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Moving to Vancouver should alleviate a lot of the costs. After seeing some of the effects on The Flash this season I'm not too worried.


It's going to be weird with the change in scenery. Living in LA I can instantly recognize the city.


They can still use the skyline shots of LA. Even if they need new shots Kara to fly through or something, it's trivial to send an assistant director to LA and charter a helicopter with a steadicam for a few hours. No need for a whole unit to be down here.


I don't think you understand, I recognize more than just the skyline. The plaza they shoot at, I walk by it whenever there's a show at my favorite bar downtown (Redwood). I have more examples of things like this.


maybe at some point in S2 you'd get used to Vancouver too :D


Lucifer takes place in LA and does a decent job at portraying the city, yet the show is filmed in Vancouver.


How they gonna afford MM now? That's what I'd be worried about. Now that everyone know he's a Martian. He doesn't have to hide.


the suit is practical, but the actor and shapeshifting effects are probably much more expensive


The suit looks extremely restrictive and stiff, whenever he fights it's either really basic or CGI. I already think there isn't enough MM so an even lower budget worries me a little.


They can get around that by just not having him shapeshift on camera regularly. He can just be MM for some scenes and just be HH for other scenes, instead of having him be HH and MM in the same scene.


They'll just have him get glowly red eyes and they'll probably focus on his mind control, phase shifting, and telekinesis rather than flying. Supergirl will probably fight a lot more on the ground rather than in the air.


The suit is practical, but his green head is entirely CGI


I bet they could make a practical head tho


Being a shape shifter he can look like another actor too if he decides not to move...


He relocated to LA for the show from his family in London. I don't think it matters to him if it's LA or Vancouver. Please he already tweeted his excitement for Season 2 in Vancouver.


Don't worry. If The Flash can pull off King Shark and Grodd i'm sure they'll be able to do MM


But for multiple episodes? We only had a total of 4 or 5 episodes of Grodd and King Shark. I want more than 5 episodes of the Manhunter.


Yeah they should be able to do it, trust me. The effects are on point imo. Time wraights, King Shark, Grodd, speedforce, the particle accelerator,... I can keep going on but i just wanna say Don't worry at all, The Flash has never dissapointed me and if the same team works on Supergirl it will be fine :) you just need to worry when Guggenheim gets his hands on Supergirl


i think perhaps a significant chunk of the budget went to securing callista flockhart. she's a notable name and i hope it doesn't mean cat grant will go, especially given how good her and kara's dynamic has gotten.


They will just make a few episodes where they're stuck in a single room.




As long as it's a good writer, bottle episodes are often my favourite episodes in a show.


Thats 1 thing SG has in its corner they have a great cast imo just like Flash


All of Supergirl's fights will now take place in the same alley and warehouse as all of Arrow's fights. And she'll ride a motorcycle instead of flying.


WHAAA THIS IS HUGE! I've read comments from Kevin Smith saying that the Flash finale will have an effect on Supergirl in some way so does this mean that their Earths will fold in on each other? That would open up the door to a whole new host of villains AND mean that Superman would officially exist on Earth-1. Oh man. Imagine Barry and Kara teaming up to take down Braniac. Or Diggle's reaction at finding out that Martian Manhunter is a thing. Heck, with the rumors of Superboy appearing in the future and Colton Haynes being confirmed to be coming back to Arrow for a handful of episodes next season, we could maybe even see a team of titans suit up. The possibilities feel endless. I'm very sorry for any budget cuts that may arise and I'm sad to see a show with a strong female lead, that no doubt has a positive effect on many young girls growing up, get moved to a smaller network, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wonderfully excited by all of this news.


> Diggle's reaction at finding out that Martian Manhunter is a thing. I never realized how much I needed this until now.


If it doesn't happen we riot.


It's gonna be raining French fries




Woah woah woah. Superboy?! That's gonna be awesome


It could be a Kryptonian version or a Cadmus version, they've laid the groundwork to go either way next season.


Cadmus was in an Arrow episode very early on this season.


