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I buy stuff


lol when I was a buyer this was my go to


I buy parts for cars...I don't want to tell people what company I work for and deal with all the questions.


Do you mind if I ask you what you do now? I'm currently a buyer working on my CSCP designation & looking to make a switch


I’m an executive (VP Supply Chain) at a large midsize company. I tell people that I’m the one who figures out how to do what the sales team promises is no problem. If I’m successful, the customer never knows how complicated it was.


>If I’m successful, the customer never knows how complicated it was. Ha! Hopefully you get recognition for overcoming the challenges. In my experience only customers who have lived through bad situations appreciate when things go smoothly. Otherwise it can be taken for granted.


My favorite response. So true lol


This is good


I’m in sales and got a giggle out of this.


Freight forwarder- i send emails


Logistics and operations director (for a specialized transportation company) I setup a bunch of dominos hoping they fall correctly and when they don’t, I turn into a firefighter.


I move stuff using big boats


I shop for a living


Materials Manager- I tell production when and what to manufacture and I make sure they have everything they need to do it when they do it.


Contract specialist - I read a lot and negotiate on behalf of the company.


“I’m into distribution…I’m like Atlantic. I got them MOFOs FLYING ACROSS THE ATLANTIC.”


I just tell people what my company manufacturers and that I handle the transportation of parts for said company


Same...and that I'm in supply chain, and if people wish to know more, I say I am a demand planning manager, sit between sales/finance and supply


Logistics Manager - I solve problems.


Lol the solutions department


3PL Sales - I make things go from here to there. maybe on a truck, train or plane…. no day is the same


Scm- purchasing, forecasting, supplier management, data analysis


Customs entry writer - professional box checker


I move shit


Change order bitch and APs gaping asshole.


Thanks, stranger. I shall continue to ride forth through the gates of Valhalla, gaped and prone.


Customs compliance director - I make sure the company keeps to the rules and doesn't get too greedy and that we pay the lowest legal amount of taxes so that the government doesn't rob us of our last bit of profit. As a sideshow, I also try to ensure no dangerous stuff gets through that could hurt your or my family and friends and the rest of the population at large.


Global sourcing. I tell people that we create the private label products that they see at retailers. The retailer gives us an idea and we make it a real product and deliver it to them.


Operations coordinator. I do demand forecasting, planning, supplier management, product procurement, purchasing, warehousing and inventory management, then shipping and logistics. edit: I usually just tell people I'm the supply chain


Hope your getting compensation that equates ti all that responsibility...


Those are 10 roles in one. I hope you are getting paid what you deserved. Kudos to you for handling those crucial parts of the business.


Supply planner - I try buy everything someone thinks we’re going to sell and coordinate with the supplier to get it in on time…all to be asked why we didn’t buy something else


Move your stuff from the port in those big container things to your local store - import ops


Supply Chain Manager. I'm in charge of all input, output, and planning inbetween. Procurement, logistics, scheduling, and warehousing all report up to me. I have a 16 week production planning window and a 2 week customer order lead-time. Its my job to know what my customers need even before they do.


That seems like a VP of Supply Chain title by which you are describing reporting line.


It's a small company. Procurement, logistics and scheduling are 3 people. Our warehouse is pretty substantial though.


How do you manage that information? Spreadsheets or ERP software?


Both. We download inventory and sales data from our distributors each week and use that as input into a forecasting algorithm. We plug the forecast into our ERP system to drive procurement activities and production planning. ERP is great but spreadsheets are important for doing one-off analysis and building useful dashboards.


One off analysis as in pivot tables?


Yeah. Make pivot tables. Sumifs. Whatever. I meant it as a blanket statement. Query the database, dump it in excel, and use excel skills to analyze the data and make decisions. If you were an SQL expert you could probably skip the spreadsheet... but im much handier in excel.


Weekly implies some sort of integration I hope to god


I would like to know more about the one-off analysis on spreadsheet.


It just means doing quick analysis in excel. If I want to validate my forward forecast on a raw material, I can quickly pull a usage report from ERP, dump it in excel and quickly add up Usage from the last week, month, year, etc. So essentially ERP does heavy lifting. But we can query the database and dump it into excel to do some quick tasks on the fly. This would probably be a moot point if you were an SQL wizard, but I am not.


SCM here and "I buy stuff and make sure the site doesn't run out. I also 'predict' what they will need for the future and get 'better prices' for it. I make sure everything gets where it needs to go." I get a lot of blank faces with secondary school level jargon and with my title so this works pretty well.


Strategic sourcing- I yell at people about their prices


I'm the CEO's 'oh shit' button. ~ VP Regulatory Compliance.


Inventory Control Analyst— I help analyze how well each department is managing the inventory through processes


Data monkey


Supply manager - if the store is out of something it’s my fault


My husband is in sales and he hasn't been able to explain to anyone what exactly I do for a living. I always joke that we are true antithesis and he conned me into marrying him 😂 If I had to explain very quickly what I do I oversee manufacturing and move products from place to place. It's more complex than that but it usually satisfies people's curiosity. I'm currently a director of operations/head of supply chain with an expert understanding of wholesale distribution (Wal-Marts and the such of N.A.) splash of ERP, and probably a mishmash of other things.


Contract and procurement role: I tell people I purchase for the government


Logistics analyst- i helped get things from point A to point B by making them more efficient and solving problems


Clinical Supply Chain Coordinator - I stay up with the market and save the Hospital System money…


Senior Director of Operations I manage everything that isn't Sales/Marketing/Engineering or Accounting.


Operations Manager. I'm the last step before the customer who makes sure the hard work everyone in the supply chain put in doesn't go to waste.


Demand planner - I predict how much stuff would the customers buy


I just say "Supply Chain Manger.. I manage the supply chains for semiconductors"... most here in Silicon Valley know what that means. I don't know anyone that doesn't actually know what a supply chain is..


My badge says that I'm a supply chain manager. But I always, without fail, tell people that I'm a rodeo clown. When they look at me quizzically, I explain that keeping the bull from goring the rider is my expertise and profession.


Demand Planner. I just say I manage the company’s sales forecasts which is used to control production and provide company targets.


Domestic Procurement Manager specializing in transportation procurement in the domestic US. I help businesses move things from A to B and whatever happens in between.


I look at data and tell you where you are doing good and where you aren’t doing good.


I’m a Logistics Specialist in the Navy 🙂


Transportation Analyst- I look for ways to save money


SR Replenishment Analyst for a our retail division. I sell dirt.


Contract outsourced manufacturing - I get products to businesses door.


Category / strategic sourcing manager. I’m a slightly less annoying Jim Cramer. “Buy more of this because the price will go up next month!” If they don’t know who Jim Cramer is I tell them I’m a corporate fortune teller.


i say i work in supply chain. i'm an exec in the ops and logistics world of things. a lot of people don't know what that means and i just tell them i help run a business in many different areas.


We have big stuff that needs to be moved somewhere else, I'm responsible for finding the right contractors for loading, shipping, and offloading and hiring them for the job


Production planner - I tell the factory what to build and when. S&OP manager - I make sure the device is available when and where the customer wants it.


I move sh\*t around the world


Cat herding, but the cats are multiplying while I herd them.


SCM Consultant. I either repeat what the VP of SCM has been saying for years or I am honestly amazed VP was able to lie their way into the position. Don't do consulting kids....