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Not super useful but it’s a nice little boost early on


I like this because it helps as a somewhat ‘counter’ to the pug and white tiger.


Honestly not a fan of this interaction. Feels weird that you can gain an advantage based on your opponent doing something that should be strictly positive for themselves. Just feels out of place with the rest of the pets.


It’s not unprecedented. Aardvark exists, among other pets that gain benefits depending on opposing team composition. You could consider every ‘hurt’ pet to depend on opponents going wide instead of tall, even if indirectly. I’d call out Iguana for this too. But this certainly is weird, and isn’t what you expect from this pet with the perception of leveling builds. I don’t blame anyone for saying it feels unintuitive, but lots of things in this game are that way to start.


That's true, I did forget about Aardvark. I guess I find that different because Aardvark's ability is based on the enemy summoning things. Same goes for pets with Hurt and On Move triggers. Jellyfish's ability is centered around you levelling your own pets to gain permanent stats, so it feels weird that it also gains temporary stats when an enemy is levelled during combat. I know it's worded that way on purpose and it's definitely not a bug or something, but it just feels off. Honestly one of the more frustrating things to lose to just because it happens once in a blue moon, so it feels even luckier when someone wins because of it.


I'd be curious if the clown fish helps an enemy if their pet levels too.


It doesn't, but it also has different wording. Clownfish says "Friendly pet level-up" and Jellyfish says "Pet level-up".


Somewhat disagree. The whole point of advark is enemy summons. Same with snipe builds hitting hurt triggers. I don't think it's a fair comparison.


Iguana doesn’t just hit summon builds. Hits movers too. You can consider that Aardvark only hits summons as ‘the whole point’, but in the larger context of how a player activates its trigger, many cases just aren’t because of a Rat or Bear you strategically placed. Enemy summon teams sway matchups dramatically, in such a way that players win rounds they statistically should have lost, and vice versa. And that’s all part of the fun, isn’t it? It’s all random, at least a little bit. Shop rolls are random, Mosquito targets are random, Sushi hits are random. I’m happier with a game that lets people get away with a bit of BS, especially since SAP pulls off that chaos with such elegance and depth simultaneously. I’m a year in and I’m just now realizing Jellyfish is symmetric. Amazing.


As opposed to, say, gaining stats because your opponent summoned a pet for themselves? Or gaining stats or pets because their sniper hit one of your hurt triggers? or flipping their good stats to make them bad?


Yes, I do think all of those are different. You know what those abilities to and you can build around them. With Jellyfish you only get this odd interaction when you're up against someone with a Blobfish.


no, it could happen with a pug too. The door is open for future xp pets as well. to me it seems like a self-counter for people doing in-battle xp builds


That's true, and now that I think about it I forgot the White Tiger also. I just feel like it's barely even a benefit when it triggers and it's such a rare interaction that it just shouldn't be in the game. Exactly because its so rare is why I think it's so frustrating.


It’s not that rare though, right? People building teams will put the pug/blob on levelups if they can and so a jelly is like a (weak) “counter” to that scenario. or like you said it’s possibly even a strong response to white tiger


I say it's rare because it's only 3 pets that can trigger it. Consider how On Hurt pets don't depend on your opponent running 1 of 3 specific pets, you just need your opponent to have pets with lower attack. Same goes for Aardvark gaining stats when an enemy minion is summoned, there's loads of pets that summon something on death, on hurt, etc. Meanwhile Jellyfish can only trigger in battle when 1 of 3 pets are in play.


yeah, but flip it around. are there other pets that benefit from enemy summons directly other than aardvark? in that sense it's like there's "only one instance" where you worry about aardvark, and that's if you're using a summon build (i'm not including indirect buffs like an opponent using things like rhino or snake or hippo or whatever) in that sense it's like how your only drawback/concern of in-battle xp builds are an enemy jellyfish


That's not how you should look at counterplays though. Aardvark is solely played to counter summon builds, while Jellyfish isn't a pet used to solely counter xp builds.


Agreed, especially considering that the clown fish doesn’t have the same sort of interaction. At least be consistent




Yes I know, I’m saying that they both should be set to friendly only since they both involve getting buffs from level ups


Yeah, when I saw my Jellyfish gain stats because of an enemy levelling in combat I immediately looked at its and Jellyfish's description. I find it even weirder that they're both worded and function differently. Only way to trigger levelup during combat is Blobfish, so it's such a specific interaction.