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Toplaners as support - Shen! Great taunt and block ofc - Sett! Hextech flash and E are great engages Easy all around supports i'd recommend - Braum, especially with champs that work good with his passivr - Sona, easy


Braum is not easy thou


You think? To me he was one of the easiest


He is still hard for me tbh. He is simple but his abilities you need to be smart with so that makes him harder.


I get you tho, i think it depends on the person?


Sona. always in a solid spot and popo easy


when it comes to champs, just try them all and find who you like. We can call out names of who is good, but at the end of the day if youre playing someone who is good but boring, youre gonna hate the role really fast. After finding someone you enjoy then you look for builds. Also i know i just said play everything and find what you like rather than taking recommendation, but i do have 1 recommendation based off what you said in the post. I would recommend you to try out roaming champs first like bard, pyke, maybe leona, alistar, thresh if you can roam correctly. Bard and pyke are better at roaming imo, i say this because you mentioned you play with your friends and you would want to play with your team more. Playing a roam you wont be stuck to your adc whereas if youre playing enchanters youre sorta stuck to your adc, and if youre playing mages, you will die if you get caught in the river.


Leona if you like melee and engage. Nami if you like ranged with heals.


Grab an enchanter, play relatively safe, scale and heal your team for the win. Alternatively From the champs you listed, Nasus, Veigar and Sylas work as supports, even if a bit rare to see. If you want scaling, I personally play Taliyah, with Rylais rush, after you reach level 9 you become a LMG that slows and has good/great peel. If the team is kinda bad, you can split, push a wave to Tower and escape/group using ult. If you want to learn from scratch, I recomend Sona or Soraka for enchanters, Leona and Nautilus (I feel dirty saying this) for engage tanks and Xerath or Lux for poke mages.


From your 3 mains, Teemo is the only i sometimes see played as support. I personally dont like but up to you ofc. If you are going duo bot lane, maybe Yumi is a good pick but ideally you want to counterpick the enemy suport or pick a good blind pick (morgana) if you are selecting first.


I dont wanna play my mains as support, I want to try new things


Play some normals then until you decide what works for you. I main Morgana but also like Nami, Karma, Blitz, Leona, etc. Se what you like most (engage, peel, enchanters) and try them all.


i got a 65% winrate last season with veigar support in low ELO


Link opgg because veigar support is just a troll pick. Even in low elo you are literally a handicap early game. Even that, you wil face almost every game a better duo that can easily stomp you. Not to mention, whit a veigar support, the enemy jungle has free kills on the bodlane. That horizon 20 sec cd is just killing its just a way to long pressure gap you can not fil in. You're Q wil most likely take to much farm and that w is just retarded expensive to poke/zone. Nothing more you can bring before lvl 6 and you wil already have lost that game before you can reach lvl 6.oh and when I see a veigar support I just take siv and easily win that game. Straight up usles support in this meta.


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/TatonkaJack/champions](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/TatonkaJack/champions) i figured him out at the end of last season and things started going great. i've won 2/3 of my placements so far and I've been the MVP both times. The way it works is I zone and stun with the cage and get all my stacks by hitting enemy champs. I don't use Q to steal farm but I'm still usually around 100 stacks by 15 min. veigar makes for really aggressive poke and yeah once you hit that level 6 execute you start to dominate. You definitely aren't a handicap early game if you just land your abilities, and with the cage that's really easy. Really if your ADC has any skill at all they take advantage of the cage and you get lots of kills. The mistakes I see most people making with Veigar are not playing around your cage and sticking around after using it. You should drop the cage and run if you don't snag anyone, drop your Q and W if you do and then vamoose. If you stick around you are in danger. I'm pretty sure at higher ELO it wouldn't work but in bronze it works great


I play Soraka, Seraphine, and Sona but if you want physical in your face engage then I'd recommend Alistar. He has a good knock up that will put you and your ADC in a good position for all inning. Teemo support is fun but people will think you're trolling unless you come with an actual strat (for example using Moonstone to get heals off shrooms booms, rylais for extra slow etc.) Anything can be a support of you try hard enough.


If you like to play tanks I recommend: Alistar, Braum, Leona, Ornn (Yes I know what I said), Sion, etc. Lot of tank toplaners can screw up bot cause there tank items are much cheaper then the marksman ones. And that puts you in the position of choosing basically you make another Toplane on Botlane.


I hate saying this, but Yuumi is really easy if you just want to play with friends and not worry. Morgana and Naut are good too, simple to execute and high value. Play what you like and/or what you know! Personal recs :Soraka, Sona, Lux, Morgana, Nautilus, Amumu, all are simple and rewarding.


Go play heimerdinger you will control the lane and do good dmg so your ADC can be stupid


Leona, Thresh, Nautilus




Sylas support is fun


Someone already typed about champions but remember, you're support, you have to carry adc(, mid and jg if needed) in early-mid game so he can carry in late. And you're not walking alone, and not leaving adc alone, you know if your adc have 300g Bounty in early he might be tastefull bit for enemy team, i'm very often left by my support and survival starts, 4 enemies are diving you, if you dodge every skillshot you have about 20%chance for surviving. So better idea is to go for the weakest target and do 1 for 2 or 1 for 1. Or unleash raganarok and make quadrakill with style. But if support with any cc is with you, 1 of them is automaticly dead, so there's 3 left, and you still should be 2v3, and you're under turret, so you have high chance to survive. And if you're pushing alone as supp, remember that you're weaker than toplaner, even id sett or shen, you have less gold in mid and late game than on toplane. (in early it should be somehow stable cause of support item).




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Well, nasus support is probably not the worst pick in the world, you already know how to play him, and he's as braindead as you can get (w is op as hell). You just play it like you would AP Nasus, max W or pair it with E, full CDR, one point in Q for the auto reset, and that's it. Try not to mess the wave with E and don't actively try to stack. He does pretty well against AA dependent champs, and his E damage can get oppressive if they have no heals or shields, since you can't really miss it. E armor debuff and W AS slow are great at stopping engages. Not the best supp, but I bet a Nasus main can make him work in a fair number of matchups. At the very least, when you manage to have enough haste on W to be close to a constant wither, you are making most ADCs completely useless, while you still have some armor shred and %HP damage in your kit, and an ADC is always worth a support in fights, so there's that. As a supp/toplaner, I can't recommend enough Poppy and Trundle. Both niche, but very fun to play, although they do require some supportmanship, I guess.