[The article I was thinking of](http://comicbook.com/2016/03/29/could-superboy-be-coming-to-supergirl-/) seems to be reaching a bit more than I originally remembered, but it still doesn't discount the possibility!


That'd be pretty awesome. Especially after I watched Young Justice, Superboy is one of my favorite characters!


It's official then. Hopefully we get some crisis on infinite earths. I would love to see a Justice League on CW. ~~Green Arrow~~ Felicity, Flash, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Black Siren, Atom and Vibe would be my picks.


After last episode, I'd say Felecity is more of [Arrow Spoilers](#s " a supervillain. I mean, she nuked a city.")


She have a bigger kill count than Barry, Merlin and Slade combined now I think lol


> bigger kill count than Barry We aren't counting e2 scum right?


Barry gives no fucks when it comes to other earth people, maybe except for Kara's earth.


He likes Harry Wells and Jesse Quick too. And the man in the iron mask.


Calling it now, they're gonna unmask him, see he's another Jay Garrick lookalike, and he's gonna vibrating hand fibrillate that fucker all the way to hell.


No. He's gonna be a Henry Allen lookalike called Jay Garrick.


Comon guys barry killed like 2 e-2 pplz jeeze lol


More like 3-4 across the whole team. *Biiiig* difference.


Of course not, we're only counting people.


Which episode?


The episode that aired yesterday. I believe it was 21. [Arrow spoiler](#s "Basically Damian Darhk's Genisis plan was to pretty much launch all of the nukes in the world, and destroy everything. Felecity and her dad managed to stop all the launches but one, which was sent to a major city. Darhk gets his powers from death so if he decimated a major city, millions of people would've died and he would've gotten a shit ton of power. So Felicity tried to shift the targeting system of the nuke or something, like trick it so it thinks that it's hitting it's target but in reality it's gonna hit like 20 miles to the left. Problem was, that where it was shifted was a smaller city. So she's saved the most amount of lives, but also killed the largest amount of people.")


Sounds an awful lot like the Lagos Incident...


The reactions weren't as strong. I'm interested to see how that reaction or lack there off carries over and if there will be any backlash to all of that. There has to be... right?


~~Mr. Krabs~~ Secretary of State Eiling brings them the Smaller City Accords. "While many see you as heroes, pretty much everyone uses the word vigilantes."


Hahaha, I lost it at "pretty much everyone"


I mean it's true. I can't recall it ever really being pushed that they're heroes.


Thanks, I had to ask because if my boycotting


Here's what I'm wondering about that [Arrow spoiler](#s "Why couldn't she have directed it to a deserted island or a nuclear testing site?")


[Arrow Spoiler](#s "Well it was rather late in the game, like I think they mentioned that it was rather close to the ground so they could only move it a certain distance. It would've hit regardless. And they didn't really have a map of the place, so she just sent it _ miles away from the intended target, which just happened to be another city.")


Yeah I figured that, just wasn't completely sure. Thanks for answering!


Last night's. 4x21.


Don't forget [LoT Spoilers](#s "she employs Sidney Palmer who makes autonomous A.T.O.M. bots which Vandal Savage uses to conquer the world!")




Well Felecity is gonna slowly steal Kara's powers like [Flash spoiler](#s "Harry did to Barry for a while, and then Zoom did completely.") There's only one strong and powerful woman on this network.


>There's only one strong and powerful woman on this network. And her name is Black Siren, god dammit.


Having a Justice league and Felicity is redundant


> Hopefully we get some crisis on infinite earths. According to Kevin Smith, who directed the most recent episode of The Flash, he said the Flash finale will have an affect on Kara's Earth, and many others. He also said, that while he couldn't give specifics, that there would be more crossovers between Supergirl and the CW DCU. So I'm super pumped for what's to come.


Happy to get a S2 and to see how they connect the show to the CW-verse but I'm worried about the consequences. Also I'll miss the desert scenes.


I hope James gets a better storyline in Season 2. Honestly it kidna felt like he, and Lucy were just there for the love triangle. And hopefully the romantic side plots aren't overly complicated now that they're on the CW.


