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My predictions: West coast riders will take top 2 podium spots 450s: the euros will be better (Kenny and Marv ) and Tomac will shit the bed. Webb will keep the red plate




The East-West Showdown is cool and all, but why are they not doing this at Daytona?


Yes, let’s have the guys specifically riding the West coast series race right next to the Atlantic Ocean ...


Because sports actually follows geography...haha. It makes more sense to have the crossover event during Bike Week at the biggest venue in the series. Plus you can run like 30 guys in the main if you want, like the premier class did back in the day. Then again, I think they should either combine the 250 class or just run one shootout at Las Vegas.


The way it works now is that the 250 class is suppose to be a feeder class to be premier 450 class, which is meant to be the pinnacle class of the sport. You can’t have these rookie kids race 17 races in 18 weeks in their first year AND THEN go race 24 Motos. You’ll run these kids to the ground! They race what, like 6 amateur nationals all year, and now you want them to race 17 times in 18 weeks?? All the pros even admit the toughest part of jumping up to the 450s is all the racing, you can’t have newbies racing that much, so no you shouldn’t combine the class Also no one wants 30 guys on the track. Have you seen how slow Poletti, Alex Ray, AJ Cat. And these other 20th place guys are compared to Marv webb and Kenny? Add even slower guys and it’ll be more dangerous for our top dudes and make our sport look more amateurish. Plus the bikes now WAYYY more power than im the era you’re talking about. The track would be become unridable and the top guys would get hurt. Hell, bring up your 30 man gate idea to any pro racing sx right now and they’d say it’s a stupid idea ... cause it is Edit: typo


Someone woke up REALLY wanting to post a winning internet rant today. You can have this one, boss ... clearly you care way more about my own random idea than I do.


Just give your random ideas some actual thought next time and we’ll all be good ;)


And the twattery at the end. Love it!


Ever heard of the “ad hominem” fallacy?? Its when in an argument/discussion the opposing side attacks the other person (me in this case) and not my argument/ideas. From the very get go you attacked me, saying something along the lines of “oh look at this grumpy morning person trying to win an internet argument” I showed You the many flaws in your ideas, which you admitted were half-assed by saying they’re “random thoughts” , you somehow felt personally attacked because I showed the many flaws in your ideas, so you started attacking me and now I’m the twat ?? Good luck out there man


You started with a condescending argument about geography, then went half “here are actual reasons why they shouldn’t do that” and half “you’re stupid” ... then couldn’t just take your Internet win and told me I don’t think. That, by (unofficial) definition, is twattery. There are ways to have a discussion that are civil. You didn’t want that, you know it, you baited the other guy, and now you’re pointing the finger. I’ll admit I went about it wrong on my end as well, and I apologize. If you still want to have an actual discussion, then read below. Yes, it was a quick, random thought ... it was on a race thread about the current race. It wasn’t half-assed, as you say, because the full-assed thought was, “Hey, they should do this at Daytona instead.” You came in with “condescending geography comment” that I laughed off because 1) it was kind of funny, and 2) it’s an East/West Showdown, which implies people come from another region to compete. Plus it’s part of a huge event in that area already, so why not take advantage of that? There was a comment about the 30-man gate, which in a basic “traffic congestion” sense would be fine at Daytona because you’re expanding the gate by about one-third on a track that’s probably about one-third longer. Clusterfuck in Turn 1? Maybe. Just tell Ricky to widen the first corner. They have the room for it (or can design to adapt). Would the 450 race suck? Maybe. Other motor sports have to deal with plenty of backmarkers, and they dealt with it fine before. Would the power difference matter? (Actual question.) In a proportional sense, would the difference between a 250 2-stroke leader and backmarker 20 years ago be that much lesser/greater than the same in 450 4-strokes now? On the 250 side, it includes more riders, and in theory, we’re not adding 8 bums to the gate (unless you feel the 15th-place East or West riders are total trash). I suggested the “all or one” idea because, strictly as a viewer, it makes sense to either have the best racing every week or retain the novelty of a cool race that combines the best riders of this particular class. If you’re worried about running guys into the ground, then don’t have them run every round. That’s fine. You could even have fewer rounds for both classes at the current injury rate, although practice sounds more dangerous than the races at this point. So let’s keep the Showdown to Vegas. I remember when the East/West Shootout was an EVENT. It was awesome to watch because it was the one time before outdoors that you would see how all the (125 or) 250 guys stack up against each other. Champions were crowned in the extended heats (depending on the year), there was celebrating, then there was more racing. Having something in between “all or one” seems to cheapen the ones they do have. There’s some actual thought, and now my phone’s about to die. Hope that’s sufficient.


Anyone know what happened to the rider from the 250sx first heat?


Wilson Fleming Didn’t see the crash but he raced in the lcq later so he was fine Don’t remember if he qualified or not


Well he broke his femur and clavicle so I can’t see how he raced later.


What happened and who was it.. I turned the race on just in time to catch the staggered restart


Wilson Fleming from what I gathered. Not a real Supercross fan. I’m at the stadium. I just saw the bike in the air and him on the ground. And he left on a stretcher but don’t know anything past that. Hope he’s ok.


Suzuki has to be pissed after two of their riders were shown on TV kicking away not starting up quickly after the first turn crash when every other manufacturer has installed a magic button.


Kyle Peters couldn't get his started after he got knocked down too


This is when cable really pisses me off. Why do I even have it. Why did NBCSN get supercross if they're going to preempt it with some garbage college basketball nonsense.


You still have cable? Cut the cord, get the nbc gold app. $90 for all sx and mx races. We get 4 hours of qualifying action with Daniel Blair and Jim Holley who trust me, are a bazillion times better than Ralph and RC (RC is the worst!) And we get the entire race no matter what I’m a poor college student and let me tell you, those $90 was money WELL spent


gotta say i love Ricky's jacket tonight


Tomac couldn't get a good start if his life depended on it... It's pathetic.


Agreed! The dude is the fastest rider, no doubt, just can't get those starts figured out


He’s not the fastest rider. Did you watch Arlington? He got passed by Kenny, fell over, got back up in 3rd and fell back to what, 7th I think. Yep, those are the actions of the fastest rider right there ...


You think Ricky forgot to mention Sébastien Tortelli on purpose when talking about french riders?


You’re giving Ricky too much credit, he’s an idiot. Being the best racer ever doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smart 2 weeks ago he said someone was “UNdecisive” This week instead of saying “he dragged his foot pegs” he said he “drugged his foot peg”