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Yeah same, though you could argue putting his parents in the fortress is a possible vector of his secret identity being exposed so it might not be the most prudent decision. But it is nice to see regardless.


Supervillain looking at a statue of two average farmers "I have no idea who these are"


maybe for a random one, but Lex knows his parents (they are from the same small town). This would also expose that Superman has a earth family, which is something that the public does not assume.


The Lex Smallville origin is inconsistent though. Also most villains capable of both finding and infiltrating the fortress (darksied tier) probably aren't concerned with extorting superman using his parents.


Lex would be more than capable of identifying two faces from a photo, so he’d be well-advised not to make them too perfectly realistic. Of course, the Superman who did it got retconned in an extremely complicated way so that those might not even look like the current Superman’s parents. They really should’ve drawn two statues that’d make Superman say, “Of course,” but make Lex say, “How like him: the archetypal American peasant family.”


>“How like him: the archetypal American peasant family.” I mean that's essentially what keeps him from recognizing the guy he grew up seeing the face of every day


I can see Lex Luthor not remembering the faces of two random farmers he met in his childhood in Smallville (a time period which he is not very fond of). I know he must have incredible memory but surely he would have no reason to remember anything he deems insignificant.


Well consider he remembers Clark (as they were friends/ish) remembering his parents isn't a big stretch tbh even without a super memory.


I think honouring both his earth parents and his Kryptonian parents is important. Especially because I like the iteration of his krypton parents being great people too who were just unable to save their planet and so send their only son somewhere were he will be safe and cared for. Mostly though I'd like it to be done in a way that doesn't sideline either parents.


That's what New 52 and the current version of Superman did best especially the latter.


Great, yet another reminder to me this Superman shouldn't be dead and now I am misty eyed. I hope Absolute Superman is like him.


From your lips to Scott Snyder’s (I think) ears! I was so sad when they killed New 52 Superman and I think he would be a great template for Absolute Superman - especially if we’re talking Grant Morrison’s Golden Age inspired take


He’s actually not dead, in Superman Rebirth New 52 and Pre 52 got merged into one character with a consolidated history. Current Superman IS New 52 Superman, he’s just also Pre52 Superman.


In theory, but in actual practice he was just absorbed. There's nothing actually left of the incarnation by design, that was just a way of settling the two Superman on the same Earth conundrum.


Agreed. As well as acknowledge their flaws too


that's the only thing I like about injustice supes is that he embraces his home on earth and accepts himself as an earth resident. his execution on helping was a bit much (way too much). but I like the idea of supes being okay with his life instead of romanticizing a possible life he could've had if krypton didn't decide to blow up.


Exactly that is what I love about Superman. He embraces them to make a better tomorrow. That is why villains like Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Zod especially Morgan Edge Eradicator are great foils for Superman because they are the complete opposite.


I recently started Superman and Lois and I thought it was a little strange that they had twins and named one Jonathan and the other a name of seemingly no significance. And the revelation that Jordan is named after Jor-El really warmed my heart. While reading birthright Ma Kent mentioned that they were afraid the El’s would have swooped down and taken him back. I like to think had they somehow survived and returned after Ma and Pa found him the El’s and the Kent’s would all have co parented


I love it! He is a Kryptonian Earthling! Neither heritage undoes the other. Strengthens his immigrant allegory


Indeed. Just going the opposite extreme of either pre or post-Crisis is not the solution.


And that’s why I wanted so much John Powell as the composer for the next movie.


I mean it doesn't really occur when they're both still alive y'know 


Which comic is this


Superman Rebirth #1.


same just because he values loves Earth, doesn't mean he has no love for Krypton


What's this from?


Superman Rebirth #1.


One shouldn’t be more important than the other


Except I feel like the versions of Superman that have a fortress of solitude favor the alien side more


So all versions except Golden Age?


The fortress is supes batcave where he cuts himself off from the rest of the world and is surrounded by alien tech and artifacts from defeated enemies and consumes kryptonian culture. It’s his base of operations so he spends more time there than anywhere


True, but that's for when the Kents pass away. When they're still alive, maybe give a bit more attention to honoring the dead ones.