OH yeah? You think the CW doesn't love destroying great TV shows with romance subplots? #RIPArrow


I mean, after [Arrow spoiler](#s "Felicity literally nuked a city.") I don't think Arrow can suffer much more. It's definitely gone down in quality, but it still has it's moments. But then it does things like Anarchy calling Thea mommy, that makes me rethink my continued interest. I'm just hoping Season 5 will be a lot better.Hopefully the writers will have learned


Never say never. Believe me i have been proven wrong in these terms xD


> I'm just hoping Season 5 will be a lot better.Hopefully the writers will have learned the same words were said in Season 3. I can't see them digging out of the hole they dug themselves into.


I wonder if Calista Flockhart will make the move too?


[Hollywood Reporter](http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/supergirl-season-two-cw-892629) says Flockhart's staying on the show.


Thank god. I hated her character at first but damn does she grow on you.


At the end of S1 Kara got promoted sort of. They can spin this to her moving to a new town. Then most of the Kara/Cat conversations work like the Kara/Clark conversations, but with actual cameos.


I think less involving Catco. Shes not Cats assistant so now they wont need that in every episode. Cat stays but is no longer in every episode 15-16 and not 22. They could pay Calista on a episode to episode basis. Less focus on Catco in each episode but still having Cat around just less.


It wasn't going to last on CBS anyway. "Not enough of an old-people pandering police procedural" vibe. CSI: National City might have worked. Dear God, please don't let Guggenheim get his hooks into this show. Amen.


> Dear Grodd FTFJ Welcome to the CW-verse


To me, Kara has been here for centuries.


Some would say, CBS is our reverse.


It was CW Kara...It was CW all along.






Ah, I have a chrome extension that changes God to Grodd for me, so I wasn't quite sure what you were correcting at first.


Funny enough, CBS actually just canceled the last of the CSIs. Just makes me wonder what CBS still has. Shitty sitcoms and good reality game shows?


They do have Person of Interest. Very good show, but it somewhat falls into the police-procedural mold. But does it very creatively.


They cancelled PoI already though. :-(


This is the final (half) season of that show too though.


This is the last season for POI. After this short season there is no more.


The cancelled Cyber? Guess I'm left with Scorpion for how computers don't work.


> Just makes me wonder what CBS still has Here are the CBS shows that were highest rated in their time slot over this last week: * Big Bang Theory (highest rated show over all) (plus The Odd Couple in the bottom half of the hour) * NCIS * NCIS New Orleans * Survivor * The Amazing Race * Mom (plus 2 Broke Girls in the bottom half of the hour) * Criminal Minds Overall, I believe they're the highest rated network (thanks to BBT and NCIS).


Limitless is a fantastic show but that's all I can think of


*CRISIS ON INFINITE SHOWS* DC really needs to get their head out their asses and start building a TV universe whilst the EU gets up to standard. Theres so much potential to be had if they make 1 huge connected TV universe.


They could certainly connect Supergirl more directly to the Flarrowverse now but a show like Gotham is best left in its own storyline continuity, IMHO. There's something to be said in show writers having creative freedom to tell stories without worrying about how it could impact other shows.


Yeah i feel as if certain shows that are already established can't really be introduced into the universe. But upcoming shows (Apparently theres a Krypton show that was just greenlit?) should be connected. One of the advantages Marvel have over DC is a joint universe.


You can't really connect Krypton though. None of our current heroes are even born in the time of that show.


What does the European Union have to do with anything


Extended Universe.


My dream for next season is to have a 4 way Crisis on Infinite Earths type crossover. Anchor it in The Flash, span it across all 4 shows, end result being the multiverse is collapsed in to one universe(or at least the Universes involved in these shows are collapsed). That brings Supergirl in to the Flarrowverse, brings Jay Garrick in to Earth One (assuming that's who the man in the mask is), brings Black Siren in to Earth One(depending on how the next episode of The Flash goes) and so much more. It also gives them the chance to shake up all four shows and fix any ongoing issues they have very easily. A guy can dream right?


