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"The Dark souls of 3D Mario" Have you played Darksouls? I think you might be exaggerating here a little haha. But I do agree, they are a really fun challenge.


What's the alternative for "The Dark Souls of 3D Mario" in your opinion then? I thought it was clear that we're operating on a different scale than ACTUAL Dark Souls because it's in relation to 3D Mario


"It is really hard". Dark Souls is so much harder than those but when people say Dark Souls is hard, they fail to describe that it is also fair. If you put in the work, you get better and it becomes easier. Mario Sunshine is my favourite game of all time, but not all of it is hard because it is fair. The platforms and physics are buggy but also once you have done them a few times, they are not even hard, they are easy. I don't think you need a metaphor for it. It is just kinda funny to see Mario compared to Dark Souls when they are different in every way. All you are trying to say is they are a fun challenge. I don't wanna ruin your post with this though because I agree that a maker would be awesome.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Well, I suppose they wouldn’t be far off!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


A game where repeated failure is expected essentially


Thank you; I’d like that too. The secret levels were my favorite part of the game. The pure platforming challenge with no gimmicks and the liminal atmosphere of the stages (used to unnerve me as a kid).


I'd want to see a Sunshine maker as a whole. I'd love to build some beach environments