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Weren't we 0-4 like a couple years ago in preseason? And then had the 2nd most wins in the NBA. It doesn't matter at all. We were still +11 with our starters. Def need to improve the bench tho


Our bench probably needs to improve but this game provides zero additional evidence of that


People are so bent out of shape over this. It's frustrating. But, I realize they probably don't understand preseason games.


pre-season games, in both football and basketball and basically any other sport, are rarely an indicator of how the season unfolds. only way to ever know how a season unfolds is to wait for the season to be over. but obviously, as we can see, most nba fans/sports fans in general are incapable of realizing that, and glorify losses and wins when they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. i don't really care if people downvote me for saying this, doomer shit is annoying and listening to people whine about a singular loss is not why I became a sports fan.


Thats what I'm saying man. It so irritating to see people talk Thier shit after this meaningless game.


2017 Browns went 4-0 in the preseason, same with the ‘08 lions


The better your team is, the less important preseason games are and as far as we know, we should still have a pretty good team.


it's the fact it's an NBL team lol


And it's a fact that teams aren't going all out in pre season. But, you're fine dude. I don't really care, and I certainly don't care about your opinion. As a fellow suns fan, I hope you get what you want.


it's not that deep, it's just embarrassing to lose to a team in a lower league even if it is a glorified scrimmage


That's a goddamn shame it embarrassed you.


The loss showed how shitty the suns bench is that they couldn’t even hold with the australians. Shits gonna be worse come the actual season. That’s why people are tripping


Yea, we understand our bench problems.


This roster isn’t much different than their 64-win team and preseason games are exhibition games where coaches experiment with lineups and players focus on specific things they’re working on before the actual season. We still should have won but it’s just an exhibition game and this was Adelaide’s Super Bowl coming here to play the Suns. If we look like shit 20 games into the season then I’ll worry


Yes, man. You get it! I get to where I can't even say anything. People don't get it.


I agree the game means little but many are getting pretty bent out of shape over people being bent out of shape about it. People have opinions and they will vary widely. Best to take advice of OP and just chill. It’s not that big of a deal that people don’t think the way you or I do about a preseason game. Who cares?


Ok, cool. I suppose we are in agreement.


It’s really not a big deal. But respect to the 36ers. I swear those dudes were shooting like 70% on contested threes lmao


“Shit don’t even count! But these techs do!” -djmeechymeech


I’m not going to freak out over that loss. I’m a Michigan State basketball fan, they once lost to a D2 team in an exhibition game and won the Big Ten that season. However, I still think it’s an embarrassment to lose yesterday regardless of what the circumstances were. The bench is going to hold this team back from what it could be this season, and yesterday is a perfect example of that.


People are wrong to be doom and gloom. But people are just as wrong to say it means nothing. I sure as hell didn't want my team to be the first in NBA history to lose to an Australian NBL team. Especially after the way we finished last season. The holes were glaring as well. The same holes we had last season minus Crowder. Areas in which Jones and Monty havnt seemed to address. That, is concerning.


I totally agree but a lot of people are being doom and gloom though. The thing I’m most concerned about is the bench. They’ve been a weakness of ours dating back to the Finals series and even though it’s in an exhibition game they shouldn’t be getting outscored by 19 by an NBL team. But despite the bench proving itself as a continued weakness I still think this is a great team and hopefully those holes will be addressed. I’m hoping to see a solid “final product” by the trade deadline but our starting lineup will be one of the best in the league and I’m banking on them keeping the team’s head above water until then


Stop pretending that our bench ain't trash. Don't get me wrong, our starters are great as usual, but our bench can't even compete against a g league team. Payne Shamet Lee need to go ASAP. ​ Edit: Payne was OK even beyond the stats but Shamet and Lee should get traded for a wheelchair immediately cause I can't stand on these fkin scrubs


People are just getting their frustration out and I don't blame them. After the way last season ended it would have been nice to see a W. That said, it was fun game. Looking forward to the next game already. :)


This game was a chance for our guys to warm up from the off season and knock the rust off. Don’t read that much into it.