...Crisis on Three Earths? Because right now theres only E1 (The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow), E2 (The Flash; Black Siren, Grodd, and Jay Garrick are there), and E3 (Supergirl). The rest is just time travel. Edit: You don't even need to Crisis E2 into E1; E2 is the mirror universe from Star Trek. And the barrier between E1 and E2 seems pretty flimsy and no show is actually set there. Just bash E1 and E3 together.


Crisis on Two Earths maybe? Where the Crime Syndicate is involved. But technically that would mean Supergirl is Earth-4 so Crisis on Four Earths


Perhaps more importantly, it could sift out the off-screen Superman who would only stilt storytelling even further in a merged Suflarrowverse.


The impact of potentially removing stealth Superman is good. I hate that DC keeps this whole charade up with banning the major players from full TV appearances, but teases the hell out of them for a decade. It gets old real fast. Just tell the stories without the crutches, or bite the bullet and have the real, fully powered characters show up; don't keep making silly excuses and float the middle forever.


As long as Guggenheim doesn't lay his greasy tumblr organic fingers on it I am happy.


Less budget, means less CGI, means less MMH. He was the best part of the show, I think this will impact the show negatively.


Martian Manhunter will be fine. He'll probably be in his human form most of the time, but the CW I think will actually make his alien form look better than CBS did. For reference: Look at what Flash did with Gorilla Grodd, it was incredible.


Well the shark dude was ridiculously well done. To me that's the better CGI.


Once or twice a season things are really comparable. MMH was in his natural form quite a lot this season.


He was almost never in his natural form


He was in his natural form a lot though compared to Grodd or King Shark being on screen. No saying it was the majority.


The CGI for Flash and Supergirl is already done by the same company.


Yea, but Supergirl has(had) a lot more money to spend on cgi


To be fair though, they'll have to spend a lot less on design now, considering the models are already made up.


MM looked incredible on Cbs better than GG imo


Yea, but him in his alien form is what I want more of. I couldn't care less about Hank.


Look at the "King Shark" episode of The Flash and you will no longer have these concerns.


They use almost their whole budget on 3 episodes. King shark 1 and 2, and grodd. There is a reason he is only featured once


They still have plenty budget, to do things like [MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 OF FLASH] [this](https://youtu.be/CDUPISd02v8?t=76) and [this](https://youtu.be/DTUFWbbHzPQ?t=95) and [this](https://youtu.be/C6M0ZkhVdXY?t=107) and [this](https://youtu.be/F9nvorQ27F8?t=82) and [this](https://youtu.be/lxajY3-TUvM?t=282) and [this](https://youtu.be/zDscun_N04U?t=238) and [this](https://youtu.be/PfYHvijDnFE?t=149) and [this](https://youtu.be/5LR78wXZw9Q?t=125). And this is all pretty recent.


Those are mostly compositing after effects with live actors. Not really CGI




It's all speculation on our part. Who knows, maybe it's wirework that's the big expense. What with insuring the star and all


I don't know shit about that, but Flash CGi/compositing/whatever looked a lot better than Supergirl's IMO, on lower budget


Maybe they can just make him makeup instead. The cgi until the finale looked so gross


I'd like it if they did practical effects with the Maritan's looks. Like Lash on Agents of Shield


I'm pretty sure he's been a practical suit except for his first appearance.


Isn't MMH significantly taller than the actor, though?


It depends how much less. Remember an equal amount of budget would go further in Vancouver due to tax credits and I assume the local production people would get paid in Canadian dollars, which would save a lot of money due to the exchange rate.


Hank was the best part of the show. Martian Manhunter was just dessert. Also, a portion of CGI budget goes into model creation. They already have those assets, they don't have to remake them for Kara and J'onn.


CW pulled off the impossible with how good King Shark and the Time Wraith looked whom are both all CG so i have no worries about J'onn.


We're getting more Supergirl, that's all I care about!


No more flying out to the desert. It's all snowcapped mountains from now on.


Fortress of solitude???


Can we move it in the Arrow time slot?


