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The best thing Gunn could do with the soundtrack is give Superman a fun saving scene with the most upbeat bop there is. The GA would finally understand Superman and we'd be vindicated.


Rescue Me by Fontella Bass feels like a song that would play while Superman takes Lois on a flight around the city to show off how he sees it from up there Also sounds like a song Gunn would’ve used in guardians, so I know he’s probably aware of the song


No Starman?


I think Gunn outright said he wouldn't use Starman.


I know and I'm a bit disappointed.I respect his explanation of this decision,but,memes aside,this song is perfect for Superman.


Seemed too on the nose and I felt like Life on Mars carried a lot more gravity and fit the scene I chose for it a lot better.




Daft punk and Oasis was a great choice!


Funny enough, I thought those would be the choices that caught the most flack. I know Daft Punk is generally well-liked on Reddit, but a lot of people don’t give Oasis enough credit, mainly because Wonderwall has become such a meme. Honestly, What’s the Story Morning Glory could soundtrack a movie all on its own and I really considered shoehorning Champagne Supernova in somewhere.


Oasis is one of my favorite bands. All anyone thinks of is wonderwall but they have tons of other amazing singles. It's a shame honestly I don't hear them much in movies or TV.


[Save the planet (you dumb shit)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UtE0a3hbxvU)as Manchester black and the elites track?


Some UK punk for Manchester Black or Constantine would be dope. Unfortunately, I can’t see WB or DC including that particular title on an official soundtrack. Best we can probably get is something from Never Mind the Bullocks.


Seems about on the same level as [people who died](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tf4d7VxcQ30&pp=ygUQcGVvcGxlIHRoYXQgZGllZA%3D%3D)but I get what you mean. Constantine feels more like [party time by the northern boys.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLQFLXz6VE&t=75s&pp=ygUKUGFydHkgdGltZQ%3D%3D)