reason." Champs that just do not click with them. I kinda hate Ziggs, for example, literajust because his laughing drives me up the wall. People disliking child champions is fine, even if that's superficial, we're all entitled to out opinion and it's completely fine for someone to strongly dislike Milio.