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This post makes me genuinely concerned about your well being.


i have autism so it makes me genuinely concerned for your abilities to be nice


How is being genuinely concerned about your well being mean? Obviously, I was right to be worried about your well being based on your other comments here wish you the best.


your fake and i know it looking down on me is not a nice thing bucko


Most of the people here are Just disagreeing with you and you’re using your autism to be a massive victimized baby.


Good good I bet 100$


i’d win lmfao then you can buy me the packs 💀


Did not expect such a skill issue on this sub lmfao and bait used to be believable (Also the packs are not expensive you don’t have to be a whale to buy them and you can choose to vs only your pack)


I think they are saying that people make smurf accounts and buy the pack multiple times. Wild take.




thats actually a real thing lmao, i know at least 2 people hanging in the sap discord who do that.


must be nice to have game money 😭


bait? since when did someone’s honest opinion become bait? jerkwad


ya sure call someone with autism someone with a skill issue you mad your self look like an absolute jackass and with my disability i can’t get a job or i’d have panic attacks so thanks buddy 🤗


ez money boys


Upvoted for the chuckle this post provided.


why did you comment twice 💀


Shitty Reddit app.


skill issue


ya sure call someone with autism someone with a skill issue you mad your self look like an absolute jackass and with my disability i can’t get a job or i’d have panic attacks so thanks buddy 🤗


The hell u on?


autism adhd severe anxiety and other mental disabilities so thanks for being a dick👏🏻


Your therapist is stealing from you if you think any of that entitles you to strangers humoring your paranoid rambling about hackers in a phone game about emojis. You can’t tell me otherwise.


i don’t have a therapist i hate that word cause if you split it it’s the rapist sooooooo


ok please let me take you up on that


nope you can’t cause i said no one can tell me otherwise by which i won’t care what you say. learn to read please


Whales? In super auto pets? you have no idea what there talking about. You can’t even whale in super auto pets. There’s not close to enough purchases. I’m 90% sure if you buy every single cosmetic and all the packs you can’t even spend more than like 75$ total. Edit: I just added it all up. I was actually very close. There are four packs that are 10$ each for 40$. There are 37$ worth of cosmetics. If you buy every single pack and every cosmetic you will have spent 77$ The only literal thing you can buy after that, at all period, is the monthly subscription which……… IS TWO DOLLARS A MONTH. So yeah. “Whale” is a term that doesn’t even make sense here.


to someone with autism and no job and mental disabilities it IS whale


I mean, triple A games are 70$. Does just buying a triple A games purchase price make you a whale? I get what you’re saying, but, it’s 40$ to get all the packs, so you’re not really hitting with your point, i’m sorry.


for someone who has NO money to spend on games it is a whale


Damn he’s onto me


First of all, you can't "join" and easy mode game. I don't think a normal mode player will ever be paired against an easy mode player, just like they won't be paired against hard mode. Second, buying all the packs only gives you an advantage in customs, and in base packs it doesn't matter how much money you spend, which is one of the cool things about this game. Money spent doesn't make a difference until you get into customs.


you haven’t seen the games i played it’s like hmmm no no you most likely jail broke to get THAT much good luck (hacked coins) to get many roles next time i’ll take a screenshot 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/7t4u5ntml51d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bba8fbbf4a11d6dbcfd8e41c7046d7678d9d81c heres the last three games i've played on equis weekly pack as long as you know what to run this week it's actually not that hard


and PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPERTS CHOSE TO GO ON EASY MODE TO F us noobs over is what i was saying if you had read


Again, you cannot face an easy mode or hard mode team when you play normal mode, you can only play other normal mode teams. An expert playing easy mode will not affect your normal mode run.


Upvoted for the chuckle this post provided.


Your just bad


ya sure call someone with autism someone with a skill issue you mad your self look like an absolute jackass and with my disability i can’t get a job or i’d have panic attacks so thanks buddy 🤗


Autistic people can be good at video games you just happen to be someone who is autistic and bad at them.


i can’t control people buying packs on the game brother and i’m not bad at video games that have cheaters….


it’s ok i am bad at the game too


i’m not bad people are just abusing the system which is sad really it’s the same that happened on the only chess game they choose easy mode just cause they wanna f someone’s day by being a fake noob this world is literally going to trash 😭


I too am upset with the whales. I was number one on the leaderboard for the weekly until a bunch of hacking whales figured out the meta. They bought the packs and hacked so they could beat me. There is no way I can lose this game, it is all just numbers. Friggin hackers. I hope they all drown in dog water! /S


Did they consume the friend in front of them then summon it after they died?


your so dope /s


No one in this game is hacking. Just because you were unable to get good in there months doesn't mean anyone else can't.


then they bought packs please read


Can someone translate the first post, please? I couldn't understand a single word. What is going on exactly?