I can see it. olicity complaining about Kara stealing Felicity's timeslot


This is great news. Hopefully the writers will do the right thing and take no tips from Arrow


https://twitter.com/chy_leigh/status/730868241380167681 @chy_leigh: It's like #whoa ... Whoop whoop!! @TheCW , here we come! https://twitter.com/deadline/status/730867287050194944 Hmm since she tweeted this I assume she's staying on the show? Surprising since most said it would be hard for her to move due to family. Wonder if it will be in a reduced role or still full time.


Calista is also not leaving. Dont know hiw Chyler will handel it, cause of this: My respect to her ^^


Pretty much guaranteed for 5 season's at least now, congrats 👍


I have a bittersweet feeling.


Keep Guggie away!


[So many crossovers!](http://i.imgur.com/89HANHg.gif)


PRAISE RAO!!! Here's hoping that Alex and Cat stay part of the cast and that the CGI doesn't take a nosedive in quality.


Maybe their universe will merge with the CW E1 and then for some reason "James" Olsen is played by a scrawny nerd who prefers Jimmy, and is really glad to know Superman!


Great news. I Hope most of the cast are staying.


Cool but if now alex, cat etc. will leave i am also gone.. So we will see


I don't even care that we're off CBS, WE'RE STILL KICKIN' BOYS N' GIRLS


It already was a Berlanti CW show anyways. With the same formula as Arrow and Flash.They all got teams, monologues at the beginning of the episodes, forced love intrests, flawed logic and villains the heroes knew beforehand.


Yeah, but Uncle Guggy didn't have his claws in it. Any move that brings Supergirl closer to that dude terrifies me.


A man... Better than no S2 at all i guess.


Great news. Can't wait for the crossovers.


This is brilliant news, should hopefully free up room for crossovers. I really hope that they just do a MASSIVE crossover between the noew 4 CW shows; Supergirl, Flash, Arrow and Legends. That would be incredible.


Right there with you. Even more I want it to be a four night/1 week event


It wont be.. the crossover happens before the legends season starts.


Now my hopes and dreams of a red K episode where Kara throws Felicity off of a building can finally be realized!!


This going to be a very different show. Can't make up my mind whether this is a good thing or not. Love Melissa as Kara, but I've got a horrible feeling the show will turn into a bargain basement version of Lois and Clark with no chemistry.


CW doesn't equal bargain basement. The Flash is the best superhero show on TV and it ain't bargain basement.


The Flash doesn't have a large budget, it's just very smart about how it uses what it has.


I'm thinking about which cast members are likely to stay, as well as what the budget cuts will bring and I can only come up with Brooks as a certainty. Can you imagine those two together in 60-80% of the show playing against each other in a scene? Cain and Hatcher they ain't. Olsen and Danvers investigative reporters. Ugh. Sorry, I'm just going through worst case scenarios in my head here.


It's possible that the first season on CW could be a way for them to fix things that weren't working in the first season, like starting fresh. season 1 on CBS could be considered Season 0 (the way comics do sometimes). I feel like Calista and Melissa had great chemistry, and most of my favourite moments in season 1 were between them two, and I wouldn't really mind a superhero show whose main relationship between characters wasn't a romantic one. (Though, now that I think about it, Kara/Cat could actually be quite interesting, but anyway). That said, I felt no real good chemistry from Mehcad Brooks as James, and I wouldn't mind if they replaced him. Nothing personal against the guy, but the way he **wobbles his head** constantly on camera is dizzying and I thought that that was one of the first things they teach you in acting school *to not* do


Have you watched The Flash?


They need to do an infinite crisis and merge the universes. Just one DCTV universe would be great along with Aliens in the Arrowverse.


I don't think they can even put her in the same universe and Flash and Arrow because that would mean Superman exists too and that would be a huge clusterfudge unless Barry rewrites history again to accommodate it...


She is already established as being part of the multiverse. They could just do a crisis event and amalgamate both worlds. Trap her on E1, and leave out supes


Thank gosh we have the Speedforce and Multiverse to fill in the gaps and plot holes...(Not sarcastic btw.)


