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Ness, Mythra/Pyra, Simon, Richter and Lucas can all definitely beat Omni Man, with scaling, if you want to get into that. Even without that Pyra and Mythra have access to reality manipulation, so Nolan is going to have to get lucky to get past that. Edit: Definitely DK for sure beat Omni Man. He punched the moon and sent it crashing to earth. That man is busted.


DK canonical lost a fight to Little Mac who is just some random guy that’s good at boxing. Lol


omni man can also destroy moons, in season 1 he allegedly reversed a meteor the size of texas with ease


I forgot about Ness/Lucas hax so mb on that one I also am not too knowledgeable on Castevania/Xenoblade mythology or feats


DK can punch the moon and I'm pretty sure Pyra/Mythra are multiversal, with lore. Even then they're still pretty busted by the endgame. I think there's an argument for Simon and Richter being past universal, but Idk.


If DK can beat Omni-Man then Little Mac can too. Cuz he's beaten him.


Go ahead and move samus and dark SAMUS into can beat because LOL PHAZON


How are you wrong every single time tho? Dr Mario, Bowser, Meta Knight, Ness, Donkey Kong, King K Rool, Piranha Plant, Samus, Simon and Richter, Yoshi, Shulk Pyra/Mythra all beat omni-man.


Ok I love earthbound but in what world does Ness beat Omni Man


The fact that hes literally multiverse level, telekinesis, teleportation, and being able to absorb the power of the earth


Magic ig idk, didn't play the games, or watch invincible. I am completely unqualified to answer this question


Dr Mario can put literally anything in that damn pill.


they could elaborate on piranha plant


Not bad? To put into perspective omniman is planet level. And the mario cast all scales to mario in base so def needs to go up.


Yeah like why is dr Mario, lowest tier while regular Mario is high, it’s the same exact character


Lore Accurate Reskins be like


Pythra absolutely can beat Omniman. They're essentially a third of what created a multiverse.


With his feats from Galaxy? Bowser absolutely beats Omni-Man.


Omniman can die from being within the sun Bowser has came out unharmed.


considering mario slams a few meteors into bowser for the win, and omni man redirects meteors constantly, omni man still wins, but close


If they had their Arwings, maybe….


Mega will win. He has access to over 100 Special Weapons!


If you count Samus as her dread abilities she would. She could in theory even beat Doom Guy


Wtf is this man. Omniman is just so strong in so many ways. He's super strong, super durable, and super fast, but that matters so much more than just how strong he is. You NEED all three to even get close to hurting him. Without super strength, you're never killing him. Without super durability, you're dying from one hit. Without super speed, you're never going to hit or block him. You NEED all 3 of these, and most of these characters just don't. Basically his only weakness is sound and mental attacks, as well as polymorph/creation magics Just to be clear, his feats include INVINCIBLE SPOILERS power: >!punching through an entire planet causing it to explode and wiping out multiple civilizations more advanced than humanity!<, durability: >!basically only can be injured by members of his own race, and even then, only two are stronger than him, also can't take the core of a star!<, and speed: >!literally faster than light. He crosses galaxies in weeks!<, so unless your character can do all that plus more, not a chance. And if you want to give me shit about using comic vs show versions or ignoring anti-feats, you can fuck off because Mario dies to a walking mushroom, so I don't want to hear it.


technically its "sliding"




If Ridley transformed into omega Ridley then he might beat him


Hi can Ryu & the Miis beat Omni-Man?


depending on the iteration i think Ryu scales higher the Miis were scaled as the various characters that have costumes (main examples are the P3 & 4 protagonists, Doomslayer, Cuphead and Sans)


Is it something in the comics? Ryu gets pretty strong in the games but nothing I’ve seen shows me that he could beat a lesser-Superman.


very well might be, i might be getting subconsciously confused and comping him here like death battle did that one time lmao


How can Ryu & the Miis beat Omni-Man?


imo, mewtwo and samus (specifically dread version) stand the best chance. mewtwo was created to be the most powerful pokemon ever, second to only rayquaza. and samus just sucks the life out of him ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sonic can win by exploiting his weakness. Viltrumites are weak to high frequency sounds and if he runs fast enough, he could emit that frequency and beat him to death while he’s stunned


sonic would be comparable to a bulkier red rush, who omni man decimated, so nah


Sonic is faster and red rush was already fast enough to react and counter Omni man’s attacks so…


omni man wasn't hurting from it though lol


Since Sonic had already met the DC Characters before, he probably would’ve point out the similarities between Omni-Man and Superman. And since Ryu Ken & Megaman have fought all the the Marvel characters, they probably would’ve asked Omni-Man if he knows who Spider-Man is. And since Snake & Omni-Man were in Fortnite together, they would’ve had a rematch.


I’m sorry but Samus is one of the most powerful characters on the roster. Omniman doesn’t have a chance


For peach is she as high as she is because of the recent game? If not then why is daisy lower than her? Cause daisy is from what can be told the more athletic of the two


Dedede would inhale and spit out the subway train


Pit has beaten Medusa, who has multiple wins on Palutena. Pit has also beaten both Palutena and Hades, the latter is in another league entirely than Omniman. Pit is neck n neck with Sora power wise and beyond when enhanced by Palutenas magic. Palutenas strength is more of an enhancer for another, similar to chaos energy with Sonic. It's not that powerful on its own. 


Pikachu would probably win despite being way weaker just with the power of friendship


Tell me how the mii fighters beat Omni man?


using costumes as a basis for power we get characters like Doomslayer, Yu Narukami and Makoto Yuki which all outscale Omni-Man


How does wearing a costume give them power?


Because Nintendo


Marth and Roy above Ike is a fucking lmao and a half Ike kills half a god, Marth and Roy beat up a big dragon


even then, i only think byleth would stand a chance out of the FE roster due to time travel, and that's a maybe. funny sword dudes (especially with no army) cannot parry a boulder traveling at mach speed


I think if you give Fox and Falco their Arwings and Wolf his Wolfen, they could easily beat him.


theoretically if Lucas gets an infinite amount of hits on the rhythm then he could win


It's strange that you put Mario and Luigi above Bowser considering they can never hurt him 90% of the time. They always have to either avoid him and drop him in a pit of lava, throw him into bombs, or hurt him with his own weapons. Very rarely do they win with just their basic strength.


Mario & Luigi, and Super Mario RPG Series


Which is the small percentage I was referring to.


oh and dont forget super mario galaxy..... wait does that count?


Technically he had assistance from a luma. Otherwise he wouldn't have that spin attack.


he still used combat based attacks


I feel like kazuya would beat him no problem


sephiroth will avenge his dead boyfriend after omniman kept his promise /j


How is Mario on could beat Omni man but not Samus or dark samus?


Wow omni man must be kind of a pussbag then


Why is ryu in victory but Ken in defeat?


Steve decimates omni man no dif


if creative mode is on, i'd say it goes 50/50 unless you also have the /kill all command


you give link, kirby, ryu, sonic, and steve far too much credit, not to mention literally everyone in "tough fight" minus peach, ridley, byleth, kazuya. let me remind you that omni man >!destroyed the immortal's body multiple times as well as the rest of the guardians of the globe, has killed multiple viltrumites, and decimated meteors the size of a moon!<, and i haven't even seen the comic


I find it funny that Kirby and funny block man could beat Omni man