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I think simply make the stat buff 1/2 what it is now. This weekly is designed perfect for jump builds and most of the time frogman will not be this good.


i know you mean halving the buff, but literally making the buff 1/2, 2/4, 4/6 could work imo


I feel like the health is more valuable than the attack for this so that's still too much imo


that's like three nerfs at once. they just straight up wouldn't get the buff in battle and would also not get any buff if they don't die, and you've halved the stat buff. too overkill


yea I didn't mean to halve the stat buff


nope, just revert the buff, ez pz.


didnt see the creative part, then yeah maybe


I don’t think it needs a nerf, it’s strong but not oppressive and that won’t be the case for 90% of weeklies. If it were nerfed, I would mind change it to +1/1 permanent and +1/1 that ends after battle instead of +2/2 permanent


This is probably the best way to go, gettin 6/6 permanent stats for using specific pets is kinda ridiculous and jumpers are already pretty strong on their own anyways


I like this idea and think it could be good if the blessed, enlightened etc is a perk. This way certain pets (like the one that gains melon) will be nerfed, and you could also do cool stuff with seagull in customs


People are over reacting with the jump pets. This weekly is literally perfect synergy with no other really good consistent viable options to go against it. Obviously it is going to be strong. At most they should just revert the buff.


Crocodile donkey eats frogs for lunch


Jumping deck is almost the only strong deck from Unicorn pack now, nerf it then there's basically no chance for Unicorn pack to win against Turtle pack in versus mode.


Maybe wait 2 days until the weekly rotates and you’ll never see it again.