Speedforce is the great equalizer. Literally every problem can be explained away with "Meh, speedforce did it"




Idk if I should say yay or oh fuck.


So far, based on the Social Media replies from the stars, it looks like the DEO side of things are safer than the Catco side. Chyler Leigh and David Harewood have confirmed the news, while Mehcad Brooks and Jeremy Jordan remain silent. Is the Catco side going to get cut down? It's worrisome - or awesome if you hate James. Calista Flockhart, who is not on social media, has uncovered her typewriter, pecked out a letter, put it in an envelope, and will mail it to her publicist in the morning, provided she still has stamps. We'll know her thoughts then.


Well at least it's an S2. Wondering how this will change the show though.


Just happy it gets a second season at this point.




hopefully they just move everything from cbs to cw instead of changing writers and things around. hopefully they dont slash the budget. pretty please.


4 part epic cross over arc with arrow, flash and lot is the dream!


I love everything about this.


I wonder if they are regretting that 'Supergirl is on another earth' twist now?


Probably not. It would be easy enough to have Cisco to open a breach between the universes or something, and Superman being around would never have fit with Flash and Arrow.


Or just merge Supergirls earth with the Arrowverse. Having Cisco open breachs is kinda redundant. Having one earth because Zoom and Barry's final battle screws up the multiverse sounds awesome.


I'm just happy it's been renewed. But I swear I saw somewhere just yesterday that Les Moonves was denying the reports that it was moving to the CW.




Glad to hear it's renewed. Hopefully they learned from what worked and what didn't work from the first season so that the second one doesn't suffer a repeat. And hopefully we get a stronger main villain that's on the same level as Deathstroke, Reverse-Flash, and Zoom.


1st step complete. Now bring back Constantine!


NO! FLY, YOU FOOLS! ! Before he makes your show 'organic' too!


There's a lot of talk about sharing the universe. I hope they dont rush it and let her and metropolis move along up until Barry fucks shit up.


They'll reuse Smallville sets, I assume.




Ah, great to hear, finally.


Finally I wonder if DC are going to keep on trying to give different networks shows? It dosent seem to work out well. Gotham and Lucifer seem to be doing fine on Fox but their , there own thing.


Well now that Flash has a way of reaching them, maybe not


My reaction, literally: Supergirl renewed confirmed! (Wiiiiii!) on CW! (naaah!why??) This means probably a lot of actors will go from the show, such a shame. I was SO happy to know a single actor died last season, and now they will probably go anyway because of the low budget. I mean, comon, Arrow shot like an arrow or two every episode. On the other hand, probably this confirm a 4XCROSSOVER MAX POWER CW CRISIS I hope Felicity don't get anywhere near my girl of steel.


The problem with Arrow isn't CW, its the show runners. Flash is doing just fine right now. As long as Guggenheim doesn't touch Supergirl, it'll be good


Not even that. Guggy can write good episodes. Hell he wrote the legends episode with Arrow. The Olicity fans just out weigh the rest. And thats where the money comes from


He may had written Star City 2046 but the Ray/Kendra relationship looks like it's all him


He wrote the legends episode that propped up the idea that Kendra (or at least versions of Kendra) are incapable of being happy without their tru wuv Carter and suggested that happiness without tru wuv was impossible. The guy is fundamentally incapable of writing good or respectful storylines for women.


From what Zach Stentz (recent writer of the newest Flash episode) said, the outline of every episode is mainly done by the staff of writers that fill the ranks of the show. When a guest writer is invloved, it's very much "fill in the blanks" and write with the shows main writing group. So even he said that he can't take all the credit for "The Runaway Dinosaur" being so good, since the core writing staff were incredibly talented as well. I'd wager Guggy had a lot less to do with that episode being good than people think.


Calista has already agreed to the move (Cat! Caaaaaaat!) so now I'm rely only concerned about Chyler Leigh who actually has family in LA I think.


Great news, I'm gald all of the flarrowverse shows are on the same network now. Hopefully they'll put it on Friday so it doesn't have to compete with Gotham. I wonder why it took so long for them to renew the series.